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Media Create: Fates sold more than Awakening (Sales for Week 2 Up)

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I don't mind marriage at all (I'm a pairing nut lol), but I don't want children to be a staple. It's not easy to do them without them feeling shoehorned in (like in Fates).

The story DOES sound really awesome though. But I heard from Florina/Loki that it's really dark. I hope it's not TOO dark or like some violent horror story or anything...

Taco: Yeah, maybe we'll even see Nintendo's "Big 3" (Mario, Zelda, Pokemon) become the "Big 4." :D (Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Fire Emblem)

Edited by Anacybele
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In a sense hoshido has more chances to sell more, consider this most fire emblem fans (including me) will buy the 3 versions but people who are new to the series would tend to buy hoshido but not nohr (this could happen with nohr rather than hoshido but the former is marketed as awakening 2.0) and at least in amazon things are like this

Edited by JXA
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The game is not out in places not named Japan. It's a character not shown in Famitsu or anything, so it's a spoiler for those waiting for the western release and wanting to play Nohr.

Ah, the internet. We can glean all of the information we desire without worrying two wits about whether this was released here or whatever. But no plot details means...nothing? I see no issues, but I'm not gonna mini-mod.

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Ah, the internet. We can glean all of the information we desire without worrying two wits about whether this was released here or whatever. But no plot details means...nothing? I see no issues, but I'm not gonna mini-mod.

Well, some people, like me, don't want to be spoiled of ANYTHING whatsoever outside of what's been shown by Nintendo themselves and Famitsu and all. Not even unrevealed characters.

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Very happy to see its sold so well and I can't wait to experience them myself. This is such good news for the stability of the series going forward!

I'm still hoping not to see anything censored or even cut in the localization; if these games sold so well in Japan I want the exact same game they got to enjoy except in a language I can understand. Doesn't matter to me if it has to be rated higher or not, since obviously the game was still well received in Japan despite having the highest rating in the series over there.

Don't let me down NoA!

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This news is enlightening! I'm so glad that Fire Emblem is doing better than ever.

As I expected, Nohr is the more popular version. Loyalty + Challenge! :D

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Well, some people, like me, don't want to be spoiled of ANYTHING whatsoever outside of what's been shown by Nintendo themselves and Famitsu and all. Not even unrevealed characters.

​ If they want to have an avatar depicting Oswaldo the Conquerer, true heir of the Nohrian throne and sacred messenger of Naga, then that's their prerogative

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Excellent. I love Awakening but I want this to surpass it. I'd love for this massive sales increase to push Fire Emblem further up and hopefully it will become a flagship franchise. That way IS will get more funding meaning more games and greater quality.

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Awesome. I wasn't sure if IS could repeat Awakening's success.

I'm not sure if the games will sell as much in the long-term, but I doubt they'll complain with the sales : P

Also, buy Kiseki!

I already have all the Kiseki games! I'm wondering if I should get them in English too.

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Some guy on Gamefaqs was going around making petitions to cancel the series, saying that the series was ruined now because all the fan service, marriage, children, incest, Awakening, and that it would be better off dead than pandering to weeaboos, pedophiles and so on.

The topic got modded so it doesn't exist anymore, and I can't seem to find the petition either, but if you search "Fire Emblem cancellation petition" on google, some traces of it are still there.

edit: I believe they also said this was the most offensive game that ever existed, or maybe that was someone else, I don't remember.

I really am beginning to abhor a good chunk of this fandom. That goes for the lot crying for censorship. :facepalm: There are no words for the backwardness of human beings.

Hoshido will win out.

In the West, im not so sure. Depending on how the game gets marketed, reviewed, and blogged about, things might tip the scales (hue) for Conquest. Things like Game of Thrones are really popular in the west. The game is getting lauded as very GoT-esque and there definitely is a level of grimness. Conquest seems to really roll around in that. So people might eat that up. Hoshido will do very well, dont get me wrong. But i have feeling Conquest/Nohr is going to be the one showcased the most with social media.

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Perhaps this means Fire Emblem could get enough momentum to make it to the upcoming NX console.

I imagine they haven't even started on any possible Wii U Fire Emblem and the Wii U would probably be done by the time such a thing was made.

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Well, some people, like me, don't want to be spoiled of ANYTHING whatsoever outside of what's been shown by Nintendo themselves and Famitsu and all. Not even unrevealed characters.

I get you don't like spoilers but there is a point at which that allergy becomes silly. Certain pictures, like mine own, as an image by itself is not going to in any way affect your enjoyability of the game -- as it is purely your own initiative at this point to do research and spoil yourself. Just because you somehow see an image of something I don't believe you to be a fortune teller to somehow decipher the story enough. Besides, given that the real pleasure of the game is the gameplay and other features... it aint lethal.

Other than that this is not against the forum rules, and the images of characters are more or less prolific around the forums as avatars.

Moving back to the topic, I'm not surprised at all by the news they had a fairly good marketing, and did their best to make apparent that they'd be trying something new even if down the line that wasn't necessarily the case. That said I think the posts above are fairly accurate in their assumption, at least based on what I've seen and read with JP message boards and other fans, in so much that Nohr definitely tickled the fancy of veteran fans. Whereas Hoshido has more appeal to the people introduced via Awakening, which is a fair number. Which collectively is little surprise that it tops the charts, besides it doesn't have any strong competition during its release.

Edited by Devola
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Taco: Yeah, maybe we'll even see Nintendo's "Big 3" (Mario, Zelda, Pokemon) become the "Big 4." :D (Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Fire Emblem)

Fire Emblem is going to need to expand a lot before that happens. New games on the horizon...

Fire Emblem: Tennis Super Stars

Fire Emblem Party

Fire Emblem Kart

Fire Emblem Crossing

Mario and Fire Emblem at the Olympics

Certain pictures, like mine own

May I ask where your Avatar is from? If the answer is spoilery you can just say what route it is (and class?).

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Fire Emblem is going to need to expand a lot before that happens. New games on the horizon...

Fire Emblem: Tennis Super Stars

Fire Emblem Party

Fire Emblem Kart

Fire Emblem Crossing

Mario and Fire Emblem at the Olympics

We already have Fire Emblem: Dancing All Night so it's on its way there.

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Fire Emblem will have reached the huge point when Marth is in an inappropriately sized go kart along side Link and the Villiger in Mario Kart

In all seriousness a Civilization X Fire Emblem game would be awesome!

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It would never happen but I would DIE for a Fire Emblem x Disgaea crossover. Almost as much as I would die for Bayonetta to be in Smash. Say what you will about her but those games are fun.

I would also love to play a Fire Emblem that's really GoT-y. Favorite characters dying everywhere? Sign me up! Even better if it was an Emblem game with a Dark/villain path.

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I would also love to play a Fire Emblem that's really GoT-y. Favorite characters dying everywhere? Sign me up! Even better if it was an Emblem game with a Dark/villain path.

Didn't we have that already and its name is Fates?

EDIT: Spoiler tag added.

Edited by RidellCrimea
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I want to see Etrian Odyssey x Fire Emblem someday. And considering that SMTxFE is already a thing (SMT and EO are both Atlus) hopefully this one is somewhat likely!

Also congrats on selling more than Awakening, or something.

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