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[Battle FE13] Losers Round 2: General Horace vs Darrman


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[spoiler=see teams here]

Horace's team



Darrman's team!


Turn 8.

cordelia_zpsrlldajqe.jpg vs. 2iljOd.jpg

Horace's Cordelia (Brave Bow) attacks Darrman's Gangrel (Hector's Axe+)!

18x2 dmg 81% hit 0% crit


(32 32 12)

Gangrel receives 18 dmg! 57 -> 39

(87) Vengeance

(9 82 94)

Gangrel receives 38 dmg! 39 -> 1


Horace             Darrman
Thwompolina  0/80  Chrom    0/80  
Cordelia    40/80  Gangrel  1/80  
Sumia        0/80  Sumia    0/80  
Aversa      80/80  Panne   80/80  
Flavia       0/80  Witch   60/80  

Darrman's turn.

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[spoiler=see teams here]

Horace's team



Darrman's team!


Turn 9.

7cWwKu.jpg vs. 2iljOd.jpg

Darrman's Gangrel (Brave Axe) attacks Horace's Aversa (Forseti)!

25x2 dmg 100% hit 0% crit

(44) Vengeance

Aversa receives 64 dmg! 80 -> 16

(20) Vengeance

Aversa receives 64 dmg! 16 -> 0

Aversa is KO'd!

Gangrel activates Lifetaker! 1 -> 41

Horace             Darrman
Thwompolina  0/80  Chrom    0/80  
Cordelia    40/80  Gangrel 41/80  
Sumia        0/80  Sumia    0/80  
Aversa       0/80  Panne   80/80  
Flavia       0/80  Witch   60/80  

Horace's turn.

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[spoiler=see teams here]

Horace's team



Darrman's team!


Turn 10.

cordelia_zpsrlldajqe.jpg vs. 2iljOd.jpg

Horace's Cordelia (Yewfelle) attacks Darrman's Gangrel (Brave Axe)!

25 dmg 96% hit 0% crit

(13) Vengeance

Gangrel receives 45 dmg! 41 -> 0

Gangrel is KO'd!

Cordelia activates Galeforce & Lifetaker! 40 -> 80

Horace             Darrman
Thwompolina  0/80  Chrom    0/80  
Cordelia    80/80  Gangrel  0/80  
Sumia        0/80  Sumia    0/80  
Aversa       0/80  Panne   80/80  
Flavia       0/80  Witch   60/80  

Cordelia must act once more.

Edited by Espinosa
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[spoiler=see teams here]

Horace's team



Darrman's team!


Turn 10B.

cordelia_zpsrlldajqe.jpg vs. 271430_panne_zpsikew1v0k.png

Horace's Cordelia (Yewfelle) attacks Darrman's Panne (Brave Bow)!

26 dmg 67% hit 0% crit

(85) Vengeance

(41 7 38)

Panne receives 26 dmg! 80 -> 54

Panne counterattacks!

13x2 dmg 90% hit 0% crit

(88 25 54)

Cordelia receives 13 dmg! 80 -> 67

(5 86 91)

Cordelia receives 13 dmg! 67 -> 54

Horace             Darrman
Thwompolina  0/80  Chrom    0/80  
Cordelia    54/80  Gangrel  0/80  
Sumia        0/80  Sumia    0/80  
Aversa       0/80  Panne   54/80  
Flavia       0/80  Witch   60/80  

Darrman can act now.

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Ok, I know Cordelia has Spd+2...

Ya know, YOLO. Forseti Cordelia, Witch. I have a plan.

Edited by Darrman
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[spoiler=see teams here]

Horace's team



Darrman's team!


Turn 11.

cordelia_zpsrlldajqe.jpg vs. muf_zpso3ktaeu9.jpg

Darrman's Witch (Forseti) attacks Horace's Cordelia (Yewfelle)!

21 dmg 80% hit 0% crit



(34 60 46)

Cordelia receives 21 dmg! 54 -> 33

Cordelia counterattacks!

20 dmg 89% hit 0% crit

(65) Vengeance

(14 59 43)

Witch receives 43 dmg! 60 -> 17

Horace             Darrman
Thwompolina  0/80  Chrom    0/80  
Cordelia    33/80  Gangrel  0/80  
Sumia        0/80  Sumia    0/80  
Aversa       0/80  Panne   54/80  
Flavia       0/80  Witch   17/80  

Horace's turn.

Edited by Espinosa
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please miss twice please miss twice please miss twice even one miss should do... also non-procs are important... panic panic panic!

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La Hermana Cordelia posa su vestido de novia y se arma de lanzas junto con su arco y dispara flechas al cielo medieval para proteger el Convento del General Horacio. Podrá la Hermana Cordelia condenar a Witch, como la hereje que es, y su guardiana Cerbero Panne? O caerá ante la miseria de la hereje y Can Cerbero trayendo la ruina a la apología de su Majestad Naga? No se pierda el desenlace de esta revolución en Fire Emblem Ñ!

Esta historia continuara...

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[spoiler=Google translate says...]

Sister Cordelia poses her wedding dress and spear gun with his bow and shoots arrows at medieval sky to protect the Convent of General Horacio . Sister Cordelia can condemn the Witch , and the heretic who is , and his guardian Cerberus Panne ? Or fall to the misery of the heretic and Cerberus bringing ruin to the defense of his Majesty Naga? The outcome of this revolution is not lost on Fire Emblem Ñ !

This story will continue...

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