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He's not bad. He's a mount.

If you aren't prepping a Lynadin, Lowen has a case for best cavalier in the game. Superior availability, sturdy, and his offense doesn't fall too far behind until post-promotion. Blazing Sword enemies are pitiful (especially on normal modes) so he'll kill things fine.

If you are playing Lyn's Mode, Lowen is worse but still worth using.

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If you like a general on a horse, by all means go with him, the enemies are so bad in FE7 you can pretty much use anyone.

But arguably he's the 2nd worst cav in the game, with Isadora being the weakest due to her con.

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He's alright, his defence is great. Even in HNM though, you won't have trouble with enemies dealing high damage, Sain and Marcus are still better alternatives. Again, though, it's HNM, you shouldn't have trouble using any character you want on that difficulty.

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All the cavs (except Isadora) are useful in FE7, and Lowen's really great coming in with good bases, early availablity, and decent starting weapon ranks. He's got great defense growths, and his somewhat lackluster offensive capabilities can be made up for with supports. Regardless, he's tremendously useful early and mid-game, and if he's starting fall behind at that point, you can always drop him for Sain/Kent.

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I'm inclined to agree with feplus here, I think he's the best cavalier in the game on the normal modes if you don't play Lyn mode. Even with Lyn mode, he's probably about as good or better than Kent (assuming Sain got more exp/promoted). His offence is good enough for the normal modes and he's pretty much unkillable after like 10-15 levels (even as a cavalier). If an enemy has 30 HP Lowen might be doing 15x2 or 16x2, whereas other units are doing 20x2, but hey, a dead enemy is a dead enemy.

Hard mode is a different story, his worse offensive parameters hurt him there a bit more than in normal mode.

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I'm too scared to try HHM, so yeah.

I suppose I'll use him, then! If he's "okay" then that's good enough for me. I'd probably even use him if he was bad, since an extra cavalier doesn't hurt. Knights are my favorite class either way, so Lowen works for me!

Should I use Isadora as well? Her bases are worse than Marcus's and she comes late so, although she's really pretty and I'm fond of her character I've never used her.

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Should I use Isadora as well? Her bases are worse than Marcus's and she comes late so, although she's really pretty and I'm fond of her character I've never used her.

Before we migrate this discussion here, take a look at the Isadora topic. I would say that as the worst Paladin, she's simply not worth using; if you really want another mounted unit, you're probably better off training another flier, or even Rath instead of using her.

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Before we migrate this discussion here, take a look at the Isadora topic. I would say that as the worst Paladin, she's simply not worth using; if you really want another mounted unit, you're probably better off training another flier, or even Rath instead of using her.

Ah, okay! I didn't expect her to be that useful either way. Thanks, I'll go check that out!

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I personally think Lowen fails to stand out relative to Kent or Sain - sure, he might be more durable, but it's largely overkill since FE7 enemies are weak. What's more, his 30% growths in Strength AND Speed make him a gamble to use.

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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Hard mode is a different story, his worse offensive parameters hurt him there a bit more than in normal mode.

I'd say Lowen still has a case, albeit a weaker one. Hard Mode earlygame is tough and he's one of four earlygame units with competent defenses. His experience competition is low, high movement and kills more easily than most available options (admittedly Marcus will be eating into a lot of potential exp). He'll be a higher level than Sain/Kent and ready to use the Whereabouts Unknown crest, which is nice since 17x-20 is a stretch where tanking is really helpful.

It's closer, but Lowen contributes during a more difficult section of the game with less competition. By the time Sain/Kent start rolling on offense players get flooded with strong prepromotes. With no Lyn Mode I'll take Lowen on all difficulties.

Edited by feplus
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his somewhat lackluster offensive capabilities can be made up for with supports

I'm not even sure why you're bringing this up, particularly since there's a move gap between him and his full attack options, two of which aren't exactly fast to grow to boot, with the last one being a late joiner.

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I'm not even sure why you're bringing this up, particularly since there's a move gap between him and his full attack options, two of which aren't exactly fast to grow to boot, with the last one being a late joiner.

At the very least, you've got Marcus, who you'll definitely be using a considerable amount, especially if either of no Lyn mode or no Lynadin is available. And their support doesn't grow particularly slowly. Nevertheless, as I said before, regardless of how his offense grows, his good bases and defensive capabilities make him a great candidate for early game and probably midgame at the very least.

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Well, I'm doing Lyn's mode first, not doing a ranked run, so either way I don't think I have much to worry about with units. I might use Marcus as a boss-killer (that's what I always use Jagen's for), but I'm not sure if that's going to get their supports up fast.

To be honest, I'm mostly using Lowen because I'm fond of his character and his color palette. If I do EHM I'll probably use him less (Won't drop him entirely. I've been convinced that he's decent.) compared to Sain and Kent.

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At the very least, you've got Marcus, who you'll definitely be using a considerable amount, especially if either of no Lyn mode or no Lynadin is available. And their support doesn't grow particularly slowly. Nevertheless, as I said before, regardless of how his offense grows, his good bases and defensive capabilities make him a great candidate for early game and probably midgame at the very least.

Fire and Ice isn't exactly an amazing affinity combo...

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Lowen is nice to have early on, but I find him too lacking to be of much use past about Ch 16. It's not about Kent and Sain being better (though they are), but because of his offensive troubles.

doesn't matter, support is support

Uh, yes, it does? Having a support is worthless if the bonuses don't help. That said, Fire/Ice isn't inherently awful, but it's not really helping Lowen since his primary weakness is offense and all it gives to help him there is 1 atk (at B/A), some accuracy, and 2/5/7 critical.
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doesn't matter, support is support

That's where you're wrong. Having a support doesn't mean much if the bonuses don't do much to cover up a weakness (in this case, Lowen's offense), which Lowen/Marcus is guilty of.

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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What don^2 means is that

Support > no support

I can agree with that to some extent, but still, I'd rather use a support that actually covers up a weakness than one that doesn't.

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Even with Lyn mode, he's probably about as good or better than Kent (assuming Sain got more exp/promoted).

Really? Kent is the most RNG proof of the cavaliers, and Lowen only really beats him in luck and def. Kent leads in str, spd, and skill, the three stats that are more helpful in offensive play. (Don't blame Lowen though, it's impressive that he can manage ~80 hitrates, considering he can't see anything.) Lowen also only has a 4 chapter lead over Kent, and assuming Lyn Mode, he shouldn't have that much of a level lead over Kent. Nothing feeding Kent a few kills wouldn't fix, at most. This is all very subjective, however, since we don't know how much Kent was used in Lyn Mode.

However, since I dislike the "X is bad because Y exists" argument, (except in relation to Luna tome and all other dark tomes,) I'll ignore the existence of the other cavs for now. In normal mode, Lowen's offensive problems are sufficiently offset by his bulkiness. By midgame, he should take no damage from physical units, and can even tank hits from magic units, considering his whopping 90% HP growth (and his 30% res growth, pretty good for a physical unit). He has high enough constitution that when he promotes, he can use axes with negligible or no AS loss at all, which makes up for his less than spectacular offense, and his skill is enough to ensure that he'll have ~80 (? someone should probably factcheck) hitrates even with less accurate axes. He has amazing availability, great bases, considering he starts at level 1, and decent support options (assuming casual play, movement gap isn't as much of an issue.) If he gets lucky and has a couple of early points in speed, definitely use him. Plus, he has, you know, a horse.

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He has amazing availability, great bases, considering he starts at level 1, and decent support options (assuming casual play, movement gap isn't as much of an issue.) If he gets lucky and has a couple of early points in speed, definitely use him. Plus, he has, you know, a horse.

Actually, he starts at level 2, but yeah, great bases nonetheless.

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Lowen's lategame offense is underwhelming.

Beyond that, he is incredible. I legitimately cannot think of a reason to not use him in early to mid game besides simply not needing him.

Edited by Brinzy
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Lowen's lategame offense is underwhelming.

Beyond that, he is incredible. I legitimately cannot think of a reason to not use him in early to mid game besides simply not needing him.

I can think of one - 30% Strength AND Speed growths. I mean, I'd use him for earlygame, but after Kent and Sain join? Have a seat. On the bench.

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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