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Except that the KKK and WBC have been mostly harmless of recent and are very small groups currently (In the meantime, fundamentalist Muslims aren't, even if they won't resort to violent methods). And they are US citizens-there's a very significant gap between 'not granting access to a foreign person to the country' and 'exiling a US citizen'.

Radical islamists are a minority among Muslims

Are you in favor of banning all Muslims in the US based upon this minority or what

Fundamentalists aren't as big a population as you continue to claim... depending on how you define "fundamentalist"

fyi a lot of radical islamic terrorist attacks in the past few years were born and bred in the US, would also like to note that radical islam is more dangerous for the middle east than here - https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/world/the-scale-of-terrorist-attacks-around-the-world/

it's so much easier to terrorize in-house than it is in the US, especially since it's not at all a trivial task to seek asylum in the US

Edited by Lord Raven
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Except that the KKK and WBC have been mostly harmless of recent and are very small groups currently (In the meantime, fundamentalist Muslims aren't, even if they won't resort to violent methods). And they are US citizens-there's a very significant gap between 'not granting access to a foreign person to the country' and 'exiling a US citizen'.

In the US, a terrorist attack is significantly more likely to be carried out by white supremacists or antigovernment groups than by Muslims. Terrorist attacks by Muslims certainly receive more media attention which influences perception, but that doesn't make it true.



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at the very least it's going to be entertaining to see how much some people explode at what looks to be a fairly convincing hillary win now. i'm still not willing to say that trump winning is impossible, but being less than a month to the election certainly doesn't help.

still, the amount of delusions and doomsday predictions and accusations of a rigged election are going to be great if if is a hillary victory landslide or not, and if trump wins... i guess the election is still rigged huh

Edited by Tryhard
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It is very possible that trump could win. Due to things like the Bradley Effect, low turnouts among groups such as younger voters etc.

I would compare this to a situation like how it was before Brexit, with many writing off the possibility that Leave would pull out ahead, and that assumption in and of itself leading to Brexit.

All I'm saying is that the current polls simply do not tell the whole story. Do I think Trump will win? No, I think the Clinton campaign is doing enough right now to mobilize their voters and ensure turnouts are strong, but still.

Sure, but at least with Brexit, in the month preceding, the polls were within the margin of error and you could see either outcome being relatively plausible. Three months and more out it was more clear cut. It was complacency and a poor campaign that slipped up before that point. Trump has a habit of imploding, but it wouldn't really mean much if people would say they would vote against Trump and then don't actually go out to do it.

Still, in that scenario at least it will be fun from the other end to see how incompetent he ends up being.

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A bit related to this whole election, but I've been buying the New York Daily News ever since gradually paying more and more attention to this election. And whilst I'm glad that they're raising a voice against Frumplethinskin, this editorial takes the cake. Especially for going full nuclear on Frump himself. And from what I understand, it's gone viral.

And consider me a proud owner of a physical copy that costed only $1.50.

Edited by Just call me AL
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At this point, I don't think the Brexit comparison really holds water with Trump anymore.

Say you will about Nigel Farage, but he and the Leave campaign knew how to make their case to people. Farage has also had tons of crap thrown at him, but handled it much better than Trump.

The so called populist uprising that is supposedly gripping the West right now...at this point, I'd say it's just a European thing. The different demographic situation in Europe lends itself better to populism. The more diverse population in the US, along with politics being sharply divided among racial lines, makes it harder for an equivalent populist campaign in the US to take power.

Perhaps the right person could've enabled populism to prevail in the US; but Trump was the wrong person to choose as their messenger. At best, this election might just leave a "wound" on US politics.

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Apparently people are vandalizing Trump's hall of fame star; I don't care how much of an asshole he is, this is clearly unacceptable.

Of course his team's response is predictable as always.

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Apparently people are vandalizing Trump's hall of fame star; I don't care how much of an asshole he is, this is clearly unacceptable.

Of course his team's response is predictable as always.

Well, you know what they say; if you do something scummy, it's alright and justifiable if the other person is a bigger scumbag than you /s.

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Apparently people are vandalizing Trump's hall of fame star; I don't care how much of an asshole he is, this is clearly unacceptable.

I read about that in the New York Daily News last night. It turns out that it was vandalized by complete accident. The guy doing the vandalizing wanted to simply remove the star and auction it off to raise money to help those now-14 women who have come forward to accuse Frump of sexual assault.

However, given the guy's intentions, and that Frump's own name has grown increasingly toxic, I doubt it would fetch a price higher than its starting price at any auction.

Edited by Just call me AL
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I read about that in the New York Daily News last night. It turns out that it was vandalized by complete accident. The guy doing the vandalizing wanted to simply remove the star and auction it off to raise money to help those now-14 women who have come forward to accuse him of sexual assault.

Well that's not much better. Not to mention incredibly stupid, since that could very easily be traced back to him.

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I read about that in the New York Daily News last night. It turns out that it was vandalized by complete accident. The guy doing the vandalizing wanted to simply remove the star and auction it off to raise money to help those now-14 women who have come forward to accuse Frump of sexual assault.

However, given the guy's intentions, and that Frump's own name has grown increasingly toxic, I doubt it would fetch a price higher than its starting price at any auction.

With a sledgehammer and a pickaxe, instead of a jackhammer or something that would have allowed for a more clean removal, and without permission, thus committing a crime? Sounds like vandalizing to me with a poor excuse, the excuse being politically motivated to boot. His inefficacy makes him little better than the people thinking they are in the right about stealing Trump signs or vandalizing them.

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You're beginning to sound like the frog guy with that logic.

Life and Lord Raven have the same dynamic as Hitler and Stalin in the sense that they claim to be (and rightly so) the exact opposite of the other, but employ such similar tactics that the untrained mind is led to believe they are one in the same. I recognize the difference between the two, however I disapprove of how both of them conduct conversation with both other people and one another. It's hard to take either of them seriously at this point, although I guarantee the keyboards will be sheathed as soon as November 8th turns into November 9th. (please let this be true, I'd rather not see this thread off with a bang.)

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Life and Lord Raven have the same dynamic as Hitler and Stalin in the sense that they claim to be (and rightly so) the exact opposite of the other, but employ such similar tactics that the untrained mind is led to believe they are one in the same. I recognize the difference between the two, however I disapprove of how both of them conduct conversation with both other people and one another. It's hard to take either of them seriously at this point, although I guarantee the keyboards will be sheathed as soon as November 8th turns into November 9th. (please let this be true, I'd rather not see this thread off with a bang.)

That's typically what happens when young people get interested in politics. An FE forum - or any videogame forum for that matter - isn't the place to go if you're looking for intelligent political discussion. Our generation treats politics like a team sport. You're not going to find unbiased opinions here, nobody wants to talk about or admit to the issues "their" candidate has, because if they don't discredit/downplay them and treat the direct opposition like a devil figure then they "lose". It's especially apparent this cycle, because neither candidate is an ideal choice, so you have people needing to convince themselves that they're right because x belief has caused them to lean towards one of those choices. Most people will wake up from that slumber when the election is over, whoever wins is going to have a lower approval rating than Nixon lol.

As for Life and Raven specifically, neither of them are like they portray themselves in this thread. People say dumb things when they get defensive or are in the middle of an argument (especially about politics) - it'd be best not to compare people so casually to figures as controversial as 'Hitler' or 'Stalin'. There's been enough of that this election, and in this thread too.

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Lol Life treats transgendered people like non-humans

This is not a "team sport" and it's why Raven is always right without fail.

Hillary is perfect solely because she'll protect LGBT rights. Literally nothing else matters to me.

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You're beginning to sound like the frog guy with that logic.

It's a joke bro, I really find the desecration of his hall of fame star trivial and I'm not sure anyone on here took it seriously.

EDIT: would also like to point out that there was a lot of irony in euk's post up there, and the fact that someone took it seriously is funny to me.


Life and Lord Raven have the same dynamic as Hitler and Stalin in the sense that they claim to be (and rightly so) the exact opposite of the other, but employ such similar tactics that the untrained mind is led to believe they are one in the same. I recognize the difference between the two, however I disapprove of how both of them conduct conversation with both other people and one another. It's hard to take either of them seriously at this point, although I guarantee the keyboards will be sheathed as soon as November 8th turns into November 9th. (please let this be true, I'd rather not see this thread off with a bang.)

You're joking. What tactics do we deploy that are similar? I'm getting defensive over this because one dude talks out his ass and I'm sitting here just going "man what the fuck" as do quite a few people who look at this thread (and many others in SD). Do I actively ignore points just to restate my own point? Do I have to change my view to understand another's?

You've even addressed me in private about this and I told you exactly how I feel about things, and the fact that you're still saying that I'm the Stalin to his Hitler or some shit shows me that you really shrugged it off. I'm probably more like the abrasive internet nerd to his abrasive internet troll, something he even admitted to on SD earlier in some thread.

Like holy crap I keep asking him to give me proof of things and he fails to deliver then incoherently rambles about some other stupid crap. Are you actually serious?

Our generation treats politics like a team sport.

I know I'm not, and I never claimed to be neutral. I'm just stating what I think is correct, in my completely biased viewpoint. Edited by Lord Raven
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That's typically what happens when young people get interested in politics. An FE forum - or any videogame forum for that matter - isn't the place to go if you're looking for intelligent political discussion. Our generation treats politics like a team sport. You're not going to find unbiased opinions here, nobody wants to talk about or admit to the issues "their" candidate has, because if they don't discredit/downplay them and treat the direct opposition like a devil figure then they "lose". It's especially apparent this cycle, because neither candidate is an ideal choice, so you have people needing to convince themselves that they're right because x belief has caused them to lean towards one of those choices. Most people will wake up from that slumber when the election is over, whoever wins is going to have a lower approval rating than Nixon lol.

As for Life and Raven specifically, neither of them are like they portray themselves in this thread. People say dumb things when they get defensive or are in the middle of an argument (especially about politics) - it'd be best not to compare people so casually to figures as controversial as 'Hitler' or 'Stalin'. There's been enough of that this election, and in this thread too.

i've literally, on many occasions, called clinton a criminal. or at least i assume she's one. i've expressed criticism of sanders as well.

step off your horse. where in the united states are you going to find unbiased discussion? and what makes you so much better than the rest of us

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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i've literally, on many occasions, called clinton a criminal. or at least i assume she's one. i've expressed criticism of sanders as well.

step off your horse. where in the united states are you going to find unbiased discussion? and what makes you so much better than the rest of us

Afraid I have to echo this sentiment. While being blind to the faults of a potential candidate does happen and is a detriment to productive political discourse, endlessly railing against bias (everyone has bias) doesn't seem to serve much of a function without a solution.

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As somebody who doesn't live in the USA. I would like to ask the opinion of people who live there: independently from which candidate is considered a "better choice" or "lesser evil", independently from who we WANT to win, who is actually more likely to win at the moment? Clinton or Trump? Just being curious.

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Clinton is considered ahead by most sources. realclearpolitics polling average has her up by about 5 pts nationally. Trump is doing relatively well in Iowa(1.4 up) and Ohio (1.1 up) and is quite close in Florida (.7 down) He's losing in Arizona (1.5) where Republicans were expected to hold and is down 2.4 in North Carolina. Trump would still lose if he were to win all these states though, he'd have to pull an upset in a state like Pennsylvania (down 5), Virginia(down 8) or a combination of Colorado/New Hampshire/Nevada or something. Not impossible for Trump to win, but it doesn't seem likely.

Oh, also Trump could lose Utah- possibly to Clinton but also to third party candidate Evan McMullin.

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i've literally, on many occasions, called clinton a criminal. or at least i assume she's one. i've expressed criticism of sanders as well.

step off your horse. where in the united states are you going to find unbiased discussion? and what makes you so much better than the rest of us

I think the fact that you got defensive and interpreted my post as condescending or a display of superiority in any way speaks volumes.

I didn't mention myself or my position in my post at all. I was plenty biased during last year's election in Canada and am guilty of some of the things I talked about in that post. It's much easier for someone not as closely involved to observe and reflect.

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