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How dark is the story? No spoilers, please.


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I havent really played it because i dont have a decent patch and its awkward. I know the basic plot though.

Nobody really does, the translation patch was never finished, though bookofholsety is working on an updated translation though it isn't out yet to my knowledge.

One here should be the most updated one, under 'latest build', if you care to try it.

Edited by Tryhard
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From what I spoiled not all but the Hosido route and Nohr route are bittersweet but I thought the third route was more I don't know more friendly I guess. Man the interview wasn't kidding dude who made get backer was mean to the characters since he made pretty much the whole plot. Maybe they should hire more Manga writers more often.

A little off topic, but I kind of like that idea. Maybe they could hire a new "famous" writer for every proceeding game in the series as one of the things they can do to keep the stories fresh. Miyamoto should write the next game.

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The game really nailed the choice. While there is still plenty of player worshipping in the game - something I dislike in general and has sadly become more common - it doesn't shy away from making you feel AWFUL no matter what side you choose. They really take their time to make you doubt what you just did and to show how sad the siblings get.

However, I've never considered games where people die "dark"; if that were the case, every other game would be a never-ending midnight. Majora's Mask is the most well-written game I've played that I could genuinely consider dark since it explores so many interesting themes and at a surprising depth for an adventure game for the Nintendo 64.

A lot of people seem to be under the impression that slapping a dark tag on a game somehow improves the quality, which it really doesn't. When you try to force a dark story it often comes across as immature at best, and writers really trying to be edgy but failing at every level and ruins the immersion and story at worst.

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I disagree.

Gen Uroboshi (or however his name is written) should write the next game.

Gen Urobutchi.

That said, are you sure you want the writer behind Madoka Magica writing Fire Emblem?

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I disagree.

Gen Uroboshi (or however his name is written) should write the next game.

No!! He would kill the whole cast off I don't mind a more Mature story but please I don't want everybody to die. I hope you know I was kidding Gen doesn't kill all his characters to be edgey that would be Akame ga Kill. But I wonder how Gen would write it. But I do want the author who did get backer to return because if my dream of fe6 and 7 get remade I want him to write. Edited by mikethepokemaster
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Depends on your definition of "dark." If you mean "dark" as in "characters' lives are at stake and there is an overall bittersweet tone to it," then sure, it's somewhat dark. If you mean "dark" as in "explores the deepest darkest recesses of the human psyche and we might not work our way back out"? Nah, not particularly from what I can see.

Someone mentioned Madoka Magica earlier a page back. I'd say that show is far darker than the whole Fire Emblem series combined, and not because "people die and it's sad."

That was me, haha. Madoka Magica was hands down way darker but if you look at the third route and the "true culprit" it has

a time-travel theme of time looping over and over again much like Madoka Magica or The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

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Wait is this only during the third route or is this somehow also connected to the others as well in some way?

Aqua's third route S support seem to imply that BOTH Hoshido AND Nohr routes have occured... and she remembers everything that happened

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Well if that's true it has a meta perspective of the player being "expected" to have played both Hoshido and Nohr so it's not really that surprising

It sounds weird though, is it really true though?

The game's storyline does seem to expect you to play Hoshido>Nohr>DLC, from what I feel

Sort of anyway, you could theoretically jump straight into the third route and miss nothing, but the inverse is that playing Hoshido/Nohr first would result in things being lost, I.E. that's why you play in the above order

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I dunno a Madoka level FE would be pretty fun. Though everyone would either die, you'd ultimately fail despite doing everything right, or find out you were the villain all along.

On the other hand if they want to keep the fanservice I would KILL for a spin off in the style of Disgaea. Oh man I love the humor in that series and a one off with that sort of humor would be great.

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Gen Urobutchi.

That said, are you sure you want the writer behind Madoka Magica writing Fire Emblem?


Ok, fixed his name now.

And yes, I do. I think Fate/Zero and Madoka had great stories which managed to deliver the right amount of feels and maintain their edginess. I think he could make us care about the characters more.

That, or the Akame ga Kill writer. I think he'd be perfect for If, actually. They manage to portrait both sides (in the manga) very well, where you can't exactly tell which one is 'evil', but pick evil characters out of both parties. Imagine such an approach to Hoshido and Nohr. Did I mention the loads of deaths as well? Game of Emblems would be officially confirmed.

Why is it wrong for me to wish for a writer who'll deliver loads of death and blood to a game with a setting with loads of death and blood? :V

The game's storyline does seem to expect you to play Hoshido>Nohr>DLC, from what I feel

I was told the Hoshido story is pretty traditional, and that I won't get any more than could be expected from an ordinary FE. Is it good or just average?

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Ok, fixed his name now.

And yes, I do. I think Fate/Zero and Madoka had great stories which managed to deliver the right amount of feels and maintain their edginess. I think he could make us care about the characters more.

That, or the Akame ga Kill writer. I think he'd be perfect for If, actually. They manage to portrait both sides (in the manga) very well, where you can't exactly tell which one is 'evil', but pick evil characters out of both parties. Imagine such an approach to Hoshido and Nohr. Did I mention the loads of deaths as well? Game of Emblems would be officially confirmed.

Why is it wrong for me to wish for a writer who'll deliver loads of death and blood to a game with a setting with loads of death and blood? :V

I was told the Hoshido story is pretty traditional, and that I won't get any more than could be expected from an ordinary FE. Is it good or just average?

Well uhm I'll try my best not to spoil

In Hoshido, you are on the side of Hoshido, fighting Nohr. The "typical" good kingdom vs bad kingdom

I'd say it's good, but it's possible that I'm biased. What I will say is that compared to the others it may be slightly below or above average.

In Nohr it's slightly more complicated, because you're technically on the "side of evil" (there is no specific clear cut evil actually, the only evil people are like, Garon, and spoilers)

Neither side is perfect, which is why lots of people are sort of fawning over the DLC. Even then, we can probably expect lots of darkness still.

And yes, deaths are inevitable. I think there are more deaths than most of the other games so far, though I've only played FE6-13

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More like lame writing to me. :/

And an harder kick in balls of the whole 'Choice' them than before.

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Nobody really does, the translation patch was never finished, though bookofholsety is working on an updated translation though it isn't out yet to my knowledge.

One here should be the most updated one, under 'latest build', if you care to try it.

Hmm ill have to give it a shot when i dont have so much on my plate. Im not sure if holsety is still plugging away on Project Naga. Hes flying under the radar a bit as of late.

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Ummm those caps were meant for sarcasm dude..... Anyways this development doesn't really bother me really though so whatever. *shrugs*

I was actually using what you said to express better my disappointment and annoyance toward said development..

I'm sorry if I sounded condescending, i wasn't my attention. :/

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Oh no worries. Really if I am annoyed more than anything it is still the fact that all the children on the Hoshido side are not your blood which really screws the pooch on the whole Bonds vs. Blood.

It's not that "big" of a deal since technically you're still blood related to Mikoto, who is on Hoshido's side, plus the fact that Garon is a major asshole, etc

It is kind of what it is, so the "decision" is not precisely wrong

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Oh no worries. Really if I am annoyed more than anything it is still the fact that all the children on the Hoshido side are not your blood which really screws the pooch on the whole Bonds vs. Blood.

Yeah, I see what you mean, them being of your blood was the main selling point of Hoshido. :/

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When it comes to not being blood related to the siblings, as far as I'm concerned I just put my hands over my ears and shout LALALALALA I'M NOT LISTENING WHAT WAS THAT YOU SAID, WE ARE SIBLINGS? OF COURSE WE ARE AHAHAHA. That's probably the biggest gripe about the story I have and I'll be super pissed if it was just so you could marry them, which I will never do as well on either side so I just pretend it doesn't happen. It's worked so far.

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Urobuchi is pretentious anyways. Seriously the guy gives me slit wrist. The only things he has done that I liked were Psycho Pass(Season 1) and I thought his adaptation of Fate Zero was pretty decent.

You realize Urobuchi wrote the original Fate/Zero light novel, right?

If you think the Urobutcher is pretentious, I wonder what you think of shows such as Ergo Proxy and Serial Experiments Lain...

That said, I've discussed the what-if of Urobuchi writing a Fire Emblem script before with others, and I ended up coming to the conclusion that it would be interesting, but only if post-Madoka Urobuchi tackled it. Pre-Madoka Urobutcher could never instill hope to the player, something that is a necessity for Fire Emblem.

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