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Serenes Forest Tourney Thread


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EDIT: Dotty, your Marth's too good.

I know, right? :P I was kinda getting tired of seeing Marth on the victory screen...

But I finally got a couple wins! I even managed to beat Dotty with Luigi, how did that happen? :o My second win was with *gasp* Robin. Sadly, no wins with Ike... I guess I need more work with him. :P

Also, finally had some matches that were mostly lag free. It was really bad in the beginning, but went away.

Edited by Anacybele
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Sorry, I got the wrong name, it caught me off-guard,

And sorry for acusing you KINGDDD...

It just that Bowser was yellow and you were yellow on the other match, so I mixed up

Edited by Water Mage
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All right, I finally accomplished my goal of catching up to first place, so I'm done for now.

EDIT: Also I totally acknowledge that that sudden death was BS and I was blatantly losing before that point, haha!

Edited by Dotty
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