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Top 5 Favorite S-Supports

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If we base that chart as canon, these are the pairings that happened.

Chrom/Sumia, Lissa/Vaike, Frederick/Maribelle, Virion/Cherche, Sully/Kellam, Stahl/Miriel, Ricken/Panne, Gaius/Tharja, Cordelia/Libra, Gregor/Nowi, and Olivia/Henry

I'm ok with most, quite honestly. Lon'qu is unpaired, probably because of his gynophobia.

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If we base that chart as canon, these are the pairings that happened.

Chrom/Sumia, Lissa/Vaike, Frederick/Maribelle, Virion/Cherche, Sully/Kellam, Stahl/Miriel, Ricken/Panne, Gaius/Tharja, Cordelia/Libra, Gregor/Nowi, and Olivia/Henry

I'm ok with most, quite honestly. Lon'qu is unpaired, probably because of his gynophobia.

I'm probably the only one who thinks this, but Frederick/Maribelle (to an extent), Stahl/Miriel, Ricken/Panne, and Cordelia/Libra are the ones that makes no sense, but everyone else is alright.

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If we base that chart as canon, these are the pairings that happened.

Chrom/Sumia, Lissa/Vaike, Frederick/Maribelle, Virion/Cherche, Sully/Kellam, Stahl/Miriel, Ricken/Panne, Gaius/Tharja, Cordelia/Libra, Gregor/Nowi, and Olivia/Henry

I'm ok with most, quite honestly. Lon'qu is unpaired, probably because of his gynophobia.

Donnel and Robin are also unpaired, and the kids have a set too (Owain x Kjelle, Inigo x Cynthia, Brady x Severa, Gerome x Nah, Yarne x Noire and Laurent x Lucina, with Morgan unpaired).

That's just based on the amount of support points to get to S-rank, nothing canon about it. Just because Lissa has the least amount needed with Vaike doesn't mean that it's proven to be true.

Canon = word of the devs. That's not a conventional way of saying something by any means, but it still is a complete set of pairs with no overlap, and thus the closest anyone's going to get.

This should go without saying, but it's not worth anyone getting riled up over- Awakening is all about headcanons, so if one doesn't like that list, ignore it and move on. It's just there, and pretty well hidden too.

I'm probably the only one who thinks this, but Frederick/Maribelle (to an extent), Stahl/Miriel, Ricken/Panne, and Cordelia/Libra are the ones that makes no sense, but everyone else is alright.

A lot of them don't. I wouldn't be entirely surprised if one of the programmers just threw that in near the end of the dev cycle because they were bored, and used their own favs as a base (or even chose a few randomly to fill in the blanks). Odds are, nobody even sat down and talked about this before putting it in.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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I'm not trying to argue or anything but there are seriously no confirmations of pairings. The heavily implied Chrom/Sumia is only because it's the easiest to marry Chrom to her before chapter 11. There's also a lot of talk about M!Robin should marry Lucina and F!Robin should marry Chrom so Morgan can start out as a tactician, rather than their other parent's class.

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I'm probably the only one who thinks this, but Frederick/Maribelle (to an extent), Stahl/Miriel, Ricken/Panne, and Cordelia/Libra are the ones that makes no sense, but everyone else is alright.

Well, I mean... cute animals do like Ricken the most...

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I must say that one of my favourite support conversations in general is Gaius X Tharja

M/avatar X Sumia is extremely adorable

Sully X Virion is great

Miriel X Vaike

Gerome X Noire

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Lissa is paired with Vaike in the game's support table, and that's as close to canon as anyone's going to get.

You ruined my head cannon! D: Oh well, I'll keep it anyway :XD: especially since we get tactician Morgans with M!MUxLucina and F!MUxChrom :XD: and the game that we're playing is our own :D:

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If we're going by what classes they start out in, then evil Morgans were the children of a wyvern rider and a dark mage apparently.

That or Mum or Dad was a wyvern rider/dark mage :XD: or Grima chose them to be in those classes.

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Im not a fan of harassing poor rabbits either

ones I like, though, lemme think of 5

Chrom x Sully - I'm always bitter at Sully's lack of galeforce or I'd just do that pair forever, their interaction felt natural and the chemistry works well, it feels like a relationship of equals and I'm for that

Kjelle x Laurent - In contrast to Kjelle's some other supports where it's usually some guy being kinda annoying towards her, I liked that Kjelle genuinely appreciates Laurent and what he does. I feel their skillset also complements each other well as well.

Gaius x Maribelle and Libra x Maribelle - Honestly Maribelle is a character you really can't judge by her cover and a lot of her supports are really nice. Both these supports really go deep in to backstory and character. I'm not sure which one I like better.

Lon'qu x Cherche - Did I mention I'm a sucker for backstory because I'm a sucker for backstory

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I don't like animal cruelty :(

Who would like to be cruel to animals? Technicall it isn't animal cruelty because Yarne is half human...and Taguel are humaniod beings. But yes, I think that F!Morgan being sadistic is something that M!MU should fix and right away. There is no worse a tactician than one who is sadistic to their allies :/ I would certainly be telling her off for it and perhaps an equal punishment for it.

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Cherche x Lon'qu, Gregor x Cordelia, Lon'qu x FemMu, Morgan x Nah, Henry x Sumia

-walks in-

... -sighs-


Don't look at me that way dammit okay

b e s i d e s t h e s e t w o

The rest are unchanged basically.

Morgan x Nah is probably the only pairing for Nah and Morgan I can do anymore - it's too cute and imo one of my favorite supports in the game in general.

Sumia x Henry is hilarious and Cynthia looks based with white hair. I find it too cute too and... very smooth on Henry's part. Getting a wedding ring while in Sumia's body? Clever.

Gregor x Cordelia is just... it's really cute, okay? Super adorable on both characters parts.

Cherche x Lon'qu may not be the best for Gerome, but damn if Gerome doesn't both look good and this support in general giving me fuzzies along with backstory.

Lon'qu x FeMu is still funny to me. Poor Lon'qu. I'm sorry. :C

As far as honorable mentions...

Lon'qu x Cordelia's decent, but I really enjoy the pairing some reason. It feels really right.

Panne x Vaike... okay I'm not the biggest fan of Panne herself, but it has her smiling because of Vaike for the first time before her S/A rank in supports.

Panne x Virion is just well written as could be on Virion's part imo.

Maribelle x Anyone because the girl just has quality supports in general.

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1) Male Morgan x Severa - My two favorite characters, and I like them together. They are cute together and one of their Support Tiles mention their support conversation. They could do better on the S support no doubt.

2) Male Avatar x Cordelia - It was my first OTP until my number one came out.

3) Gerome x Female Morgan - Having Batman as a son-innlaw. :D

4) Chrom x Olivia - I like their "love at first sight." Their supports looked like Chrom liked her from the start.

5) Robin x Robin - If only this could happen in the actual game. At least we have hacking for that. XD

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Detailed 5th to 1st because I have too much time on my hands today:

5th: Robin/Chrom:

Eh, tbh, despite Robin/Chrom is sorta OTP for me when Robin is male or female. But mostly because they get a huge amount of interaction from the story. If it was based on supports alone, I wouldn’t like Chrom/F!Robin much at all – Male Robin gets waaaaay better supports for Chrom.

Added bonus: Even Lucina ships them when Robin doesn't marry Chrom.

4th: Maribelle/Vaike:

I actually like a lot of Maribelle’s supports, the girl really got a wealth of good ones, but I particularly like her’s and Vaikes because it is one of those that revels a bunch about Vaike (Also why I’m fond of his and Lissa’s) and is sorta about both of them trying to better themselves as people. I feel a majority of Vaike’s supports center around him being stubborn and well, stupid, and him bragging about being strong, but Maribelle’s doesn’t. Vaike considers (and notices) Maribelle’s moods, wants to help her see the common folk as more than ‘uncouth’, ends up question his own prejudices, idk, it’s nice to see Vaike thinking.

Added bonus: It also shows apples are the most desirable fruit in Ylisse.

3rd: Robin/Gaius:

I’m forever a sucker for supports about learning to trust, and that’s what this one feels about down to a T. The support builds trust, they become friends, it feels there was a bond building whether or not it goes to romance. Possibly a bit unfair, because I bet I was later biased towards this support as well by their cute summer scramble.

Added bonus: it had the best (so bad it was perfect) confession line. So terrible. So amazing.

2nd: Virion/Panne:

Panne and Virion have a great convo that is one of the few that directly talks about Virion’s past and provides insight to his future motives as well as delving into some of the ways Panne sees the world. Basically it plays like two war veterans getting to know each other past the exterior – it even has drinking under the moon and vows of bettering the world and post war excursions together. And all of that prior to S-supports (Which is good – both have better s-supports, but this one holds together because of the history and friendship built in C-A).

Added bonus: Panne is clearly easily bribed with wine. Plus Virion is not flirting with her for a majority of the support.

1st: Cordelia/Kellum:

You know, a lot of supports end with characters learning to value Kellum – it’s always nice to read one that starts with someone valuing Kellam. This support reads as Kellum not seeing the value in himself even as Cordelia points it out (from C) and Cordelia going lengths to prove it to him by beating him at his own stealth skills and ‘learning’ to see him. He then flips the script by pointing out her worth as well. For two characters that spend a lot of time feeling as if they’re not good enough, it is super nice to see them propping each other up and not allowing negative talk. She also jokes far more in the support than I recall her doing elsewhere, both at herself and at Kellam. She’s playful, determined, and interested in him. He doesn’t shine as much in the support as she does, but also comes across as dedicated, thoughtful and shy. Honestly this support defined the characters for me, so it was a disappointment seen some of Cordelia’s supports later. Makes me think Kellam bring out the best in her.

Added bonus: Chrom and Cordelia’s love for him isn’t mentioned ONCE. At all. This was actually my first support for Cordelia and I never realized how Chrom obsessed she was until later playthroughs.

Honorable mentions:
Tharja/Libra, Stalh/Sully, Gregor/Cordelia, Laurent/Lucina, M!Robin/Cherche, Chrom/Olivia, F!Robin/Virion(actually, this one may have actually been my 5th...oops)

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