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Angelcynn: The Myrcian Conflict - Act 1


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Jean moved swiftly toward and sought to down one of the beast menaces before they established themselves as a threat in this battle.

After Graham moves, Jean moves to 21, 13 and attacks Bear #2 with le Handcannon.

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Well! It certainly served these fools right to have challenged them, with how quickly they were being torn apart! Somehow the group had taken some hits, but it wasn't anything Jeeves could patch up... Or, herself, if she desperately had to.

And as luck would have it--

she would have to.

A pack of wild, roaming bears had suddenly wandered into their battle, Cass shrieking quickly at the sight of the creatures, gazing about her allies before double taking back to them. These were certainly actually formidable, compared to the bandits, and that meant keeping those already injured safe from harm. And somehow, somehow, Sidney had managed to get herself hurt. "Our master thief, unable to handle herself against bandits like this? Surely you jest." Cassandra scoffed once again as she made her way over to heal her, reluctantly. She didn't mind diving her axe into the neck of a bear, but as headstrong as she was, the princess wasn't incredibly interested in doing so first. Perhaps after Angus.

Cassandra to (18,13), heal Sidney

Edited by Snake Mom
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Graham moves to 21,14!

Graham attacks Bear #2 with his Iron Bow!
12 Atk, 100% Hit, 0% Crit
(33 29)
Bear #2 takes 12 damage! (15/40 HP remaining)

Graham gains 16 XP!
Graham gains 1 Bow WEXP!

Claire moves to 17,14!

Doug moves to 20,10!

Doug helps Lionel equip his Iron Lance!

Jean moves to 21,13!

Jean attacks Bear #2 with his Handcannon!
20 Atk, 96% Hit, 17% Crit, 17% Adept
(48 12)
Bear #2 explodes into chunks!

Jean gains 87 XP!
Jean gains 2 Firearms WEXP!

Jean grows to level 5!
(46 47 74 49 44 55 99 9)

HP up!
Strength up!
Skill up!
Luck up!
Resistance up!

Angus move to 22,12!

Cass moves to 18,13!

Cass heals Sidney back to full HP!

Cass gains 15 XP!

Cass gains 2 Staff WEXP!


"Flank them, boys! They've got bears to worry about!"

Merc #2 moves to 8,10...

Merc #2 explodes and dies horribly!

"Damned fool! Did he forget where the traps were?"

Bear #1 moves to 20,8!

Bear #1 tries to eat Lionel!
14 Atk, 43% Hit, 0% Crit
(31 84)
Lionel takes 14 damage! (12/26 HP remaining)
Lionel counters!
11 Atk, 81% Hit, 4% Crit, 10% Adept, 10% Sol
(55 27 16)
Lionel deals 11 damage! (18/40 HP remaining)
Lionel attacks again!
(27 39 98)
Lionel deals another 11 damage! (7/40 HP remaining)

Lionel gains 16 XP!
Lionel gains 2 Lance WEXP!

Bear #3 moves to 22,14!

Bear #3 attacks Graham!
7 Atk, 53% Hit, 0% Crit
(80 72)
Bear #3 misses!

Graham gains 5 XP!

Bear #3 moves to 21,15!

Bear #4 attacks Graham!
7 Atk, 53% Hit, 0% Crit
(58 33)
Bear #3 misses!

Graham gains 5 XP!



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The bear had acted in a very different way then he was expecting, Lionel was bleeding, a gash from the bite he had torn himself from. "D-damn, Doug was it? Could you finish this one off? I have a small duel to arrange up there in the forest..." He said pointing to the barely visible armored knight in the clearing up ahead.

"After the kindly Jeeves can spare a moment to tend my wounds that is."

Lionel Moves to (18,9)

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Adele moves to 20,15!

Adele attacks Bear #4 with her Bronze Axe!
8 Atk, 91% Hit, 0% Crit
(33 86)
Bear #4 takes 8 damage! (32/40 HP remaining)
Bear #4 attacks!
15 Atk, 54% Hit, 3% Crit
(84 80)
Bear #4 misses!
Adele attacks again!
(15 51)
Bear #4 takes 8 damage! (24/40 HP remaining)

Adele gains 16 XP!
Adele gains 2 Axe WEXP!

Lionel moves to 18,9!

Claire moves to 19,15!

Claire attacks Bear #4 with Fire!
11 Atk, 96% Hit, 12% Crit
(50 54)
Bear #4 takes 11 damage! (5/40 HP remaining)

Claire gains 16 XP!
Claire gains 1 Tomes WEXP!
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Niko moves to 20,14!

Niko attacks Bear #4 with Fire!
(24 49)
Bear #4 is roasted!

Niko gains 67 XP!
Niko gains 2 Tomes WEXP!

Niko grows to level 10!
(63 48 44 26 56 39 37 13)
Magic up!
Skill up!
Luck up!
Resistance up!

Sidney moves to 21,15!

Sidney attacks Bear #3 with her Iron Bow!
9 Atk, 100% Hit, 5% Crit
(43 53)
Bear 3 takes 9 damage! (31/40 HP remaining)
(12 52)
Bear 3 takes 9 damage! (22/40 HP remaining)

Sidney gains 16 XP!
Sidney gains 2 Bow WEXP!

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The bear had acted in a very different way then he was expecting, Lionel was bleeding, a gash from the bite he had torn himself from. "D-damn, Doug was it? Could you finish this one off? I have a small duel to arrange up there in the forest..." He said pointing to the barely visible armored knight in the clearing up ahead.

"After the kindly Jeeves can spare a moment to tend my wounds that is."

"You got it," Doug replied to Lionel. With that, he zoomed off on his pegasus. He pointed his lance straight for the side of the bear, retreating quickly in case the bear survived.

Doug to (20,9), attack Bear #1 with Iron Lance, 66 HIT, Canto to (17,9)

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Angus turns his axe over in his hand, cantering between his allies to get a better angle on the bear. "Sorry, fellows, but I can't let you have all the fun!"

He closes with the wall of fur and flesh, signaling his horse to rear up for maximum impact. "Your head's coming home with me!"

Angus moves to (21,14), attacks Bear #3 with Iron Axe, Cantos to (17,14)

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"Jeeves is far too old to attend to all of this, Lionel--" is what Cassandra had begun to say, before Angus yelped after having missed the bear in his charge. The fool was about to be mauled! Lionel's wound could wait; he was still alive, and Angus was about to be food. Picking up a rock to get the beast's attention, she tossed it at it before charging after them both. "Face me you overgrown badger!" It was a bear, it wasn't going to talk back, but it felt right to scream at something as you made to chop into it.

Cass to 21,14, smack the bronze axe into the bear

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Doug's move happens!

Thanks SF!

Doug probably levels up and then moves somewhere!

Graham moves to 16,14!

Angus moves to 21,14!

Angus attacks Bear #3 with his Iron Axe!
15 Atk, 91% Hit, 0% Crit, Charge Possible
(73 20)
Angus deals 15 damage! (7/40 HP remaining)
The Bear strikes back!
13 Atk, 46% Hit, 1% Crit
(14 50)
Angus takes 13 damage! (20/33 HP remaining)
Angus charges!
(92 56)
Angus misses!
The Bear attacks again!
(81 41)
The Bear misses!

Angus gains 16 XP!
Angus gains 2 Axe WEXP!

Angus cantos to 17,14!

Gerrard holds!

Cass moves to 21,14!

Cass attacks Bear #3 with her Bronze Axe!
(32 98)
Sucks to be a bear!
Bear #3 dies!

Cass gains 87 XP!
Cass gains 2 Axe WEXP!

Cass grows to level 5!
(30 78 12 28 96 55 48 57)
HP up!
Magic up!
Skill up!
Luck up!

Edited by Shin
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Angus groans, palming his face. Again?! The damn thing was the size of the barn. His shoulder hurt, but not nearly so bad as his pride. Sure, he could've handled the blasted thing if he was the only one it was poised to maul, but that wasn't the shape of it. At least there were others around to pick up the slack this time.

Angus turned around and waved, in case anyone was worried. "Great shot, Princess! I'm alright, don't worry about me; I'll be fine, and I can't exactly ride up through those traps. Focus on the others, eh?"

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Jean moves to 16,13!

Owen holds!

"You'd be surprised, Princess Cassandra. There's still a few tricks hidden in these old bones."

Jeeves chooses to move to 14,12!

Jeeves casts heal on Gerrard!

Gerrard returns to full HP!

Jeeves gains 8 XP!

Jeeves gains 2 Staff WEXP!

Fabien cannot move to 13,12!

Fabien moves to 14,13!

"Sacré bleu! I remember 'earin' about zese people's traps. As a... treasure 'unter, I will be able to see zese zings a bit better... if I can get close enough."


The bad guys do nothing!



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Niko moves to 15,14!

Claire moves to 14,15!

Fabien moves to 11,10-...

Fabien is engulfed by an explosion!

"Zis is not 'ow I expected to go!"

Poor Fabien!

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Jean had hoped that he wouldn't have to explain that a turncoat under his temporary service had been immolated. Maybe he would just feign ignorance. He did extend a warning to those surrounding him on the front lines to prevent future casualties. Except perhaps that scoundrel and the mercenaries... they could step on traps all day for all he cared.

"To those on the front, it would not be wise to stumble forward without care. I will take point!"

Jean moves to 13, 11. While he didn't have a chance to look at the traps that Fabien found himself at the end off, he hoped to fare better in attempts to detect them.

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