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What did you do after High School?


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Straight for college, with some side jobs to fund it (for extra money, education in Europe is free). While my field is extremely broad, my fourth year was a blast, since the courses aligned with my interests and I didn't have to reread the goddamn excrection cycle again. That said, college is not completely worry-free and I do doubt my path a lot but sometimes you just have to stick with it and hope for the best.

And I am grateful for the friends I have made. They are seriously the best thing during the college years and I wouldn't mind extending the years just to spend some more time with them. Should you ever start college, treasure the friends you make.

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I must be like, the only person here who's not in college or high school. I wish I could drop school, though. Language studies and homework take a lot out of me. Plus we have to learn a dead language by law. >_< Stupid Irish. And 2nd year's starting next week. Ugh. (8th grade, 'muricin's.) At least I can chill with my friends again. Yay! now I hope nothing embarrassing happens in school.

Nah, im not in either too. But think in the far opposite direction than yourself. (been out of school for what feels like centuries)

Anyway, after i finished high school, i went to college and then i worked.

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I'm studying at an art college for Graphic Design but I wouldn't mind venturing into Game Design as well since I've always wanted to work in the Game industry. Video games and art have changed the course of my life so I'm following those passions to see where it will take me :>

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I spent the past four years earning my undergraduate degree in Game Design. By the start of September, I will be working toward earning my master's degree in the same subject. Need to find a job in the meanwhile, too. Either a job in a game company or something on the side while I do indie games. Could work out either way.

Edited by Karaszure
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Went to university, had to withdraw for financial reasons when I got kicked out of ROTC for medical reasons. (doesn't help that I went to the expensive private school instead of going to the in-state public school where I could have had almost everything paid for. Oops).

Now working as a business consultant and sales representative.

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After high school I'm planning on going to college near home and taking gen ed courses before fully committing to anything specific.

Edited by Moira
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I have no words to express how awful of an experience that must have been. I hope you're doing alright.

I graduated High School this year but I still haven't decided what I'd even want to do for college, as a result, I'm currently trying to find a job that involves video games in some way shape or form, all I really know is that I'd want a work environment that dealt with it, as that's what I really know and am passionate about. I'm supposed to get a call for that job in September, as it'll be a seasonal for the October-January position and then perhaps I can move up in the company.

If I don't get said call I'll probably wallow in self pity and eventually just go to college for something I don't even want to do, as my mother is getting very impatient with me.

Oh my friend this is the one thing i carry with me each and everyday as she was the perfect woman for me who could deal with my crap.

Ah how i miss her i visit her grave a few times a week i try to each day if i can just to say hi. To be honest I havent been with anyone since then but meh

a piece of advice i can offer is never wait for something to come to you go for it bud itll make you a better person.

You never want to look back at your life and ask yourself "what if"

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Straight to university. Then straight back to my parents' house, because university can be hellish and you'll go mad if you're not prepared.

Then two years of full-time work as a grocery clerk, because that's less stressful than juggling a 25-hour week of classes, endless homework, and 20 more hours a week of night shifts at McDonald's.

Then I went back to university, because my first-year credits would expire if I didn't. I got my master's last year.

Now I'm working at the least stressful place I could find (a hobby store), just enough to pay the bills and buy a couple of video games every year. I'll do something with my degree eventually, but for now I'm content to work on personal projects with my friends. The mentality of "graduate and get your dream job as quickly as possible" faded away quickly the first time I failed a calculus course.

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