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Felicia's cuteness is a little excessive


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Even if Fates wasn't quite what I was expecting, I will say that the memorable characters certainly stood out more than Awakening characters. As you said, Leon and Takumi are really well written (I personally also really like Oboro from her support conversations, especially with Belka) and they at least are far more memorable than anyone from Awakening for me. Sure, there are some not-as-good characters in Fates, as in with Awakening, but the good ones REALLY stand out a lot more in Fates.

Kamui, on the other hand, is an even more boring self-insert than Robin

I actually rather liked Awakening's characters for the most part, and think that a lot of them get far more crap on this forum than they deserve. Like I said, I've already admitted that there are a lot of areas that could be improved in Awakening, and some supports and characters definitely fall under that category, but plenty of people here seem intent on ignoring even the positive aspects of that game.

Leo and Takumi are probably better than anyone in Awakening though, especially since they actually get to have a big role in the different routes, so they get more characterization even outside of supports.

However, the sheer quantity of royal siblings seems to have gotten in the way for the rest of the siblings, as they are all rather uninteresting, and the sisters just fade into the background. The child characters also feel out of place, and I wish they were normal units instead. A lot of characters feel even more one-dimensional than the ones in Awakening, too, like Felicia, who we've talked so much about.

And oh yes, Kamui is far worse than Robin ever was. At least Robin has a reason for why he's in charge of the army: he's a trained strategist, that's his character. Kamui is the leader because he's the glorious self-insert who has supermodels ready to serve him to their dying breath.

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You'll love Fable III then, Thane. :p

Robin's a trained strategist ? He is talented, yeah, but trained ? The dude have amnesia... not really a good idea to put him in charge, especially if since he is suspicious as hell...

I honestly wonder if FEIf female characters weren't just just written as walking fetishes, because, you have such fat lot of those, it's scary.

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Wait, what is the support conversation between Felicia and Flora? (if it exists)

Don't tell me this is just about maid work or Felicia's clumsiness or Kamui is a good master because if that is the case, this is a wasted support conversation who could have some potiential.

Edited by Nym
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Wait, what is the support conversation between Felicia and Flora? (if it exists)

Don't tell me this is just about maid work or Felicia's clumsiness or Kamui is a good master because if that is the case, this is a wasted support conversation who could have some potiential.

From what I remember Felicia's clumsiness is mentioned, but its not the biggest part of the support. Its about Felicia wondering if Flora is angry at her. She denies, but eventually comes to the realisation that she may have been a bit jealous of Felicia's skill in combat, while Felicia has spent most of her life being envious of Flora's maid skills

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From what I remember Felicia's clumsiness is mentioned, but its not the biggest part of the support. Its about Felicia wondering if Flora is angry at her. She denies, but eventually comes to the realisation that she may have been a bit jealous of Felicia's skill in combat, while Felicia has spent most of her life being envious of Flora's maid skills

That's ironic, because I consider Flora a better fighter.

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The voice really makes the character for me, for example if Felicia were to be voiced by someone like Hanazawa Kana I'd marry her in a heartbeat.

To me Felicia is one of the best looking female's in the game, so i'm kinda dissapointed she got such an annoying voice.

I may mute the game with her around after I get the game!

Maybe I just have a super low tolerance for the clumsiness? I couldn't stand it with Sumia from the previous game, and with Felicia it's even more pronounced. Perhaps I'm just a hard person, but to me, clumsiness is not cute, at all. It's annoying. Especially when that clumsiness directly influences your work. Felicia is a clumsy maid even though it's her job...how about a clumsy dentist or surgeon? Or construction worker, or electrician?

Also, moe makes me want to vomit. Felicia is a very kind person I'm sure, but she'll make a good bench warmer.

That some people are fond of anyway that some others make her their waifu's.

Please let her be better in the Eng version.

As a clumsy person irl, I find Felicia annoying. I wouldn't trust myself with anything maid related, and she's worse then I am at it, so I damn well wouldn't trust her with that. And i would rather stab needles through my ears then listen to JP Felicia say anything.

For such a lousy voice actor...

How the F*** did she get this job?! :wtf:

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Felicia's voice actor is actually what I imagined for the character. I don't like it, as it's extremely excessive, but she is the clumsy/cute maid and has the voice to back it up.

I'm confident the English VA will be much better, though.

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Felicia's voice actor is actually what I imagined for the character. I don't like it, as it's extremely excessive, but she is the clumsy/cute maid and has the voice to back it up.

I'm confident the English VA will be much better, though.

Inb4 it's Stephanie Sheh. Not saying she's bad, but she tends to be the cutesy type/moe character. Ironic in that she was Tharja and Kjelle.

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Inb4 it's Stephanie Sheh. Not saying she's bad, but she tends to be the cutesy type/moe character. Ironic in that she was Tharja and Kjelle.

I can actually imagine Cristina Valenzuela voicing her.

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So, I read on tvtropes that the localization team will change Felicia's personality, she is now bad at domestic tasks because, I quote, 'because she genuinely hates them and prefers fighting, rather than being clumsy.'

Is that true ? And whadaya think if it's true ? Personally, I'm pleased. Anyhing to not have common sense (and my ears) destroyed..

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So, I read on tvtropes that the localization team will change Felicia's personality, she is now bad at domestic tasks because, I quote, 'because she genuinely hates them and prefers fighting, rather than being clumsy.'

Is that true ? And whadaya think if it's true ? Personally, I'm pleased. Anyhing to not have common sense (and my ears) destroyed..

I have no idea where that came from, but I wouldn't put it past the localization team: The dialogue in Fates is mostly intended to appeal to Japan after all, and I could definitely see Felicia's characterization be changed a bit in the localized games.

Edited by Folt
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So, I read on tvtropes that the localization team will change Felicia's personality, she is now bad at domestic tasks because, I quote, 'because she genuinely hates them and prefers fighting, rather than being clumsy.'

Is that true ? And whadaya think if it's true ? Personally, I'm pleased. Anyhing to not have common sense (and my ears) destroyed..

I'm not sure about it, I know there is someone at Tvtropes( and I'm sure it's a singular person), intentionally messing with Fate's information on the site, just some weeks ago, there Fates's page at Tvtropes was villifying Hoshido, especially Ryoma, so this thing about Felicia hating housework, is probably made up.

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Not to mention pretty much all of her supports would have to be changed to reflect this. I mean, sure, she could still be cute and clumsy, but if she's bad at tasks because she hates them, then they certainly can't just have her act the same way as in her Japanese supports.

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I'm not sure about it, I know there is someone at Tvtropes( and I'm sure it's a singular person), intentionally messing with Fate's information on the site, just some weeks ago, there Fates's page at Tvtropes was villifying Hoshido, especially Ryoma, so this thing about Felicia hating housework, is probably made up.

Definitely false, in many of her supports she works really hard to try to be good at them, she just isn't. Leon even tells her that she should just quit being a servant and straight up join the army, because her strengths lie in combat, but she turned him down. That is just way too much to change for localisation, it's like an entire 180 from her actual personality.

tbh I like the idea of a maid who's better at fighting than housework but Felicia's supports are too unbalanced towards her clumsiness. I still like her, voice aside, but it would be really nice to have more variety in her supports than focusing 90% on her clumsiness. On average I feel fates does the variety thing better than FEA, but Felicia's is on the lower end of content variation from what I've read.

At least more varied than Setsuna? I mean at least there's a couple different ways she's bad at housework instead of everything is holes

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And if I remember correctly, it's subtly implied in her supports with Zero that her dedication to be a maid and cheerful attitude are ways of coping with the fact that she and Flora are not really maids but prisioners just like Kamui, she didn't say that directly, but that's the impression I got.

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I wasn't denying that it is Stockholm Syndrome, in fact I'm pretty sure it is.

However Flora does mention that the Ice Tribe are group of prideful warriors, but Felicia doesn't seem the violent type, so she may prefer the peaceful life of maid, rather than folllwoing the path of the warrior, it does seem to be this case with Flora,

Now that I think about, how is Felicia's relationship with Father and her Tribe in general?

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I don't know how to do the spoiler box so I will just tell you to go check chapter 8 of Nohr.

To be honest, I'm not even sure they are prisonners anymore.

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Ok so for Chapter 8 in Nohr, Kamui went to the Ice Tribe village because they are making a rebellion and the king asked Kamui to stop them. Felicia get excited because the grouparrow-10x10.png is close to the village however Kamui start getting cold so she start running and Elise followed her but Silas and Kamui are left behind. Kamui fell asleep but they get rescued by Clear, the chief of the Ice Tribe village and the father of Flora and Felicia. He explained why he saved you and asked you to help him for the rebellion. But here where this is getting strange, he said that Kamui will meet his daughter. Of course, his daughter is Flora and she's surprised to see him but still call Kamui ''master''. Clear is confused and then Felicia and Elise came into the room. Flora asked if they followed her but Felicia that the group didn't (''I didn't know you've returned sister.'') and then Elise screw everything up and Clear asked Flora to alert all the villagers. She even said ''Nohr underlings have infiltred the village... eliminate them at once'' even thought her own sister is on Kamui's side. But even when Kamui fight her, she still call him master and ''my lord''.

But there is something interesting when you attack Flora with Felicia. At first, they talk about the rebellion but then Flora said and I quote ''And speaking of beginnings, you and I were both in that royal castle.'' Felicia doesnt undertand and said ''Eh...?'' but Flora tell her to forget that and fight her. He could be possible that both Flora and Felicia were sent by their father as spies for the Ice Village but they liked so much Kamui that they are still royal to him.

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This topic reminds me, I was watching some skinship vids and came across Soleil's. And it seems like once you S-rank her, she turns into a moe blob. I mean, I wasn't planning on marrying her, but that is still... disappointing to see, to put it kindly. They even make her sound super girly and on the verge of crying for no reason.

Why you do this IS, she was actually kinda cool, then you turn her into her Grandma at her most annoying.

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This topic reminds me, I was watching some skinship vids and came across Soleil's. And it seems like once you S-rank her, she turns into a moe blob. I mean, I wasn't planning on marrying her, but that is still... disappointing to see, to put it kindly. They even make her sound super girly and on the verge of crying for no reason.

Why you do this IS, she was actually kinda cool, then you turn her into her Grandma at her most annoying.

It doesn't seem strange at all, considering she alone with the man she loves, and probably let her guard down, besides it shows that she's actually a lot like her grandmother.

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It doesn't seem strange at all, considering she alone with the man she loves, and probably let her guard down, besides it shows that she's actually a lot like her grandmother.

I don't know, seems like a bait-and-switch to me. Mind you, I have only read her support with Foleo and her mother which pretty much convinced me to never use her, and it doesn't help that I'm not a fan of Lazward, but if people like how gung-ho she is, won't they be disappointed when they turn into a "moe blob"?

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