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Probably extremely late, anyone played MH4U?

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I dunno if there was already an MH topic but eh

I've been playing it non stop during last semester and during the holiday. Game was extremely fun(was my first MH so I am kinda nooby).

I'm a GS user, mostly soloing. Right now im working on Teostra GQ to get it into 136+ range

Right now I haven't been playing much, in fact I haven't downloaded the DLC pack of the last 2 months

Its not like im looking for friends to play with or anything

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There's a Skype chat decided to Monster Hunter. If you'd like, I could add you. It's not the most active thing in the world, but I'm sure we could get a decent group going. I need to do more online quests, anyway; being G-Rank 2 is depressing when Tonton of all people is higher than me. I haven't downloaded much of the DLC. Think it's only been the first two? Maybe three

PM me your Skype if you wish to be added. Or just tell me here, whatever's comfortable for you

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I'm totes better than Integrity

okay I've played longer than him but he's better than I am ;c

but but I'm better than him at my mains!!

But yeeeeaaaaah I play hunty, I am open to helping you out online if you need it!

Skype would probably be your best bet for collecting hunty buddies... That's probably where most people would be doing it or searching for partners ^o^

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Ya integ wtf he was clearly talking about me. Butt out.

Edit:ya this is how I talk to integ on his birthday.

I'm a gs and sns fighter. I'm in g rank but I still dress in high rank rathalos armor when I use my auberon +. I have a skymerald and two seregios lenses and plan on getting star knight armor.

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Kecha Wacha is fairly scary for noobies, at least for me.

When i just started out I fearfully calls Kecha a SUPERMAN MONKEY THINGY and it was the first wall for me. It was the reason I decided to stop using "U don CB" and join the GS Master Race tbh

And I just realized Farting monkey was that Mini Rajang lol.

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I actually didn't use map anymore lately heheh

I kinda enjoyed the part where Gyppy is playing dead, since I already know what happened, it makes the section some sort of a "heres a punching bag you can smack for a minute or so. Use your best combo on it"

So I decided to practice my execution on GS Shah Dalamadur Combo for lulz

You gotta hate Chameleos

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I always go for more than one charge attack on gypceros and always get hit when it wakes up again. Haven't fought it in a while though.

I think the toughest monster for me is teostra. Somehow I find his charge and leap attacks to be much tougher to deal with than similar attacks from other monsters. Thanks to necktie I keep a 100 second count on him when he's getting ready to unleash his huge explosion.

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Teostra is really fun with GS!

One thing you could do against Teostra(if you are a dirty GS user) is to attack him exclusively on the head. Its actually not too hard to do it without getting hit and slaughtered in the process, but it can be tiring. Its effective at making the hunt faster since he has 65 HZ on head, and Supernova is now less of a hassle

The trick is to sprint into his head when he does the flamethrower. Start from the left, wait for his head to move, and enter him. He will drag you inside his neck, and you can smack him with an L3C as a result. Do this 3 times usually and its a trip

For his charges, running around and side dodging is actually a fairly effective way to keep yourself safe. If you are feeling particularly lazy use Evade Extender

His mini nova is actually a weird openning. Its.... like a catapult so you won't get hit if you are right in front of him or close to it. This is sometime a big L3C openning during rage mode

His leap is actually pretty awkward since it have a dissapearing hitbox in the middle of the jump, so you need to be just enough in front of him for it to whiffs. This kinda applies for everything about Teostra lol. He have this weird thing where his hitbox dissapears in the middle of the move

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Jsnd, what you said about the flamethrower is actually a major part of my strategy. It leaves him really open.

teostra is a really cool and fun and well designed fight IMOthe polar opposite of rajang, who is shittily designed in every way

When I did the g1 d.seltas a ducking apex rajang showed up. I dung bombed him since I didn't know he was immune. After a tiny bit deltas knocked me off screen. When I came back on screen I appeared right next to rajang as he was punching, and he landed a ohko on me.

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Teostra and Rajang are both eh. I still hate they added Dah'Rhen Mohran when its really just Jhen but with different mining spots and a new break zone on the back.

I personally love fighting the Rathians, but thats probably nostaliga. I am an Ace Rath killer :D

Rathalos armor looks gaudy and stupid tbh though, so I only ever made Rathian armor/weapons XD

Im in HR, but my old file in G got wiped. I been around since 3U and love a good hunt. heheheh.

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Rajang's funny. His big lightning beam has a tendency to take me out in one hit if I get careless.

I regret spending the time to make a Silver Rathalos gunner set. It mostly enchances only a very very specific bow which I haven't found enemies who are vulnerable to it at this stage.

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I dislike Teostra. It might be because this game was the first time I ever fought him, but it feels like the guy has a lot of lagless hitboxes; he can hurt you the instant he does an attack. It's probably because I'm not used to him though

Out of the new monsters I like Tigerstripe Zamtrios the best. Guy's so much fun to fight

Incidentally, does anyone know of an easy to use database to see where various materials are? Thanks!


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