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How do you feel about Setsuna?(spoilers)


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The self proclaimed air headed archer. Personally I find her hilarious character wise. Her supports tend to be really funny especially with male kamui. Her dialouge in battle is also hilarious and sounds very sarcastic. Gameplay wise while she is outclassed by Takumi she passes down an amazing speed growth so she's also a pretty good mother. I've also had her do well in my playthroughs as a sniper and golden flier and am going for a puppeteer Setsuna this run.

I like her alot.

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From what I've seen of her, her speech reminds me of Luna Lovegood of Harry Potter fame, and from what I hear Hoshido in particular encourages Bow use so I'll be using her with Takumi regardless of any outclassing lol.

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I just love that she says "Bye bye!". She's so nonchalant, it's like she doesn't even realize or care that she's killing people.

I'm also bias towards bow users in general in FEif, as they are top notch in this game.

Edited by gayserbeam
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Personality isn't stand out or anything but I find her endearing.

Though unit wise she's apparently outshadowed, somewhat disappointing and somewhat expectable.

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I like how passive she is about the world around her, she doesn't let anything really faze her even if she's falling into traps. Plus, her dialogue in the DLC and some of her supports are pretty nice to read.

As for her performance, I still plan on using her alongside Takumi, at worst I'd make them different classes so that they can fill different roles from each other.

Edited by Medeus
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aaah I love Setsuna !! her dialogue lines are pure GOLD xD

I also love how she thinks everyone is praising her or giving her a compliment haha ~~

her supports with Cyrus and Joker are my favorites ! (◞ꈍ∇ꈍ)◞♥

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Reading through the translated supports, Setsuna feels like the most gimmicky character in Hoshido. She's just not someone I find all that interesting, which is a shame as I like her design.

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Statistically speaking, I still kind of don't understand why some characters get gimped on the growth rate department, either in stat balancing (20% speed growth? seriously?) or just plainly inferior growths (a 60% luck growth doesn't help either) or overly balanced growths. Setsuna, in terms of gameplay, I find that apart from her speed, she doesn't have much else. I suppose she'll always deal "decent" chip damage, and will probably consistently double, unlike Takumi who might/will find himself with speed problems, but I'm still not very confident with that.

The other things are more subjective for me, things like not liking the female archer/sniper design, and her personality is eh ish compared to most of the other characters.

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Yup, she's meant to be those characters with hilarious supports. Sadly, I don't find her that interesting even though her design is great. The character trait of falling into pitfalls all the time gets old pretty fast for me.

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… I think she was apparently stuck in quicksand in her recruitment chapter/introduction, with Asama not being helpful at all until Hinoka had to save her.

What the fuck

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… I think she was apparently stuck in quicksand in her recruitment chapter/introduction, with Asama not being helpful at all until Hinoka had to save her.

What the fuck

I cannot put on words how retarded that sounds.

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