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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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It's been thrown off by specta and integrity's college but before then it was rowing on tuesday and saturday and running on thursday

BONUS QUESTION: no I have not~ have u? if xcom is steam then does that mean I've indirectly preordered it through you?

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gonna take this 6-hour silence as SF being populated by nerds who don't exercise (like me)

that being said: biking to/from school when I can, I guess
that's...about it

bonus question: NO; should I?

Edited by Euklyd
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Software pre-orders are dead to me.

The masses of all these broken, incomplete releases lately doesn't help either..

Also, for the main question, I don't have one outside of working and other basic shit

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No cardio routine and no plans to order xcom 2. I barely game right now so. I will probably get to it years later.

Honestly the qotd you said was bad about Rereading is the only qotd in this session I have liked more than a little.

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650: What's a work that you really "got" on the reread/watch?

The Silmarillion.

question 651: have you ever done anything more nerdy than reading the silmarillion 5 times

I'm reading The History of Middle-earth, does that count?

651: What's your cardio routine?

I cycle everywhere that doesn't take more than an hour to get there. I cycle fast too, so it's actually good exercise. I need to cycle to and from university every day (a 20 minute ride that involves crossing a bridge), I do my job pretty much from my bicycle (I'm a postman), which is every Saturday, and I always go on a one-and-a-half hour cycling trip for fun on Sundays.

Bonus question: No, and there's no 'yet' for me either.

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when possible, 30 minutes on a bike in the morning and then 30-50 laps in the pool in the evening. result being that i'm like 9% body fat

Edited by I.M. Gei
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bad qotd was bad, i guess

for me it was a listen: kalafina's first album was totally mediocre to me when i listened to it for the first time, then i put it on for spex in the car one day and was like "wait wtf this is amazing"

QUESTION SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY ONE: What's your cardio routine?

and how are you going to improve it?

BONUS QUESTION: have you preordered xcom 2 yet?

My exercise bike and/or dog walking.

Ehhh...i just need more time to improve it i suppose.

Bonus: no. Why would i?

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but walking is a basic biological function that everyone does

how is that cardio

I think mostly if it's enough walking (or quick enough) to the point that it gets your heart working faster or something, it's considered cardio exercise

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I think mostly if it's enough walking (or quick enough) to the point that it gets your heart working faster or something, it's considered cardio exercise

I just hold my breath for a while. Then my heart gets pumping and I breathe faster when I start breathing again. Edited by Severian
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Not including the daily route running, drills, and playing I have to do.

Before football I still did suicides and ran a lot since basketball is a cardio demanding sport.

But seriously, fuck snakes. I was so proud of myself having good stamina due to the amount of running I had to do without stopping, but the second I did snakes I was dying.

Since you have to run across every individual yard line and the distance across the field is like 30 yards. You're essentially running 490 yards when doing 70 yard snakes. (70/5 = 14. 14*30 = 420. 420 + 70 = 490. Added the 490 because you're running the 5 yard distance when switching yardlines)

I do like biking but I don't have a bike anymore.

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right summer confirmed for alpha-est jock on the forum

my routine hypothetically contains all of the treadmill, exercise bike, and rowing machine in my basement, plus swimming at the pool at school, but every time a new semester rolls around it goes all the way down to "a 90 minute run on saturday" and that's where it is now. NEXT WEEK THOUGH

QUESTION SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY TWO: If you owned a sports team, what would you name it?

shoutout to the sickest purchase-rename of all time, the new york red bulls

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