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[Battle FE13] Losers Round 5 - AnonamousSpeed vs Nintales

General Horace

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it begins! they had weird rules I can't be bothered to list out here, which is why there are so many CHUMPS



hey, Libra is actually good! What's he doing here.




too lazy for random.org but as i'm typing this it's 5:49 which means Nintales goes first because it's an odd number.

also don't have time for stats currently, maybe if you guys gave me them they'd be here

ASSASSIN!8           80 41 30 48 45 47 33 29  95  91 24
SORCERER!LIBRA       80 30 45 39 40 44 41 45  80  82 19
SAGE!MARIBELLE       80 27 48 44 42 48 28 42  90  87 22
HERO!DONNEL          80 43 29 45 41 48 41 35  91  85 22
BRIDE!TIKI           80 40 38 42 43 47 42 42  86  88 21
BRIDE!CHERCHE        80 43 39 41 41 45 43 38  84  84  20 
WALKYRIE!LISSA       80 28 44 37 43 47 29 46  79  88  21
ASSASSIN!OLIVIA      80 40 30 49 47 45 30 29  96  93  25
HERO!SOMEONE         80 44 30 49 39 44 42 36  95  80  20
GENERAL!KELLAM       80 51 30 42 33 43 53 35  84  71  20
Edited by General Horace
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hey, Libra is actually good! What's he doing here.

also don't have time for stats currently, maybe if you guys gave me them they'd be here

Being a blessing for me.

Next time I'll be sure to give you the stats for War Monk Libra five times.

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Anonamous Speed. I laughed.

Well Libra's actually only good for VENGEANCE.

I didn't want to give him Virion to deal with the breakers or Emmeryn because of freaking 50 base magic as a sage (that could be upgraded to 57 and therefore having 63 might with Celica's gale along with 45 speed)

Plus Libra is locked to tomes while only two at best of my units have bad res.

EDIT : Time for the awesome battle!

Libra vs Zelcher for the longest haircut contest!

MaMU vs FeMU for the weirdest faces around!

Kellam vs Donnel for being as invisible!

Lissa vs Maribelle for frienship!

AAAAND Olivia vs Tiki for the best ponytail! and the outfit that shows the most

Edited by Nintales
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Tiki's gonna rek Nintales with her Final Smash.

Her Final Smash is Boobpedo! A torpedo of boobs!

Edit: also no Nowi noooooooo I'm gonna cryyyyy

Nowai! I'm gonna crush you!!

Edited by Quintessence
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Tiki's gonna rek Nintales with her Final Smash.

Her Final Smash is Boobpedo! A torpedo of boobs!

Edit: also no Nowi noooooooo I'm gonna cryyyyy

Nowai! I'm gonna crush you!!

while you're there do you wanna host

we need explosions


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Her Final Smash is Boobpedo! A torpedo of boobs!

I read that as something else.

Edit: also no Nowi noooooooo I'm gonna cryyyyy

Hah! Yeah, -2? Not touchin' that.

Anonamous Speed. I laughed.

And it shall remain that way forever.

Well Libra's actually only good for VENGEANCE.

And sorcerer, and tomefaire, and-

AAAAND Olivia vs Tiki for the best ponytail! and the outfit that shows the most

As my waifu, Tiki wins best ponytail, but Olivia wins most revealing outfit, I think.

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Sorcerer is bulky though, but low speed hurts in the end against Luna users or even Seliph's blade. He can't even double General MU with an Ephraim's hast without Forseti as a Sorcerer. :D

But your team has Cherche, a -Speed MU, Lissa, and an empty slot. At most Olivia might pose a thread, but that's so, so unlikely.

Also, Anon wins for having 1 god tier waifu and Nintales is missing a 5th unit.

Not quite why I'm going to win, but...I'll take it.

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But your team has Cherche, a -Speed MU, Lissa, and an empty slot. At most Olivia might pose a thread, but that's so, so unlikely.

Not quite why I'm going to win, but...I'll take it.

Olivia can create threads in SF all day. Apparently if she dies SoC will kill me. Please don't kill her.

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On 8/18/2015 at 9:06 PM, zerosabers said:

All hail the hot dragon breasts.


I only regret poor photoshop quality.

On 8/18/2015 at 9:14 PM, Elieson said:

This seems more and more like some wirs 4chan battle, with invisible crossgender waifus and selfcest

Selfcest? When was selfcest mentioned?

On 8/18/2015 at 9:14 PM, Nintales said:

Olivia can create threads in SF all day. Apparently if she dies SoC will kill me. Please don't kill her.

Don't worry Nin, I won't let him kill you. You're a chill bro.

Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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Selfcest what the heck is that?

Also, I'm not in host mode, I'm in trollish spammer mode. And here's the bomb I drop:

En una era de lamento y desesperación, los guerreros elegidos de Ylisse sacrificaron sus vidas al derrotar a la bestia de la destrucción. Al abandonar en cuerpo a Ylisse, sus almas velan por el bienestar de tan bello continente, y para ello, han otorgado sus dones a 5 guerreros desconocidos que restaurarán el orden y la armonía ante tiempos de caos que se avecinan. Pero el interrogante es, cuáles, de los 10 guerreros Ylisseanos, serán los elegidos por los guerreros sagrados?

1) Tiki, la pseudo dragón con ínfulas de novia?

2) Donnel, el granjero moribundo con ambiciones de héroe?

3) Maribelle, la valkiria mediocre con aires de grandeza?

4) Libra, el monje transgénero que predica el dicho: a Dios rogando y con el mazo dando?

5) Anonette, la tonta enigmática con velocidad de tortuga?

6) Olivia, la bailarina mostrona que hace creer a los demás que es una mujer inmaculada?

7) Cherche, la jinete de dragón que debe aprender a ponerse un pantalón y ocultar su derrier?

8) Kellam, el escaparate invisible víctima de innumerables ataques críticos.

9) Lissa, la princesa gritona que pelea con un sartén en lugar de una acha.

10) Nino, el estratega cretino que todo le sale mal.

Quiénes serán los verdaderos guerreros elegidos y quienes serán los impostores? No se pierda el siguiente episodio de Faia Emburem Ñ!

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Selfcest what the heck is that?

You know the saying, 'go screw yourself'?

In an era of grief and despair, Ylisse chosen warriors sacrificed their lives to defeat the beast from destruction. When leaving in body Ylisse their souls overseeing the welfare of this beautiful continent, and for this, have given their gifts 5 unknown warriors who will restore order and harmony to chaotic times ahead. But the question is, what, 10 Ylisseanos warriors will be chosen by the holy warriors?

1) Tiki, the pseudo dragon wedding airs?

2) Donnell, the dying hero farmer with ambitions?

3) Maribelle, mediocre Valkyrie with delusions of grandeur?

4) Libra, the monk preaches transgender said to God helps those who help themselves?

5) Anonette, the enigmatic fool with turtle speed?

6) Olivia, dancer mostrona makes others believe it is an immaculate woman?

7) Cherche, the dragon rider must learn to wear pants and hide your derriere?

8) Kellam, the invisible showcase victim of countless critical attacks.

9) Lissa, the princess screaming fight with a skillet instead of an ax.

10) Nino, the cretin strategist everything goes wrong.

Who will be the true warriors who will be elected and impostors? The next episode of Faia Emburem Ñ Do not miss!

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just copy one of my old charts, put it in notepad, replace the stats you copied with the stats from your team, then paste it here, and surround it with code tags [code.] [/code.] (without the periods. It's the <> icon in the postbox too.

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BRIDE!CHERCHE        80 43 39 41 41 45 43 38  84  84  20 
WALKYRIE!LISSA       80 28 44 37 43 47 29 46  79  88  21
ASSASSIN!OLIVIA      80 40 30 49 47 45 30 29  96  93  25
HERO!SOMEONE         80 44 30 49 39 44 42 36  95  80  20
GENERAL!KELLAM       80 51 30 42 33 43 53 35  84  71  20

Here's how it's done!

Waiting for Anon so I can finally ATTACK him

EDIT : I bidoof'd

Edited by Nintales
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