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Media Create: Fates sold more than Awakening (Sales for Week 2 Up)

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If the game is advertised as being about reforming from within, and yet the bulk of the game is not about it, that's not players making incorrect assumptions, that's false advertising.

No, that's taken assumption of a phrase and twisting it. If Bill trennen remotely said the whole game was about a rebellion from within, you'd have a point. But his phrasing was very broad and vague, that you can't possibly say it was about the full game or the last quarter of it.

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The wording from the 2nd Direct about Fate was "reforming from within." That didn't mean start a rebellion ASAP, that's on you and everyone else that took it that way.

Rebellion or no rebellion, the story straight up is not about "reforming nohr from within". Whether Nohr ends up having changed or not by the end of the game is completely incidental to what the story actually ended up revolving around.

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No hard Digital Numbers thus irrelevant.

Hoshido wins.

Yeah in japan it wins, but only on physical copies and only for the opening Sales. We still don't have the digital numbers, and the special edition throws off the numbers, actual numbers of who plays what is pretty impossible to judge at the moment, and the category itself seems to favour Hoshido, (apparently they even distributed more Hoshidos, so there marketing teams seem to agree) what with it being physical copies, and 1st week sales, as if your new to the series, which game would you pick first, and unlike digital, you have to choose upfront and if they did want both they might wait a week or two or buy the other one digitally. Older players might spring more. for the special edition as well. Plus that post you replied to is almost certainly about downloadable backgrounds for your 3ds, unless you think that a background of mega Charizard sold more than Hoshido an actual game.

So yeah Hoshido wins, except Where it hasn't.

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If the game is advertised as being about reforming from within, and yet the bulk of the game is not about it, that's not players making incorrect assumptions, that's false advertising.

There were several articles about the game in English sites, right after the announcement of two versions, saying that the Norh story would be about the player attempt to "unite a broken empire from the inside."


I don't know the original Japanese source of that quote, but it seems to fit much better with the Nohr campaign that we actually got. Since you spend many chapters stopping rebellions within Nohr, with the invasion against Hoshido only launched near the ending.

Edited by NeonZ
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There were several articles about the game in English sites, right after the announcement of two versions, saying that the Norh story would be about the player attempt to "unite a broken empire from the inside."


I don't know the original Japanese source of that quote, but it seems to fit much better with the Nohr campaign that we actually got. Since you spend many chapters stopping rebellions within Nohr, with the invasion against Hoshido only launched near the ending.

I think everyone who has looked into fates at all has realized how hard marketing is dropping the ball. They really play up the choice aspect, yet there's n choice to be made in-game as the advertisement suggests. You make your choice on the shelf before you've even booted up the game (Unless you buy the special edition). It's not so surprising that the Nohr story is misrepresented in articles as well. The issue is because they give what can be interpretated as flat-out misinformation, it's get people less interested in the game because they feel lied to.

Nohr was marketed pre-release as "uniting a broken empire from the inside." You do not do that on the Nohr route.

especially considering you don't rebel against Garon until the very end. It's a shame because seeing you defeat Garon early, the big bad in the Hoshido route, would've been cool to see. Then, you and Nohr siblings would truly have to work on uniting Nohr from within, which would still involve quelling rebellions and the like, while perhaps forging new alliances and even trying to prevent further war with Hoshido, who are now the ones out for blood (Mikoto being assassinated and all). No, instead you follow your orders and the big bad is pretty much the same on either side, admittedly with probably some nice tweaks and changes between the two. (Also Dragon Aids #BlamepoorTakumi)

Hopefully Nintendo learns from this and changes their marketing next time. I'm still pretty bitter about the whole 'choose your side thing.' Yes, I'm going to take such statements with a lot more salt now, but I still think saying that implies a certain attitude in the game itself, not before I buy the game on the shelf.

It makes puppies sad. Don't make puppies sad.

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You do not do that on the Nohr route.

You spend most of the campaign quelling rebellions and Hoshido attacks, so yes, you do. What I wonder is just whether there's any actual source for that quote that the Western sites reported.

Also, in the end, when they turn against Garon, they don't split the country in a civial war. He's just left with no one at all from Nohr on his side and then the Invisible Kingdom troops pop up.

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Rebellion or no rebellion, the story straight up is not about "reforming nohr from within". Whether Nohr ends up having changed or not by the end of the game is completely incidental to what the story actually ended up revolving around.

Well you do reform Nohr from within it's just that it's not the expected path of "good versus evil" reform, but I suppose they did say from the start it would steer away from the typical Fire Emblem type of story.

What was originally expected would be reforming and rebelling against Garon but in reality it's stamping out the rebellions for Garon and then getting rid of him. I agree the methods a bit convoluted towards the end but it still sticks to the message even if it's not exactly the sort of reform you'd initially expect

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Yeah in japan it wins, but only on physical copies and only for the opening Sales. We still don't have the digital numbers, and the special edition throws off the numbers, actual numbers of who plays what is pretty impossible to judge at the moment, and the category itself seems to favour Hoshido, (apparently they even distributed more Hoshidos, so there marketing teams seem to agree) what with it being physical copies, and 1st week sales, as if your new to the series, which game would you pick first, and unlike digital, you have to choose upfront and if they did want both they might wait a week or two or buy the other one digitally. Older players might spring more. for the special edition as well. Plus that post you replied to is almost certainly about downloadable backgrounds for your 3ds, unless you think that a background of mega Charizard sold more than Hoshido an actual game.

So yeah Hoshido wins, except Where it hasn't.

I doubt we ever will get hard digital numbers. Even huge companies like Disney are horrible at Digital tracking.

I'm sure Hoshido will win out in the West as well.

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I doubt we ever will get hard digital numbers. Even huge companies like Disney are horrible at Digital tracking.

I'm sure Hoshido will win out in the West as well.

Well if we don't get digital numbers Hoshido doesn't really win much at all then. And even if we do get digital numbers the numbers still won't be perfectly accurate as the special edition will still exist. Plus hoshido selling more this week doesn't mean as much as it could as the circumstances for the current numbers favour Hoshido imo. Edited by goodperson707
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I gave Intelligent Systems the benefit of the doubt when it came to the multiple versions, figuring they had a good reason for making the game that way. However, after having played through the game, it's clear they're trying their hardest to make everyone buy the third path - not necessarily one of the original routes, but the third one, seeing as the other two feel almost incomplete, and that is a damn shoddy business tactic. You can't buy it as a standalone title, meaning that if you want to make what i assume will be the de facto correct choice, then you've got to fork over more money.

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The third path sounds like it has a much less dramatic story than the other two though... It's obviously more complete in the sense that it has almost all characters joining your party and the true form of the villain, but I don't like how that comes at the expense of turning the story into the usual "everyone teams up against dragons". I guess the execution itself still could make it superior, but I don't think the other two were badly handled, so I doubt the 3rd path will be a big leap.

Either way, this is hardly the first time. Path of Radiance was obviously setting up a sequel and several characters made appearances there just for that.

Edited by NeonZ
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