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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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And any real emperor of mine ought to know that he must take what's his instead of it being given to him.

I disagree, I would rather have you on the throne, then when the time is right, burn down your palace and chase you out of the country, and put someone else on the throne, so I can control the country/shogun

note, this is feudal jaypen, so you can't invoke your magical bullshit without a good reason

Edited by Shadowfrost Zenbiniar
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I disagree, I would rather have you on the throne, then when the time is right, burn down your palace and chase you out of the country, and put someone else on the throne, so I can control the country/shogun

note, this is feudal jaypen, so you can't invoke your magical bullshit without a good reason

As it stands, I currently am on the throne tho. You want it? Come take from me!

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I disagree, I would rather have you on the throne, then when the time is right, burn down your palace and chase you out of the country, and put someone else on the throne, so I can control the country/shogun

note, this is feudal jaypen, so you can't invoke your magical bullshit without a good reason

But you just described what the Sima's did with the Emperor

*Watches all the Shenanigans unfold*

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9.) Sorin really stop lying I am more tsun

10.) If you get on Skype anytime soon between now and Christmas can you message me?

11.) Pick a video game universe to be in and why

12.) Why is Alisa the best God Eater character? be careful with your answer

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If a bird refused to sing, what would you do?

Kill it?


Force it to sing?

But you just described what the Sima's did with the Emperor

*Watches all the Shenanigans unfold*

It was actually what happened to Yoshiaki Ashikaga when Nobunaga threw him out of the capital

except for the massacring of Buddhists monks

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I've matured a lot, actually. I almost don't recognize myself. The most impact carrying messages are... everything Noburu has told me. Nah, but seriously... "People come and go all the time. The best you can do is cherish the times you've had together and remember it's okay to miss them."

AH I FORGOT THAT SONG. Oops, yeah it's an 11.

People grow very fast during the first...quarter of their life or so, assuming you live to be a hundred, really. It's the strange thing I've noticed, you know? You're changing so much and have a ton of permanent choices to make by the time it's all over. I guess it's all about finding yourself, sort of, not in any philosophical way but just seeing were you want to go in life.

Very nice quote, actually. I wouldn't say any particular one has shaped me more than another, because I had quite a lot to learn. I think 'Don't be a moron' is probably a good generalization, though.

Twelve out of ten, even. Never even played that game. Should I?

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Anyway, some questions! Yay!

Favorite color?

Do you like Vocaloid?

Do you think your astrological sign fits you?

Which of the 7 deadly sins do you believe causes the least harm?

May I jump on the "first and current impressions of me" bandwagon again?


I like what you like Criz~~~

Jesus, yes. Have you LOOKED at what the Virgo entails? Oh yeah.

Pride. I mean, it's what affects me most and I'm not that bad/

First: Who is this person and why do I ship them with HK?

Current: Wow this person is amazing and why do I feel the need to take her from Noburu, Sol, and Tristian ? >v>

im still pretty unfamiliar with fourm use but this seemed like a fun way to meet people. if you dont mind questions are as follows.

1. is it too late to be asking questions?

2. if no what answer would you give to being asked what question you would like to answer?

3. can you answer the above question's answer?

4. i already said im still pretty weird with forum use but i wouldn't be here if i didn't want to meet people, any tips for breaking out of obscurity in forum use?

5. i dont know why people are doing this but i'm curious and self conscious so first impression bandwagon question?

1. Nope!

2. "If cinnamon was a drug, would you smoke it?

3. ...... Yeah, pretty sure I would.

4. Find people that you enjoy talking to, meet their friends, and become friends. At that point, you have a nice little network!

5. First: "Friction", eh? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Current: You seem kind, so wassup

And any real emperor of mine ought to know that he must take what's his instead of it being given to him.

Is that a challenge?

1. Who are you?

2. What are you?

3. Why Sorin?

4. How did you come to be nominated?

5. First and current impressions of me?

1. I'm Sorin. Headcanon Prince/Soon-To-Be-Emperor

2. I'm a... 16 year old guy? A genius?

3. The better question is, why anything BUT Sorin?

4. I have some pretty persistent and clutch friends ^^;

5. First: Wow, this person's UN makes me think of Keiji Maeda's mount.

Current: Okay, so apparently this person is really sensible and I should probably make their acquaintance at some point.

As it stands, I currently am on the throne tho. You want it? Come take from me!

"The world has no need for old traditions."

If you resist this world ruled by me, then there is no place for you in it.

21. Which Marvel movie is your favorite?

22. In Smash Bros., do you prefer Marth or Roy?

23. Which Smash Bros. game is your favorite?

24. Would you rather ride a train or a plane?

25. Have you seen any of the Narnia movies?

21. X-Men: Days of Future's Past

22. Roy. I tend to have a better time with the base than the tip

23. Melee will always be special, but 4 is amazing

24. Plane

25. Like, the first one but I only vaguely remember it.

Favorite character from KH?

If not Mitsunari, then who else?

Dynasty Warriors or Samurai Warriors?

Which Tales game would you want to try first?


If not Mitsunari... Kai or Naomasa

Samurai Warriors

I don't even know! I saw a playthrough of Xilia but other than that...

9.) Sorin really stop lying I am more tsun

10.) If you get on Skype anytime soon between now and Christmas can you message me?

11.) Pick a video game universe to be in and why

12.) Why is Alisa the best God Eater character? be careful with your answer

9) We'll see.

10) Yep yep

11) Umm... Final Fantasy, because I can be a badass poster boy, have a bunch of fangirls, and... Yeah!

12) Because holy shit that character development.

your favorite game you played this year?


do you watch anime?

Not as much as I used to, but yeah.

If a bird refused to sing, what would you do?

Kill it?


Force it to sing?

My answer: Wait

Proper answer: "Kill it. Why would I do anything else?"

People grow very fast during the first...quarter of their life or so, assuming you live to be a hundred, really. It's the strange thing I've noticed, you know? You're changing so much and have a ton of permanent choices to make by the time it's all over. I guess it's all about finding yourself, sort of, not in any philosophical way but just seeing were you want to go in life.

Very nice quote, actually. I wouldn't say any particular one has shaped me more than another, because I had quite a lot to learn. I think 'Don't be a moron' is probably a good generalization, though.

Twelve out of ten, even. Never even played that game. Should I?

I heard Super Paper Mario itself is... "different". Either you love it or hate it. Personally I found it alright.

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1. Nope!

2. "If cinnamon was a drug, would you smoke it?

3. ...... Yeah, pretty sure I would.

4. Find people that you enjoy talking to, meet their friends, and become friends. At that point, you have a nice little network!

5. First: "Friction", eh? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Current: You seem kind, so wassup

thanks for answering. yup friction, thats me. haha my username was originally a friends prank, she payed $20 to change my account name on xbox one after a funny conversation about showers. i liked it so much i decided to keep it and i still put it as my username in certain places. i like to think im pretty kind although i can be pretty emotional. speaking of emotional im a cancer/gemini cusp, horoscopes are a guilty pleasure of mine. if you dont mind two more questions

1. do you think horoscopes are interesting even if you dont believe in their accuracy?

2. do you have a guilty pleasure that you are comfortable sharing? something silly where you dont know why but you really like it?

thanks a bundle sorin ^w^

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  • Who do you predict or wish to be the remaining of Xehanort's 13 vessels? (First 6 being MX, YX, ASoD, Xemnas, Braig, Isa)
  • Between Naruto and Sasuke, who do you lean more toward and why?
  • Who would you say is your fav villain? (Can be from anything)
  • Zhao Yun vs Yukimura Sanada. Who wins?
  • You are an army strategist in the middle of battle with an opposing force. Somewhere along the way, your enemy lays a trap that forces upon you an ultimatum that will cost you a casualty. You're left with options 1 and 2. One choice will grant you certain victory, while the other will not. You don't know which one it is, option one will give heavy casualties throughout your army, while option two, your most pivotal and irreplaceable soldiers to your army will die in the after math. This battle is also one that you cannot afford to lose. What option do you choose?

Is that a challenge?

More like my attempt at reenacting a conversation between Cao Cao and Cao Pi. Tho its up for interpretation

"The world has no need for old traditions."

If you resist this world ruled by me, then there is no place for you in it.

Spout as much grandiloquent speech as you like. If that is all that you have, then you are not fit for the divine right to rule. You shall fall where you stand, and crumple into the ground like the decomposed Autumn leaves

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What flowered words. You have no hope of surviving this world, if you cannot even prove your strength. I am the Demon King of the Sixteenth Heaven, Masae Takemoto. Your old, worthless traditions are not welcome in the world I seek. Begone, relic of the past.

If you resist this world ruled by me, then there is no place for you in it.

My answer: Wait

Proper answer: "Kill it. Why would I do anything else?"

You would call yourself an emperor but nothing to rule.. What a delusional man.



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When's headcanon reboot?

I meant what I said in a more violent way.

By sending empty threats full of sound and fury that ultimately signify nothing but a superiority complex? Nah fam. Talk is cheaper than the nameless brands at a local convenience store, which was the point

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A thing you wanted to do just for the hell of it?

sound and fury

Too many tribals, too many rivals, no hope for survival!
But don'tcha worry! In a hurry, it's the Sound and Fury!
In a flurry, they make a scurry, when we make our arrival!

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