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Hoshido character hate *may contain spoilers


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  1. 1. Why do you hate them?

    • design
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    • not as good looking
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I've always been interested in Nohr since the start, but I do have some of my favorites from Hoshido as well. I think it's because I prefer the Nohr's character designs..? But I like the colorfulness of Hoshido too. I think it's more of an indifference rather than hate though.

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I suffer from a slight disconnect from the Hoshidans. I think its because i have made the choice to do Nohr first, or maybe its just i rushed to see Nohr character spoilers first. Either way, im just not that close to the Hoshidans. However, i dont dislike them at all. I like the designs a lot (Asama omg hes cute) and everything. I just wish i could remember their names and stuff.

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I just dislike them because they are the goody two shoes perfect kingdom that have all the resources and an easy life, So I just cant help but hate how perfect they are.

(They also have low growth rates apparently)

Edited by Mackc2
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I think it's the siblings, honestly. The Hoshido siblings seem to have less personality to me (overall) than the Nohrian Siblings.

Also, I hear the Hoshido siblings are kinda-sorta-not-really-for-waifu/husbando-sake related, so people have an easier time rationalizing boinking their adopted siblings than their half-siblings or whatever.

I really like Hoshido and Nohr pretty evenly, but I think that's a big part of the "hate" or at least dislike.

Edited by Tigerpanda13
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I would only say that I hate Hinoka. She has an ugly design and an ugly personality to go with it imo.

​ Haha, that's exactly why I hate Camilla.



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Personally I find the Hoshido characters a bit bland in comparison to the Nohr ones. Both in designs and (goody-goody) personalities. At least that's the impression I've got after watching some livestreams and reading supports. I don't particulary dislike them though.

I also strongly favour Xander, Leo, Elise and Camilla over the Hoshido siblings. The way they've accepted Kamui into their family and the way they care about each other is really heartwarming to me.

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I finally made an account to post here. >.>

Anyway, my favorite character, just from appearance and design and what little I know of the personality, is Saizou.

(Also, why is it that no one seems to care about that guy? He looks like a badass - and his Japanese voice actor is spot-on - and his crit animation is amazing! I could go on and on... but I digress)

I actually really like a lot of the Hoshido characters, but I must admit, the design of 2/4 of the royal family were "meh" for me, whereas Nohr had 4/4. I don't really care, since I'll be playing both sides, but since the royal families are slapped all over everything for this game, if you don't like their design it can get rather annoying.

Welcome to SF, I had a crush on Saizou ever since he was revealed in a trailer. :P:


I TRIED! But I was told that banning all the Nohr fans was mod abuse. :P:

There's people like me who will gladly dive head-first into Hoshido, difficulty be damned. However, Nohr's got the more, uh, extreme characters (compare the positive/negative traits of the Nohr cast vs. the Hoshido one), and their designs are a lot closer to traditional FE designs. So I can see why people would be super-hyped for Nohr.

And as for looks, I will have issues deciding on a husband in Hoshido, as OMG THE MEN LOOK AMAZING. I won't have the same problem in Nohr.

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I don't dislike Hoshido. I'm just never interested in them since I find some of them a bit bland in comparison to Nohr characters. I also favor Nohr's designs over Hoshido's.

The siblings on both sides are nice, but I just feel more connected to the Nohrian ones for various reasons. And I prefer Marx, Camilla, Leon and Elise over their respective Hoshidan counterpart.

That being said, I do like some Hoshido characters, like Ryoma, Saizou and Suzukaze.

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Welcome to SF, I had a crush on Saizou ever since he was revealed in a trailer. :P:


I TRIED! But I was told that banning all the Nohr fans was mod abuse. :P:

There's people like me who will gladly dive head-first into Hoshido, difficulty be damned. However, Nohr's got the more, uh, extreme characters (compare the positive/negative traits of the Nohr cast vs. the Hoshido one), and their designs are a lot closer to traditional FE designs. So I can see why people would be super-hyped for Nohr.

And as for looks, I will have issues deciding on a husband in Hoshido, as OMG THE MEN LOOK AMAZING. I won't have the same problem in Nohr.

When I play Hoshido I know I will be marrying Saizou immediately. >.> We'll be inseparable.

Ryouma is next on the list of "cool Hoshio men", followed closely by Nishiki.

And Nohr just feels like the more interesting place and story. You're not really related, but they cared and loved you regardless. Your "homeland" (the place you grew up) is a collective douche to everyone else, but you want to reform it so that it's a place you can be proud of. Your father is obviously evil, so how are you going to fix it? Picking to go to Hoshido feels like the "easy" route in more ways than one - like dropping all those pesky responsiblities and problems for a much easier life in a land of festivals and marriment.

In real life I would loathe to leave my family for a group of people claiming to be blood related to me. It feels like a weird betrayal. o.o

But maybe I'm just weird. Xander is also pretty amazing. >.>

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I really love most Hoshido characters, there is really no one I hate.

The Hoshido siblings might not seem as "cool" to some people, but I think they are actually really interesting. Especially Takumi shows a lot of character depth both in the story and in his supports. People shouldn't be so hard on him.

As for the other characters, they might not be as in-your-face as the Nohr ones but they seem likable and unique (except the kids and Tsukuyomi obv.) in their own ways.

I think it's the way Hoshido was marketed as 'less complex' and ' more goody goody' than Nohr that makes it less popular on these forums. Turns out, most people who have played the game apparently preferred Hoshido over Nohr, at least from a story perspective.

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When I play Hoshido I know I will be marrying Saizou immediately. >.> We'll be inseparable.

Ryouma is next on the list of "cool Hoshio men", followed closely by Nishiki.

And Nohr just feels like the more interesting place and story. You're not really related, but they cared and loved you regardless. Your "homeland" (the place you grew up) is a collective douche to everyone else, but you want to reform it so that it's a place you can be proud of. Your father is obviously evil, so how are you going to fix it? Picking to go to Hoshido feels like the "easy" route in more ways than one - like dropping all those pesky responsiblities and problems for a much easier life in a land of festivals and marriment.

In real life I would loathe to leave my family for a group of people claiming to be blood related to me. It feels like a weird betrayal. o.o

But maybe I'm just weird. Xander is also pretty amazing. >.>

Part of the reason why Hoshido is SUCH A CHOICE for me is because Saizou has an equally attractive twin. And Tsubaki is hilarious, even if I'd be put off by that kind of guy IRL. :P:

Unfortunately, I don't know much of what happens between the very beginning and The Choice, nor do I want to. I'll feel bad about leaving Nohr, of course. But they had most of the main character's life to get to know him/her. The other family should have that experience, too! After all, they're the ones that took Kamui in on faith! That's how Kamui's going to justify his/her choice (in reality, he/she is dancing to my tune).

You're not weird! But I wonder if my views are. . .

Edited by eclipse
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I don't dislike them; it's just that the Nohr characters, from what we've seen, are more complex and developed.

I really love most Hoshido characters, there is really no one I hate.

The Hoshido siblings might not seem as "cool" to some people, but I think they are actually really interesting. Especially Takumi shows a lot of character depth both in the story and in his supports. People shouldn't be so hard on him.

As for the other characters, they might not be as in-your-face as the Nohr ones but they seem likable and unique (except the kids and Tsukuyomi obv.) in their own ways.

I think it's the way Hoshido was marketed as 'less complex' and ' more goody goody' than Nohr that makes it less popular on these forums. Turns out, most people who have played the game apparently preferred Hoshido over Nohr, at least from a story perspective.

It's not that the Hoshido route was that great storywise; it's just that Nohr really dropped the ball. But that's getting off-topic and into spoilers, so...

Edited by The DanMan
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Why can't both sides live in peace =(

I pretty much warmed up to Hoshido when I actually played the game. I still picked Nohr first becuase I wanted a more traditional FE-like playthrough, and now I feel bad for them. The older siblings have finally reunited with Kamui with welcoming open arms, only for things to turn out dark, and the skeptical Takumi turned out to be right. OUCH.

So yeah, I like them all.

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I like Hoshido's characters more, personality and design wise. Sure, they're less colorful than their counterparts, but the Nohrians are too in your face and "quirky" for my tastes and have all the boobplates and panties which sucks. I'm going with Nohr because I like the challenge but I'd pick Hoshido any other day. also takumi is the best

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I don't hate the Hoshido characters, but their lack of complexity (except for Takumi) is disappointing. Ryoma, the samurai, is most notable for being...samurai-like. Hinoka, the pegasus warrior, well we all know her for...being a pegasus warrior. Sakura is adorable but she never becomes relevant the same way Elise did.

Takumi is good. I don't know much about him but it seems like there is something there.

On top of all of this, Hoshido seems pretty goody-goody and "woe is us" all the time. Translation: boring.


Ryouma's death on the Nohr path still made me very, very sad though. He's a good bro. ;__;

Edited by scarlett_94
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Eeeh? I actually like the Hoshido designs over the Nohr designs. You gotta admit, some of the Nohr designs are kinda silly-looking. Hi Camilla and Charlotte. I'm not sure whether that places me in the majority or minority, since a lot of people on here prefer the Nohr side of things... ^^;

Yeah, I prefer the Hoshido designs.

Speaking generally (very generally) the hoshidan personalities are a bit... bland. Especially when comparing the siblings to each other. There are exceptions of course, but just generally the characters don't have a ton of depth to them in Hoshido.

As much as I like Hoshido, I have to agree with this. There are exceptions, but generally the characters are bland b/c the supports are well... bland. I was expecting more from Hoshido support convos, but I thought Nohr's supports were way more interesting/creative. I was really disappointed with the Hoshido's siblings supports with Kamui.

So, it's pretty much like this... Design: Hoshido>Nohr, Supports: Hoshido<Nohr

The Hoshido siblings' supports don't really talk about Kamui's time in Nohr was like. I haven't seen Ryoma's but I'm guessing it doesn't either. I still like the Hoshido siblings more than Nohr's, mostly b/c of personalities, not supports.

And I find all the hate towards Takumi is overhyped.

Takumi doesn't treat Kamui for a good reason. Kamui was raised in an enemy nation and would probably still be loyal to Nohr despite their Hoshido heritage. That's not an unreasonable reaction, it's realistic. I would be more turned off by the fact if all siblings reacted to Kamui returning with open arms. That's not realistic.

Edited by Yuina
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Takumi doesn't treat Kamui for a good reason. Kamui was raised in an enemy nation and would probably still be loyal to Nohr despite their Hoshido heritage. That's not an unreasonable reaction, it's realistic. I would be more turned off by the fact if all siblings reacted to Kamui returning with open arms. That's not realistic.

I feel both Ryouma/Hinoka and Takumi's respective reactions to Kamui makes sense, considering Ryoma and Hinoka are actually old enough to remember and miss Kamui when he was kidnapped and probably are impacted by his kidnapping a lot more than Takumi, who was younger. I mean, Hinoka wanted to walk right into Nohr to get Kamui back, so...

With a bunch of the stuff I've read for the lobster, he's really, uh, traumatised is prolly not the right word but >english, by that time you're kidnapped. With just how much he wants you around I think that overrides any sort of judgement about you potentially being a nohr spy, while Takumi is not hindered by positive emotions about you.

Sakura's more young and innocent, I guess.

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And I find all the hate towards Takumi is overhyped.

Given that Takumi

shoots both Corrin and Elise in the crotch during a cutscene on the Nohr route

, I feel the hate towards him is completely justified.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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I like Hoshido characters more because I think they have better designs. I just feel like they should translate more of their supports because it's hard to know about their personality with the few I've read.

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Personally, I'm a huge fan of the Hoshido designs. Maybe it's just that being Asian naturally makes me more favorable towards Asian-themed designs/aesthetics, lol.

Like most people I was generally more interested in Nohr's story (though that may be subject to change) and when I compared the two families (ie., Marx to Ryouma, Camilla to Hinoka, etc.), I liked the Nohr siblings more. I also liked the children characters and the return of the Awakening children in Nohr more than the children characters and the adult Awakening characters in Hoshido.

However, in terms of classes and other units and the whatnot, I think I prefer Hoshido more. I guess the two games balance each other out in terms of my preferences, which means I’ll have to get both of them and the third route, hahahaha...

I also felt less bad siding with Nohr, seeing as Kamui grew up with them. Hinoka and Takumi seemed significantly duller compared to their Nohr counterparts, Camilla and Leon, as well. After learning about Nohr’s storyline, I’ve definitely warmed up to Ryouma and Takumi, though the two Hoshido sisters will have to work slightly harder to win my heart from Camilla and Elise.

Edited by tokyobeam
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Do so many people need to be vindicated in their like/dislike of a character? How many threads have popped up with people complaining about people saying certain characters are bad, or asking "how could you possibly hate these chars?" The only reason people make threads like these is not to "find out why the chars are hated" but instead for people to drown the thread with "you crazy? I LOVE those characters!" Look if you like the characters you like them, if people dislike them then so what? If you feel the need to be vindicated in your like/dislike of a character then maybe you should sit down and really think about whether you actually like the character and why. If this is really about seeing some "Hoshido love" you could have simply made a Hoshido support thread where everyone talks everything Hoshido... it'd attract Hoshido fans a lot more than this thread and you'd even get bonus points for originality.

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Personally, I just find most of the Norhian characters more interesting than Hoshido. I have been trying to avoid spoiling the game for myself (damn you IS for your 6 month+ localization time!) though I have read a few supports from both sides. Combine what I have gleaned from those with their designs, and I just plain like the Nohr characters better.

I.E Ask me to pick between Pieri and Oboro, and I will pick Pieri for her design and character over Oboro. I guess I prefer batshit/insane cute to racist/but/otherwise/adorable cute.

The two Hoshido characters I personally like above most Nohr characters (but not all!) are Kazahana (and I will keep calling her that even in the English version. It just fits her better than "nose") and Kagerou. Even then, I still prefer the Nohr characters.

Edited by warchiefwilliams
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I honestly don't like that many Hoshido characters. Sakura, Hana, and Subaki are pretty much the only characters I like from that side.

And it's a combination of design and "not as good looking" that I prefer the Nohr characters. Not just design, as in the clothes or armor they (Hoshido) wear, but their faces, their hairstyles are less appealing to me. I don't like guys with long hair (though male characters in Fire Emblem were never as appealing to me anyways), except for Flannel, who happens to be on the Nohr route. It's an entirely different design perspective for Hoshido characters, and I'm not too fond of it.

Fire Emblem Fates is (for the most part) the first game in the series for me when I like some male characters as much I do female. And while I'm not a fan of some Nohr character's clothing / design (Camilla or Charlotte), I still do think they're pretty, and I do like their hair. Even characters that are allies on both routes, I like Silas, Felicia, and Jakob more than Kaze because they are from Nohr, and their designs (and even names!) show that. I like the Nohr characters more in every way.

In fact, as stupid as it may sound, I'm actually considering switching from Hoshido to Nohr alliance based on this. I'm finding the Nohr side to be much more fascinating as we get more information from those with the game.

Still, I don't hate or dislike the Hoshido characters, I just like them less than the Nohr characters.

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I honestly don't like that many Hoshido characters. Sakura, Hana, and Subaki are pretty much the only characters I like from that side.

And it's a combination of design and "not as good looking" that I prefer the Nohr characters. Not just design, as in the clothes or armor they (Hoshido) wear, but their faces, their hairstyles are less appealing to me. I don't like guys with long hair (though male characters in Fire Emblem were never as appealing to me anyways), except for Flannel, who happens to be on the Nohr route. It's an entirely different design perspective for Hoshido characters, and I'm not too fond of it.

Fire Emblem Fates is (for the most part) the first game in the series for me when I like some male characters as much I do female. And while I'm not a fan of some Nohr character's clothing / design (Camilla or Charlotte), I still do think they're pretty, and I do like their hair. Even characters that are allies on both routes, I like Silas, Felicia, and Jakob more than Kaze because they are from Nohr, and their designs (and even names!) show that. I like the Nohr characters more in every way.

In fact, as stupid as it may sound, I'm actually considering switching from Hoshido to Nohr alliance based on this. I'm finding the Nohr side to be much more fascinating as we get more information from those with the game.

Still, I don't hate or dislike the Hoshido characters, I just like them less than the Nohr characters.

Yes.. Join us. Come to Nohr!

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