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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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(I didn't play Undertale, so I have nothing useful to say other than that people who have played it love to complain about shitty stuff the fanbase does.)

Ignorance is bliss.

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i willingly subject myself to the pain of secondhand embarrassment by intentionally looking for shitty things, that way i build up immunity!! it's like being a king's taste tester!!

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(I didn't play Undertale, so I have nothing useful to say other than that people who have played it love to complain about shitty stuff the fanbase does.)

There's a steam guide for undertale called something like "how to avoid pornography of your favorite video game" which I believe suggests severing your internet connection as the ultimate solution.

But actually I only ran into undertale porn once.

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Sorry, BIG BRO, but my personal goty was BLOODBORNE.

Thanks for gifting me the game (undertale), by the way. I really appreciate it!

o ya btw is witcher 3 good

It's pretty cool. Great story, nice character interaction, looks pretty, and some of the boss fights were really intense. I'd only get if you've played/watched the previous ones, though, if only so you're not totally clueless about the story.

Combat is kinda lame, though. It's kinda button-mashy, like as far as initiating sword combos or whatever, and I really don't like that because it felt like I was playing Skyrim and I loathed that game's combat.

you too can enjoy it if you're
bad to the bone

man I'm running out of clever wordplay/puns here who knew skeletons were so limited

these puns are giving me a boner, don't stop

apparently I've had my internet connection severed all along because I've never run into undertale porn once

You're just not looking hard enough! I can show you some websites tomarrow, if you'd like.

tbh i wonder what that says about severian and chen

a lot :)

maybe i'm just a magnet!?


you are pretty attractive

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these puns are giving me a boner, don't stop

You're just not looking hard enough! I can show you some websites tomarrow, if you'd like.

you are pretty attractive

i love all your posts, and also you

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but this time.... you've struck at our hearts

Next time, I'll strike your heads. That way you don't respawn.

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guys i really have to get something off my chest

i like these puns

i'm gonna have to put my foot down on this

There's some conflicting opinion in this thread... I hope I don't get an earful from someone.

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