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Best RPG Story?


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That's a tough one.

TWEWY has a pretty solid story if you count it as an RPG, I think.

Pretty sure the Tales of games have solid stories too? Never played 'em myself but yeah

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Chaos Rings 2 (and to a lesser degree, it's prequels) to the iOS and Android systems has an amazing story and is honestly one of the only games that has emotionally touched me. (Amazing soundtrack too.)

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Tales of symphonia is a contender

Or abyss

Lots of the tales games really

No. They're poorly written and prefer to show, not tell, and they have really massive pacing issues. Every single one of FE13's complaints (minus world building) applies like 10fold to Tales.

As far as RPGs go, FE9, Shadow Hearts/Shadow Hearts Covenant, and some final fantasy game (6 and 10, but I love 8 however it has its flaws).

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No. They're poorly written and prefer to show, not tell, and they have really massive pacing issues. Every single one of FE13's complaints (minus world building) applies like 10fold to Tales.As far as RPGs go, FE9, Shadow Hearts/Shadow Hearts Covenant, and some final fantasy game (6 and 10, but I love 8 however it has its flaws).

Eh?Seriously? It's been a whole since I played a tales game,so maybe I'm just seeing it in a nostalgia filter

That would explain why I hate Xillia so much...

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Xenoblade and Chrono Trigger come to mind, as does the original Fallout.

Earthound as well. Going off Mother 3's translation that could contend.

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No. They're poorly written and prefer to show, not tell, and they have really massive pacing issues. Every single one of FE13's complaints (minus world building) applies like 10fold to Tales.

I don't think Symphonia and Abyss are really poorly written, I find some pacing issues in Abyss, not so much Symphonia. I think their worlds and characters are quite fleshed out and interesting. Not award winning or anything, but they work.

That may be partly nostalgia but I did recently replay them on the PS3 and 3DS respectively. I didn't find myself groaning at anything in particular except maybe Anise in Abyss again and how much Symphonia hammers in "Racism is bad" then again Path of Radiance does that too.

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I don't think Symphonia and Abyss are really poorly written, I find some pacing issues in Abyss, not so much Symphonia. I think their worlds and characters are quite fleshed out and interesting. Not award winning or anything, but they work.

Abyss had a ton of issues throughout, namely in the writing. It was namely how Luke was so hell bent on giving his life back to Asch or whatever the hell, that he kept on just preaching that. It definitely did not click in the right way.

The poor writing came in the form of the lack of subtlety in the dialogue. The themes are there, but they bash you over the head with it and it overrides the primary plot the majority of the time.

That may be partly nostalgia but I did recently replay them on the PS3 and 3DS respectively. I didn't find myself groaning at anything in particular except maybe Anise in Abyss again and how much Symphonia hammers in "Racism is bad" then again Path of Radiance does that too.

Path of Radiance does it, but it does it through a "show don't tell" type thing. People express how they feel but they don't continue to drone on and on about it like Tales is prone to doing. It's also not necessarily pushed to the side but it's not something that's brought up in legitimately every single cutscene. Characters just don't seem to develop gradually, they just keep talking in Tales of the Abyss.

One example is Luke. He never really develops through both halves of the game; he has one major character turn and that's about it, which isn't development so much as changing completely (somehow). Every character's development arc is extremely sudden except for like Tear.

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I'm going to put my vote down for TES III: Morrowind. I love the world building in that game, and how the main quest immerses you in it.

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Xenoblade Chronicles is probably what I'd elect for this title. It's really hard to nail something that's "The Best" for this broad a topic, though.

Any RPG worth its salt tells a good story, and usually good in its own right BECAUSE it's not compared to others. That's the point of them, to deliver a very strong narrative to get you invested in the characters, be it others a-la JRPGs, or a self-insert interacting with the world, a-la WRPGs. Both have prime examples of great deliveries on narrative and story, but all of them tend to do it in a different way.

When you want to know what games are good, ask about their NARRATIVE, not their story. For example, the Metroid Prime games don't exactly tend to have the most fascinating of plots if you were to just write them down. It's all the little details that get included in every scene. The scannable stuff, the atmosphere of the area, even the enemies you just fought, and what happens to be in the room by itself, even if it can't be scanned. A good RPG will tell stories within stories not just through words, not just through the plot, but through every little asset of everything.

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Objectively, I really can't say. From what I've experienced the best story has to go to Persona 3, but I'm aware of its flaws. From a world-building view, Fallout: New Vegas gets my vote. Nicely done, the Mojave Wasteland

User above me hit the nail on its head. 'Tis how I feel about this topic

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Really depends on what you mean by story.

Plotwise, Vagrant Story is a political thriller involving spies, brainwashing, ancient prophecies, betrayals, and a city of the dead. Unfortunately, as awesome as this plot is, it has the penetrability of a concrete wall lined with kevlar. Still a good game, but the most important scenes can be accidentally skipped (namely, the first and second intro movies), which renders the story kudzu.

Meanwhile, the Persona franchise, specifically the third and fourth games in the series, manage to bring depth to characters rarely seen in the medium... at the cost of a snails pace plot progression. The day to day life of Yu Narukami and friends is interesting, but it can be tempting to scream "GET ON WITH IT" at the group as they try to piece together the mystery between high school shenanigans.

Finally, the scope of the early Final Fantasy games was astounding. From Final Fantasy III's big reveal that the entire first half of the game was actually only on a fraction of the whole world; to Final Fantasy IV's grand adventure across the world, into the depths, and finally through the void of space; to Final Fantasy V's travel through dimensions; to Final Fantasy VI's reshaping of the very continents you were exploring. The games may not have had the deepest stories, but the creativity involved in completely shaking up the players understanding of the world they were exploring made up for the paper thin characters.

So yeah.

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No. They're poorly written and prefer to show, not tell, and they have really massive pacing issues. Every single one of FE13's complaints (minus world building) applies like 10fold to Tales.

As far as RPGs go, FE9, Shadow Hearts/Shadow Hearts Covenant, and some final fantasy game (6 and 10, but I love 8 however it has its flaws).

I want to kiss you right now. :3

But personally, my vote's in for Final Fantasy 6, 10 and 12.

I haven't played FE9 but from what I've read it seems to really handle it's concepts well and has a nice tight story.

Other than that, I've pretty much hated most RPGs I've played.

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I liked Eternal Sonata's story a lot.

First time I actually felt something from a game's story(if I had played The Last Story first, yeah)

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Welp I'm assuming Persona 3 and 4 have been stated up and down the river. So.

Play Persona 2. Both games. DO IT. Great and touching stories that will hit the feels and make you really feel for the great characters! It don't play like P3 or P4, but the plot and chars feel like they could fit in P3 and P4, so its great! Ulala best girl.

Play Disgaea 4! Great Story. It's not touching or heartfelt, but it's absolutely hilarious and has some emotional and serious moments. It's probably the best plot in the Disgaea series. It also has Axel in it, and you can never go wrong with more Axel.

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