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I don't even play FF, but I don't have access to the newer ones? Should I play the older games from before their betrayal of Nintendo?  

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  1. 1. Which is better?

  2. 2. Which is better?

    • FF10
    • FE10
  3. 3. Which is better?

  4. 4. Which one is better?

  5. 5. Which one is better?

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Except Lucina is boring to some of us, Jave, regardless of what you say. Deal with it.

I was stating my view on her. No need to be rude.

Sure, Lucina wants to get something done, but...

That's really it. Nothing more, nothing less.

Outside of supports, she doesn't really do anything else after she joins (well, except for maybe in that one chapter, but it still ends the same either way).

To be fair, that's pretty much everyone in the game who isn't Chrom or Robin. And Lucina contributes more to the main plot than anyone else besides those two.

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Speaking of Xenoblade villains, I won't name names but...



Don't hate them but their repeated battle quotes are annoying as hell.

I've never heard the former, and I only heard the latter twice when I played Xenoblade Chronicles 3D. I guess I'm pretty lucky?

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Ah, FE Awakening, while some of it's characters I adore, some I cannot flipping stand whatsoever.

I already mentioned Tharja, but I don't care much for Donnel either. Also, I find Miriel and Laurent straight up offensive for sterotyping Asperger's Syndrome. I have Asperger's myself, and to see people like myself constantly played up for laughs is just offensive to me.

Also, I would like to point out to people who say FE Awakening's characters are too gimmicky that several characters got their gimmicks taken straight out of past FE games. Lon'qu is male Florina, Nowi is Fae with no differences whatsoever, and I already mentioned that Chrom is Sigurd with more humor and less of a weakness to fire. Theres probably more I'm forgetting, but those three stand out the most to me.

I'd like to join the few here who like Lucina also.

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Least favorite characters? Yes, I have to say the thread's name every time because it changes.

I really can't remember much. If I hate them, I tend to forget about their existence and move on. That being said, most of the characters I hate have been mentioned already, even the characters I don't remember that I hated.

- Tingle (LoZ, people should know why)

- Makalov (I don't like this guy, he's ugly af and irresponsible)

- Sothe (overprotective, bad personality, and gameplay-wise, an annoying forced pre-promote)

- Oliver (he's too beautiful I can't look at him)

- Laurent (tries too hard to be like his mother, and ultimately fails)

[spoiler=Awakening Spoilers]Validar. How can you be Robin's father with that skin tone? What color is that? Robin couldn't have looked like you if s/he tried!

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And I think I saw someone say that the Kalos rivals are disappointing because they're not assholes. Uh, news flash, but there's a such thing as a friendly rivalry, you know. A rival doesn't have to be an asshole. That said, Tierno and Trevor didn't appeal to me as much in the games as they do in the anime. Shauna, though, I think is cute in both.

Actually, I think that's why they don't like them. They just don't see friendly rivalries as interesting. Personally, I just think they're all boring characters. Like friendly rivalries can be done well (Barry), but they're all just...uninteresting. I like Blue and Silver the best, because they really make you want to beat them. Also silver is possibly the only rival (I could be wrong on this, my memory of the games is a bit off) that actually grows as a character in the game, and you can see it through his Golbat growing with him. As he learns to love pokemon, his Golbat evolves. It's actually really cool to see. But, this thread is currently about my least favorite characters, so let's talk that

I forgot to mention Validar for being basically a villain you would see on Scooby Doo. He's like "Bwahahaha let Steve Grima rise and destroy the world!" Anyone ever seen Yugioh abridged? Then you know what I'm talking about. Hating the villain is okay, but you should hate them for the same reasons your characters do. Ex: Manfroy, you hate him because of all the horrible things he does. Validar you hate because he's boring and stupid

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The two first FE Avatars (I'll reserve judgement on Kamui for later) and Miriel

Ronaldo from Devil Survivor 2

Most things voiced by Erin Fitzgerald (though she herself isn't to blame for that)

Can't think of anyone else off the top of my head.

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To be honest, I find it hard to get riled up about characters within videogames by themselves. When it comes to individuals just being shitty people, games are typically very weak at conveying it without devolving to a level of characterisation that simply stops me recognising the individual as a person in the first place. There's a lack of geninueness in the shittiness if you like, most frustrating characters either just strike me as badly written (which diverts my frustration to the game as a whole/writers rather than the specific individual), or are so purposely created to be as frustrating as they are that I can't get past the meta-recognition of them as being devices rather than people (though, going by "awful device" instead of "awful character", I think Chris from FE12 wins out ). If I dislike something about a character and know it was created to appease individuals who enjoy that aspect, I have contempt for those other individuals, not the character. For example, whilst I do dislike a significant portion of Awakening's cast, I can say the same thing about other RPGs, but I can't hyperfocus on characters I dislike because of the reasons aforementioned.

This basically means the only characters in a story I ever really come to truly dislike are protagonists, since they tend to be the only people with enough development to get me to recognise them as people. And even then, completely irredeemable protagonists who don't progress in any manner are nearly nonexistant in games. Even insufferables like Luke von Vabre aren't really contemptable on the whole, so whilst I dislike him, I can't really think to rank him as a particularly loathesome character. I'd have to dive slightly out of traditional videogames and into VN/eroge territory to really give a profound example (which is something I actually wanted to avoid in my earlier post about characters I liked, as I specifically avoided mentioning VN/eroge characters), and I'd have to pick Shirogane Takeru as a good benchmark. Again, without trying to spoil too much, his ultimate failing is simply that he never ever really develops past the insecure, unreliable, self centred and moronic lead he is over the course of three fucking games. He constantly fails and gets dejected about failure, then vows to do better but just fails and fails and fails and never really changes his mentality, and wavers in conviction to the point of complete irredeemability. My goodwill stocks ran out entirely on him, he's a hopeless, pathetic little man who doesn't even have the vainglory to be at least somewhat endearing about it.

I think the main sticking point for me with people is regressive behaviour in general, so I do certainly get irked a lot about how Ike acts in FE10 compared to FE9 for example, but again I sort of detach that dislike to the game as a whole or the writers rather than Ike himself.

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I was just talking about the dragon fight

before you are supposed to crash his attempted forced marriage with Yuna.

That fight wasn't that hard for me. Just use haste, and a bunch of Al Bhed potions.

This fight on the other hand has Seymour using a ton of bullshit instant death moves, and dispel. He also fucking ridiculous health, and is immune to every goddamn status effect in the game. Plus there's a long, unskippable cutscene right before the fight adding to my frustration. If this fight was designed to make me hate him they certainly succeeded.

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Everyone who has played Megaman X7 should know this guy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FJTK_iNA5s

Emm is probably my most hated character though. Its bad enough that the game treats her as perfect, but then is brings her back to life making her only sacrifice in the game worthless.

Validar is basically reverse Emm, he even comes back to life too.

Midori from Devil Survivor also pisses me off. She's annoying and I just wanted to leave her to die half the time. Devil Survivor Spoilers

Thankfully I can fight her in Naoya's 8th day.

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1. Final Fantasy IV has not aged well at all. I'm tempted to call it a bad game. Especially compared to its fellow SNES Final Fantasies, it just seems mediocre. It seems to have one of the most intense nostalgia filters of any game I've played.

2. Navi's annoyingness is incredibly overstated. She's not that bad people.

Might post some more later.

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I hate Eliza and Double, can curse them for being so amazingly likable D:

Of the playable cast of Skullgirls, you feel quite a bit for Marie and Valentine, who have their reasons for doing what they're doing, but Eliza? She's a monster, just a complete and utter monster. Problem is she's followed by these two really likable bodyguards and doesn't seem so bad when she isn't killing people. And Double is an ugly abomination that ruins everyone's lives. Though Double is hilarious in Beowulf's story mode.

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Awakening's entire cast was fine for me except Virion because of his snobby attitude, the DLC characters ruined everything but were slightly worse than Virion for me. Maribelle gets a pass only because she's a good waifu. Aversa too.

A Also, I find Miriel and Laurent straight up offensive for sterotyping Asperger's Syndrome. I have Asperger's myself, and to see people like myself constantly played up for laughs is just offensive to me.

I have Aspergers and I was completely fine with those characters. I don't really get annoyed if people use it as a joke as long as they are only exaggerating or stereotyping certain behaviours for fun and not making that person or group to be less than other people without what they have. The game never mentioned Aspergers, but I can see why you think what you said.
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I don't necessarily mind Awakening's cast too much, but I can say that I like characters in previous FEs better. Some of them get on my nerves, but I can't say anything too negative about them. It's a little bit of a shame that they're so cliched and their character features are overexploited.

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Geez, 50% of this site must have Asperger's... I swear every other person here says they have it. Myself included. o.O

I'm fine with most of Awakening's cast myself. Chrom, Lucina, Tharja, and Sumia are the only characters in it that I don't like. Out of the playable cast that is.

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Yeah, the majority of Awakening's cast I like, bar the four characters I mentioned previously, I pretty much like all of them.

Honestly, it's hard to make me dislike a character, and I don't really hate any characters I mentioned earier, I just don't like them as much as I do others.

I swear that Kellam!Laurent looks like me in a witches hat

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Geez, 50% of this site must have Asperger's... I swear every other person here says they have it. Myself included. o.O

I'm fine with most of Awakening's cast myself. Chrom, Lucina, Tharja, and Sumia are the only characters in it that I don't like. Out of the playable cast that is.

Another person with Aspergers here. Many people online often self-diagnose and are wrong about it. Although I wonder if Fire Emblem is just really appealing to people with Aspergers which is why we have a lot on this site. Ehh, most likely it's just peopl self-diagnose when they really don't have it.

Anyways I'm in the camp that doesn't like the majority of the cast since their annoying. People say that previous FE games had gimmicky characters but they weren't as in your face about it as Awakening. They mention their quirk when shopping, fighting, finding an item, showing affection, and it makes them seem less human than previous games. Yeah this was because previous games didn't have this much dialogue for characters, but that was a good thing since you can fill in the blanks.

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Sonic, Steven Universe, Sword Art Online, and Five Nights at Freddy's fanbase combined

Oh god, if there was any force that could destroy the universe in a second it would be this.

Dang, lots of Lucy and Awakening cast hate here. I'm actually okay with a majority of the cast (except for Emmeryn, Validar, Kjelle, Ricken, F!Morgan, and the previously mentioned Tharja, Cordelia), but I didn't find them that bad. Maybe because I got all the C-A non parent-child supports in the game, because a few of those supports really shed some positive light on characters (or negative light... Frederick x Cordelia's S-support made me despise Cordelia with a passion). And to be honest, I sometimes kinda find it better than some of the GBA games (SOMETIMES), because even after one playthrough of Awakening, I could tell you about the characters a little. I can't really say that about the GBA games. I still don't even know the personalities of about half the cast of Blazing Sword.

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Is the Steven Universe fanbase that bad? I haven't really met any of them, the show looks fine but I don't have cable so...

It's not as bad as the FNAF or Sonic one, but it's still pretty bad

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Is the Steven Universe fanbase that bad? I haven't really met any of them, the show looks fine but I don't have cable so...

I heard they wrote "fake" bad reviews for an actual hotel with the same name as something in the show. That could actually hurt said business and people were on Tumblr saying "Don't f*cking do this!"

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Geez, 50% of this site must have Asperger's... I swear every other person here says they have it. Myself included. o.O

I'm fine with most of Awakening's cast myself. Chrom, Lucina, Tharja, and Sumia are the only characters in it that I don't like. Out of the playable cast that is.

I have it too

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