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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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Merging wouldn't be necessary if generalized topics existed. Since it's an eight-year-old forum it wouldn't make any sense to do it now. Way too much work.

An excellent example for a generalized is the Pairing Thread in the FE13 section.

For example in the FE14 section are many questions about who to promote to what. It'd simplify the overview and save questions if a thread like the Promotion thread existed.

As for me there's forum clutter, at least in the FE section. I see the one and the same question quite often. Why? Because the people are too lazy to check out all the pages if this question was posted already. Honestly I'd do the same. The FAQ thread should reduce it.

As for pinning videogame reviews: My original idea was to have a subforum in the videogame section for people who want to discuss or get introduced. Honestly Idk why I came up with pinning. My bad! Only would like to see a subforum.

Edited by Ayama Wirdo
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yeah but why

you say it's clutter but i've genuinely seen topics often get locked because they are doing the same as another topic

but do you know how inconvenient it is to traverse a huge existing topic in the hopes that someone already answered a simple question? you even mention this, so like that won't solve the issue.

Edited by Tryhard
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yeah but why

you say it's clutter but i've genuinely seen topics often get locked because they are doing the same as another topic

because of necro

These topics are >1 month old.

Tbf I mainly noticed it in the FE9 + 10 section because it's the section I'm active most.

And in FE14 but it's more understandable because of massive number of new topics in a short time

Edited by Ayama Wirdo
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because of necro

These topics are >1 month old.

no, because they are new threads literally announcing the same thing as another thread prior or get locked and directed to a prior thread with the same information.

I've seen this happen many times. perhaps not every time, but many times nonetheless.

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879: Do you think you'd make a good moderator? Why/not?
If it's a community I'm engaged in, I think so. I'm very calm and reasonable, and I have a weird passion for anything that has to do with rules.
I can be indecisive or too forgiving though; that would hold me back.
880: Are you a good listener?
I'd say so, yeah. I always listen to everything a person tells me and consider their point of view.

Yeah sure! I'll just ban everyone, then there'll be nothing to moderate.

Hi Stalin.

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I wish but my hearing is actually awful so I'd need things repeated sometimes even when I'm trying to listen

This is why I need lecture notes/textbooks too, I'm awful at auditory information

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I see.

Probably I got a wrong impression by following only one section.

Assumed the entire time that new topics were created to prevent any necros in aged topics.

stop talking about it holy fuck

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jesus if you nerds keep talking about fucking necros in this qotd thread i'm going to start issuing warnings s2g

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If anybody ever happens to find the need to continue the discussion again it could always be brought back to the other necroposting topic made in the site content board

but pfft seriously aiku the discussion hadn't gone on that long at all before you started shooing it off and weren't even giving it a chance to come to a resolution

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