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Top 5 Favorite S-Supports

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Hey, long time lurker, first time poster here. I'm a huge fan of Fire Emblem Awakening, so I recently started a video series on YouTube for my Top 5 favorite S-Supports for the characters in the game. Currently, I've only done the male and female avatar, but my plan is to eventually cover every character in the game (besides characters who only S-Support with Robin).

In any case, I thought I should share them here!

Male Avatar- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZK2m_X0WbjM

Female Avatar- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahGmHqtg0o0

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...It's funny, I think your number 1 is the cheesiest confession line I've seen in the game so far. And that's not in a good way either.

Obviously, my favorite S support is Frederick x Female Avatar. :P The conversation is romantic, yet with a touch of comedy, and Frederick's confession line is adorbs. <3 Also, some fun facts:

- Frederick is the only character Female Avatar gives a nickname to (I think).

- Frederick is the only character that gives the Avatar an actual kiss of any kind outside of DLC (he kisses her hand! Such a gentleman. <3).

My other four favorites would be Stahl x Cordelia, Donnel x Lissa, Lon'qu x Cherche, and Gaius x Maribelle, in no order really. They're just all awesome. ^^

Edited by Anacybele
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Brady/Noire and Lon'qu/Tharja (though I prefer other couples for the latter) come to mind. Other supports are decent, I like them, but those two are probably my favorites.

EDIT: okay you know what, I have too much time

1) Brady/Noire - cute support dynamic, I really like these two

2) Lon'qu/Tharja - she isn't completely stalkerish over Robin in this one and it sheds light on backstory

3) Stahl/Olivia - literally give me anything with Stahl and I will eat it up, but the letter exchange is cute

4) Inigo/Severa - it's cliche and that's exactly why

5) Donnel/Lissa - it's funny and sweet and the s support is really cute

Edited by Shadowess
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In no particular order: F!AvatarxKellam (it's sweet and his confession is gold), MirielxLon'qu (funniest S support ever), NoirexM!Morgan (I find it cute), GeromexSevera (another funny S support) and TharjaxGregor (sweeter than I thought it would).

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Owain x Morgan is my favorite pretty much because of the "Spill your breast unto me!" exchange. Although Kjelle x Morgan is a pretty close second ("it's not as beefy as I thought, but it's still a very nice cow! The best cow! Gah, you're right, I am terrible at this!"). Most of male Morgan's S supports are pretty great actually :-) Brady x Lucina and Inigo x Kjelle are great too, but more for all the supports as a whole than the S in particular.

Miriel x Lon'qu is hilarious. I love most of her and Laurent's S-supports (I guess I just enjoy awkward humor...)

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  • 2 months later...

1. FeMU x Priam (because I'm fucking bias)

2. Priam!Morgan x Lucina (because decedents FTW)

3. Chrom x Olivia (Kinda grew tired with Sumia being the canon-wife IMO...w/e)

4. Lissa x Lon'qu

5. Sumia x Henry (because its weird plot-wise)

Also, I kinda have a bad feeling that this topic is going to be locked... :x

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Cherche x Male MU - I initially planned for a Tharja x Male MU, but I decided to change my mind after seeing how disturbing the conversation was. After seeing the S-support for Cherche x Male MU, I'm glad I made this choice. Because I've found this to be...actually romantic, with an air of grace. MU's confession to Cherche felt quite natural for some strange reason?? And the conversation was slightly tragic, considering how the matchmaking turned out for Minerva, and how Cherche's attachment with Minerva ended up creating problems with her marriage prospects until she met Male MU. (It's also a good character development for the Male MU who accepts Minerva as part of family, when he was horrified by the Godzilla-like cries in the conversation prior to this.) Now that I think about it, it's probably one of my favourite romantic conversations in my experience with the FE franchise alongside with Roy x Lilina's (Binding Blade) and Eirika x Forde's (Sacred Stones) A-level conversations, and the tragic conversation/confession of Milady x Gayle (also Binding Blade).

Panne x Lon'qu - Two people resolving to leave their tragic pasts behind? Heartwarming.

Stahl x Cordelia - As a former semi-professional musician myself, I like these sorts of stuff.

Lon'qu x Miriel - Now this one was so awkward, it ended up being hilariously awesome.

I can't think of the fifth one yet.

Edited by henrymidfields
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That's quite a response over a necro, so I'll leave this open.Still doesn't make necroposting okay though, so don't do it.

Yeah I seem to necropost a lot, the reason is I'm in the Tardis flying through the Time Vortex, every time I'm on this forum. Edited by who49
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Lon'qu/Olivia: Just the best overall. They are the cutest, perfect, made for each other.

Owain/Severa: C and B support are pretty shaky but the S support makes up for everything else.

Gerome/Cynthia: Amazingly cute and perfect, but not as perfect as Lon'qu/Olivia

Inigo/Lucina: Same story as Gerome/Cynthia

Virion/Cherche: The classiest family. Very good supports.

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Chrom x F!MU {OTP}

Lucina x M!MU

M! Morgan X Noire

Sumia x M!MU

Emmeryn x M!MU

Ricken x Miriel {OTP} (Plus they work well together)

Vaike x Maribelle (love the don't judge a book by it's cover) {OTP}

Olivia x Donnel

Gregor x Nowi

Donnel x Nowi

Lon'qu x Lissa (a cannn pairing I bet :P: especially since Owain stated that his father was killed by archers...my mind connected the dots and all{OTP})

Sumia x Frederick {OTP}

Cynthia x Owain

Henry x Tharja {OTP}

Virion x Cherche {OTP}


This is my main pairing list I suppose...the ones I use the most perhaps :D:

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