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[Battle: FE13] Gen 1 Maxes Anon vs Quint

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Brides aren't a very exploitable class. They don't have a defined weakness (except for absolute brute overpowering) since their defenses are respectable and they do possess some weapon control

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I don't really think Brides are a threat as long as they don't carry Luna, Vengeance or such. Tiki's durability is mostly due to +15 Avoid every turn from the Burn skills, +10 from Odd Rhythm (if she has it), Anathema decreasing my Hit rate and Balmung: that's like 23-33 Avo on her (max number if odd rhythm), or 33-43 if you want Anathema. Her role is mostly as dodgebot here.

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They're not easy to take down, though. They can offer a chip or two on a counter strike, which can put you in range for another, more threatening unit to capitalize on, without being taken down themselves

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WRT Anathema

When did we agree that this one should affect the entirety of the opposing team? The description states "Avoid and Critical Avoid -10 to all enemies within a 3 tile radius". I recall deciphering this as "avoid and cevo -10 to the character fighting the Sorc" a couple weeks ago when we launched this thing, which makes the most IMHO, and nobody really challenged this interpretation as far as I remember. It'd be a huge problem if it were to stack too, but what causes me more worry is the equation between "all enemies within a 3 tile radius" and "everyone on the opposing team".

It seems to be the only skill like that. Bond, Charm and Demoiselle all affect allies so it seems naturally to adapt PoR support mechanics (which were also 3-tile radius effect) here, but for enemies? Don't think it should function but the combat unit engaging the Anathema wielder in combat (or vice versa).

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[1] [2] [3] [4] (Range that an Anathema Bot would need to be, for Anathema to take place

[enemy] [unit] [anathema bot] or [anathema bot]

[enemy] [space (if bows are involved)] [unit] [anathema bot]

I don't see the issue here

Also since Supports/Charm/Demoiselle are involved, that/those units can be all over the ding dong place, to simulate bonuses towards [unit] without hitch, as FE arenas already allow

Edited by Elieson
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I will, if you show me which units are within 3 tiles of eachother, to offer support bonuses

For the record;


There's a 4 tile gap between top/bottom teams, and a 3 tile gap between the center unit and the opposing team, so if anything, in theory and based on visual aspects alone, supports and bonuses should only account from the center unit

Edited by Elieson
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The character is assumed to remain on their place (receiving supports from the allies this way). Letting supports function for all allies regardless of where they are in the formation of five was a simplification so that we didn't have to worry about the order in which we submit our units. I can't see this principle applying to enemy parties at all; only the one you're fighting.

I don't really see any justification for Anathema functioning in the way you propose - neither visual, nor logical, nor anything else. There's that whole issue of it affecting the hit/avo relations way too much assuming one is motivated to carry it on all five members of the team at once.

...on that note, isn't having multiple Demoiselles also kind of a problem? Don't really see it as one tbqh, but a game could well prove us wrong.

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Horace and I confirmed that multiples of the same skill don't stack. The game checks for [iF(AND(SKILL=DEMOISELLE,RANGE=<3,SKILLINSTANCE=>1)),+10HIT&+10AVO,=+0HIT&+0AVO), and for others, replace DEMOISELLE with Charm/Anathema,etc

doesn't matter if you have 1 or 10 instances of Anathema, it don't stack

Edited by Elieson
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Anathema should absolutely affect the enemy team if Demoiselle and Charm and Bond and etc do. It's an aura skill. Makes things more interesting anyway, and it's not like its gamebreaking

Edited by General Horace
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If Anathema doesn't stack, I see no issue with it working on all enemies. It will be more consistent with how things normally work here and it wouldn't be game breaking. Now, that's not to say it won't be useful or on a majority of teams, but it won't be game breaking.

Anyway, yeah, Brides. Proving to be a good class, aren't they? Decent speed, decent defenses, good stuff. Tiki apparently makes pretty good one.

Anyway, I have made my decision. Tiki will attack Vaike, with her Blessed Lance. This may suck, but what ever. Healing.

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whoops, didn't actually notice this until now.


271524_tiki_zps6ruxs6ml.png VS 271531_vaike_zps8pjatzwl.jpg

Tiki @Blessed Lance attacks Vaike @Balmung!

19 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit

Vaike takes 19 damage! (37/80)

Vaike counters!

15 damage, 14% hit, 0% crit


Vaike's SOL activates!

(22, 28)

Vaike misses!

Vaike attacks again!


(62, 93)

Vaike misses again!

Quint's turn.

Frederick      00/80 
Stahl          00/80
Vaike          37/80
Miriel         80/80 
Tharja         00/80 

Gangrel        80/80 
Walhart        00/80 
Yen'fay        00/80 
Cookie         00/80 
Tiki           59/80 
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Miriel's BOND activates! Vaike heals 10 HP (47/80)

271531_vaike_zps8pjatzwl.jpg VS 271524_tiki_zps6ruxs6ml.png

Vaike @Brave Axe attacks Tiki @Blessed Lance!

22x2 damage, 64% hit, 0% crit


(19, 22)

Tiki takes 22 damage! (37/80)

Vaike attacks again!


Vaike's SOL activates!

(91, 46)

Vaike misses!

Tiki counters!

15 damage, 95% hit. 0% crit

(61, 21)

Vaike takes 15 damage! (32/80)

Anon's turn.

Frederick      00/80 
Stahl          00/80
Vaike          32/80
Miriel         80/80 
Tharja         00/80 

Gangrel        80/80 
Walhart        00/80 
Yen'fay        00/80 
Cookie         00/80 
Tiki           37/80 
Edited by General Horace
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Tiki's Blessed Lance heals 10HP (69/80)

271524_tiki_zps6ruxs6ml.png VS 271531_vaike_zps8pjatzwl.jpg

Tiki @Yewfelle attacks Vaike @Brave Axe!

17 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit

Vaike takes 17 damage! (15/80)

Tiki attacks again!

Vaike dies!

Quint's turn.

Frederick      00/80 
Stahl          00/80
Vaike          00/80
Miriel         80/80 
Tharja         00/80 

Gangrel        80/80 
Walhart        00/80 
Yen'fay        00/80 
Cookie         00/80 
Tiki           37/80 
Edited by General Horace
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Yeah, you're right about TIki's HP, the copy past too strong.


271209_miriel1_zpsy2brtzeo.jpg VSUVr0jc.jpg

Miriel @Aversa's Night attacks Gangrel @Superior Jolt!

30 damage, 90% hit, 0% crit


Miriel's VENGEANCE activates!

(49, 45)

Gangrel takes 30 damage! (50/80)

Gangrel counters!

21 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit


Miriel takes 21 damage! (59/80)

Anon's turn.

Frederick      00/80 
Stahl          00/80
Vaike          00/80
Miriel         59/80 
Tharja         00/80 

Gangrel        50/80 
Walhart        00/80 
Yen'fay        00/80 
Cookie         00/80 
Tiki           47/80 
Edited by General Horace
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Tiki           37/80 

Copy so strong.

Hm...tricky, tricky. You never want to initiate the offense against a sorcerer, especially one with Aversa's Night. With Miriel having Tome Breaker, this will be pretty tricky. Lucky Seven turned out to be so, so helpful.

Hm...such a hard question...um...Gangrel, if you'd so kindly use your own Aversa's Night on Miriel please.

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