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Post your Super Mario Maker levels!


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You can see this beforehand. I specifically designed the level so that when you jump up at first, you will make a slight pause to hit the first block, at which point you can see the dead end to the left above. You'll also hear the thwomp even if you don't see it and you'll see the spikes when jumping up to get onto the moving platform. Why would going left there be your instinct anyway? That makes no sense. There is very clearly an area to the right that requires the star to get through, and the natural instinct of any level is to go right..

You do not put dead ends in your levels. Don't tell me to go right in a level where 40% of the necessary paths go left. If you create a path for me, I expect not to get trapped. Good level designers just don't do that.

There is a checkpoint in the level...before this part, in fact. Unless I made some oversight, you literally can't get to this part without reaching the checkpoint first unless you damage boost.

There's also about 30 seconds of gameplay between your checkpoint and the spike tops.

All of the one-way gates, save maybe one or two, serve a purpose. Due to the setup of the level, it's necessary to put the player on one path going right, and then prevent them from taking the same path back.

I found that more often than not, the one way gates forced me to repeat content or were otherwise annoying.

You're free to your opinion, but some of these criticisms are not well thought out.

My comments are unadulterated playtester data. I've 100%ed every Mario game since SMB3, so if I don't finish your level, that means you did something very, very wrong.

@Jave: Your level... is really more about waiting than anything else, and waiting is not particularly fun, so I can't give it a star.

Edited by Zera
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You do not put dead ends in your levels. Don't tell me to go right in a level where 40% of the necessary paths go left. If you create a path for me, I expect not to get trapped. Good level designers just don't do that.

I get where you're coming from, but it's only a dead end if you don't pay attention. It's the end of the level, you need to be able to get in there, and if you do happen to screw up when you're actually supposed to be in there, there's a reset door that you can get in either with Yoshi or invincibility frames.

You are literally only going left in this level either after you've gotten the P switch or at a left turn in an otherwise right-directional area of the level. Did you actually play the level at all?

There's also about 30 seconds of gameplay between your checkpoint and the spike tops.

Is this a serious criticism? It can't be.

I found that more often than not, the one way gates forced me to repeat content or were otherwise annoying.

That doesn't even make sense. How can a one-way gate force you to repeat content?

My comments are unadulterated playtester data. I've 100%ed every Mario game since SMB3, so if I don't finish your level, that means you did something very, very wrong.

What am I supposed to take from this? Are you trying to hold yourself up as the gold standard by which Super Mario levels are judged? Get off your high horse. Your opinion matters no more than the 11 people who starred my previous uploads of the level.

I think this comment is meant to make me take you more seriously, but it's having the opposite effect.

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My comments are unadulterated playtester data. I've 100%ed every Mario game since SMB3, so if I don't finish your level, that means you did something very, very wrong.

There's been something I've been wanting to say to you for a while now, Zera, and now I believe is the perfect time to say it: Shut up.

Who cares if you've 100% every Mario game? That means absolutely nothing. I 100% completed Mario 64 a number of times and hold it as my favorite video game of all time, but you don't hear me comparing everyone's creations based on what I think is a good level. Everyone has different styles of play and different ideas. If you can't finish the level, then you are not skilled enough to complete it, regardless of what your personal complete rate standard may be.

Don't offer criticism, Zera. It literally means nothing in this type of game. People create what they want when they want to. We're not trying to build a level to your specifics. We're trying to build a level to ours.

And, just for the record, I love tricky levels like RF's! I love seeing what people can come up with, whether it's a puzzle based level or an "auto" level. Sure, I can't complete half of them, but that doesn't make them bad. The level of creativity is astounding in these type of games, and if we were to follow your rules, it would be very dull and boring. Just post your level code, maybe an explanation of what it is if you want, but please. Shut up.

If this keeps up, Zera, I will make sure this topic gets locked, and I reeeeeally don't want to do that.

Edited by Power Master
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While I still think some of Zera's criticisms are ridiculous, some others did help me get ideas for a few more (hopefully) final touches to the level, and I've re-uploaded it with them (only Zera had even played it, so no biggie).

So, Zera, you may be happy to know that:

-You can no longer get dead-ended at the beginning. There's another bob-omb encased in ice, so you need Yoshi to get back there. This also serves as a potential reminder and/or hint for the player for what is required afterward. Lastly, I changed the two fireballs to a pipe dropping them since the player now needs two and I didn't want players to mess the first one up and be screwed.

-It's still empty below, but there are more spike tops to spin jump on, so you're less likely to fall through.

-A couple superfluous arrow gates were removed.

But you probably still won't like the level.

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"Volcanic Ghost House"

Very good course; I gave you a star. The donut blocks in the beginning don't do anything, so I wouldn't include them. You've got five nonconsecutive blocks in the beginning, and all of them are empty - that hurt my player expectations. I would also move the first boo somewhat closer to the blocks so it's more of a threat. Bouncing off the giant dry bones into magikoopas was fun. I carried the P-switch because it's a timed thing and I was l looking for a place to use it. I saw the coins and thought "There we go!" and then I got crushed by offscreen thwomps. The problem is there aren't any safe spots to move to. Make them visible before they fall, and either include a coin platform before the thwomps, or provide extra space so the player can use the switch without being crushed. You can eliminate the potential for trial and error this way. I like the little room that previews the flagpole, but the 1-up is unnecessary and takes no skill; I think a multi-coin block would've been more appropriate. The falling platforms and podobos provided a nice burst of speed and enough momentum to naturally land on the parabones. By the way, I reached the top of the flagpole. Did you intentionally make that a kaizo challenge? If no, you broke the golden rule that flagpoles tops are always reachable. If yes, your level has an equally bad problem - an unbelievable difficulty spike. Overall though, great level.

I updated Spring Bounce Castle and Blitz Battle, so give them a try. I only need one more star to upload more levels.

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Checkpoints are great. Now we need to be able to remove the timer. Why must every level be timed? My new level is really long and even I, the creator, am having a tough time clearing it from the beginning simply because of how long it takes. There are two checkpoints, but I don't like the idea of a player timing out because they took a while to figure it all out.

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I'm not sure if you guys saw these levels that my friends made, so here they are again.

Here's yet another monstrosity from my friend. It's called "The Wall".

ID: 6585-0000-00A0-0A33

ID: 2497-0000-00C6-C1F5


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Been a while since I made a level:

04B3-0000-00DB-0B82: A short level, but may take a while to beat since it's based on the "Kamek uses his magic to destroy blocks" gimmick to move forward. You do get plenty of power-ups, though, which makes it easier to get through.

"Ashley vs. Kamek"

Very difficult. I wasn't able to complete this one, not because it was difficult, but because Ashley is just an annoying character to me. So it was hard for me to focus, really.

Its been awhile so heres a level based on the Goldeneye game


"Arkhangelsk Facility"

I was not able to complete this one, either. The Hammer Bro. in the cramped area kept getting me. I liked what I saw, though.

I have a new level: Volcano Ghost House - 2CC6-0000-00DA-9CDE

Uh, unfortunately, I ended up not writing down the last four digits of this code somehow. I wrote it down fully now, so I'll try it again later. :)

I'm not sure if you guys saw these levels that my friends made, so here they are again.

"The Wall"

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! ...Actually it wasn't all that scary, but good job! I just stayed on the right of the screen and jumping when prompted.

The second code didn't lead me to "Bullet Hell" but rather another level called "Gensokyo Bros." No idea what that means, but I completed it nonetheless. Great job!

As for me, here's the code to my friend's level "Casey Chaos" C586-0000-00E0-4800 He does not spend a lot of time with Mario platformers, so he's really just doing "This looks good here." Still a good level, but it will be hard.

And one from me called "Overelaborate Exit" 2F5B-0000-00E0-5FBB It's just something fun I did because.

Oh, and kudos to Zera for being the first person to complete my "Run of Doom!" stage! I probably can't make something that long and hard again.

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Checkpoints, checkpoints, stacking power-ups, woo! I redesigned "Raiding the Koopa Air Force" a few days ago, since Nintendo knocked it off the servers. It has checkpoints now, some power-ups now follow standard Mario rules, and the moving platform segment had the rails lowered to reduce chances of glitches.

Code: 0652-0000-00D8-1BAB.

I also made a rough recreation of the first main area of Pikmin 1 a few weeks ago. A few liberties had to be taken, but that's the bends of removing a dimension. Try to find every ship part: they're the grinders. Don't hurt yourself: it's dangerous machinery!

Code: 3A3C-0000-00AB-FDEA.

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@Red Fox: You know 500 seconds is 8:40, right? If your course requires more time than that, you should seriously consider breaking it in two and uploading each half as a complete course.

@Darman: Judging from the design of "Raiding the Koopa Air Force" I think you may enjoy this game - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBM_g3Z-Byk&list=PLbQ-gSLYQEc6IWgKJNOMUONgtNXdwVcDC&index=25 I dare you to play your course as small Mario and count how many tries it takes.

I need stars desperately, so try this one: 0CF1-0000-00E0-A869

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"Volcanic Ghost House"

Very good course; I gave you a star.

Thank you!

The donut blocks in the beginning don't do anything, so I wouldn't include them.

They are in for aesthetic purposes only. They weren't meant to actually "do" anything.

You've got five nonconsecutive blocks in the beginning, and all of them are empty - that hurt my player expectations.

One coin equals empty?

I carried the P-switch because it's a timed thing and I was l looking for a place to use it. I saw the coins and thought "There we go!" and then I got crushed by offscreen thwomps. The problem is there aren't any safe spots to move to. Make them visible before they fall, and either include a coin platform before the thwomps, or provide extra space so the player can use the switch without being crushed. You can eliminate the potential for trial and error this way.

I intended for you to hit the P-Switch immediately and then run through the level until you got to the door. Doing that means the Thwomps will not even come close to hitting you.

I like the little room that previews the flagpole, but the 1-up is unnecessary and takes no skill; I think a multi-coin block would've been more appropriate.

It was meant as a reward to the player for getting past my little door puzzle.

By the way, I reached the top of the flagpole.

I was certain that was impossible to do...

Did you intentionally make that a kaizo challenge? If no, you broke the golden rule that flagpoles tops are always reachable. If yes, your level has an equally bad problem - an unbelievable difficulty spike.

One of your rules, maybe. As for the "unbelievable difficulty spike", that's something that I will contest. Oh, and it doesn't seem that you managed to find the hidden 1-ups in the castle section of the course...

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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The second code didn't lead me to "Bullet Hell" but rather another level called "Gensokyo Bros." No idea what that means, but I completed it nonetheless. Great job!

It's actual name is Gensokyo Bros. It's basically a Mario level done in the style of the game Touhou, which takes place in a fantasy land called Gensokyo, and is of the bullet hell genre.

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@Red Fox: You know 500 seconds is 8:40, right? If your course requires more time than that, you should seriously consider breaking it in two and uploading each half as a complete course.

The course can be beaten in time - and I've made a few changes to speed it up - but it's a puzzle level and some people will take a while to figure the puzzles out. I suppose I could cut it up into two levels, it's made in such a way that I could reasonably do that, but it also has a particular progression to it that would be lost if I split it. It would just be a lot better if I could leave it as is and not have to worry about time.

I hope to upload it soon, but I've been making a lot of refinements since I first "finished" it and I want to be sure it's as good as I can make it on my own before letting it out.

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I have a new level: Volcano Ghost House - 2CC6-0000-00DA-9CDE

Finally got to play this level. It's pretty good. I accidentally made it to the door on the first part without the P Switch :P Good work!

Also forgot to mention that my upload limit has reached it's max (20), so I won't be uploading for a while.

Edited by Power Master
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Alright, I've spent so much time testing and tweaking this level that I'm sick of seeing it. So here it is.

Stack: BF94-0000-00E2-7D1C

It's long, but there are two checkpoints.

Feedback appreciated. Just be constructive about it, of course.

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Alright, I've spent so much time testing and tweaking this level that I'm sick of seeing it. So here it is.

Stack: BF94-0000-00E2-7D1C

It's long, but there are two checkpoints.

Feedback appreciated. Just be constructive about it, of course.

I played it, but I got stuck on the "stack three" part. I love the concept! How long did it take for you to find out what could be stacked and stood upon?

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I played it, but I got stuck on the "stack three" part. I love the concept! How long did it take for you to find out what could be stacked and stood upon?

Some streams of other people playing and a lot of testing.

In case you ever try again, here's a hint for room 3: remember how the destructible blocks work in SMW.

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You can open doors in mid air?

No, sorry, that's not what I meant. I meant I made it TO the door, but ended up having to go back to get the P Switch. Or at least, that's what I would've done if the Thwomp didn't get me... :)

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@Red Fox: I played "Stack". Probably the best course you've made yet. I got stuck on level 8 though.

Now that I have the Koopa Medal, I've uploaded a slew of exciting new courses. These should be very polished, so enjoy!

Moles on Ice: 2379-0000-00E3-6C4C

There are two shortcuts. I really like the challenge at the end.

5-2 (NSMB): CABE-0000-00E3-6F24

Remake of 5-2 from New Super Mario Bros. I took some liberties with the secret area since Mario Maker contains neither star coins nor money bags.

7-6 (NSMB): EECB-0000-00E3-70F8

Remake of 7-6 from New Super Mario Bros. No, I didn't add extra koopas.

Watch Your Head: 698D-0000-00E3-7379

...or you might get dizzy!

Over and Under: B4E6-0000-00E3-765F

You'll understand once you reach the end.

Ice Breaker: C7E2-0000-00E3-83B5

This challenging course is more speedrun-able than it looks.

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@Red Fox: I played "Stack". Probably the best course you've made yet. I got stuck on level 8 though.

Thanks. By stuck, do you mean you couldn't figure it out or you got trapped? I tried to avoid the possibility of accidental traps on there. The only ones I can think of that are even possible are either very obvious (so a player shouldn't reasonably do it) or would require the player to go out of their way to do it. And on the latter one I even made some extra changes to save a player who did decide to go wild.
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