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Staves III - Do you like to see more status staves?


23 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like to see more status staves?

    • yes and more new staves
    • yes
    • no
    • Go away with the most annoying shit in FE ever!

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In most FE games you only have access to one sleep, silence, berserk, warp stave. (I think two sleeps in 6)

FE5 gives you tons of them thanks to the capturing feature.

Furthermore it forces you to make to good use of the staves. For example in chapter 24 you've to silence quite a lot in the first turn to prevent "stave chains" (enemy dark bishops have silence, sleep, restore and fenrir).

I also used the combo warp + rescue combination quite a lot.

Tbh I like stave battles. A good alternative to weapon fights, which requires good strategical thought too.

FE14 introduces lots of new status staves (I think there's no restore stave, if I remember correctly).

Do you like it?

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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is yes a viable answer?

I'd like to see more staves that flat out debuff enemies, like a Blind staff that halves displayed Hit%, maybe a Dodge staff that gives a one-time dodge in exchange for all following hits on the next turn to have 2x displayed Hit%, etc. FE7!Rings mostly, are what I'd like to see as Staves.

FE14 implemented these into flat attack effects (kunai, mostly), but having staves that do just that would be neat I think

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Well, FE14 introduced some really annoying ones, like

Misfortune & Sin (halves max HP for the rest of the battle), Weakness (all stats -4 for one turn), and Freeze (unable to move for 1 turn). Obviously these are almost always more beneficial for the enemies because they're pre-designed to screw you in combinations with enemy attack chains, whereas it's very situational for the players to effectively utilize them (and the fact that most effects only last for 1 turn are clearly not as useful for us, but that's enough for the enemies to screw you). Misfortune & Sin is particularly dangerous because it cannot wear off by itself. There's also no way to cure these statuses.

While technically not a status staff, there is this infamous warp staff called Draw, which enables the enemies to directly warp you to them, swarm you can kill you.

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Wait FE 14 has status staves!?. Im so happy now that there back! And yeah I would love for some new orginal ones to join the ranks of the dreaded beserk and what not. Status is such a unique feature, one particular use for it comes to mind in FE5 to recruit Misha you had to put her to sleep so that you could capture her. I think a modified poison effect would be cool, like a random chance that your unit (Or Enemy) could lose 60% of their total health and cause death or get fully healed kinda like poes soul in Ocarina of Time you know what can happen you just don't know what the RNG will decide.

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In a word: No. Status staves are much more useful for the enemy than they are for the player, and even if they are useful for the player, more often than not, they're too situational.

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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I really hate the Draw Staff in Fates. It's like the Rescue Staff, except you use it to bring opponents to your side so that others can kill that enemy. And when the enemy phase uses the staff...

god damn Nohr chapter 12

Overall though, I like the idea of status staves. I'm not sure if I'd call Berserk a status stave(?) but that was one staff in particular I hated in the GBA series.

Edited by Carter
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No, they're for the most part worthless to the player and way too strong for the enemies. Unless they put in some good counter to them, like making pure water prevent status effects for its entire duration.

They also have obnoxious range usually making it impossible to get to the enemy with one without a warp staff.

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I would love to see more status staves and I'm happy to see them experimenting with status effects other than direct disables like Sleep/Berserk/Stone. They add difficulty to the game, not just because they're usually very strong when used by the enemy, but because it requires skill and planning to make effective use of them for yourself.

I feel like Sleep/Berserk/Stone were problematic because they were such hard disables that lasted for a long long time. It basically meant that you could never allow a unit to end their turn under their effect and just had to restore them immediately or resign yourself to playing the rest of the chapter without them (because they would fall behind the rest of your units). So work needs to be done to create statuses that are interesting and offer some interaction other than "use Restore immediately".

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I'd say throw them back in. I read on some FE wiki Silence was a thing again. Now where's my sleep and berserk? (Hey, it's fun to see enemies smacking each other.)

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Wait FE 14 has status staves!?. Im so happy now that there back!

[spoiler=Yes, but they're nerfed.]

Both sides have different staves though.

Nohr has the freeze stave, which is similar to the sleep stave. You can't move and your evasion is discrased, but it only lasts for one turn. Furthermore there a stave, which reduces all the stats of an opponent slightly, a nerfed aum-stave and staves, which increase one stat of an ally.

Hoshidon has a silence stave, but it only lasts for one turn as well. Rescue exists. One stave can halve the enemies' HP till the end of a chapter.

Restore staves don't exist as much I know.

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