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1 hour ago, Lord Raven said:

Agreed. He's a lot less disappointing than Anthony Weiner, but it was still necessary.

...well you have to hold someone in high esteem to begin with, to be disappointed when they're shamed for public misconduct. I never had a particular high opinion of Weiner to begin with--even before all the sexting stuff I always thought he was a pretentious ass. Of all the rich and powerful men being outed right now, the only one I can say I'm truly disappointed in is Louis C.K.

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For me the tax reform issues are less about the $ amount (although if it’s not stopped it’ll be pretty catastrophic in the next 10 years or so) and more about the messages it’s sending:

- not letting teachers deduct the school supplies they buy (when they have to do so because schools are underfunded, and when teachers are paid a pittance)

- taking funding from public education 

- eliminating deductions for small business owners

- making it very difficult for higher education students to fund their education/pay off debt

etc.; It’s all about the dumbing down of future generations and punishing the small and disabled

And now we have Ryan calling Social Security Medicare and Medicaid ‘entitlement’! As if a healthy population isn’t essential to a successful population; as if the senate has any idea what it’s like to be without insurance when they have a lovely plan provided for by taxpayers; as if Social Security isn’t something people pay into all their working lives hoping to benefit from it in later life. The mother of a friend of mine died yesterday after she was unable to afford her asthma medication.

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2 hours ago, Res said:

And now we have Ryan calling Social Security Medicare and Medicaid ‘entitlement’! As if a healthy population isn’t essential to a successful population; as if the senate has any idea what it’s like to be without insurance when they have a lovely plan provided for by taxpayers; as if Social Security isn’t something people pay into all their working lives hoping to benefit from it in later life. The mother of a friend of mine died yesterday after she was unable to afford her asthma medication.

What else can you expect from a Randroid?

4 hours ago, Slumber said:

It's frustrating to me that the only way a republican ever gets in trouble for sex scandals is if they get caught with a man.

Fuckin', talk about harassment openly, talk about forcing yourself on people, actually force yourself on people, cheat on your wife and/or have sex with minors and it's a-okay as long as it's all male on female. Do it with a dude though and the party won't touch you with a ten foot pole.

Franken had to go, but it's becoming more and more frustrating seeing only democrats be accountable and suffer the consequences for anything.

Well, at least Dayton will probably pick a good replacement.

It's because everything is a partisan issue when it comes to the GOP. The only reason people getting caught in scandals with men are punished is because not doing so would, in their eyes, look like a tacit support of homosexuality. Of course, it says a lot that being a homosexual is a greater crime to the GOP and their voting base than being a middle-aged sexual predator who targets teenage girls, but that's just how it is.

It's probably a deliberate strategy; how could they go on about sexual 'degeneracy' amongst the left when they refuse to drop people like Moore, other than doubling down and trying to justify it in the short term so they can play innocent when they get called on it latter?

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4 hours ago, Shoblongoo said:

...well you have to hold someone in high esteem to begin with, to be disappointed when they're shamed for public misconduct. I never had a particular high opinion of Weiner to begin with--even before all the sexting stuff I always thought he was a pretentious ass. Of all the rich and powerful men being outed right now, the only one I can say I'm truly disappointed in is Louis C.K.

I was 16 or 17 when I liked Anthony weiner and I was really upset when they revealed his twitter shit

that probably contributed to me not being that disappointed about Franken though

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And the sexual harassment train finally hits my neck of the woods (he's not my Congressman directly, but the conservative west-side and east-side Phoenix districts are very similar).  This resignation seems strange to me though, smells like something worse than he's fessing up to and he's gonna quit while trying to keep his dignity in tact and not embarrassing his family further.  It's a very conservative district, maybe one of the ten most in the country, so there won't be any political ramifications, though no Franks in the House is a hit to Republicans on the influence side (Franks held a lot of sway with the most conservative members of the House). 

The explanation why he's quitting still feels strange to me.  What he did seems inappropriate (propositioning subordinates to be your surrogate is bad) and yes the House Ethics Committee voted unanimously to have a sub-committee on his conduct, but I don't think just this would have resulted in his getting the boot. 


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3 hours ago, dpc said:

i feel like im watching alternate reality game of thrones

No no no.

People in Game of Thrones generally think things through and see the long term, and everybody who doesn't usually brings some sort of charisma.

This is like an alternate reality version of the Legion of Doom from the 70s Super Friends show.

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Probably a little too late though. I've seen stories floating around that she wrote the date & time or even that she outright forged it, so I imagine a lot of people have the justification they need to vote for Moore, even though this is just one case out of many, many other confirmed instances.

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 Beverly Young Nelson admitted that she wrote the time and place stamp at the bottom of the note to remind herself of the event.  The issue with this expert confirming the signature is that the expert was hired by Gloria Allred, the women's attorney, if they had really wanted expert confirmation they would have sent it to the FBI or some other expert not for hire.  Not to say that anyone's expertise can't be impugned in this post-factual world, but this will literally sway no one to disbelieve Roy Moore.  Not to mention that the bit about the time and place stamp makes it so that even reasonable people might be inclined to disbelieve her now, not just Moore supporters.  Why did she not tell us this from the beginning, why give ammunition to those who were already going to disbelieve her?  

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17 hours ago, Phillius the Crestfallen said:


Probably a little too late though. I've seen stories floating around that she wrote the date & time or even that she outright forged it, so I imagine a lot of people have the justification they need to vote for Moore, even though this is just one case out of many, many other confirmed instances.

The forgery accusation turned out to be false, but she did admit adding to what was there.

Doesn't change the fact that Roy Moore signed the yearbook of a high school girl who still has some legitimate claims.

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...well today's the day we find out who wins the Alabama senate seat. It's Alabama. My hopes are high, but my expectations are low. This is a state where being a pro-choice democrat is still probably more off-putting to most voters then being a known child molestor.

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13 minutes ago, Shoblongoo said:

This is a state where being a pro-choice democrat is still probably more off-putting to most voters then being a known child molestor.

It is. 

That's how the Republicans have been selling Roy Moore. 

"At least he's not a Democrat." 

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1 hour ago, Slumber said:

It is. 

That's how the Republicans have been selling Roy Moore. 

"At least he's not a Democrat." 

Unfortunate, but not unexpected. For once I hope I'm wrong. The polling has been all over the place--I've seen everything from Moore up +8 to Moore down -10 in the past week. I don't consider any of it reliable and I don't think anyone really knows how to predict voter turnout in an off-year election. Either way--if I've said it once, I've said it a million times. The beautiful thing about Democracy is the people get the government they deserve.

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On 11/7/2017 at 10:55 PM, Zasplach said:

You might as well start hoping for it to start raining money.  Democrats have about as much chance of winning in a statewide Alabama election as I have of being President in four years (I'm 25, so yeah).  Democrats need to focus on winning middle America state elections, the deep south is too red.  Winning Virginia is a good start, but Democrats have to win elections in states like Wisconsin, Detroit, Ohio, and Iowa.  Let the deep south do whatever they are going to do.

I  may to eat crow and start my presidential campaign tomorrow. For anyone interested this race at 10:12 EST is a real nail-bitter.  This is going to be decided in the middle of the night, looks like a recount is in the cards, kind of crazy.

Edit: And at 10:30 pm EST Fox calls the race for Jones, my word.

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On 08/11/2017 at 5:04 AM, Tryhard said:

It would be nice to see a real upset like Doug Jones winning in Alabama and taking Sessions' prior seat, I think.

Edit: Not just because it would prevent Roy Moore who is pretty terrible, but from what I know of Doug Jones, he seems sane.

Never a doubt.

Uh, yeah, I didn't really expect it, honestly. I still thought Moore would have won. Even if he did, I think his antics would have embarrassed the GOP further.

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1 minute ago, Larverto said:

And in Alabama, of all places.  Holy damn.

Literally the first time in 20+ years a Republican has won a senate seat in Alabama. Moore can ponder the shame of that as he slumps off in defeat.

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Finally a return to some sort of sanity, it doesn't matter your political stripes, if you come to an election with the mindset I will vote for anything, anyone who isn't a Democrat or I will vote for anything, anyone who isn't a Republican, despite anything, breaks our very political system.  If you decide that the other side is so irredeemable that sexual abuse or horrible character is better than x political belief, we can't possibly function as a society.  Thank the Lord for, to quote President Harding, uck, 'A Return to Normalcy'.

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