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Angelcynn: The Myrcian Conflict - Act 1


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Lionel was dismayed at the lack of teamwork the two with him were showing.

"Now I know you two don't like each other much, but if we continue acting like this, we will fall! Please try to set your dispute aside for the time being. I think Lord Owen's safety is a bit more important then this squable." He roared as he moved into position. Hoping to protect Sidney from this foe's later attack.

Lionel moves to 5,4 and strikes the Archer with his Steel Lance.

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"You've more obligations than being an uptight child on the battlefield, princess!" Sidney hollered. "You don't need to like me to act better than a six-year-old with your pathetic, ignorant, and rather baseless grudges. I'm not asking for much here and you're the only healer here, but you've managed to childishly shirk your responsibility! As I should expect from nobles by now- ridiculous. Always in it for themselves. I could've left that town and never offered by help, and this is how you treat me? No honor among thieves, they say- if Owen's the exception and all the other Wykian nobles are as much of a frigid, ignorant bitch as you, I'd think people like me would be the least of your worries. No wonder there's a traitor you're chasing after!"

She crossed her arms with a "hmmf!", rather miffed that the knight she'd talked to earlier had actually needed to intervene. "At least someone here has their priorities straight! Fighting the actual enemy comes first before a stupid grudge you made the instant you saw me!"

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THAT'S IT! "YOU SHOULD HAVE, YOU IMPUDENT HARPY!" No word from lionel was stopping this from happening. At least the bandits would have a show before they all died. "My 'grudges' are based on being expected to trust and tolerate the presence of a thief, who has done nothing to earn nor garner it! You show up in the middle of our fight, throw your desperation onto my brother, place your unworthy self in his personal space, and expect me to act like everything's fine!? I am attempting to fight our enemies, but some scarlet whore punched me-- and you preach to me about acting my age!? I will heal those I care about, and those who deserve it, not those who recklessly get themselves into stupid situations on their own idiocy!"

Cass had half a mind to starting swinging at her while she was hurt; maybe she'd be rid of this thorn in her side. "The only bitch here is the dog panting at my brother's heels for scraps because she couldn't lead an honest life if it came to her with open arms! HEAL YOURSELF, YOU DISGUSTING THIEF!" And Cass' shouting was over, shaking with anger. Whatever response Sidney had to offer wasn't worth it at this point-- NEVER before had she been so insulted by someone so far beneath her. And if all she had to do was ignore the problem to make it go away, then she could. Go off yourself, you worm...

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There was clearly battle already afoot, as the gathered brigands, as well as sounds of fighting... and yelling, across the bridge had confirmed, with a glance, that they had found who they were looking for. And unfortunately, Adeltrudis had been right in her worries.

"Damn it, we need to break through these guys and get across the bridge!"

Adele to 27,8, attack Lancer #3 with Nacht!

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"What in the name of the gods..."

"Okay, that's enough." Owen rose his voice to the situation, "I understand neither of you take to the other pretty well, but keep it to yourselves while WE ARE FIGHTING FOR OUR LIVES." The sentence turned to a shout, demanding attention, yet Owen made for a pause the moment the bickering was done. The point was to interrupt it, not prolong. "Sister, please keep the language down, don't become like the brigands just because the situation has become tense." A sigh. Owen still minded to keep the disappointment in his body language at a minimum, at least.

"Just... take care, remember I took you along because I believe in you." With every moment mattering, Owen decided not to adress Sidney and leave her to take care of herself --she'd proven she could risk her life for the job, at least. Probably.

"I'll help the others." Raising his sword, Owen made a sprint south and towards his vassals, stuck fighting a slightly larger force on their own. Owen's sights immediately set at the swordsman standing nearest to the front. That sword... what kind of weapon is that? Whatever it was, it looked menacing. Probably best to take him down before he could swing it again.

Owen to (5,10), attack Merc #2.

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Owen's shout grounded Cass a bit, her shaking anger dissipating as it was replaced with worry. She hadn't a care what Sidney thought of her, but Owen's respect was something she cared for greatly, and disappointing him--as much as she felt that yelling at this sorry sack couldn't disappoint anyone--was the last thing she wanted to do. So when he chided her and not Sidney for their actions, she dropped, gawking at him a bit. "B-But she-- what about..." It was disheartening, to say the least. It was true that she'd be spouting vitriol like one of the brigands, albeit with a more sophisticated air-- and she had patronized Angus for doing the same, earlier. But she'd deserved it! Cass had been assaulted, and then called immature, when this whelp hadn't even thought of asking for help before demanding it like it was something she was owed. Cass couldn't think of what to say, aside from actually being childish. "I'm still not helping her!" she shouted after Owen as he left, falling into a defeated pout.

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Doug joined the others on the ground as they entered the new battlefield. Judging from the bodies from the village, they were likely to earn more of their keep very soon. Sure enough, the group ran into hostiles. It seemed the person they were to meet, the prince, was on the other side dealing with more enemies. This was the perfect bandit sandwich, with a side of Reliant Relish to kick things up a notch!

Seeing Niko already starting on a swordsman, Doug flew by to follow up with a javelin strike. He would have joined up with his boss if it weren't for a nearby archer. The rider made sure to hightail it out of there before getting skewered.

"Figures they've got bows..."

Doug flies to 28,6

Doug tosses Javelin

Canto's to 31,6

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Lionel moves to 5,4!

Lionel attacks Archer #1 with his Steel Lance!
11 Atk, 87% Hit, 4% Crit, 10% Sol, 10% Adept
(25 39 59)
Archer #1 takes 11 damage! (9/20 HP remaining)

Lionel gains 10 XP!
Lionel gains 1 Lance WEXP!

Adele moves to 27,8!

Adele attacks Lancer #3 with Nacht!
11 Atk, 100% Hit, 26% Crit
(11 44)
Lancer #3 dies!

Adele gains 30 XP!
Adele gains 2 Axe WEXP!

Adele grows to level 3!
(12 91 77 30 72 47 59 19)

HP up!
Skill up!

Owen moves to 5,10!

Owen attacks Merc #2 with Epee!
10 Atk, 86% Hit, 2% Crit, 6% Astra
(97 29 10)
Owen misses!
Merc #2 counters!
8 Atk, 86% Hit, 6% Crit
(48 43)
Owen takes 8 damage! (15/23 HP remaining)

Owen gains 5 XP!
Owen gains 1 Sword WEXP!

Doug moves to 28,6!

Doug attacks Merc #3 with his Javelin!
12 Atk, 71% Hit, 5% Crit
(61 8)
Yeah, that's dead.

Doug gains 36 XP!
Doug gains 2 Lance WEXP!

Doug cantos to 31,6!

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"Be careful Doug. As you said, plenty of archers here. We don't want you getting hit by one of those, alright?" Niko then turned to the bandits approaching and grinned. "Bring it on you ruffians. I'll take you on."

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"This is going poorly." Claire muttered, watching Owen's swing go wide of his target. Between the infighting and a couple of unfortunate mishaps, they were at risk of being overwhelmed. All she could do was try to finally put the swordsman down, and hope that someone else would be able to take care of the rest.

Claire stands still (armour still on) and finishes off Merc 2.

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"Don't be an idiot. There's no such this an an honest life for some people, you entitled brat! I'm bleeding for you all over here- so keep on talking, cupcake, cause every single word that comes out of your mouth just tells me even more about how much of an ignorant little twit you are!" Sidney moved her hand towards her knife, ready to fight back if the moron princess made a move, but Owen made his word known, the thief wisely choosing to freeze before drawing any more ire. Oh... I should count myself lucky. A small smirk made its way to her face despite herself. Maybe that means he likes me already. I am taking a bunch of big risks up here! Still, her wounds needed treating. "Just... help me. I need it," she admitted, much as she didn't want to. "Sorry, alright? We need to depend on each other..."

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Gerrard grit his teeth and cursed himself. He should've been the one to try and put the slippery swordsman down, if only so the prince wouldn't be in his current predicament. All that could be down now however was to play damage control. Claire was already at work putting the swordsman in his place, dead on the ground, leaving him the job of removing the archer.

Gerrard 6-10, eliminate archer.

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Angus probably did his move at some point!

Claire attacks Merc #2 with Fire!
(58 79)
Merc #2 dies!

Claire gains 30 XP!
Claire gains 2 Tome WEXP

Gerrard moves to 6,10!

Gerrard attacks Archer #2 with his Iron Blade!
(51 44 42)
So dead.

Gerrard gains 27 XP!
Gerrard gains 4 Sword WEXP!

Jeeves moves to 27,10!


Pirate #2 moves to 6,4!

Pirate #2 attacks Lionel with his Iron Axe!
10 Atk, 81% Hit, 0% Crit
(8 47)
Lionel takes 10 damage! (15/25 HP remaining)
Lionel counters!
12 Atk, 78% Hit, 6% Crit, 10% Sol, 10% Adept
(60 98 15)
Pirate #2 takes 12 damage! (12/24 HP remaining)
Lionel attacks again!
(35 83 67)
Pirate #2 falls!

Lionel gains 30 XP!
Lionel gains 3 Lance WEXP!

Pirate #5 moves to 5,12!

Pirate #5 attacks Owen with his Hand Axe!
7 Atk, 43% Hit, 2% Crit
(44 42)
Pirate #5 misses!

Owen gains 5 XP!

Pirate #6 moves to 23,3!

Pirate #7 moves to 27,7!

Pirate #7 attacks Adele with his Iron Axe!
8 Atk, 74% Hit, 5% Crit
(51 51)
Adele takes 8 damage! (18/27 HP remaining)
Adele counters!
12 Atk, 90% Hit, 23% Crit
(12 47)
Pirate #7 takes 12 damage! (12/24 HP remaining)
(50 21)

Adele gains 27 XP!
Adele gains 3 Axe WEXP!

Pirate #8 moves to 25,10!

Pirate #8 attacks Jeeves with his Hand Axe!
8 Atk, 46% Hit, 5% Crit
(1 95)
Jeeves takes 8 damage! (22/30 HP remaining)
Old Age falls to 6!

Pirate #9 doesn't move!

Pirate #10 moves to 26,11!

Pirate #10 attacks Jeeves with his Hand Axe!
9 Atk, 44% Hit, 4% Crit
(4, 89)
Jeeves takes 9 damage! (13/30 HP remaining)
Old Age falls to 5!

Merc #4 moves to 26,10!

Merc #4 attacks Jeeves with his Iron Sword!
5 Atk, 82% Hit, 8% Crit
(75 43)
Jeeves takes 5 damage! (8/30 HP remaining)
Old Age falls to 4!
Jeeves puts his hand to his chest!
Jeeves counters!
8 Atk, 94% Hit, 7% Crit
(23 58)
Merc #4 takes 8 damage! (14/22 HP remaining)

Archer #1 moves to 5,2!

Archer #1 attacks Lionel with her Iron Bow!
8 Atk, 78% Hit, 0% Crit
(66 48)
Lionel takes 8 damage! (7/25 HP remaining)

Lionel gains 5 XP!

Archer #3 moves to 27,6!

Archer #3 attacks Adele with her Gattling Bow!
3 Atk, 47% Hit, 5% Crit
(41 75)
Adele takes 3 damage! (15/27 HP remaining)
(67 4)
(59 46)

Adele gains 5 XP!

Archer #4 moves to 17,7!

Archer #5 moves to 29,10!

Archer #5 attacks Jeeves with her Arbalest!
13 Atk, 56% Hit, 7% Crit
(66, 6)
Jeeves dodges!

Archer #6 moves to 5,8!

Archer #6 attacks Owen with her Bronze Bow!
3 Atk, 86% Hit, -% Crit
(25 61)
Owen takes 3 damage! (12/23 HP remaining)

Owen gains 5 XP!


Old Age falls to 3!

"What's taking them so long? They better not be afraid of a little swimming!"



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Lionel slumped a little using his lance as a support.. Bleeding from his wounds. The dastard who had rushed him, did a huge number to him, the arrow to his side was very unpleasant as well.

"Damn, these guys are stronger then the ones we faced before, this could get even more dicey if we don't finish this side soon..."

He regained a little bit of his composure after pulling the arrow out, grunting in pain as he did so. "There is only a few of them left. Regroup afterwards..." He panted, his breaths were heavy and he didn't push himself more then just making some signals to Cass, Sidney and Angus. That A he was alright and B that he was capable of assisting if needed in the fighting against the nearby archer(s).

Move Order will be later.

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Cass shivered again, not liking this one bit. "Call me a twit again, you..." Owen was still away from them, but she didn't want him to come back over here and start to lecture her. She took her staff out, and hesitated for a moment. There's a few open wounds on her... I could... No, you're not that kind of person. She shook her head, and walked over to Sidney, her gaze low and frame rather tense. Then she thwacked her in the shoulder with her staff! "That's for punching me! Do it again if you dare, and I'll see to it Owen does more than fire you!" Before Sidney could gripe, Cass healed her wounds, closing up the heavy hits she'd taken earlier. "And you'd best thank him, because if it wasn't for him, I'd be more than content to heal anyone else." Cass grumbled, sighing as the healing ended. "And I... I'm... ...orry..." Cass blushed, folding her arms. "I will... Apologize, for my conduct, on the battlefield," she corrected, stuttering a bit, and straightening herself out to look away. "Just ask, next time," she then mumbled.

Cass to 4,4 begrudgingly heal Sidney

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"Damn, Doug, come on, we need to help them out." With that being said, Niko rushed forward and sent a ball of fire flying towards the archer.

Niko to 28-5, set the archer on fire

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Sidney panted heavily even as she stood, yelping when the princess approached her and whacked her with the staff! "Ungh! D-don't do that!" she complained, but as soon as she was healed the thief instantly felt relief. She sighed blissfully- the wounds weren't fully healed, but it was still enough to make her feel much better, and leaned forward onto the princess for a moment- however brief. "Thanks a lot, cupcake," she mumbled quietly, before breaking the awkward contact. "Well! I suppose I need to keep my end of the deal, then!" She started off towards an opposing bow-user, hacking at her with her knife!

Sidney to (5, 7) and stab miss archer with the Zodiac Claw

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"I guess that's my cue..." Lionel murmured under his breath still slumped on his lance.

Lionel moves to 4,8 and adjusting his stance, strikes at the archer with the Steel Lance.

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The reaction from her staff bashing was satisfying, and perhaps Sidney would relent from even thinking about being physical in the future, if she didn't want it. However, Sidney got far too close after being healed, so close that Cass didn't quite have a proper reaction, save for staring at her wide eyed, and remaining red. Even her tone was different, wh-what is this!? "G-Get away from me!" Cass finally shrieked, recoiling back a bit, and shrinking away from her. "D-D-D-Don't get that close to me, understand!? I will not permit it!" Sidney was already running off, and Cass was huffing and grumbling on the spot. Who does she think she is, insulting me and having a shouting match, and then doing something like that!? Honestly! I can't stand her! "And don't call me CUPCAKE!"

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Cass moves to 4,4!

Cass uses Heal on Sidney!
Sidney gains 12 HP! (15/24 HP)

Cass gains 15 XP!
Cass gains 2 Staff WEXP!

Cass grows to level 3!
(17 32 66 52 44 56 0 35)

HP up!
Strength up!
Luck up!
Defense up!
Res up!

Niko moves to 28,5!

Niko attacks Archer #3 with Fire!
11 Atk, 96% Hit, 4% Crit
(63 36)
Archer #3 takes 11 damage! (9/20 HP remaining)
Archer #3 counters with Gattling Bow!
4 Atk, 44% Hit, 0% Crit
(36 75)
Niko takes 4 damage! (27/31 HP remaining)
(52 9)
(68 28)

Niko gains 8 XP!
Niko gains 1 Tome WEXP!

Sidney moves to 5,7!

Sidney attacks Archer #6 with Zodiac Claw!
9 Atk, 100% Hit, 14% Crit
(50 91)
Sidney deals 9 damage! (11/20 HP remaining)
(34 4)

Sidney gains 24 XP!
Sidney gains 3 WEXP!

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Lionel moves to 5,3!

Lionel attacks Archer #1 with his Steel Lance!
(12 95 62)
Archer #1 dies!

Lionel gains 27 XP!
Lionel gains 2 Lance WEXP!

Lionel grows to level 3!
(20 12 94 81 32 40 27 94)
HP up!
Strength up!
Speed up!
Defense up!
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Claire breathed a sigh of relief after Owen seemed to make it out mostly unscathed. After watching the nearby archer crumple after a knife to the back from Sidney, she turned her attention to the Prince and their last enemy. "Prince Owen, please don't make a habit of this." She wasn't Lionel, but if she could prevent a similar situation from cropping up in the future, she hoped he would listen. "We are capable of handling the majority of the fighting - there's no need to charge in so recklessly." Her advice was brief, but hopefully he would take it to heart. Wasting no time, she got to work toasting the last axeman standing.

Claire moves to (6,11) and attacks Pirate 5. Armour is still a thing.

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Claire moves to 6,11!

Claire attacks Pirate #5 with Fire!
10 Atk, 100% Hit, 13% Crit
(99 82)
Pirate #5 takes 10 damage! (14/24 HP remaining)
Pirate #5 counters!
11 Atk, 50% Hit, 2% Crit
(33 89)
Claire takes 11 damage! (12/23 HP remaining)

Claire gains 10 XP!
Claire gains 1 Tome WEXP!

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Sidney twirled her dagger after felling the archer, her attitude back in swing after the healing. "Just gotta hit 'em where it hurts." She bowed despite her situation, wiping some hair out of her brow as the princess shouted after her. "Aww, don't be so sensitive! Did you like sweetheart better, princess? I suppose it has a certain ring to it..."

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