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How do I level in FE4?


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So, I freaking love FE4. I've played through it 2 billion times and I don't have any trouble with it anymore. But something always bothered me. Everytime I've seen anyone play this game, all their units in the first generation are promoted. When I play, ALMOST NO ONE IS! I always have Levin, Lex, Ayra, Holyn, almost Ferry, and Jamke. What am I doing wrong? I pre chapter arena everybody and kill everyone only with people who need experience and I always have the same 5 or 6 people promoted (other than the pre-promotes). Anyone got any tips for me before my inevitable playthrough of the Project Naga translation?

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Arena everyone you can, quite a few people just need some extra attention, so like in chapter 1 have Dew hold off all the bandits, because on a forest they have like no hit on him ect

Also with stavers, spam their staves

Edited by Jedi
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Arena (which you can - ideally - clear with everyone, every chapter)

Command spam (staves/dance/thief's give)

Boss camping (as they regen HP every turn)

Reinforcement abuse (as an army's commander will go back to his castle and get a new army if you kill his troops)

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Strictly speaking there is an infinite amount of reinforcements in the game since enemy army leaders can retreat to their home castle to restock their army but I doubt that this is what most people do.

Still, six does seem a bit too little. For me it's usually Levin, Lex, Ayra, Holyn and Fury but also Finn, Lachesis, Tiltyu and Azel. There is also Ethlin and Adean but they get mostly staff exp so that's a no-brainer.

Edited by BrightBow
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Strictly speaking there is an infinite amount of reinforcements in the game since enemy army leaders can retreat to their home castle to restock their army but I doubt that this is what most people do.

Still, six does seem a bit too little. For me it's usually Levin, Lex, Ayra, Holyn and Fury but also Finn, Lachesis, Tiltyu and Azel. There is also Ethlin and Adean but they get mostly staff exp so that's a no-brainer.

I always have Finn at around level 18 by first generation, but Lachesis, Tiltyu, Azel, and the other units that can never keep up are the ones that boggle my mind. I want to use Azel and Tiltyu, but their 5 move just kills it for me. Arden sucks, we can all agree on that.

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Only use some characters. I manage to promote almost all of my mothers and fathers (plus fin) in every run simply by only using them. I don't have to resort to any of the tricks above.

Spam staffs at every opportunity (especially warp/return, as there is infinite opportunity to use them by simply standing ontside of the home castle, moving someone out of it, and warping/returning them back in. Warping for end chapter arena use is all i jeneraly need to do in in practice, though). This is by far the best way to promote lachesis, especially if you aim to get the knight ring.

As for the arena, try running other people through arena battles to advance the RNG, and then try bad characters again. Also, wrath still applies it you lose in the arena and reenter at 1 HP. This is how i promote tiltyu, who has 60 attack with thoron at base level when in wrath range. Elite ring passing helps, but i never found a need for it or any of the more exploity strategies above in order to promote all my parents.

Edited by sirmola
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You shitty units may make it through the arena with weapons that have many kills. They may get enough crits to win. It is always possible to save at the beginning of every turn and getting beaten in the Arena changes the RNG, which may help beating the more difficult bosses.

If they have 40000 Gold, they could buy the Elite skill and go through the arena. After they beat the arena, they can sell it.

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I always have Finn at around level 18 by first generation, but Lachesis, Tiltyu, Azel, and the other units that can never keep up are the ones that boggle my mind. I want to use Azel and Tiltyu, but their 5 move just kills it for me. Arden sucks, we can all agree on that.

Well, I never get much use out of Tiltyu either. But leveling her up is still not much of an issue because Thoron + Wrath wrecks absolutely everything in the arena. Even if she gets beaten and is reduced to 1HP, she can just keep trying until she gets lucky with her dodges, since nothing can really stand against her criticals. It's also important to let her enter the arena in chapter 3. It's easy to miss out on that since she joins so late into the map, far away from any allied castle.

Edited by BrightBow
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Some people boss abuse or abuse reinforcements. Once a unit has above 40k they can generally buy the Elite Ring, use it for a whole arena run and then sell it so the next person can buy it. Then you give it to a random unit you plan on using a lot throughout the chapter.

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I've done all of the non exploity tricks that you guys have said and it still doesn't really work. Also, for the people who tell me only to use the characters I want, I get all the characters I frequently use promoted. I'm wondering how, mostly for the case of a ranked run, I level the bad characters. I don't know where I'm going wrong.

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For ranked runs, it's a little more complicated. Due to being pretty lax on turns, you only have to get 399 turns for A rank, and people get less than that in drafts, people focus on levels. So in the fist generation the key to getting the level threshold is clearing the arena with the weaker units, which requires lots of RN burns and often times for the weaker sword units, Dew, Alec, Noish, Ardan, a slim sword with over 50 kills and passing that sword around for completing the arena. There are also several places where some of your weaker units can boss abuse and reinforcement abuse; Gandolf at Marpha castle being one and the choke point at the bridge just north of Madino with the pirates is a good place to abuse some reinforcements.

Gen 2 is easy for levels, make super power offensive kids and then pace the elite ring around for the arenas.

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For ranked runs, it's a little more complicated. Due to being pretty lax on turns, you only have to get 399 turns for A rank, and people get less than that in drafts, people focus on levels. So in the fist generation the key to getting the level threshold is clearing the arena with the weaker units, which requires lots of RN burns and often times for the weaker sword units, Dew, Alec, Noish, Ardan, a slim sword with over 50 kills and passing that sword around for completing the arena. There are also several places where some of your weaker units can boss abuse and reinforcement abuse; Gandolf at Marpha castle being one and the choke point at the bridge just north of Madino with the pirates is a good place to abuse some reinforcements.

Gen 2 is easy for levels, make super power offensive kids and then pace the elite ring around for the arenas.

Yeah Gen 2 isn't a problem. I just need to use other units more.

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Strictly speaking there is an infinite amount of reinforcements in the game since enemy army leaders can retreat to their home castle to restock their army but I doubt that this is what most people do.

Still, six does seem a bit too little. For me it's usually Levin, Lex, Ayra, Holyn and Fury but also Finn, Lachesis, Tiltyu and Azel. There is also Ethlin and Adean but they get mostly staff exp so that's a no-brainer.

Not quite eventually, they'll go into their castle, and just come out with one unit.

I think if you persist even more, they'll just come out by themselves with refilled health.

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