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I don't even play FF, but I don't have access to the newer ones? Should I play the older games from before their betrayal of Nintendo?  

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  1. 1. Which is better?

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  4. 4. Which one is better?

  5. 5. Which one is better?

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pokemon level up slowly in HG/SS, with the highest level pokemon you get by the time you beat lance being in the high 50's at most

it's one of the things i really hate about the johto games, and is also why i'm looking for a hack that increases the level scaling. if anybody knows of one that does only that, please PM me.

Edited by Comet
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I was fine with Skyward Sword's motion controls and they felt pretty natural to me. I think many peoples problems could do with overexaggerating the motions as they wiimote is pretty sensitive. I know for me if I sat too close to the TV that would throw off the motion controls.

Yeah, I think that's what my problem was. My gaming area is a little side hallway between my bedroom and the guest bedroom, so I'm only about 4 or 5 feet away from the TV (and the sensor bar) when I play. Don't worry about my eyes if you are, I just play on a little CRT TV. Makes playing modern games a pain, though.

Anyway, with the original topic: I like Spyro 2 more than Spyro 3.

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That's likely to accommodate for the Kanto Gyms later.

Yeah, but it's still no excuse for the wild Pokemon at places like Mt. Silver and Cerulean Cave being low level compared to the strongest wild Pokemon in other DS games. In DPPt, you could find wild Pokemon in the lv. 50s, and in BW and B2W2, they get up to lv. 60. But they're like lv. 45 at the highest in HGSS... Just wtf.

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the most i've ever enjoyed motion controls is when I played the demo of Mario and Luigi Dream Team

it was also the first time i actually cared about motion controls

so yeah I tend to find motion controls unnecessary and annoying

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With things like using Fi's dowsing ability and certain enemies needed to be hit a certain way which can only really be done with motion controls, SS's gameplay was built around motion controls. Link can swing his sword in a whole bunch of different ways (up, down, left, right, stab/thrust, then the various diagonal strikes as well as the spin attack, jump attack, and Skyward Strike) and you have to use almost all of those swings at some point. No way could that be done reasonably with just buttons. It's too many options.

Have you ever considered using a second analog stick for sword swings? You could even click the stick for a stab attack. Skyward Sword without motion controls is well within possibility. Also, dowsing is the worst feature of any Zelda game ever. It's like when you have to "find the cutscene" by pointing in Metroid: Other M.

Aiming is slower and less accurate than in other Wii games because it uses motion controls instead of infra-red. "Hey, remember that perfectly flawless aiming in Sin & Punishment 2 and Metroid Prime Trilogy? Let's NOT use that! Gotta sell Wii-Motion Plus!" The fact that the game has a dedicated "correct cursor alignment" button is a red flag.

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Also, dowsing is the worst feature of any Zelda game ever. It's like when you have to "find the cutscene" by pointing in Metroid: Other M.

Except dousing actually works fairly well, while in Other M you might aim a few pixels away from your destination and completely miss it a few times.
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Other M's is much, much worse. At least dowsing gets some practical use.

Also, from experience, the cutting with the analog stick isn't that good, that's why Metal Gear Rising gave both an aiming assist and slow-mo whenever you did it. Clciking an analog stick is probably the worst idea for a vital attack option as well, unless you're selling controllers.

Edited by Knight
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Have you ever considered using a second analog stick for sword swings? You could even click the stick for a stab attack. Skyward Sword without motion controls is well within possibility. Also, dowsing is the worst feature of any Zelda game ever. It's like when you have to "find the cutscene" by pointing in Metroid: Other M.

Uh, are you forgetting that SS is a Wii game? A second analogue stick doesn't exist for the Wii except on the classic controller and it would've been dumb to make SS classic controller only. SS without motion controls was impossible.

So, the new poll. Home consoles > handheld. Home consoles just generally have better games, imo. I prefer most of the home console Zeldas to the handheld ones, I prefer home console Mario to handheld Mario, I feel the Tellius games are the best FE games by a good margin, and Pokemon is only my fifth favorite game series.

Edited by Anacybele
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^GC controller has two analog sticks, and the motion controls could be optional for those who want them. Combine that with the aforementioned classic controller, and there's a solution to compromise for those of us who hate motion controls.

Handhelds beat consoles by far IMO, games are both generally more fun and easier to play, and you can take said games with you to the can, or anywhere else.

Also, handhelds have stupid gimmicks for their controls less often, and are often limited to one to two games anyhow. Also, the handhelds have 4 of my top 5 FE games, so score handheld

Handhelds at present have enough firepower to equal GC and PS2 presentations, so having less firepower is quickly becoming less and less of an concern.

Finally, should a storm come and knock out the power, you can still play a handheld.

It's no contest honestly, handhelds>consoles

Edited by MCProductions
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^GC controller has two analog sticks, and the motion controls could be optional for those who want them. Combine that with the aforementioned classic controller, and there's a solution to compromise for those of us who hate motion controls.

Handhelds beat consoles by far IMO, games are both generally more fun and easier to play, and you can take said games with you to the can, or anywhere else.

Also, handhelds have stupid gimmicks for their controls less often, and are often limited to one to two games anyhow. Also, the handhelds have 4 of my top 5 FE games, so score handheld

Handhelds at present have enough firepower to equal GC and PS2 presentations, so having less firepower is quickly becoming less and less of an concern.

Finally, should a storm come and knock out the power, you can still play a handheld.

It's no contest honestly, handhelds>consoles

This, it is very rare I will actually sit down to play at a console. Also computers crush consoles.

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Handhelds > Consoles. For some reason, though there are many games on consoles I want to play, I always keep going back to handhelds. I assume it has something to do with the fact that handheld games can be played anywhere at anytime and I'm not limited to a single room of the house when no one wants to watch TV.

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Actually, I felt swordplay via the right analog stick worked quite fine in MGS2, which did not have Rising's aim assist and slow mo features.

I easily prefer that over SS's motion controls.

But in MGS2 you had the sword for about one hallway and a bossfight and it really just was a shallow tool, it's still more ideal to use guns in the hallway, not to mention Snake is doing most of the work (unless you're really good). The directions really didn't matter, you just flailed it around and hit people without caring what happens, and the same is true for the bossfight afterwords. Imagine trying to build a game around that, with much more depth? I bet Platinum Games tried, but failed, so they made the blade aiming something that was assisted with slow-mo and an aimer.

The sword in MGS2 was just made as a fun little toy to use in the final moments of the game, it's not something that would work in regular gameplay.

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^It still worked fine in the elimination VR missions in the Substance remake tho, sides I usually knock out Snake for that hallway to challenge myself.

I can see why they added the stuff in Rising, but in a non hack and slash game, MGS2's method would work fine IMO.

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^GC controller has two analog sticks, and the motion controls could be optional for those who want them. Combine that with the aforementioned classic controller, and there's a solution to compromise for those of us who hate motion controls.

SS is still a Wii game, thus, it should make full use of the Wii's capabilities, not take a step backward and use the GC controller and Wii classic controller when Wii Motion Plus just came out and all. Making it use the GC controller or Wii classic controller instead is still dumb.

Handheld games tend to be too short and rushed, imo, and just not as fun. Don't get me wrong, I do have a few handheld games that I really love (Zelda: The Minish Cap and Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, for example), but home console games outdo them almost all the time. And I don't care if I can take a game on the go with me or not, that was always just a bonus.

It's no contest, home consoles > handhelds.

Edited by Anacybele
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The only handheld games I've rushed without effort are ports. Honestly, I've played more rushed with little effort console games than handheld games, so this is a problem regardless of handhelds or consoles. Handhelds are also easier to make games for, which makes them appeal more to Indie devs. While my personal favorite game is a console game,(Crash Bandicoot Warped), I've played a lot more good handheld games than I have console games. I've even seen many game franchises do better on handhelds than console. Also, since Handhelds are cheaper, sells are higher which equals more games being released


Also, many Wii games up to that point had a GC controller option, so I don't see why Zelda can't. Off the top of my head, Mario Kart Wii, Sonic Colors, and Smash Brawl supported GC controllers on the platform, and MK Wii WAS just as designed with motion controls in mind as SS, so SS has no excuse here for not having another option.

Heck, Smash Wii U released with a GC controller adapter just to increase control options.

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^It still worked fine in the elimination VR missions in the Substance remake tho, sides I usually knock out Snake for that hallway to challenge myself.

I can see why they added the stuff in Rising, but in a non hack and slash game, MGS2's method would work fine IMO.

Oh yeah, I forgot about the VR missions, I haven't played most of them. I can't really comment on them there. But what does the aiming of the sword really do in MGS2? It doesn't really do anything, if an enemy blocks your attack, they block any attack. There are no weaknesses or advantages to striking left or right, you just might be able to hit some guy at one side.

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Knight, Similar to handguns, if you hit various areas of the enemy soldier, they take more damage or die(or get knocked out if the non-lethal variant is used) outright.

It's just hard to notice on difficulties lower than Extreme.

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Okay, didn't know that. It's still a very shallow mechanic and I wouldn't make an entire game using it. I haven't played MGS2 in quite awhile though, but I think I might try the VR missions and then think about it how it could work.

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I like handhelds more because it's portable!

While I think home consoles are very pretty in graphics, some of my favorite games happen to be on a handheld (with some exceptions, such as Splatoon or Mario Kart 8). I generally liked the handheld Fire Emblem games much more.

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