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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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1.What are your thoughts on Scottish Independence?
2. What advice would you give to someone who's about to play FE:Gaiden for the first time?
3. Know any good TV series to watch?
4. Best FE jaegan?
5. Best personal achievement?

Edited by Rend Keaven
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1.Greatest achievement in life thus far?

2.Something you think is really good but I likely have never heard of?

3.Do you like the sound of your own voice?

4.Furthest you've ever been from home?

5.The most beautiful thing you have ever seen?

1: managing to get a university degree and a resulting job (though it is in support and not development which might be ideal but I'm glad I got something). i've not been the best academically (mostly that sweet 'B' average) so I'm pretty happy with it.

2: the flobots. i like their music

3: no

to expand, it's mumbly and overly deep. it doesn't convey itself very well.

4: tunisia. I don't travel very much but I've been there mostly when I was much younger.

5: I really like the beaches in Nice when I went there to visit my sister some time ago. I'm not even sure which "one" it was but they all looked fantastic.

1. Have you ever played a Crash Bandicoot game?

2. Have you ever seen Zootopia?

3. Why is your favorite Fire Emblem game your favorite?

4. Who is your favorite non-main protagonist/antagonist FE character?

5. Did you carve a pumpkin last night for Halloween?

1: yes, the naughty dog games were great and I had them when I was growing up (though I seem to remember 2 mostly)

2: no, i've not really been watching films from disney for some time

3: because gaiden did certain things well and was interesting. fe8 basically tried to do the same but the dynamic world map (moving and joining enemies and such, two party system) is actually superior in FE2. it did a lot of things right for an old NES game despite its limitations and it does have a certain charm to it even though it's far from the technical best.

4: protagonist - jill. actual character development.

antagonist - i guess i'm kind of assuming that Alvis isn't a "main" antagonist. he's sympathetic and I find him much better than Lyon.

but if you mean peripheral then I guess Schaeffer, mostly for his death quote

5: no i'm not a nerd

to be honest no-one around my area cared about halloween apparently as I saw almost no trick or treaters or anything and no-one came to my door

  • Personal favorite of your own LPs?
  • Personal favorite LP which isn't yours?
  • How did you get to know Mage Knight 404 and his friends?
  • Any franchise you haven't played yet but you want to?
  • Which five sights / cities would you recommend me, if I planned to make a trip to Scotland?

1: Dark Souls is one of them. I actually preferred showing up as a guest in other peoples videos as a group, but never really did many LPs with others on my own channel.

2: I think the Fire Emblem 7 one that is now RIP on mel's old channel. for one that I wasn't in for vanity, I like two best friends whenever I occasionally check them out for metal gear revengeance or such though I'm not subscribed

3: don't know if you know who this is but I was watching Cevian when he was doing Fire Emblem 7 as an LP like eight years ago (who seems to have disappeared into the ether with a hiatus just like me) and he either posted a link or through recommendations I found a link to mel's stream. I believe I then met Cal, Ray, etc. through there as they all chilled on that stream. I talked to Cal on Skype through microphone first and then eventually Mel and Ray after I became a mod on her stream.

4: The Witcher (i've got 2 on steam but played very little of it)

5: I've been to both Loch Ness and Loch Lomond and they are both nice quiet places. The Falkirk Wheel is pretty interesting. There's quite a few castles such as in Stirling, Edinburgh, etc. I haven't been there myself but the Rosslyn Chapel is meant to be great (da vinci code here). Aand the various mountains like Ben Nevis and such. That's probably good.

1.What are you thoughts on Scottish Independence?

2. What advice would you give to someone who's about to play FE:Gaiden for the first time?

3. Know any good TV series to watch?

4. Best FE jaegan?

5. Best personal achievement?

1: i thought we should be independent and voted as such. i may have been impulsive in my reasons for thinking so but at the same time I understood why people were skeptical, and didn't really feel animosity to anyone who voted otherwise including some of my friends. i've felt somewhat vindicated in the fact that one of the major arguments against such, the question of whether we would be able to stay in the EU if we leave the UK has been made irrelevant, but now I wonder what'll happen if it does go to a second referendum.

2: it's janky - don't expect balance from either side of the game because it is broken very easily but enemies can also be a huge pain. playing on easy mode isn't really bad because the only real thing it effects is experience gain, and you may have to grind for quite a bit of experience if you don't use it. still very possible without, but

3: to be honest I don't watch too much TV. My friend is recommending Westworld to me so I'll say that.

4: best as in performance or best as in I like them the most? seth for the former, titania for the latter. you could even argue that these are of the subset of 'oifayes' but i do consider them under the banner of jagens

5: kind of already answered this one

What do you think of Jeremy Corbyn?

he seems to be relatively aligned with my own views (from what I know, because his views are fairly obscured because of other factors) so I like him more than most politicians especially for labour but I do see why people criticised him for being lukewarm on taking a stance against brexit and other such things. I think the media is pretty unnecessarily harsh on him. so yeah, I guess I like him though I've been keeping my nose out of UK politics for a while but I still have no love for Labour.

1. Thoughts on Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP?

2. Thoughts on David Cameron?

3. Thoughts on Nigel Farage?

1: conflicted. I have more allegience with the SNP over Labour currently and I congratulate the SNP in gaining seats in Scotland. but i'm not prepared to rally behind nationalism so radically (other than I think that the political situation between Scotland/England has grown too great), and while I think Nicola Sturgeon has conducted herself well in regards to the brexit vote, people are right when they talk about her wanting repeatedly talking about independence for scotland until she gets it (I mean, she is leader of the scottish nationalist party, so that's to be expected to a degree).

2: :smug: the man

he leaves behind a shit legacy and there's no real sympathy from me. he's not the worst politician i've seen and he's had some decent decisions over the years but that is not saying very much.

3: worse than cameron

i'm not sure i have to say much more other than he has defended actual racist behaviour from ukip politicians or affiliates under his leadership

his obsession with hating the EU is just going to screw over people and he's already scurried away

he's also just a cunt you want to punch, it's amusing how when he came up to scotland he was so hated that he hid in a local pub

he hid from scottish people in a pub

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1. Impressions of this faggot

2. How much of a Tryhard are you?

3. Your worst lp in your eyes.

4. Favorite place you've traveled to?

5. Favorite food.

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1. What're your impressions of lil' ol' me

2. Is the Youngster trainer class in Pokemon your favorite

3. Do you ever trysoft

4. Rabbits or Guinea Pigs

5. Do you agree that alligators/crocodiles are cute

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1. Impressions of this faggot

2. How much of a Tryhard are you?

3. Your worst lp in your eyes.

4. Favorite place you've traveled to?

5. Favorite food.

1: well when you put it like that it's gotta be good

unfortunately i don't know enough about most on these forums to make a judgement :(

2: when my opponent picks a joke character/plays in a nonserious way I still try to do my best. that bad.

3: all of them delete my yootub

I'm a little sad that I dropped LPs because I've been committed to other things, so mostly the unfinished ones.

4: Nice. I've been to Paris, but I didn't like it as much.

5: spaghetti or steak probably. maybe not together

1. What're your impressions of lil' ol' me

2. Is the Youngster trainer class in Pokemon your favorite

3. Do you ever trysoft

4. Rabbits or Guinea Pigs

5. Do you agree that alligators/crocodiles are cute

1: stop using comic sans and i'll probably like you more, it triggers me

you're cool with me sir

2: well i do share a name with one of the youngster trainers, but I'm not sure how comfortable i feel being associated with shorts are comfy to wear youngster

3: no i always go hard

4: rabbits, i've not ever had either but rabbits are cool

5: no, you're weird

Thoughts on CETA. (It doesn't really concern you anymore, but I want to know what are your thoughts about it)

I know little about it (which I kind of think was the point) but if it's anything like TTIP I don't appreciate it. And though you're saying that because the UK is slated to leave the EU, by all accounts it's likely to still affect us. It will be used to criticise the EU and rightly so, but in my mind it is far more rational to attempt to reform it (though honestly I'm sure corporate UK would be more than willing to throw their support behind it) then to shit the bed and leave.

business as usual, as regrettable as it is?

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6.What three historical figures would you most like to go on a road trip with?

7.What three fictional heroes would you most like to go on a road trip with?

8.What three fictional villains would you most like to go on a road trip with?

9.Opinion on polygamy?

10.A Mega Pokemon you'd like to see?

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6. Would you play FE2 randomized, if it was possible?

7. Do you also think that Europe tends to turn more and more into right populism?

8. Short opinion of the current European politics in general?

9. How would you describe yourself in three words?

10. Could you give me five good reasons to play FE2? (I already tried it but I stopped after Robin had died in the second map.)

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1: impressions etc etc

2: Favorite jelly bean flavor?

3: Opinion of SJWs?

4: 100% to win $500 or 50% to win $1000?

5: Would you rather eat a steak or a salad?

1: i dunno man you seem to just hang out in the HHH topic now but I don't even see you that often despite you posting mostly images or memes

thats fine with me though

2: vanilla, any of the ones that are red/pink really (cherry, etc)

3: I mean, depends if they are deserving of that title or not. Because it seems like people label anyone who they view as even a little sensitive or being opinionated as an SJW when that's just not the case. When it's the ones that are actually left authoritarian crazy, then yeah I don't like them.

i'll be honest though the people that complain about sjws excessively can be just as or even more annoying, especially when they engage in hypocritical behaviour that shows them to be similar in a slightly different way.

4: the former. I think most people don't fancy their chances on a 50/50 coin flip.

5: steak. i eat meat too much and salad is optional

6. If Gaiden were to be remade, what changes would you make, if any?

7. Have you ever been to a foreign country?

8. What is/was your favorite subject in school?

9. Favorite gaming system?

10. Favorite food?

6: maybe actual map design could be a thing. I don't really have a problem with the statues promoting people but a lot of the interface is clunky and slow and I'm sure that's a given that they would be cleaned up for a remake

other than balancing issues (because the game is even more unbalanced more so than most fire emblem games) I would like to see classes expanded on to have those third tiers as expected for all classes and such. But I wouldn't change much underlying mechanics that I can think of.

7: Not many. I've mostly stayed in the UK, but I have been to Spain (Majorca), France, Tunisia. Mostly a few times.

8: Computing. I didn't really have much passion for much at school but I was always fairly good at it. I'd say History because I was interested in it as well but the way they teach it is so boring.

9: Favourite? If we're counting PC, then that because I've done a majority on PC Gaming but if console then the PS2.

10: please friend I already answered this

6.What three historical figures would you most like to go on a road trip with?

7.What three fictional heroes would you most like to go on a road trip with?

8.What three fictional villains would you most like to go on a road trip with?

9.Opinion on polygamy?

10.A Mega Pokemon you'd like to see?

6: attila the hun, joan of arc and ghengis khan

not going to lie this is fully fueled by my love of history from like age of empires 2, total war and crusader kings 2. and they'd probably fight

7: altair is fucking baller from assassin's creed even if the first game isn't fantastic. jade from beyond good & evil. and probably nathan drake even though he can be pretty cliche, naughty dog do a pretty great job with uncharted and between him and sully.

8: arthas menethil, shodan and handsome jack. Arthas is probably my favourite villain in general but on the account of them all being awesome, that would be fun.

9: I don't agree with it personally, but if everyone is consensual, then I have no problem with it.

10: mega farfetch'd unironically.

6. Would you play FE2 randomized, if it was possible?

7. Do you also think that Europe tends to turn more and more into right populism?

8. Short opinion of the current European politics in general?

9. How would you describe yourself in three words?

10. Could you give me five good reasons to play FE2? (I already tried it but I stopped after Robin had died in the second map.)

6: I'm not really one for those randomised hacks but I think it would be an interesting concept at least and I would probably try it. Probably just to see how messed up it is because it would be.

7: Yes. It's quite surprising in some degree to me the resurgence of right-wing politics in Europe.

8: I'm not so sure apart from the general rise of right-wing feelings in Europe. I do appreciate the fact that even with this we are still generally more left-wing than the US and such with things like national healthcare but I would never say that European politics doesn't have its own problems.

9: cool and edgy

10: I could try to give you five reasons but if you don't like it, you don't. I can't really recommend you push through if you really can't stand how archaic it is but it is more interesting than having great gameplay compared to other more modern fire emblems.

if you go into it expecting it to be compared to the games you've already played then it just isn't like that. It's an interesting spectacle that could have a lot of potential if they did ever decide to remake it to me.

1.First and current impressions of me, senpai.

2.What makes you frequent SF now?

3.What did you like about RPing?

1: you know for some reason I thought you were older than me

you're cool man but I don't see you around unless you're just lurking mafia and rps since i'm not there anymore

2: It's been a forum I've been on for a decent time which is a rarity since I usually only joins forums for certain games and then leave when they come out (like mortal kombat 9 before it came out). I haven't played FE in some time myself now and I'm still around here a little less frequently but still here. it's almost like I like some people here or something

3: 'did' yeah. RIP my time to be honest. I've been wanting to get into D&D style roleplaying for a while now because I'm a massive nerd but unfortunately it hasn't really turned out in finding somewhere/people to play with. RPing over the internet is easier but it also causes my to question my posts instead of just going with it.

Playing a character in a somewhat serious setting is always fun, because it gives a more personal connection to that character compared to say... just playing Fire Emblem and using the characters it gives you.

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11.Favorite Bond movie?

12.Favorite Disney movie?
13.Favorite Shakespeare play?
14.Favorite Queen song?
15.Favorite Harry Potter Character?

11: casino royale. I'm not so much for Bond because I haven't seen too many of them but From Russia With Love was also really good for one of the older ones.

12: alladin from nostalgia, probably. but hunchback of notre dam was metal as fuck for a disney film and frollo is probably the best disney villain imo.

13: macbeth. I haven't really read/seen too many of them though.

14: bohemian rhapsody because I'm boring though Queen in general is great.

15: snape tbh

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> impressions of me?

> thoughts on black and white art vs full-color art?

> did you know that apparently our brains trick us to see things in color, and that the true state of reality is black and white?

> Does reality exist if there is nobody there to perceive it?

> Do you like puns?

> If you could witness a battle from either Fates or Awakening happening as if it were real, which battle would it be? Would you like to participate?

> If you where trapped in the world of a books series, which book series would you like to be trapped in?

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11. Favorite videogame theme?

12. Languages you would like to learn?

13. Are you interested in Snooker, and if so, who's your favorite player?

14. Most memorable moment in any of your LPs

15. Could you give a short feedback of your interview in Celtic?

Edited by Ayama Wirdo
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1: you know for some reason I thought you were older than me

you're cool man but I don't see you around unless you're just lurking mafia and rps since i'm not there anymore

I lurk Serious Discussion too and tbh its entertaining when you're looking at it as an observer. Whaddya think?

Also AWESOME, you're a civ fan. How many games from that series have you played, and which? We should play sometime.

Which civilization do you usually play as?

Given the rise of right-wing populist politics in Europe(not sure if this is the best way to phrase it) is there any other country in the world you'd like to live in? If so, which, and why?

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1. Have you played FE1? If so, opinions?

2. If FE2 got a remake, would that motivate you to play FE again (even if only for the FE2 remake)?

3. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?

4. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?

5. Forgiveness or retribution?

6. First and current impressions of me?

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