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How is Corrin shaping up to be as a character? No spoilers, please

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Kamui is leading an army because he's of royal blood.

That's literally the only reason he needs.The fact that he seems to have higher authority than Ryouma or Marx in Hoshido or Nohr is kind of silly though.

Edited by Onestep
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Now I know I am heading right into spoiler territory but is there is any reason given in the game of why Kamui is good at strategy? It's at least implied in Awakening that Robin is a total tactics nerd.

It was never said if he was good at tactics and stuff.

(My headcannon is during the time he was locked up by Garon, he studied tactics a lot for the day he would go to battle with his siblings)

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It was never said if he was good at tactics and stuff.

(My headcannon is during the time he was locked up by Garon, he studied tactics a lot for the day he would go to battle with his siblings)

Makes sense, considering he is so eager to please Garon. Though it does beg the question why he won't leave the strategizing to someone more adept at it, like Leon.

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Nohr!Kamui undergoes some notable character development, and their siblings will call them out for being too soft-hearted, but it usually just leads to a sigh and not much of a conflict. They're forced to come to terms with how sheltered they were throughout the plot, and will thus tweak their morals to reflect it. There's also an in-game explanation for their leading of an army, and the Takumi/Kamui situation was handled much better than Frederick/Robin.

Ultimately, they're a standard JRPG/shounen protagonist, but they've at least got more to them than our last MU. However, I can't speak for Hoshido or the third path.

...Though if you found Luke bland, then Kamui will be agonisingly forgettable. Pre-Akzeriuth Luke was annoying, without a doubt, but I'd argue that he left a lasting impression. His personality certainly varied from the rest of the Tales protagonists, and the sheer difference between himself at the beginning of the game and then at the end was astounding.

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I feel Kamui was more interesting in Hoshido than Nohr. Was slightly less idealist in Hoshido, ironically. You think it would be the other way around.

But you will not really find a deep character here. In fact the development through the game is rather shallow all around, I felt.

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Nohr!Kamui undergoes some notable character development, and their siblings will call them out for being too soft-hearted, but it usually just leads to a sigh and not much of a conflict. They're forced to come to terms with how sheltered they were throughout the plot, and will thus tweak their morals to reflect it. There's also an in-game explanation for their leading of an army, and the Takumi/Kamui situation was handled much better than Frederick/Robin.

Thank you madam for giving a relatively thorough explanation without resorting to spoiler tags. Even though I don't really expect a huge change in Kamui, at least it's good that he/she has a definite personality.

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If it helps, some supports, like with Azura and Oboro, Corrin mentions being an avid reader.

It seems that Corrin knowledge of the world comes from books, maybe that why he is naive?

In sense he seems to be more like Estelle from Tales of Vesperia than Luke from Tales of the Abyss.

Edited by Water Mage
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Kamui quite idealistic in general, though the extent of that depends on the route quite a lot. He seems positively saintly in the third route, for instance. He becomes a little more cynical in the Nohr route though.

Edited by Onestep
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Kamui quite idealistic in general, though the extent of that depends on the route quite a lot. He seems positively saintly in the third route, for instance.

Does he? : ( I assume that's from files in the text dump? Ah... but I guess that's for a different topic. I finished the two paths, but been avoiding the third path discussion... but still dread how it may turn out. xD

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I am all fine with all-loving heroes and wide-eyed idealists, but I expect them to be called out for it instead of worshipped. I mean, how will Kamui justify for Oboro that he has Nohrians in his army? Is he going like "They are people too you know" and she answers "okay"? Why is there so little focus on the conflicts? Hate is as good as any to keep a man going. Better than most.

Yes, essentially.

Say what you will about Robin, but at least it was shown that they knew stratgy even if they were about as interesting as a dry potato; Kamui is leading the army because...reasons?

This had be scratching my head. Kamui might have an interesting ability and background but why these give him greater authority than even his older siblings is anyone's guess. In Hoshido, Sakura is arguably the only person in his family with less combat experience but Kamui is still the commander. The only excuse I can think of is Ryoma and Takumi being leaders of the main army units and Kamui leading a rear guard to support them. But that becomes less and less true as you recruit more characters.

...Though if you found Luke bland, then Kamui will be agonisingly forgettable. Pre-Akzeriuth Luke was annoying, without a doubt, but I'd argue that he left a lasting impression. His personality certainly varied from the rest of the Tales protagonists, and the sheer difference between himself at the beginning of the game and then at the end was astounding.

Luke isn't bland, just intensely unlikable. Character interactions between him and the party could be summed up as:


Luke: I'm an asshole. Deal with it.

Party: Ugh, you're such an asshole!


Party: Ugh, you were such an asshole!

Luke: Sorry I was an asshole...

You can call 'jerk' --> 'spineless', character development but he'll always be terrible. Kamui is as bland as they come but he doesn't make me want to punch him.

Edited by NekoKnight
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It was never said if he was good at tactics and stuff.

(My headcannon is during the time he was locked up by Garon, he studied tactics a lot for the day he would go to battle with his siblings)

If it helps, some supports, like with Azura and Oboro, Corrin mentions being an avid reader.

It seems that Corrin knowledge of the world comes from books, maybe that why he is naive?

In sense he seems to be more like Estelle from Tales of Vesperia than Luke from Tales of the Abyss.

Yeah, it seems that Kamui was busy with reading most of the time while he was put away by Garon.

I'm not really sure which support it was anymore, but one of them described the vast library of the castle he was in, containg a seemingly endless number of books.

He apparently also had some kind of reading contests (?) with Joker and Felicia, and at the end of the day they all talked about what they had learned from their respective books.

Edited by Sias
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Kamui is leading an army because he's of royal blood.

That's literally the only reason he needs.The fact that he seems to have higher authority than Ryouma or Marx in Hoshido or Nohr is kind of silly though.

Dragon's blood.

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2 questions:

1) Does Avatar have a voice in these games? Does he speak at all? Speak as in utter words, not just grunts in battle. Speak as in cutscenes speaking, dialogue box speaking, and confession speaking. Does Avatar say anything during confessing scenes or Amie?

2) Does Avatar become the leader of the armies? I thought either Marx or Ryoma will be leading the main armies in Nohr and Hoshido routes respectively. Does Avatar lead a small band of elite units or...?

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2 questions:

1) Does Avatar have a voice in these games? Does he speak at all? Speak as in utter words, not just grunts in battle. Speak as in cutscenes speaking, dialogue box speaking, and confession speaking. Does Avatar say anything during confessing scenes or Amie?

2) Does Avatar become the leader of the armies? I thought either Marx or Ryoma will be leading the main armies in Nohr and Hoshido routes respectively. Does Avatar lead a small band of elite units or...?

1: It's basically awakening style as far as I can tell. There are cutscenes which are fully voiced, and yes the Avatar does speak in them..some of them anyway.

2: Yes you are. Technically for plot reasons

Ryoma and Xander don't start in your party, and I don't know the full circumstances but they eventually join your army, not lead yours anyway. They still have fairly large er..command in your army, by which I mean screentime of sorts during plot segments after they join

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