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Felicia's cuteness is a little excessive


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Western moe tends to be more tolerable. I fucking love Danielle Judovits' voice for both Estelle and Sumia. It manages to sound sweet and sincere with none of the pitch.

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I'm also in the crowd of finding Felicia's current voice just annoying. Was so glad when I finally got Jacob to replace her with.

Oboro seems fine to me, though, at least most of the time.

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I with most here in that I can't stand most high-pitched Japanese voices, and it's probably the main thing I dislike about Felicia. And it doesn't really help that I prefer both Flora and Jakob over Felicia, so guess who's being benched? Elise is currently the only exception I can think of, and that's because I'm incredibly biased about Elise THE BEST SISTER. And I agree with others here that Oboro's voice makes no sense with her appearance whatsoever.

At least none of the characters here are the squeaky toy that is Olivia's Japanese voice.


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I think Oboro sounds fine and her voice matches her personality. It's just that her actual personality betrayed what many people were initially expecting of her character, so people find it jarring.

As for Felicia... well, you got me there. I've stayed strong, and I have a high threshold of tolerance, so I'll manage. English voice acting normally remedies this problem, so here's hoping they make character voices such as Felicia's and Pieri's more pleasing to the Western ear. It worked with Olivia, Nowi, and Nah in Awakening.

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Other than her voice, I have no qualms about her character. Although I find Flora a lot more interesting, from what gameplay I've seen of Felicia, her story moments aren't too cutesy and it just seems to be cutesy during the optional My Castle stuff. Plus she seems reliable in battles, too bad Maids can't promote. An Ultra Maid or Head of Staff class would've been hilarious and great.

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She reminds me of my cousin... who is a male.. and not cute.

I find her excessively annoying because of her unrealistically squeaky voice, but that's just me.

Other than that, I don't really recognize anything else being overdone. Just different opinions.

Edited by Lawlzor96
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She reminds me of my cousin... who is a male.. and not cute.

I find her excessively annoying because of her unrealistically squeaky voice, but that's just me.

Other than that, I don't really recognize anything else being overdone. Just different opinions.

Your cousin dresses up as a maid?

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I'd say she's one of my least-favourite Fates characters. Besides the hellsqueak of a voice she has, I absolutely detest her design (specifically her horrific hair - concave bangs are the worst, and it's such a gross diluted salmon colour) along with her cliche played-out clumsiness gimmick.

Also Oboro is love

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I actually like Felicia. Only gripe I have with her is her squeaky and high-pitch voice. The clumsy gimmick is ok but overdone. Jakob is better in design, voice, and supports.

And comparing Awakening to Fates children, I have mixed opinions. I'm pretty fond of some of them, others not so much.

But Morgan > Kanna for sure.

Though I still like Kanna, but I like Morgan better.

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Everything about her is perfect. She's not overly cute. Her voice is perfect in my opinion, really don't see where people are coming from on that. I do think Felicia's more of a developed character then Joker or any other character that's not a royal or Kaze.

Her situation with her family, as well as her devotion to Kamui gives her a lot more development then people give her credit for.

Or I might just be biased, who the hell knows.

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Morgan > Kanna, definitely.

But Kinu is my favorite of all the kids featured in both games and I like Velour too. I haven't played it yet but that's my impression so far.

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. (God... I hate Corundum and her voice with every fiber of my body, soul and Heart)

Firing a .50 cal machine gun with no ear protection would be but a tender massage compared that unholy abomination.

As for Felicia herself, I'm going to reserve judgement on her until I play the English release and am able to compare her Japanese and English voices. As for my initial impressions of her: she feels like she's the same worn anime maid cliche that we have watched and read a million times by now played straight without any real changes to the formula. I wonder how she would be perceived if she had Harold/Arthur's personality.

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I think I'm the only one who likes everything about her.

Yes, even her voice...

Don't mind me guys, I'll sit in the corner.

(But if her English VA is worse than her Japenese VA, I may consider switching after the first playthrough).

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I think Felicia's voice suits her, and I feel like she was only used a lot for trailers and etc because she's the maid // a known character that both sides get. Using a Hoshido or Nohr exclusive character wouldn't be as fair in marketing purposes towards their audience, and she's one of the earliest in game characters, so it wouldn't be a major spoiler or anything.

But yeah, also cute-pink haired maid-fanservice. That as well.

imo I don't care for Felicia much, but her voice suits her ~~ That and the maid combat animation is awesome ~~ * q *

On a sidenote, alskfjs I'm not a fan of nozomi sasaki and when I first heard Oboro's voice prerelease, I was pretty disappointed...

but once you read her descriptions // everything she says, it seems to suit her personality well ? She's supposed to be very girly and loves clothes // fashion,


she really only makes a scary face when she's talking about Nohr citizens // referring to them // obliterating them on the battlefield because it reminds her of her past. But then again, if someone killed your parents, no matter how "cute" you look, wouldn't you be able to make evil faces // hate them all the same ?

What I'm trying to say is, Oboro is a naturally "cute" girl who became a hardcore warrior for revenge. Kind of.

So think that instead of that Oboro is a natural warrior who has a "cute // high pitched" voice that doesn't suit her ~

At least, that's how I'm working my mind around it. After you mess around with amie and stuff though, you really start to get used to // liking her voice ! * U *

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When discussing the games with my one other FE fan friend I refer to Felicia as the moeblob maid for a reason :P

Though in all seriousness I don't have too much of a problem with her JPN voice though I can see how some people wouldn't care for it/have it grate on them after awhile.

Hopefully the English cast will be good.

(I have the feeling I will get alot of mileage out of all of the maid/butler units. I love what I have seen of the class so far).

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All well. Damage is done, whatever. Pray for a new artist next game that doesn't overdo fan service.

You seem to feel that Kozaki is the only reason the game has fanservice, the characters are mostly his designs, the armor and some of the clothes are not. This was confirmed in Awakening.

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All well. Damage is done, whatever. Pray for a new artist next game that doesn't overdo fan service.

​Did you click the wrong thread, or

​Felicia's design is horribly ugly, but fanservice is not the reason why.

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But if you have a problem with her voice, you musn't have seen any Anime, because this kind of voices is freaking everywhere.

I watched lots of anime, hearing the squekiest, high-pitched voices imaginable and didn't mind it. But games, can't stand it in games for some reason. Maybe it's b/c the game don't voice all the dialogue and just hearing Felicia's "Ehhhhh!" and other voices' sounds repeatedly is repetitive.

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