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Beach DLC translation


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...So, Sakura's team is screwed against Takumi's, since Hana's defense isn't going to help out either.

Also, can Sakura's/Elise's team pull the "heal units to full HP before fighting the next team" stunt, or do healers not have staffs?

Yes the healers do have staffs.I think they are just generic Mend/Hoshido version and Physic/Hoshido version.I know Sakura has that staff that stops units from using magic.

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Yes the healers do have staffs.I think they are just generic Mend/Hoshido version and Physic/Hoshido version.I know Sakura has that staff that stops units from using magic.

Oh, that's better than I expected. Thank you very much for all your responses!

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Oh, that's better than I expected. Thank you very much for all your responses!

Your welcome :)

Also might I add literally every weapon is a joke weapon.Like every lance user has a log or stick.Belka has a broom for a lance.Ryouma dual wields sirloin steaks and Hinata and Lazwald use an umbrella and parasol. XD

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Takumi's path added, and encounter/defeat quotes complete.

Funny how one little bro is all nope and the other is like nope-but-really-yup

...Who should I do next?

If we're allowed requests, what about Ryoma and Marx?

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Takumi's path added, and encounter/defeat quotes complete.

Funny how one little bro is all nope and the other is like nope-but-really-yup

...Who should I do next?

Ryoma and Xander. I'm curious about their pics.
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Seconding (Thirding?) the older brothers

I need to know about Ryouma's fish

Your welcome :)

Also might I add literally every weapon is a joke weapon.Like every lance user has a log or stick.Belka has a broom for a lance.Ryouma dual wields sirloin steaks and Hinata and Lazwald use an umbrella and parasol. XD

This is just feeding into my Ryouma grillmaster headcanon isn't it

okay that was bad

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Takumi's path added, and encounter/defeat quotes complete.

Funny how one little bro is all nope and the other is like nope-but-really-yup

...Who should I do next?

I'm with everyone else that Marx and Ryouma should be done first/second...

... but can we have Camilla third, plz?

Thank you so much for this!

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Oh! This is hilarious! The retainers were the ones who started this, haha

Awww Takumi so cute! And I'm pretty sure Oboro stole the photo after that conversation LoL

This DLC sounds fun, ah but only increase my desperation for the english version... Thanks a lot for the translation! At least I can read what is happening!

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I did actually want to do Marx and Ryouma's next, but was worried that some people would want female lovin' first. Though it seems they're the most popular, so the big bros it'll be.


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First off, thanks for the translations. :)

These supports aren't gender-locked are they? Like female Kamui gets the dialog with the brothers and male Kamui has the one with the sisters? I sure hope not. I only want to play as male Kamui and want to experience both, but I like the brothers so much more.

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...Are you f**king serious?

That aside, this is really funny. This is where all the fan service and nonsense should be, and it's much easier to enjoy as a result.

Take a deep breath and any and all translations with a grain of salt. No offense to the translator, but unless if you're a native speaker of a language you miss a lot of nuance and, as a result, the exact meaning.

That said, judging from her support with Camilla, she's probably just trying too hard to emulate her big sister and ends up as loli bait in the process.

And I couldn't agree more. This isn't even trying to take itself seriously, and is totally optional; compared to the main game juxtaposing its share of dark and serious moments with unabashed pandering and fanservice (but that's a whole different topic).

So, not liking the beach, but having his subordinates want to take him out of his comfort zone, only to end up enjoying it? Have Leon and I actually got some similarities here (but replace beach with "most events" and subordinates with "family")?

Also, ...tomato juice? Vampire vibes, much?

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Eh, it's funny. I think Elise is on drug or something though.

The sibling who win the fight go to plot-device island ? Alone ? All alone ? No Kamui, no subordinates, no nothing ? That's surprising and disappointing. What happens if you have a S/A+-rank with one of them ?

... Don't look at me like that, it's not a desire for waifuing/husbandoing, just a desire for quality and coherence.
... And annoyance at the Kamu and Aqua uniqueness/pairing forced yeah.

Bah, it's a funny DLC, so I'll enjoy the ride. Thanks for the translations !

RIP Oboro. She thought it was a good idea to drool over Lord Takumi's photo. And Lady Kamui heard about it.

Edited by B.Leu
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Is there any reason to go fast? I ended up taking 38 turns just chipping away at the opposing teams. Regardless of any character stuff, the actual playing it seems pretty boring. And it doesn't seem to affect the rest of the game at all, no Exp or items or anything?

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tbh I hope they are because it'd suck for the sisters to get no main dialogue for this

and I'd rather gender-locked than nothing

I'm sorry, your nightmares came true. Played as Mamui, no sisters dialogue. Tried each of the 3 different versions too. Unbelievable. I wanted sister shenanigans too...

Take a deep breath and any and all translations with a grain of salt. No offense to the translator, but unless if you're a native speaker of a language you miss a lot of nuance and, as a result, the exact meaning.

That said, judging from her support with Camilla, she's probably just trying too hard to emulate her big sister and ends up as loli bait in the process.

No offense taken. I'm not a native speaker after all. However, I'm pretty sure I got the meaning right. IIRC, Elise did say 大人の女性 meaning adult female, and 色っぽい which directly means erotic. Believe me, I spent a couple minutes thinking about how to make it sound better. I couldn't.

The sibling who win the fight go to plot-device island ? Alone ? All alone ? No Kamui, no subordinates, no nothing ? That's surprising and disappointing. What happens if you have a S/A+-rank with one of them ?

Yup, the winner goes all alone. I'm not sure what happens when you have an S rank, but probably nothing, since Kamui doesn't show up at all anyway. I'll check it out, though.

Is there any reason to go fast? I ended up taking 38 turns just chipping away at the opposing teams. Regardless of any character stuff, the actual playing it seems pretty boring. And it doesn't seem to affect the rest of the game at all, no Exp or items or anything?

No reason at all. I take about 20 to 30+ turns too. The only thing you get out of this DLC is CGs and... pleasure, I guess.

Edited by teddybearyt
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lmao Oboro jealous of Anna

I didn't want to buy it since the only rewards are the pictures...but...

Takumi&his retainers' dialogues are too adorable ; u ;

and AAAH he's the only one who wants to go ?!

It'd just be cruel if you didn't pick to fight for him !! xD

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Camilla's has been done on GameFAQ's, by the way:


Luna: "A letter has arrived from Lady Camilla! Some merchant named Anna delivered it here earlier."
Belka: "Hmm...Was that a woman with red hair and a bit of a tan...?"
Luna: "Huh? She came to you as well, Belka?"
Belka: "Yes. She was loitering around here earlier...So, I threw an hand axe at her."

Oh Belka... you've got some great lines in this DLC. Including accidently trolling Severa.

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Camilla's has been done on GameFAQ's, by the way:


Oh Belka... you've got some great lines in this DLC. Including accidently trolling Severa.

Cracked me up so bad xD had me there Belka

Edited by LoboKD001
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