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Angelcynn: The Myrcian Conflict - Act 1


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"Very well. I suppose I'll accept that answer, for now. Do you know of any other groups in the area, that might have been approached? People you don't deal with, but know are around?" Adele continued, taking a moment to sit down and sip her tea. Well, at least he was soft, that was a plus. Made things easier.

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"Lord Owen, I trust you and the others have this handled?" Lionel commented, he looked wary at the thief he had been speaking to, "Keep a close eye on her" he murmured to the nearby vassals.

"I'm going to go check for survivors, I think you can best the rest of these curs without my assistance" He then went off to 8,12 to check for any survivors in the ruined house

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...Please tell me isn't really going to hire her. While it wasn't really her place to object, letting a common thief into their ranks almost felt like an insult. Even if her skills were useful, letting them travel with royalty and their vassals just seemed... wrong. "She better learn her place..." she muttered to herself, hurrying towards the last few fighters.

Claire moves to (10,12).

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It took a good amount of restraint not to start swinging after that cupcake comment. Never had Cassandra been so spoken down to, by anyone, and if Owen wasn't there, there would definitely be a fight happening. "You will keep your distance," she spoke as calmly as she could. She didn't care how often she had to repeat it, Owen was her brother, and more importantly, he was the prince. A thief, let alone one who was making her wants fairly clear, was not allowed to grace his personal space. "And what happened to that item you found? Surely the chest wasn't empty." That was something Cass had to pick on. If they were going to hire her to open things, they had to know where the contents were going.

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Lionel moves to 8,12!

Lionel checks for signs of life!

Everything's been looted and smashed to pieces. Whoever lived here was long gone. There doesn't seem to be very much though, chances were the house was all they owned.

Claire moves to 10,12!

Adele's happy hour

Urien shook his head. "No, miss! I don't know of any other groups! There might be some more if someone's after the prince but we wasn't told nothing! All we was told was to attack the manor here around noon today. That's all the details we was given."

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"I'll do as I like. I'm reliable, you see? You can always trust me to be untrustworthy." Sidney smiled, in her element now under pressure. "What was in it? Well, there was this magical little artifact in it supposed to make you quicker- Speedwings, or something. Anyway, I used them and they worked, so that's how that story ends." She gave the prince time to scrutinize the dagger she'd given him to look over. "What do you think? Pretty nice, isn't it? All I had to start with was some of the metal, then I crafted the rest myself, engravings and handle and everything."

For all her boasting, regardless of the truth of some of it, the dagger was rather well-made. The blade was a fine steel, and quite well honed- and thin enough to dart through the plates of some heavy armor. On the handle were twelve small carvings of various pictures. "Zodiac. They're called the Zodiac- I heard about them in stories when I was younger." She was anxious to get a move on, but didn't want to make any sudden movements now that other allies of the prince were nearby- while the princess didn't scare her, a lancer and mage were much more of a reason to keep herself in check.

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"You sound like a moron." Trust her to be untrustworthy? That wasn't something to sell people on. And her comments about using what she found in the chest immediately made Cass think even less of her. "So we're to hire you to open doors and chests for us so you can take the spoils for yourself?" If she was aiming to be hired, she'd probably wait, at least a bit, to go over what she stole, but Cass was trying to poke holes in her arguments so Owen would at least think it over longer. Maybe he'd come to the conclusion that they didn't need her, and could simply hail for a spy from the castle.

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"Trust... to be untrustworthy..." Somehow, Owen did not find himself as convinced after hearing those words. Examining the knife's construct was a surprise, however --it was of fine grade. The woman couldn't have worked metal that way with simple luck, even with more time and resources than weapons meant for mass-production. "Are you perhaps a craftswoman too? Alright, I have no doubt you're deft, but don't you find it a bit greedy to ask a job to a country's prince just as the outlaws you sided with were brought down by his sword?" The question was moreso stalling for time at this point, and Owen cut himself with a sigh as he realized this conversation could drag on.

"How about I deal with their leader first, then you can continue your arguments? I don't suppose the rest of those rogues will take their merry time twiddling thumbs while I stay here." Owen argued and made a motion to move, not taking that well to the pressure of decision not long after being feathered with arrows. "You can stick around if you wish. However, if I see one piece of cloth missing from my vassals, you're not getting a very favorable answer."

Owen to 9,9.

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"Calm down, sweetheart. It just means you should always be careful- something you should keep in mind. You never know when the tides will turn in games of politics. Besides, I didn't even see you guys when I opened the treasure, much less get the brilliant idea of working for you right away! Now you're flattering me, Princess, giving me enough credit to be that quick at thinking!" This one seems... easy to fluster. Sidney perked up a bit as the Prince continued to question her- it made her hopeful, because if his answer was likely to be no she'd likely already be in trouble. "A bit greedy? I don't exactly have options for employers after jail. People don't wanna hire me, no matter how good I am, so I gotta take what opportunities I can! Pillaging doesn't exactly please me, but what's a girl to do when times are rough?"

Still, the Prince moving away meant she might actually need to show her worth before the battle was done. "Hey, I need that!" she told him as he ran off, quickly swiping her dagger back for herself. Now, let's see... Sidney scampered around the ledge towards where the bandit leader was, not really wanting to take initiative still.

Sidney moves to (12, 8)! On player phase this time!

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Claire moves to 10,12!

Owen moves to 9,9!

Sidney moves to 12,8!


"Yarr, be coming at me, ye fancy bugger. Otherwise I be coming for you!"

Nothing really happens!




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Despite the massive numbers advantage, the chief bandit still felt like he could taunt them? He really was an idiot. "Well, you brought this upon yourself." Claire mused, before channeling her magic for what she hoped would be the last time that day.

Claire moves to (10,8) and attacks Gerlof.

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Claire moves to 10,8!

"Aye, ye be having a fighting spirit. Maybe you can shiver me timbers!"

Claire attacks Gerlof with Fire!
12 Atk, 85% Hit, 10% Crit
(64 51)
Gerlofs takes 12 damage! (19/31 HP remaining)
Gerlofs counters!
16 Atk, 56% Hit, 2% Crit
(9 95)
Claire takes 16 damage! (8/23 HP remaining)
Claire attacks again!
(56 45)
Gerlofs takes 12 damage! (7/31 HP remaining)
Claire gains 11 XP!
Claire gains 2 Tome WEXP!
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Seeing her chance, Sidney moves in for the finishing blow! That'll show 'em how good I am...

Sidney moves to (10, 7) and attacks Gerlofs with the Zodiac Claw

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Cass would be axeing Sidney more questions later, but as frustrating as her broken logic was, there didn't seem to be any way of getting around it. Owen had sent her off for now, and Cass couldn't be bothered to talk with her any longer now that Claire had run up and started playing fireworks with the big boss of these bandits. With staff in hand, she came up behind the woman after she'd been struck with the axe, fixing up her wounds and grumbling the whole time. "Stupid thieves, stupid woman, stupid trying to seem smart, stupid, stupid, stupid..."

Cass to 10,9, heal Claire.

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Niko frowned as he listened to the discussion. It seemed that, despite all of his former boss's advice, he'd gotten the Reliants mixed up with royalty. Damn, and I already agreed to listen to the proposed mission. Well... maybe it won't be too bad. And it's not like our group isn't already over our heads. Perhaps getting some royals on our side could be a good idea after all...

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"Very well. I suppose that's all, for now. Jeeves, have him brought to an... appropriate room. See to it that the housekeepers keep him fed, we don't have time to deal with figuring out his future, right now... if all goes well I just might come back in a good mood." Adele noted to Jeeves, turning away from the prisoner and towards the mercenaries that had joined them, the Reliants.

"Well, as I'm sure you've figured out already, if these men were sent here in pursuit of Prince Owen, then there are almost certain to be contingency plans. And if they thought him to be passing through here, I have a good idea of where he might be. So, before we come any further, let us be clear. Will we be negotiating a price for your intervention today, or for your continued assistance?"

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Sidney moves to 10,7!
"Lass, ye be looking mighty familiar!"
Sidney attacks Gerlofs with her Zodiac Claw!
7 Atk, 83% Hit, 12% Crit
(8 81)
Gerlofs falls!

Sidney gains 100 XP!

Sidney grows to level 2!
(31 7 19 26 74 10 11 68)

HP up!
Strength up!
Skill up!
Luck up!
Defense up!

Sidney picks up a Hand Axe!

Cass moves to 10,9!
Cass heals Claire for 12 HP!
Cass gains 15 XP!
Cass gains 2 Staff WEXP!

- Defeated Gerlofs (Turn 7)

Owen gains 30 BEXP
Cass gains 20 BEXP!
Lionel gains 40 BEXP!

Lionel grows to level 2!
(48 69 16 43 87 28 32 51)

HP up!
Skill up!
Luck up!

Angus gains 30 BEXP!

Angus grows to level 2!
(88 36 6 26 36 26 54 6 57)

Strength up!
Magic up!
Skill up!
Speed up!
Defense up!

Claire gains 20 BEXP!
Gerrard gains 30 BEXP!
Sidney gains 30 BEXP!

With most of the bandits fallen, and any stragglers running as far as they could, the battle had ended. Still, the village was in a sorry state and Owen was none the wiser to the source of it. It was around noon, and with Dettard still a day's travel away. Haste would be needed if they wished to arrive before the next day's sunset.

A small elderly man nervously left the village hall, turning white as a sheet as he saw Owen ahead of him. Probably only five and a half feet tall, he supported his feeble frame with a stick. Falling to his knees, he groveled to the prince.

"I'm sorry, your highness! We've been so far behind on taxes, please don't punish us! Between the bandits and the taxes, we have nothing left to give! I beg for your mercy!"

Owen's group are free to post!

Adele the Merciful

Jeeves nodded. "As you wish, Lady Adeltrudis. I will instruct the other servants to keep a close eye on him." Urien seemed rather grateful for Adele's kind choice, tears flowing from the ruffian's eyes. "Thank you, miss! I ain't ever going to do no bad things no more! I'll be on the straight and narrow, I swears it!"

Rather apathetic to the display, Jeeves listened intently to Adele's words. "Shall I prepare for us to depart, milady? With haste, we should be able to leave within the hour."

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Niko glanced at Doug and then mentally sighed. Despite his hesitations, work was work and they were clearly unknown in this area. "Well, it seems... unwise to allow rebellions to rise in a country where we were hoping to settle. So yes, you may consider us on board for all future operations, assuming we can come to an agreement on the contract."

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"Yes, prepare for departure, Jeeves. With this one here and the others dead or gone, there should be nothing the keepers can't manage. Come, let us speak on your contract, then." Adele noted, as she turned away from the prisoner and walked over to a nearby chair, sitting down and sipping her tea.

"I suppose I'll hear your standard rate, to begin."

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Niko hesitated and slowly said, "Well, of course we will require food and reasonable lodging during the duration of the job. Assuming that we are to be traveling with you that is. If we are traveling on our own, simply giving us enough money for us to travel simply will be enough. And also weapons will be repaired or supplied as we need. Since we will be using them to protect you and your friends."

He frowned, mentally trying to figure out how much of a bonus to their normal fee he could add for the trouble of royalty. He wasn't exactly sure since he'd only been involved in this sort of thing once or twice but still. He wanted to make sure the job was worth their time.

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"Sidney does it all- with style!" The thief posed, spinning her dagger and the axe she picked up before taking a bow. Theatrics aside, she looked towards the princess and threw the axe by her feet. "That one's on me, cupcake! Consider it a rare gift! Haha." Her work done for the time being, she folded her arms and leaned back on the walls of the town hall. "Hmm, a shame... I don't really like killing people very much. I suppose it's too late now, but... well, talk to me when you're all set, Princey. We can work out all the fun little details when there's nothing else for you to handle." And hopefully without a certain self-righteous little punk speaking her mind on everything!

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Whether or not this thief was trustworthy (she wasn't), she wasn't lying when she said she could fight, jumping in to take care of the bandit leader once Claire had done most of the work. With their mage's wounds healed, Cass stood up straight and stretched. "Ahhh... That was harrowing, if I'm being honest." She'd... Killed a few people. She hadn't exactly planned on ever killing anyone, but now that she had, she... Oddly didn't feel that bad about it. They were just bandits; the scum of the earth. Anyone who's willing to harm innocents for pleasure doesn't deserve their life. She nodded and decided that there wasn't much point in thinking on it further. Then an axe hit the ground near her and she jumped, scowling at the thief responsible.

"You'll find one of these lodged in your back if you don't quit the nicknames!" She grumbled, and sighed. This woman was going to be more trouble than she was worth, Cass could feel it, and it bothered her. But at this point, Owen was going to bring her along, and she couldn't do anything about it. She picked up the axe, and rolled her eyes, bring herself over to Angus.

"Angus, take this. I have no need of it, and you'd be better off with more than one sharp implement. Just don't throw it at one of us, by accident." She held the axe out, handle first, for him to take. "You did fairly well in that fight, despite your earlier outburst. Continue to perform as you have been." At least having competent vassals was making her feel better.

It was then that she noticed the man groveling near Owen. Is that the village magistrate? Taxes? That's not why we're here... Owen would sort that out, of course, but she was confused as to why he even was beginning to think they were there to extort gold from these unfortunate souls. "Like being attacked by bandits wasn't enough..." she mumbled.

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His vassals took care of the bandit leader quicker than Owen could argue anything, only looking as Sidney took him down. I... should've mentioned I just wanted him knocked unconscious. Sighing over spilled milk, Owen turned away to stare the elderly man for a few moments as he told his story. "I am not here for taxes. In fact, tell no one any of us were here. If you must explain the corpses, tell a passing mercenary band fought them." Owen paused for a moment and waited for the elder to look back at him, "Tell me: Who comes here to tax you, how frequent are the taxes, and what happened to this village's guards?"

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Claire wasn't too happy with the vulture finishing off the leader after she did most of the work herself, but at least the battle was over. She had no qualms with slaying the bandits, but it was much more tiring than any of her training sessions had been. Especially in the past year or so, she'd felt nothing really challenge her. Perhaps these excursions really were the way to improve her magic more quickly - despite the risk they held.

Sidney's antics snapped her out of her thoughts, and she found herself wishing that the girl had managed to hit herself with the axe instead of catching it. You didn't even do anything... Claire could already tell that Sidney would be a fun travelling companion, and couldn't wait for them to finish the job so that she would leave. Hoping to take her mind off of the rogue, she looked around at the rest of the group. Prince Owen seemed to be speaking to the villagers, but otherwise they seemed to mostly be more relaxed after the skirmish had concluded. "How are you feeling, Princess?" she asked, joining Cassandra and Angus, intent to stay as far away from the irritating thief as she could.

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"Oh, hello, Claire," Cass said with slight surprise, not expecting the mage to join them so quickly. Cass assumed Claire wasn't much of a talker, for little reason other than she was a mage, and mages were the types to be stuck in their books and all that. "I'd be better if Owen made better decisions," she said with a roll of her eyes, shaking her head slowly, "but that's that, and now we're here. I suppose, aside from that, I'm fine and rather ready to move on to the Dettard's manse. I'd quite appreciate a rest in a much more... Well stocked place. I imagine we'll be camping out one night, on the way there, and as much as the stare are beautiful to look at before sleeping, I don't want all manner of insects crawling over me while I snooze. Not my idea of a good time." Cass was rambling a bit, but she finally stopped, sighing some. "Oh, well... We'll get there eventually. What about you, Claire? Angus, as well, I suppose?" It was probably a good idea to see how her vassals were doing.

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