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Say what you like about Awakening, but...


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It's become increasingly clear that not only has Fire Emblem's community become much larger and outspoken in the west due to it, but also much more talented at getting to the good stuff early on.

I think this guys sums it up best.


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Damn.I used to think 4chan was just the dark place of Tumblr times a lot, but now I can see the brighter side of things.I see dedication.I hope that they stick around and get the translation finished.While I won't play it(Cause I would have no clue how to obtain it),I would love to see what the fandom can do.

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You should have seen the Pokemon Community when X and Y were first released. The way people were going out and trying to fill in the Regional Pokedex's of Kalos...

Prof. Oak would have shed a tear in pride... it was what he's wanted all these years. He can finally rest. :p

But yes, I am surprised at what is being done so fast and so quicky. Take the positives in the world when you can, amirite?

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As much I think Awakening is my 2nd least favorite entry in the series (In fact, it's for reasons unrelated to marriage and children.), I still think it's a good game. Something I will always respect Awakening for though is expanding the fanbase by a ton, even though I wasn't even on Serenes when that game was released, I was still an FE fan.

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As much I think Awakening is my 2nd least favorite entry in the series (In fact, it's for reasons unrelated to marriage and children.), I still think it's a good game. Something I will always respect Awakening for though is expanding the fanbase by a ton, even though I wasn't even on Serenes when that game was released, I was still an FE fan.

I totally agree with Nexas.

Personally I think Awakening is a good game. If it wasn't a Fire Emblem game I would deem it an excellent game. But as a Fire Emblem game I found it kind of lacking.

Sadly Awakening has somewhat divided the fanbase due to mix feelings about the game. We're unsure if this is what Fire Emblem should be moving forward. My favorite thing about Awakening was what it offered in terms of mechanics. Although it lacked many objectives, it did a good job in making Pair Up and how it works. It may have been op, but it pioneered the idea into the Fire Emblem franchise.

Edited by ~Summer~
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Screw all the haters, I will always stand by my words that Awakening will always be the superior FE game. Even when I am a veteran (first game is Sacred Stone then FE7 with the last NA game I brought is the Shadow Dragon) I was never a fan of the series until Awakening is revealed. Never was I once that hyped about a video game before. I followed Rey's videos daily, I cut a class for that Nintendo Direct about the Awakening, I pre-ordered the game even before there a official title for it, I bought that limited edition 3DS from Japan, I cried when I couldn't get the game when it suppose to be released, I brought all the DLCs, I brought the Knight of Iris and Soundtrack CDs. There will never a time where I had such a fond memory of a video game, I wish i can show you guys my face when I get my NA copy. Awakening WILL always be my favorite #1 FE game, other and future title will always fight for that #2 spot.

Edit: Even if i'm being called a "filthy casual" for favoring Awakening, I will gladly cherished that title.

Edited by Awakener_
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As much I think Awakening is my 2nd least favorite entry in the series (In fact, it's for reasons unrelated to marriage and children.), I still think it's a good game. Something I will always respect Awakening for though is expanding the fanbase by a ton, even though I wasn't even on Serenes when that game was released, I was still an FE fan.

I'm in the same boat. I mean I enjoyed the children and marriage mechanic since it was new to me but I really enjoyed the characters themselves, pair up, skill management, DLC kicked ass, and the story was entertaining enough to keep me interested. The presentation/production value was pretty astonishing too pretty much set the bar for future FEs to come in my opinion.

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Awakening isn't a perfect game. I can point out its faults, mostly with the story and antagonists. That doesn't mean it's not my favorite FE game, aside from Path of Radiance. I love FE13 for what it is: A fun strategy RPG that can keep me entertained for a long time. I really am hoping that FE14 can make me as happy as FE13 did. Maybe I'm too forgiving towards these games, I dunno.

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Screw all the haters, I will always stand by my words that Awakening will always be the superior FE game. Even when I am a veteran (first game is Sacred Stone then FE7 with the last NA game I brought is the Shadow Dragon) I was never a fan of the series until Awakening is revealed. Never was I once that hyped about a video game before. I followed Rey's videos daily, I cut a class for that Nintendo Direct about the Awakening, I pre-ordered the game even before there a official title for it, I bought that limited edition 3DS from Japan, I cried when I couldn't get the game when it suppose to be released, I brought all the DLCs, I brought the Knight of Iris and Soundtrack CDs. There will never a time where I had such a fond memory of a video game, I wish i can show you guys my face when I get my NA copy. Awakening WILL always be my favorite #1 FE game, other and future title will always fight for that #2 spot.

Edit: Even if i'm being called a "filthy casual" for favoring Awakening, I will gladly cherished that title.

I admire your dedication to Awakening. I can't say it will always be my favorite because there's almost room for improvement but I can say of the 5 I've played I did love it the most. And that it's my favorite 3DS title. Most time I've ever invested in any game before or since. Literally didn't hesitate to buy all the DLC either. Game was too much fun for me.

Edited by BlueL
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We've gotten closer but also more divided, its sad considering how promising Fates seems to be looking.

No joke. This game looks like it may actually dethrone FE7 as my favorite because of DAT STORY.

Screw all the haters, I will always stand by my words that Awakening will always be the superior FE game. Even when I am a veteran (first game is Sacred Stone then FE7 with the last NA game I brought is the Shadow Dragon) I was never a fan of the series until Awakening is revealed. Never was I once that hyped about a video game before. I followed Rey's videos daily, I cut a class for that Nintendo Direct about the Awakening, I pre-ordered the game even before there a official title for it, I bought that limited edition 3DS from Japan, I cried when I couldn't get the game when it suppose to be released, I brought all the DLCs, I brought the Knight of Iris and Soundtrack CDs. There will never a time where I had such a fond memory of a video game, I wish i can show you guys my face when I get my NA copy. Awakening WILL always be my favorite #1 FE game, other and future title will always fight for that #2 spot.

Edit: Even if i'm being called a "filthy casual" for favoring Awakening, I will gladly cherished that title.

You there. Work it. I refuse to judge you for it because i have like 500 hours clocked into that shit.

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No joke. This game looks like it may actually dethrone FE7 as my favorite because of DAT STORY.

You there. Work it. I refuse to judge you for it because i have like 500 hours clocked into that shit.

Oh thank god I am not the only one. I felt like I played it too much. I have 423 hours into one save and that was only after I deleted a save with 200 hours in it for some reason.

Not to mention another save I have with 70 hours in, that I sort of want to restart again. :3

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I've never known that this sort of game was called a tactical rpg but I'm certain I've actually been a fan of this genre for awhile. Pretty certain Final Fantasy Tactics (and the ones that followed but the first one is the best. Bless that mediator class forever.) was a tactics rpg.

If it is, it's been my favorite game since pretty much forever. I've played other games that were along the same lines though I don't remember their names. I bought Awakening sometime after it's release after it appeared as a recommendation dating sim thing. Now I've thoroughly enjoyed this game and am still playing it in a quest to completely unlock the support log in every combination for both genders. I haven't really bothered playing on the harder difficulties yet because that support log isn't filling itself out yet. But I suppose I should try it some day.

I am super looking forward to Fates though because of the additional goals and conditions on the Nohr side. Though now I've been thinking of playing some of the older games (I think my husband has Shadow Dragon?) to see if they are as fun as Tactics was.

And Awakening actually has my favorite class lookwise for the avatar. I'm sad that Assassin didn't make it into Fates because I dig that armor on the oldest female robin build. It's the scarf really.

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Awakening was my first FE game, and I'm not afraid to admit I love it to bits. It's pretty much the first game I went all out on. I bought all the DLC, played lunatic classic and attempted lunatic+ before rage quitting, spent about 500 hours on the game alone, and it's pretty much the sole reason why I still haven't finished games like Bravely Default and Kid Icarus Uprising. I don't think it's the perfect game, and after playing some of the older games, the flaws it has stand out far more than ever, but it introduced me into possibly my favorite video game series and a community that I enjoy being a part of.

It's nice to see Awakening brought even more people into the fanbase of the series and it's the reason why we're getting Fates, which looks absolutely amazing and might end up being my favorite game of all time if it lives up to my expectations.

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You there. Work it. I refuse to judge you for it because i have like 500 hours clocked into that shit.



Ah, I did effing played the game to death. When Awakening was released I went full NEET mode and stay in my bed 24/7.

Edited by Awakener_
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'The second generation' shows up. Yeah, uh. Sure.

Still, despite any of its faults, Awakening did what it was designed to do. Be a massive success and save the series financially. Agree with the direction it's going in or not? Hell, if you don't, thousands of others apparently do.

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The months of pre-release for Awakening was what brought me here to begin with (along with looking for the english patch of FE6). I have been a veteran of the series since I was 11 or so when FE7 first came to the west, and I have never looked back since; been getting every game that came here, and enjoying the hell out of everyone of them, flaws and all. My love for these games even got me to make the effort to go back and play the Japan-only games on an emulator, something I had never done before if only to experience them in any possible way. So when Awakening was announced to be coming to west after a period of time where I had begun to give up on ever getting to see another game considering we were denied FE12, I was beyond ecstatic. I lived and breathed for this game, both before and after release, and despite all its flaws it still technically tops the list of games within my favorite game series of all time (with the previous top FE8 at a close second). I am by no means a stereotypical casual of this series brought in by this game, and yet I have nothing but adoration for this game, which gives me hope that the series has a bright future should all of Awakening's flaws be corrected going forward. Its what has allowed me to connect with a community of fellow fans I never really knew existed before then, and I have made so many friends with people leagues across the world who share my interests and passions, even about things beyond Fire Emblem. And with the new army of fans, casuals or no, I am so ridiculously happy that these games can be enjoyed by more people. And whatever the problems it had, Awakening is what's made it possible to continue this series and have more people look at the rich history the game already had.

So even if FE14 and beyond have beautifully stunning and perfect content in comparison to become my new favorite, Awakening will always have a special place in my heart for saving the series of games, stories and characters so near and dear to my heart. And I will never be ashamed of that feeling, no matter its general status with the community. Happy I'm not the only one to feel this way. :')

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Ah, I did effing played the game to death. When Awakening was released I went full NEET mode and stay in my bed 24/7.

Ha! You should see Rey/shadowofchaos' haul for the game. Its amazing and massive. For me, Animal Crossing New Leaf and FE13 fight all the time for top playtime.

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I'll throw my two cents in here because this topic is an interesting one that will continue to affect the fanbase as we move into a new generation of Fire Emblem gaming.

My very first Fire Emblem game was FE7, and it was simply amazing. Never before had I played a turn-based strategy game that was so character and story focused. Most strategy games care little for story and characters but Fire Emblem was the opposite. To top it all off it was challenging for a young 3rd grader whose closest experience with a strategy game was pokemon and many times I found myself restarting as characters I had grown to love fell in battle never to return. Having played that, I moved on to Sacred Stones, FE9 and 10 with their fantastic music and Path of Radiance's great story. Having played the majority of games that made it to the west I searched the internet, until I managed to find and learn that there were several games released only in the east and that the series had been ongoing since the NES. So I searched for english rom translations and played through FE4, Shadow Dragon, and Monshou no Nazo. FE4 immediately became my favorite game with its fantastic revenge story and it's generation mechanics. Shadow Dragon became my least favorite game with its simplistic story and mechanics but I enjoyed Monshou no Nazo. It was interesting to actually take part as a unit in battle knowing that this time around my own "life" was on the line as well and it was fun to read the support conversations and bond with a lot of the original characters. But the story for FE12 did feel forced and a bit off mainly bc it was a remake that added in the Avatar instead of building the foundation of the story around him.

Than I played Awakening and I immediately loved it. The characters were beautiful and interesting, the marriage and children mechanic from FE4 had returned, the support system had been revamped and improved, and the customization was simply amazing. As your character, you could have nearly any skill you wanted, be almost any class you wanted, bond with every character, customize weapons, recruit nearly every character in the franchise, etc. I loved it and I still do. Just today I played through the Rogues and Redeemers 3 dlc to unlock the limit breaker skill on a Lunatic playthrough and I haven't even beaten chapter 15 yet.

So Awakening replaced FE4 as my favorite and I love it, but as a new FE game comes around to replace Awakening past experience sets in and begins to cause me to ponder several things. The best way to put it is while Awakening did save the franchise it also divided the fanbase to an extent. There are those that criticize Awakening and many of the features that have carried over such as the story, marriage, reclassing, difficulty, pair-up, skills. They also criticize other new features that are an evolution of Awakening's such as the amie features, fanservice, mycastle and the like. On the other hand there are people who hate any sort of criticism towards Awakening warranted or unwarranted and defend it to the death.

But with the new game coming out I really see both views. A part of me is glad that children are back and marriage is a thing but another part of me knows that the way they are explained is pretty lazy. Looking back on Awakening while the time travel plot point fits it isn't really well-executed or even well-explained. Another example in Fates is the lack of serious re-classing which while it prevents grinding and characters with maxed stats also prevents certain characters such as the classic Jagen arch-type Gunter from being much use. But on the flip side it makes things more difficult unlike Awakening where if you grind and buy the right dlc you can beat a chaper with over 50 units such as Rogues and Redeemers 3 with just the Avatar, his wife (Cordelia in my case), Severa, Morgan, Chrom, and the Black Knight.

So we essentially have a classic case of old vs. new and this doesn't necessarily mean veterans vs. newcomers, there are many veterans such as myself who love Awakening, some who enjoy it, and some who simply think its ok. But this is a good thing really because it allows for a driving force for Fire Emblem to evolve and yet still maintain its core gameplay elements and level of excellence. We need new features and revamped mechanics to keep things fresh, but we also need the core strategic difficulty and high quality story and characters to keep the foundation pure.

In the end as a veteran I love Awakening and believe it to be the overall most "whole" in the series. It didn't have the best story, or the best music, or the best characters. But it had some of the best story elements, touching moments, story tracks, characters, mechanics etc. But despite what I think it was simply another chapter in the history of Fire Emblem which is what I believe all veterans do respect it for.

And Fates will be different from it for better or worse. But despite its eventual "success or disaster" in the end we are all Fire Emblem fans who simply want to experience another chapter of the series.

Edited by Shadow Knight
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I love Awakening a great deal myself. I mean, I have a hard time putting the game down even moreso now that I know Fates is released and coming stateside in the future. Heck, I have 2500+ hours on it.

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From somebody who lurked on here before Awakening it would be an understatement to say the fan base has grown, a lot. To pull a parallel Awakening is to Fire Emblem what FF7 was to final fantasy, the series has gone from a final hurrah to a new stratus of popularity that the series has never had before ever. IS and Nintendo have the confidence and balls to go ahead and release what is in essence three whole FE games at once. It's the difference of being about to be cut from the minor league team to being at bat in the world series. There are FIVE FE characters in Smash bros. same as Zelda.

We now live in a new age, filled with both wonder and terror but in the end I'm still mad that Canto isn't back. I'm Kidding... sort of

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