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Bond units high potential?


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In case this hasn't been discovered yet

You interact with somebody else's Kamui multiple times in My Castle. During these interactions, this will build up your bond with that Kamui. Eventually, another random Kamui based off of you two will be born from that bond. You can name that Kamui born from your bond.

So basically, you have a kid with another Kamui.

The bond unit inherits the subclasses chosen by each parent in addition to Dark Prince(ss) along with the last two skills in each parent's skill list like child units. The personal skill is random and can either be other personal skills or class skills meaning you could get a bond unit with say Copycat Puppet or Midoriko's Lucky Charm.

Source: http://i.imgur.com/jJTICEk.png

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Wait, so that guy on gamefaqs was right? That's.... really surprising, I thought they were just making rumor or something.

Anyway on topic, well this is kinda neat but I wonder what you have to do make this trigger, like do you know to face this person 300 times and on a sunny day then you get the kid. Does this kid have any interactions with anyone else or are they just a another form of Einherjar or something? Can we even choose what gender it can become or not... I'm sorry for all the questions, I'm just wondering how this works.

Edited by December Knight
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Wait, so that guy on gamefaqs was right? That's.... really surprising, I thought they were just making rumor or something.

Anyway on topic, well this is kinda neat but I wonder what you have to do make this trigger, like do you know to face this person 300 times and on a sunny day then you get the kid. Does this kid have any interactions with anyone else or are they just a another form of Einherjar or something? Can we even choose what gender it can become or not... I'm sorry for all the questions, I'm just wondering how this works.

Yeah, I'm super curious about how this works. I'm also pretty excited, that sounds like a neat little feature.

(Let the Kamui gang-bang commence)


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This setup will work perfectly for people that have 2 3DS.

But even then, The personal skill is random so RNG can pretty much screw you over or help you.

One thing I am curious is how does the stats works. Is it pretty much adding the MU stats together or is it random?

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I think I may have found an answer to this.

Credit goes to Einvalt from gamefaqs. - "Old news and I don't know who did those translations, but it doesn't say 'child' anywhere (can be done between same-sex Kamuis). It's just an unexplained feature online where you can make alternate reality Kamuis by repeatedly visiting someone and giving them accessories (you may also need to have their visit card, not sure of this). They get added to the logbook under the bond unit section and you get +1 visit renown point.

Class is drawn from either of the players' secondary classes, and mods are the same as the corresponding Kamui (or it could be randomly selected from either of the two). It gets two skills, randomly chosen from the 4th and 5th skills of the two Kamuis, plus the base class level 1 skill. The personal skill is random, it could be another character's personal skill or a class skill.

Not sure what determines appearance but it generally has similar features to your Kamui, but with one change (e.g. gender, hairstyle, body type)."

I hope they don't mind me sharing this.

Edited by December Knight
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I think I may have found an answer to this.

Credit goes to Einvalt from gamefaqs. - "Old news and I don't know who did those translations, but it doesn't say 'child' anywhere (can be done between same-sex Kamuis). It's just an unexplained feature online where you can make alternate reality Kamuis by repeatedly visiting someone and giving them accessories (you may also need to have their visit card, not sure of this). They get added to the logbook under the bond unit section and you get +1 visit renown point.

Class is drawn from either of the players' secondary classes, and mods are the same as the corresponding Kamui (or it could be randomly selected from either of the two). It gets two skills, randomly chosen from the 4th and 5th skills of the two Kamuis, plus the base class level 1 skill. The personal skill is random, it could be another character's personal skill or a class skill.

Not sure what determines appearance but it generally has similar features to your Kamui, but with one change (e.g. gender, hairstyle, body type)."

I hope they don't mind me sharing this.

A Bond unit section? This means that we can have more than one? Time to start buliding armies of Kamui now.

As for appearance, from the image that Sapphire show us; The child unit could possibly inherit the body type and the hairstyle of the unit that you bonded with but also inherit your hair color.

Or it could be random like everything else.

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Yeah, I'm super curious about how this works. I'm also pretty excited, that sounds like a neat little feature.

(Let the Kamui gang-bang commence)



Is that how this works?

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Nice to hear people are figuring Bond Units out.

Actually, the personal skill isn't 100% random, I believe. It depends on the combination of each player's campaign (eg. Nohr x Hoshido, Nohr x Invisible), but within each combination, there are like 20 skill possibilities. So there's at best a 1/20 chance of getting the skill you want.

I would need some sample data to check though.

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The personal skills are indeed determined by the routes the players are on. I found this site a while back that has a list of the possible skills for each route combination, here. (Japanese)

The name/skill combinations of all 7 bond units I've gotten have been consistent with the site, so I'd say chances are good it's reliable. Further tests would be helpful though.

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Man, wish I could fully comprehend that..though I guess I understand about 50%

Well it's not like it's "that" important, I'd half bet that Vincent would have it up in 12 hours or so, hoho

Presumably overall availability wouldn't matter, since you can just logbook them and buy them from other players (though it's free so it's not really buying...I think) who do have the route in question

Correct me if I'm wrong on the following list

With a little help from google translate

Hoshido X Hoshido

叱咤激励=Encouragement (Hinoka's Personal)

小さな声援=Little Cheer (Sakura's Personal)

お転婆=Tomboy (Hana's Personal)

完璧主義=Perfectionist (Subaki's Personal)

爆炎使い=Explosive Flame (Saizou's Personal)

天罰=Divine Retribution? (Asama's Personal?)

ぼんやり=Absentminded? (Setsuna's Personal?)

尊大=Arrogance? (Tsukuyomi's Personal?)

暗夜嫌い=Nohr Hater (Oboro's Personal)

忍法車返し=Ninja Reversal? (Kagerou's Personal?)

武士道=Way of the Samurai? (Ryoma's Personal?)

対抗意識=Rivalry? (Takumi's Personal?)

技+2=Skill +2


There are four blanks, presumably one is Hinata's. The rest, I'm not nearly as confident

Hoshido x Nohr

絆の祈り=Prayer of Bonds (Kaze's Personal)

友情の誓い=Friendship Oath (Silas's Personal)

農地の主=Farmland Master (Mozume's Personal)

美しき王=Beautiful King (Izana's Personal)

最大HP+5=Max HP +5

力+2=Strength +2

魔力+2=Magic +2

守備+2=Defense +2

魔防+2=Resistance +2

幸運の叫び=Rally Luck

常備薬=I have no idea sorry


名家の令息=Distinguished Son


よく効く薬=Effective Medicine?



破天=Breaking Sky

Nohr x Nohr

可憐な花=Beautiful Flower (Elise's Personal)

妖艶な花=Bewitching Flower (Camilla's Personal)

不運の塊=Unlucky Soul (Arthur's Personal)

怪力=Superpower (Effie's Personal)

血の疼き=Blood Tingling (Odin's Personal)

呪詛返し=Curse Reflection (Nyx's Personal)

負けん気=Competitive (Luna's Personal)

奇襲任務=Ambush Duty (Belka's Personal)

青の踊り=Azure Dance (Lazward's Personal)

殺戮本能=Killer Instinct (Pieri's Personal)

強面=I have no idea.....Flannel's Personal maybe?

冷血=Cold Blooded (Leo's Personal)

拾いもの=No idea

騎士道=Way of the Knight (Xander's Personal)




Sorry I have no idea what those two are

Nohr x Invisible Kingdom

ダーティファイト=Dirty Fight (Asura's Personal)

執事の嗜み=Butler's Feat (Deere's Personal) (Or whatever)

臆病=Timid? (Ignis's Personal?)

だまし討ち=No Idea (I'd hazard a guess at Foleo's Personal....but don't count on it)

ひろい食い=Blossoming Mind? (Ophelia's Personal?)

強運の塊=Lucky Soul (Lutz's Personal)

女の子好き=Girl Lover (Soleil's Personal)

邪な空想=Wicked Fantasy (Eponine's Personal)

おっちょこちょい=Clumsy? (Sophie's Personal?)

氷の血=Ice Blood (Flora's Personal)

勝利への執念=Victory Conviction (Crimson's Personal)

広所突撃=Open Assault?

奇襲の牙=Odd Fang?

魔の風=Devilish Wind





Oh dear, my japanese is failing me

Hoshido x Invisible Kingdom

幸運のおまじない=Lucky Charm (Midoriko's Personal)

大義の勇=Righteous Bravery? (Shinonome's Personal?)

前向き=Positive Thinking? (Kisaragi's Personal?)

甘党=Sweet Tooth (Gurei's Personal)

じゃれつき=No Idea

五・七・五=Haiku? (Mitama's Personal)

天才肌=Prodigy (Matoi's Personal)

風の血=Wind Blood (Fuuga's Personal)

炎の血=Flame Blood (Rinkah's Personal)

勝者の愉悦=Victor's Delight? (Yuugiri's Personal?)

閉所防御=Confined Defense?

偶像の幻=Copycat Puppet?

先手必勝=Prescient Victory?

清流の一撃=No Idea, probably a strike skill

和の心=Eastern Heart?



Invisible Kingdom x Invisible Kingdom

癒しの声=Healing Voice (Azura's Personal)

チューニング=Tuning (Shigure's Personal)




切り込み=Cut Through

守備封じ=Defense Seal

魔防封じ=Resistance Seal


高貴なる血統=Noble Lineage


蛇毒=Snake Venom

後手不敗=I have no idea...sounds like a defensive skill?

飛燕の一撃=Ogre Strike?




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Man, wish I could fully comprehend that..though I guess I understand about 50%

Well it's not like it's "that" important, I'd half bet that Vincent would have it up in 12 hours or so, hoho

Why does that sound like a challenge? : P

Actually, I already had most of the data, but I was missing some confirmation about their creation and abilities.

Here's the Hoshido combos.

I'll add the other combos when I have time. Maybe within 12 hours XD

EDIT: Some of the skills may be misaligned. I'll need to quadruple check.

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I have a few questions:

  • Do the Bond Units come equipped with any items?
  • Can they equip Yatonokami?
  • Does anyone have a screenshot of the "Hooded Man" face mentioned?

Don't think so.

Not sure, but I doubt it, since they all take up unique slots in the character data.

Tiny picture. It's the same portrait used by the spoilery boss of Chapter 4 or 5.

This will be the only child unit I use.

I can't wait to make babies with everyone I come across.

Though is the bond unit like a super Kanna with stats/skills?

Pretty sure they're a gimped child or better-than-average guest unit.

Their inability to support is probably the biggest deal-breaker. But if you get lucky and get one with a great personal skill, they could be worth using.

EDIT: WTF, I don't even know how to fix my post formatting...

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Do these guys have supports or no?

No, they're guest units like the Prison captives, Amiibo units, Cipher units or characters recruited via StreetPass or SpotPass.

They look like Avatars, but they aren't actually Avatars, if that makes sense.

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