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Sakurai commenting about "extra features"


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Many of these features are not optional either. Forging, a mechanic that has become a prominent feature of the last 5 games is locked behind My Castle. I like Forging. I want to use Forging. So how is My Castle just an optional feature? Many other features are integrated into it so it's not optional at all if you want to use those features. So what are my options here? Just deal with it and be forced to never use forging too? Then I'm not getting my money's worth because several useful features that I want to use are locked behind a bad one.

The "It's optional" argument doesn't work because these features are far from truly optional.

You could argue about how 'optional' or 'extra' those features are, but the better argument is just to say that bad 'optional' content is still bad content, which is true. Then it just depends on how much importance you place on them, regardless of whether you think they're optional or not, compared to the 'core' gameplay or story, less or just as much as.

Edited by Tryhard
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You still have to do that mining thing.

Personally, I don't believe there's a single good feature in My Castle, shops and armouries aside.

Personally you don't believe theres anything good past Shadow Dragon, so why are you still posting?

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Personally you don't believe theres anything good past Shadow Dragon, so why are you still posting?

Is that all you have to contribute to this thread?

Nevermind that what you said about me isn't even true. I think there's good stuff past Shadow Dragon. The gameplay of New Mystery, that is. After New Mystery, everything goes to shit. But why should that matter? Like seriously, what the fuck that have to do with anything? Just because I dislike the majority of stuff in Fates means I can't complain about it? Are you serious?

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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You still have to do that mining thing.

Personally, I don't believe there's a single good feature in My Castle, shops and armouries aside.

Talking to a character with a ! to get an item instantly. With regards to your previous post, My Castle itself as a location/base isn't optional, it is mandatory it replaces FE13's map and FE9/FE10 pre-preparation menu base. The individual mechanics of My Castle are yours to choose whether you use them or not are the optional part.

If forging being a part of My Castle prevents you from using it'd be questionable whether you wanted to use the mechanic in the first place. That's far too petty, it would be almost as silly as avoiding the forge in a previous Fire Emblem game because you don't like the character running it.

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Talking to a character with a ! to get an item instantly. With regards to your previous post, My Castle itself as a location/base isn't optional, it is mandatory it replaces FE13's map and FE9/FE10 pre-preparation menu base. The individual mechanics of My Castle are yours to choose whether you use them or not are the optional part.

If forging being a part of My Castle prevents you from using it'd be questionable whether you wanted to use the mechanic in the first place. That's far too petty, it would be almost as silly as avoiding the forge in a previous Fire Emblem game because you don't like the character running it.

Truth be told forging anything past +1 is actually a pain in the ass. If they wanted to make it cost prohibitive that's fine but the material grinding is pretty bad.

It's somewhat balanced by the fact that a +1 Forge is 2 Mt but still.

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It's the principle that counts. It's not truly optional because several features that were once separate are now tied to the tedium of My Castle so that argument is bullshit.

EDIT: I'm not referring to Anouleth's post, just to be clear.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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can't you chose what belongs in your castle and what doesn't?

if so then chances are mine is only going to be a jail house.

Thats what i heard. You can even like "bulldoze" junk in there once you lay it down. I think...

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Thats what i heard. You can even like "bulldoze" junk in there once you lay it down. I think...

Yep. You can even get rid of things that the game already puts in there for you.

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I wrote a comment about this on the Fire Emblem subreddit, if you care to read (it's fairly long).

, that tells me that they have no faith in the gameplay of Fire Emblem and aren't interested in improving it

While what you're saying in that post does have some merit, its common to see dev team to lose sight of what they're doing by focusing on extraneous mechanics. The thing that strikes me most though is that Fates has actuallly focused a lot on the gameplay though, as I've brought up earlier this game has introduced a tremendous amount of changes and refinement to the formula, changing up the mechanics pretty much across the board even with attention to details you'd think they'd never touch like the EXP formula and it's the first entry in the series to introduce a new fully realised weapon type off the bat.

It feels often this game is being described as not giving notice to the gameplay because it "fits" the stereotype of "they were focused on x so they forgot/didn't bother with the gameplay" rather than it being the truth. You think they can't possibly be interested in improving or changing the gameplay just because because there's face touching mechanics? They've went above and beyond what is normally expected, to me it seems like one of the few entries where without stripping everything they've actually focused on what they can improve. The Fire Emblem games with fewer of what could be described as extraneous features have actually been far more needlessly stagnant when it comes to the gameplay.

While I can't read IS's developers minds feel its more likely they know the gameplay changes alone wouldn't many players in. You only need to see the discussion of the previews and magazine scans to see very few were actively discussing them. The state of the franchise for the last 10 years kind of shows they can't just go "Hey look its Fire Emblem" and get many new players while retaining the old. The optional/changed mechanics serve a dual purpose while many can add to gameplay others act as a hook to get new players in, in essence to convince players who would enjoy the game but otherwise wouldn't play into trying the game in the first place so they can realise they enjoy the gameplay.

With so many games competing for attention I think mechanics that will get the game into more hands are an important complement to things that improve or freshen the gameplay. I think Sakurai's approach to Super Smash Bros is validated by that idea, it's the only long running fighting game that hasn't ever met an overall decline or a lull requiring a resurgence in popularity despite the position of the GC or the current position of the WiiU and claims of irrelevance of Nintendo and all the characters in the series and the series position as "not a real fighting game".

Edited by arvilino
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Thats what i heard. You can even like "bulldoze" junk in there once you lay it down. I think...

Yep. You can even get rid of things that the game already puts in there for you.

oh hey thats pretty cool, my opinion of my castle has changed for the better now.

i could do without the obvious fanservice mechanics that it has granted, but atleast mine doesn't have to have any of them now.

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