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[Battle FE13] Round 1: Baldrick vs Espinosa

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I'll tell you what my Round 1 predictions were. I'd like to keep my prediction for the winner hidden until the tournament is over.

Elieson +

Anon -

Greenminid +

Zerosabers +

Horace +

Carmine Sword -

Jedi -

Espinosa -

A + means I predicted correctly, while a - means that I was wrong.

Edited by Carmine Sword
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Hadn't Baldrick played no LA games at all before the Path of Radiance cup either? It would make sense if he picked all the nuances up along the way and did it again.

Edited by Espinosa
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It seems I'm ruling over Anna by giving her money every month the outsider then.

In this match, there can be still Chromu haxx, Gangrel haxx, and Brick Lad, which rules over all MUs, can still do something.

Wow that counter attack! I'm not at all sure which of you I'm gonna have to face at this rate lol.

Me neither. :D

Edited by Nintales
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I'll tell you what my Round 1 predictions were. I'd like to keep my prediction for the winner hidden until the tournament is over.

Elieson +

Anon -

Greenminid +

Zerosabers +


Carmine Sword -

Jedi -


A + means I predicted correctly, while a - means that I was wrong.

I see. Well...yeah, I lost. Dan was too pro.

I'm guessing you think Horace will win?

As for the winner...I have that to look forward to.

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try to get a round in before espinosa signs off at least.


Panne's BOND heals Gangrel by 10HP! (22/80)

2iljOd.jpg VS vW4qj6.jpg

Gangrel @Aversa's Night attacks Priam @Brave Bow!

33 damage, 91% hit, 0% crit


Gangrel's VENGEANCE activates!

(66, 29)

Priam takes 62 damage! (18/80)

Gangrel heals 31HP (53/80)

Priam counters!

15x2 damage, 76% hit, 0%


(44, 85)

Gangrel takes 15 damage! (38/80)


(93, 60) 76.5 the revenge of earlier games!

Priam misses!

Espinosa's turn.

 Baldrick               Espinosa 
Lon'qu        00/80   Henry               00/80
Panne         21/80   Cordelia            00/80
Brick Lad     80/80   Chrom               80/80
Gangrel       38/80   Espinosa's Espinosa 80/80
Henry         80/80   Priam               18/80
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I think Panne is guaranteed dead, so I'm Aversa'ing Priam again.

Espinosa, if you're leaving, could you give Horace your next action to speed this up?

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vW4qj6.jpg VS 271430_panne_zpsikew1v0k.png

Priam @Brave Sword attacks Panne @Yewfelle!

18x2 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit




Panne explodes!

Baldrick's turn.


2iljOd.jpg VS vW4qj6.jpg

Gangrel @Aversa's Night attacks Priam @Brave Sword!

33 damage, 93% hit, 0% crit



EYAHAHAHAHAHA! (I dunno man that's what it sounds like to me)

Gangrel's VENGEANCE activates!

(28, 42)

Priam takes 18 damage and falls.

Gangrel heals 9HP. (47/80)

Espinosa's turn. (no action recieved)

 Baldrick               Espinosa 
Lon'qu        00/80   Henry               00/80
Panne         00/80   Cordelia            00/80
Brick Lad     80/80   Chrom               80/80
Gangrel       47/80   Espinosa's Espinosa 80/80
Henry         80/80   Priam               00/80
Edited by General Horace
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Assuming Tomebreaker will make it 100 hit, Gangrel's luck won't hold out anymore.

If Horace gets back in the next 4 hours we may be able to knock this game off tonight Aus time.

If Espinosa kills Gangrel, I'm going to test whether Chrom has Bowbreaker.

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271351_mum_zpspeqbsrbe.png VS 2iljOd.jpg

Espinosa's Espinosa @Brave Bow attacks Gangrel @Aversa's Night!

25x2 damage, 98% hit, 0% crit


Espinosa's Espinosa's VENGEANCE activates!

(13, 0)

Gangrel takes 25 damage! (22/80)


Espinosa's Espinosa's VENGEANCE activates!

(76, 15)

Gangrel falls.


If Gangrel dies without inflicting damage, Henry Innes' Bow Chrom.

271050_henry_zpsrgglurv4.jpg VS 270932_chrom_zpsnlxn9kzz.jpg

Henry @Innes's Bow attacks Chrom @Brave Lance!

28 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit


Henry's VENGEANCE activates!


Chrom takes 28 damage (52/80)

Espinosa's turn.

 Baldrick               Espinosa 
Lon'qu        00/80   Henry               00/80
Panne         00/80   Cordelia            00/80
Brick Lad     80/80   Chrom               52/80
Gangrel       00/80   Espinosa's Espinosa 80/80
Henry         80/80   Priam               00/80
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271351_mum_zpspeqbsrbe.png VS 271050_henry_zpsrgglurv4.jpg

Espinosa's Espinosa @Yewfelle attacks Henry @Innes's Bow!

29 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit


Espinosa's Espinosa's VENGEANCE activates!

Henry takes 29 damage! (51/80)

Henry counters!

32 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit


Henry's VENGEANCE activates!

Espinosa's Espinosa takes 46 damage! (34/80)

Espinosa's Espinosa doubles!


Henry takes 29 more damage! (22/80)

Baldrick's turn.

 Baldrick               Espinosa 
Lon'qu        00/80   Henry               00/80
Panne         00/80   Cordelia            00/80
Brick Lad     80/80   Chrom               52/80
Gangrel       00/80   Espinosa's Espinosa 34/80
Henry         22/80   Priam               00/80

None of his actions in the PM correlate to what happened here though, so we wait.

Edited by General Horace
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