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Child Fight! Which FE4 children do you prefer over thier siblings?

Arthur Freege

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I'm just covering all siblings because why not.

Sigurd=Ethlynn (I think Ethlynn is a really nice lady)


No clue if Mariccle>Ayra, but probably Ayra>Mariccle

Jamka>his brothers

Sylvia>Claude if they're siblings


Oifey>Celice>Julia>Julius (You know it's true. You know it's true. Oifaye is Sigurd's bastard son.)

Cyas>Julia>Julius (I know Cyas isn't in FE4 but)







Patty>Faval (Patty gives Shanan the Balmung and Celice the hero sword and is therefore better than Faval with his Ichival)






There are probably more but I'm done for now.

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Celice > Julius > Julia

Lakche = Skasaha(I can't pick between these two)

Rana > Lester

Arthur > Tinny(And barely, because I can hardly pick between these two)

Leen > Corpul

Nanna > Delmud

Faval => Patty (Pffft, can I do that?)

Sety > Fee

Leif > Altena

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Celice = Julia = Julius (they're all bland and Cyas is best if only for his infamy)

Leaf > Althena (raising an army to reclaim your homeland vs living in Stockholm)

Ishtar > Ishtor (waifu vs nobody)

Johalva > Johan > Brian (unibrow does nothing to me, and neither do silly poems)

Lakche > Skasaher (because Swordmaster, being Skasaher is suffering)

Rana > Lester (because Lester gets completely wrecked if you don't give Adean a bowman husband)

Arthur > Tinny (if only Tinny could inherit the Valk Staff...)

Nanna > Delmud (Delmud never turns out good to me)

Faval > Patty (Ichieval saved my first run)

Sety > Fee (best family '96)

Laylea > Sharlow (Sylvia died, what can I do)

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Posted · Hidden by Florete, August 10, 2015 - No reason given
Hidden by Florete, August 10, 2015 - No reason given






Johan>Johalva (Don't know if that counts)



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Johan>Johalva (Don't know if that counts)



Sety>Fee (Obviously)


Edited by Lantairu
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yeah, he's more like Sigurd's half brother.

I thought he was a cousin. Anyway, he was orphaned before the start of the game and Byron's not dead yet, so he can't be Byron's kid.

Seliph > Julia > Julius (Seliph's all right, Julia's pretty dull before she gets her memories back, and Julius is just a puppet for the evil dragon)

Leif > Altena (I do like Altena a lot, I just like Leif more)

Ishtar > Ishtore (Don't like Ishtar very much but Ishtore barely exists)

Johalva > Johan > Brian (I genuinely like Johalva, feel little toward Johan, and nothing for Brian)

Larcei = Ulster (I find them both pretty dull TBH)

Lana >> Lester (Lester is probably my least favorite kid)

Arthur > Tinny (by a slim margin)

Nanna >>> Delmud (Del's underwritten and often turns out lousy for me as a unit)

Patty > Faval (but I love them both)

Fee > Ced (ditto)

Corple >> Leen

Edited by Cymbalina's Revenge
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I usually like using one of the two scrubknights from Sigurd starting party to father Leen. Fairly easy to do, and he's a competent combat unit, so getting Knight Ring into Leen is the easiest thing ever.

Also Leen > That sub dancer that everyone loves for some reason. Knight Ring OP

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Seliph > Julia > Julius

Leif > Altena
Johalva > Johan > Brian
Larcei > Ulster
Lester > Lana
Tinny > Arthur (by only just a bit. I love them both.)
Nanna >Delmud
Faval > Patty

Ced > Fee
Corple > Leen

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I usually like using one of the two scrubknights from Sigurd starting party to father Leen. Fairly easy to do, and he's a competent combat unit, so getting Knight Ring into Leen is the easiest thing ever.

Also Leen > That sub dancer that everyone loves for some reason. Knight Ring OP

Laylea's just better than Leen because she is. Personally, I like her personality and design more.

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