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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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It's out of this world!

Lemons, water, salt, sugar and one of those machines that minces things into a fine pulp (Not a blender, although I'm certain you can use one of those, too.) are all you need. Oh, and ice.

It tastes refreshing and the salt keeps it from being too sweet.

I don't see basil on that list........
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I don't know how to picnic. Eating and going outside are two things I constantly forget to do.

If at some point I do go on a picnic, I just want the weather to be nice. Not too hot or sunny, minimal mount of insects, that sort of thing.

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In one of those pet parks where people take their dogs for walks and stuff, so we can say hi to the animals, probably with sandwiches and ice cream and lemonade

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Tea cakes, sandwiches, the usual stuff... I'll probably bring my lizard along... and maybe in a nice meadow with a never ending view of flowers...

Edited by Tiny Goddess
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Mumu was wanting somebody to make the assumption~~~~~

Clear sunny sky with a very pleasantly not too hot not too cold temperature, grapes to eat, good sandwiches, a blow pop(?), a man exercising, performing the dance of his people to woo women who happen to walk by....... oh wait, I'm not supposed to talk about an ideal picnic I've had?

Honestly all of those are very ideal though~ But to add on, maybe a more scenic setting than a park in a city. Like MOUNTAINS or FORESTS (with all those buggies~!) or generally anything in nature since I seem to like everything about nature... and and CORN ON THE COB

hey i was there i'm gonna steal it

QUESTION SEVEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY TWO: We've done enough cuddly things: what's your favorite BUG?!

failure to post a pic with your buggy will be met with a suspension, no questions asked

Edited by Integrity
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[spoiler=luna moth]kYPz6.png

felt like I should spoiler in case some people do really badly with pictures of buggies >u> though if they do hopefully they know to stay out of here

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hey i was there i'm gonna steal it

QUESTION SEVEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY TWO: We've done enough cuddly things: what's your favorite BUG?!



As for literal bugs, I'd have to go with butterflies~


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Certainly not the bugs in my program :')

I feel like we had this question before(though w/o pic) and I think mantis is still going to be my answer here


Edited by Thor Odinson
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I feel like we had this question before(though w/o pic) and I think mantis is still going to be my answer here

ctrl-f 'bug' gave no results but hell, it could have been differently worded

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no hate man, just observation/memory

ctrl-f 'bug' gave no results but hell, it could have been differently worded

it could've been an older qotd ran by someone else

may have been insect, tho

Edited by Thor Odinson
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