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1 hour ago, Shoblongoo said:

Every single day. Come shadow me in municipal court for a morning if you don't believe it. 

There wasn't an economic item on FDR's agenda that his critics on the right didn't pan as "radical socialism," before he injected them into the mainstream. 

Go look up top marginal tax rates under JFK. I'll wait. 

You're wrong, and this is coming from someone who litigates sexual harassment + unlawful discrimination + police misconduct cases. For a living.  As my primary area of practice in civil law. 

I'll see your "I'm woke enough to know when the MSM is trying to push an agenda and where to find the real story" and raise you one Firsthand personal knowledge: I see and deal with this stuff every. single. day.

You don't know what you're talking about. 

Not as often as I think; boy, people sure do say some goofy stuff on the internet.

Do I critically assess claims to try and determine their truth or falsity?

Yes. I'd be terrible at my job if I didn't.

Does the mainstream media use sensationalism and over-saturation of particularly juicy headlines to attract viewership?

Yes. absolutely. 

Is it "fake?"


And the people who go through the thought process of convincing themselves that it is generally do so out of some need to mentally insulate themselves from what the news is reporting. Because the reporting, if true, would be deeply upsetting to them.


[NEWS]:  Michael Cohen is going to testify before Congress today that he has firsthand personal knowledge of Donald J. Trump engaging in criminal misconduct.  


They are arrested for distributing and prior use. If they were actually as strict as you claim there would be an actual opposition to drug legalization and ballot initiatives would actually fail for once instead of easily passing with margins to spare. The reality is that only people like me give a rats rip about even harder drugs than marijuana, much less weed, and most of the police don’t agree with me either. Most people I interact with proudly proclaim to do drugs and I live in a state that supposedly hasn’t legalized anything yet. Where were the police when my step brother overdosed on heroine twice and technically dying both times(the 2nd time he was dead before a coma was even a possibility) after doing every other drug imaginable for most of his life? What about when my step sister, other step brother and my brother routinely did drugs and underaged drinking and driving? I know exactly what I am talking about. Nobody gives a shit anymore, including you.

Compared to the America that was founded Republicans today are all socialists. FDR was a radical for his time, but he was a conservative compared to today’s Democrats, and that goes even more so for JFK. Funny how the radical cultural and social progressives always try to hide behind secondary economic policies, while at the same time economic conservatives are forced to distance themselves from social and cultural conservatives, isn’t it?

Except I am not wrong, you are just a small time lawyer who deals with less than a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of anything relevant and you actually think you know more than Eric Holder’s FBI did(the Attorney General at the time of the formation of BLM).

No, the media willingly lies every day while you trust them for absolutely no reason. What you trust as news is no more real than the crap on Buzzfeed or Rotten Tomatoes(you know, the kind of sites “real news” regularly supports despite being obvious trash?). NBC editing a 911 call to make Zimmerman sound racist in it at a time when race riots were starting up is not merely “sensationalism”, it is making up a story at a time when people could die for what they did.

Edited by Edelgard for Smash
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9 minutes ago, Edelgard for Smash said:

They are arrested for distributing and prior use. If they were actually as strict as you claim there would be an actual opposition to drug legalization 

Okay. Don't listen to me. I don't know what I'm talking about.

No one gets arrested for first time possession--you're the expert.

10 minutes ago, Edelgard for Smash said:

Where were the police when my step brother overdosed on heroine 

...probably busy arresting someone for small amounts of pot...

FYI: Comparing marijuana to heroin is like comparing a nerf gun to an AK-47 

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Been a while since I posted here but I’ve been following the Mueller investigation closely and there’s a lot of interesting developments from the past few weeks. The memo on Manefort was scorching.

On a note relevant to the past few posts, since I last frequented here I’ve gone from working for Bay Area tech start-ups to a weed company in Washington State and it’s certainly changed my opinions on weed, as well as proving why legalization is the way forward. At the very least the latter is run with far more integrity and honesty than any of the tech companies I worked for, as well as actually contributing a significant amount in taxes. The customer demographics are startling, too; a considerable percentage of customers are either seniors or veterans.


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50 minutes ago, Dr. Tarrasque said:


So here's a rhetorical question: Which family is better off in this situation?

Now let's say this situation extends to 100k families with the exact same thing happened (the provider being caught with weed) and pretend that half of them are black and the other half are white with again, equal opportunity and housing value and assets for the sake of the example). The data shows that blacks are 4 times more likely to be incarcerated for weed busts.

Ask my step father whether he would rather have his son in jail or dead. I am pretty sure believing your son is dead for weeks only to bring him home with a tube in his chest, watch him for a year in your home, send him to rehab, regain trust in his decisions enough to allow him to move and then hear about him overdosing to death just days after you and he come back from a memorable family cruise is about as terrible as it gets for a parent.

Black people who are arrested are incarcerated for multiple offenses with possession tacked on because it was at the scene of the crime. Again, not arresting white kids for drugs usually is condemning them to death. 

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1 minute ago, Res said:

On a note relevant to the past few posts, since I last frequented here I’ve gone from working for Bay Area tech start-ups to a weed company in Washington State and it’s certainly changed my opinions on weed, as well as proving why legalization is the way forward. 

Living the dream--congrats!!!!

Surprised more of the comments today aren't focused in on the Michael Cohen Testimony.

...but hey...

Plenty of time to unpack that later.

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4 minutes ago, Edelgard for Smash said:

Ask my step father whether he would rather have his son in jail or dead. I am pretty sure believing your son is dead for weeks only to bring him home with a tube in his chest, watch him for a year in your home, send him to rehab, regain trust in his decisions enough to allow him to move and then hear about him overdosing to death just days after you and he come back from a memorable family cruise is about as terrible as it gets for a parent.

Black people who are arrested are incarcerated for multiple offenses with possession tacked on because it was at the scene of the crime. Again, not arresting white kids for drugs usually is condemning them to death. 

Don't blame your step brother's death to OD on black people, kthx

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34 minutes ago, Shoblongoo said:

Okay. Don't listen to me. I don't know what I'm talking about.

No one gets arrested for first time possession--you're the expert.

...probably busy arresting someone for small amounts of pot...

FYI: Comparing marijuana to heroin is like comparing a nerf gun to an AK-47 

You mean like how they didn’t arrest him when he did pot as his first drug(as the rest of that statement clearly implies)? Or how they have never arrested the hundreds of people I have seen smoking weed in public?

Marijuana usage is primarily rebellious and not for the high. They will move on to cocaine and heroine and possibly other more obscure drugs once they realize no one cares that they are doing it. 


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15 minutes ago, Edelgard for Smash said:

Marijuana usage is primarily rebellious and not for the high. They will move on to cocaine and heroine and possibly other more obscure drugs once they realize no one cares that they are doing it. 

In my case, weed led to other hallucinogens and carpentry (I primarily wanted to make bongs out of everything I see).

But do go on generalizing, particularly when most of the really dangerous stuff nowadays that you can get is not off the street, but with a prescription.

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31 minutes ago, Excellen Browning said:

Don't blame your step brother's death to OD on black people, kthx


When its white kids dying en masse from opiate abuse, its a "public health emergency." Talking about treating addiction as a disease and expanding access to treatment resources...thats the national conversation we're having now... 

When it was the crack epidemic hitting the inner cities, we militarized the police force + made "mandatory minimum sentencing" a thing. 

And just as an extra "fuck you," we made the sentencing for rocks higher than the sentencing for powder. (rocks of course being the cheap stuff that they sell in the ghettos; powder being the super-expensive good stuff that the politicians and the movies stars and the corporate executives use) 

...spot the difference...

21 minutes ago, Edelgard for Smash said:

You mean like how they didn’t arrest him when he did pot as his first drug(as the rest of that statement clearly implies)? Or how they have never arrested the hundreds of people I have seen smoking weed in public? 

If cops arrested EVERYONE who smoked weed, half the country would have a criminal record.  

Your teachers smoke weed.
Your doctors smoke weed.
Your  lawyer smokes weed.
Your mayors and government officials smoke weed.

Everyone smokes weed. 

Enough people get arrested for it that its still the most common point-of-entry into the criminal justice system. 

...and yes...cops have discretion to pick-and-choose who they want to arrest for it...

Thats why the law disproportionately impacts blacks. Racist police get to bust on them for minor possession offenses they would let white kids go for, and unless you can prove racial motive for the disparate treatment there isn't really anything an aggrieved citizen can do about it. 

21 minutes ago, Edelgard for Smash said:

Marijuana usage is primarily rebellious and not for the high. They will move on to cocaine and heroine and possibly other more obscure drugs once they realize no one cares that they are doing it. 

You mean your brother used marijuana then moved on to cocaine and heroine and then he OD'ed. And you've decided that's the norm.

Because the alternative is to reconcile with the fact that you can recreationally smoke weed for personal enjoyment and relaxation. And you hold a job and keep your life together and not get addicted to hard drugs or hurt the people around you. And that millions upon millions upon millions of people do this.

And that your brother just made exceptionally poor life choices. 


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4 minutes ago, Karimlan said:

In my case, weed led to other hallucinogens and carpentry. But do go on generalizing, particularly when most of the really dangerous stuff nowadays that you can get is not off the street, but with a prescription.

That is a new phenomenon that is mostly due to depression but spills over into more conventional drug usage in various ways.

It is also not a generalization when everyone I know who current smokes or has smoked weed fits that description.


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My father-in-law is an alcoholic (now 13 years teetotal); his father drank himself to death, as a result my husband is wary of alcohol and drinks very rarely as he recognizes that alcohol addiction is rampant in his family. From his perspective, alcohol is dangerous. Most of the people he knows who drink are alcoholics. Yet he also recognizes that millions of people drink alcohol without becoming addicted and without it ever affecting their health.

It’s the same for weed; as Shoblongoo says, many millions of people smoke weed, probably far more than you can imagine. Yet weed by itself is far, far less dangerous than alcohol - you’re not going to die from weed poisoning. So if anything, comparing weed to alcohol does a disservice to weed.

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52 minutes ago, Shoblongoo said:

Surprised more of the comments today aren't focused in on the Michael Cohen Testimony.

Looking away from it runs the risk of missing some sick burns. GOP dudes trying the discredit the witness approach and failing spectacularly. The words "liar liar pants on fire" were actually used in the questioning.

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25 minutes ago, Shoblongoo said:


The people I know who smoke or have smoked are software engineers and attorneys. 

Where you live being sober is probably equivalent to being high, which changes the entire dynamic.

Meanwhile you are proving what I said. The police don’t care whether anyone has weed unless they need to fill a quota.

You are also proving what I said earlier about health care and taxes or anything that used to be meaningful to political discussion meaning absolutely nothing to the modern left wing agenda, it is all about purely reactionary intersectional nonsense now(as Excellen Browning’s nonsensical response to my post and your agreement to that response show) You even go as far as to try to downplay the unprecedented drug epidemic that is almost exclusively affecting white kids because you think it is tragedy that white communities are actually mentioned for something other than racist redneck stereotypes.

Funny how you took issue with my statement about white privilege being mythical earlier and yet here you are, a lawyer who has obvious biases that clearly interfere with your job in a multitude of ways that don’t exactly benefit any potential white defendants or prosecution that you deal with.

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16 minutes ago, Edelgard for Smash said:

You even go as far as to try to downplay the unprecedented drug epidemic that is almost exclusively affecting white kids because you think it is tragedy that white communities are actually mentioned for something other than racist redneck stereotypes.

Funny how you took issue with my statement about white privilege being mythical earlier and yet here you are, a lawyer who has obvious biases that clearly interfere with your job in a multitude of ways that don’t exactly benefit any potential white defendants or prosecution that you deal with.

I can accept that you don't understand leftist positions but this is some straight up racist trolling. Get the fuck outta here with that shit.

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2 hours ago, Res said:

On a note relevant to the past few posts, since I last frequented here I’ve gone from working for Bay Area tech start-ups to a weed company in Washington State and it’s certainly changed my opinions on weed, as well as proving why legalization is the way forward. At the very least the latter is run with far more integrity and honesty than any of the tech companies I worked for, as well as actually contributing a significant amount in taxes. The customer demographics are startling, too; a considerable percentage of customers are either seniors or veterans.

Just you wait until Big Corporate catches onto the fact that there is significant cash flow to be made from legal marijuana. Then it will be commercialised like everything else. Working at a tech company myself, we were never really a standard, though.

I never got the big deal. I pretty much hate marijuana, hate the smell, hate pot culture, think it's a waste of money - but even then it should still be legal for other people lmao. Plus if it's from legal avenues, then it grabs the rug from under the cartels and unscrupulous dealers.

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2 minutes ago, Johann said:

I can accept that you don't understand leftist positions but this is some straight up racist trolling. Get the fuck outta here with that shit.

Actually it is called critical thinking and basic application. Learn it sometime.

Asking me to not blame black people for my step brother ODing twice like Excellen Browning did is what trolling actually is(it is actually worse but I will leave it at that)and the fact that Shoblongoo responded to that as if that was a serious reply to what I posted puts him in the same position.

I understand just fine what leftist positions are, I am on the left end of the spectrum myself. I am just not a lunatic and don’t go along with whatever bullshit the media wants me to accept. Being involved in politics longer than some of you have been alive kind of helps me in that regard.


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4 minutes ago, Edelgard for Smash said:

Actually it is called critical thinking and basic application. Learn it sometime.

Asking me to not blame black people for my step brother ODing twice like Excellen Browning did is what trolling actually is(it is actually worse but I will leave it at that)and the fact that Shoblongoo responded to that as if that was a serious reply to what I posted puts him in the same position.

I understand just fine what leftist positions are, I am on the left end of the spectrum myself. I am just not a lunatic and don’t go along with whatever bullshit the media wants me to accept. Being involved in politics longer than some of you have been alive kind of helps me in that regard.

guess the mods are all at lunch, huh

While you're still here, fuck you, you racist piece of shit. Nothing you've been saying shows any critical thinking. Your posts are overflowing with disgusting racist bullshit and have no place here. That you try this condescending shit too is the cherry on top showing how you're not here to have a real discussion and in itself deserves you getting kicked the fuck out.

Until the mods show up and get rid of you, I'm gonna keep knocking your shit down because our members (especially our black members) shouldn't have to deal with this kind of fuckery

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2 minutes ago, Johann said:

guess the mods are all at lunch, huh

While you're still here, fuck you, you racist piece of shit. Nothing you've been saying shows any critical thinking. Your posts are overflowing with disgusting racist bullshit and have no place here. That you try this condescending shit too is the cherry on top showing how you're not here to have a real discussion and in itself deserves you getting kicked the fuck out.

Until the mods show up and get rid of you, I'm gonna keep knocking your shit down because our members (especially our black members) shouldn't have to deal with this kind of fuckery

Any real mods would have banned most of the people on this thread, especially scum who would actually think I deserve banning simply for expressing my thoughts and calling out real trolling concerning my dead step brother. 

But go ahead and continue with your toddler outbursts that you think is “knocking” my “shit” down. Show me how pathetic the modern left wing can actually be.


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1 minute ago, Edelgard for Smash said:

Any real mods would have banned most of the people on this thread, especially scum who would actually think I deserve banning simply for expressing my thoughts and calling out real trolling concerning my dead step brother. 

But go ahead and continue with your toddler outbursts that you think is “knocking” my “shit” down. Show me how pathetic the modern left wing can actually be.


Have you considered moving to freep?

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1 minute ago, Edelgard for Smash said:

Any real mods would have banned most of the people on this thread, especially scum who would actually think I deserve banning simply for expressing my thoughts and calling out real trolling concerning my dead step brother. 

But go ahead and continue with your toddler outbursts that you think is “knocking” my “shit” down. Show me how pathetic the modern left wing can actually be.

I'm sure your step dad loves that you use his dead son to troll people on a nintendo game forum

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