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my views on trump have been softening since the election. mostly because i saw his tax plan and my family gets a cut which is p dope. though i do lean liberal im gonna have to side with the conservatives on one matter, the protesting is silly. it was a democratic election and even with most of the media outlets supporting her, hillary still managed to lose.

also democrats really suck for putting the lowest energy candidate up against another candidate and im glad they lost everything. what a shitty party, as soon as i get back home i'm gonna go back to independent.

Do you have a link to his tax plan?

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protesting isn't about contesting the election (especially for people far left like me who don't believe in it in the first place) it's merely sending a message that we don't approve and showing solidarity with minorities who are really scared right now

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nvm about the tax thing idk what im talking about. need to do a little more research/ let things play out more.

protesting isn't about contesting the election (especially for people far left like me who don't believe in it in the first place) it's merely sending a message that we don't approve and showing solidarity with minorities who are really scared right now

im not sure all the protesters agree with this.

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It looks like the Midwest really handed the election to Trump.

I've got lots of working class types in my family who have been dissatisfied with the economy the last decade or so. Obama promised to change things, but not much really changed. Hillary just would have been more of the same, so many were willing to take their chances with Trump.

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nvm about the tax thing idk what im talking about. need to do a little more research/ let things play out more.

im not sure all the protesters agree with this.

even if this was true (which it's not based on my experience attending several of these in nyc), protesters aren't a single minded entity.

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nvm about the tax thing idk what im talking about. need to do a little more research/ let things play out more.

Well, he said he'd give tax cuts for people in every income bracket, so yeah, your family is almost surely getting tax cuts if does what's in his plan.

He does not care about the debt or the government budget in the slightest way.

EDIT: Actually, there are some brackets that would keep the same taxes due to the change in the brackets and the absolute poorest would get a small tax increase, but most ranges of income would get cuts.

EDIT2: Due to how progressive taxation works you'd get tax cuts unless your household made less than 18550 a year

Edited by Nooooooooooooooooooooobody
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Mhmm, Pence presidency is the worst-case scenario out of this.

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And Trump's short list for the cabinet. Ben Carson as minister of education is a scary thought.

Leaving aside his views on climate change and evolution, I think this alone is reason enough to keep him away from the Department of Education.


EDIT: And what do you know, Sarah Palin made the list. Can't say I'm surprised.

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Carson and Pence are the real problems here.

Honestly, I don't think Trump will be as bad as I thought. But everyone he associates himself with is just ???

But considering that he needs Republicans on his side, whatever. If Carson or Pence actually steps out of line, everyone else can put them back into place.

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top putin aide claims


personally I'm just afraid that Putin will push Trump for more and more concessions until Trump snaps and lashes out lol. people don't seem to realize it's not his ideology that may fuck us over (because tbh I don't think he even has a consistent ideology).

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Walking back on Obamacare. Not suprised. Very much annoyed.

I want Roe v. Wade overturned already. That's the one that bothers me. Send it back to the states, let the states vote on legality and we're good.

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Walking back on Obamacare. Not suprised. Very much annoyed.

From what I've read, he wants to keep the preexisting condition clause and the part that lets kids in their 20s stay on their parents' plans, but overhaul the rest.

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Walking back on Obamacare. Not suprised. Very much annoyed.

I want Roe v. Wade overturned already. That's the one that bothers me. Send it back to the states, let the states vote on legality and we're good.

We all got memed on it seems.

Though I disagree with your view mainly because I feel it may cause problems for states with a lot of lower class people, I understand the idea that states should be able to independently decide. I just hope that if it does end up being overturned, at the very least the states that really need to have abortion legal end up voting to keep it that way.

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From what I've read, he wants to keep the preexisting condition clause and the part that lets kids in their 20s stay on their parents' plans, but overhaul the rest.

Honestly anything over "burn the whole thing down and replace it with the joke of a system the US had before Obamacare" (which was a pretty common Republican mantra in the primary) is a big improvement to me. And Obamacare does need changes, though whether Trump implements good ones... well. We'll see what ends up happening, I suppose.

I strongly hope that Roe vs. Wade will stand (and I suspect it will; the SC doesn't like to completely overturn its own decisions + remember that it never got close to being struck down even when Antonin Scalia was on the court), as I consider abortion to be a right to control one's own body and I don't believe states have any business restricting human rights. But I'm not sure this thread is the place to debate such things.

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What I don't really understand is why people think that anyone replacing Scalia will make a difference.

Do you really think Ginsburg and friends will drop dead that quickly? I doubt it.

Yes, they do. Chris Wallace flat out said during the final debate that the next President might end up picking more than 1 SCOTUS justice.

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What I don't really understand is why people think that anyone replacing Scalia will make a difference.

Do you really think Ginsburg and friends will drop dead that quickly? I doubt it.

Ginsburg is 83 and has had massive health issues. There have been rumors that she would retire for years, and I'm surprised she didn't while Obama was still president.

Scalia was 80 when he died.

Stephen Breyer is 78. Anthony Kennedy (swing vote, pretty libertarian) is 80.

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Forgive me for wanting to pick your brains on the matter, but if states were left to vote on the legality of abortion, which ones would most likely make it illegal? I'm genuinely curious about this. Mods, let me know if I'm straying off topic here.

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