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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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14. Hot or cold?

15. Have you ever gone fishing?

16. Quality or quantity?

17. Are you more logic driven or emotion driven?

18. Katana or broadsword?

19. Eastern or Western dragon?

20. If you could improve/remove/add one trait to humanity what would you change?

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4 hours ago, Futaba said:

46. But what about the pain the mothers would have to go through for ~9 months and the pain of childbirth?
47. did I ask if you'd play persona 5? if I did, you can answer again.
48. would you buy a suku plushie? (the very first question I asked you with the animations)
49. What's your favourite country?
50. How would you feel if something happened to a loved one?

46. I still couldn't okay it in good conscience. With how many organizations there are that help people who committed abortions recover, and with there being little to no organizations that help people overcome the after-trauma of going through pregnancy and childbirth, I feel like the right choice is pretty clear-cut there. Even among people who heavily support abortion before getting one or people who are having a second/third abortion and were mentally okay after the first one, there have been cases of those people changing their minds/hearts on the issue and regretting it, so I really don't think it's okay under any circumstance.

47. You did, and my financial situation isn't really good enough to be spending too much on gaming.

48. I don't actually buy any plushes whatsoever. I'm stingy like that, in terms of only buying what's necessary or things I'll use a lot.

49. Canada, due to being peaceful, patriotic, free, well off financially, and having quite a large amount of Filipinos in terms of Filipino Population:Total Population ratios.

50. I'd be really concerned and saddened, and would do everything I could to help them and give them comfort.

3 hours ago, Just call me AL said:

Least favorite video game genre?

Have you ever been to a convention at all?

Did you get the ever so elusive to find in stores Nintendo Switch yet?

Favorite MLP:FiM villain?

I know that this is similar to my earlier anime question, but have you read any manga before? If so, which series?

Probably first person shooters, due to their overuse in the gaming market, how violent they tend to be, and how bad I find the controls in terms of shooting things in time.

3-4 anime conventions and 3 comic conventions. I enjoyed them, but I found the anime conventions more enjoyable due to the gaming lounge.

Even if I did find one, with my financial situation, it may not be the best of ideas. That, and I'd want to wait for at least two games I'm interested in. Super Bomberman R is one, but I'm waiting for either Fire Emblem Warriors or Super Mario Odyssey to come out before I get it (hopefully by then my money situation will be better).

4-5 years ago, I never thought I'd say this, but Discord, due to him turning good and due to how protective and caring he is towards Fluttershy. As for if I'm okay with Discord and Fluttershy being paired up, I do think Fluttershy deserves a better guy, but other than that I okay with the pairing.

I mainly only read what my siblings borrow from the library, like Cory in the House the Pokemon mangas, A Silent Voice, Hikaru no Go, Sugar Princess, Happy Happy Clover... those are the only ones that come to mind right now.

1 hour ago, Rezzy said:

10: Opinion on petticoats?

11: Opinion on kilts?

12: If you were a FE character, what would your class and stats/growths be like?

13: Opinion on Ests in FE?

14: Favorite FE archetype?

15: Opinion on the new weapon triangle in Fates?

16: Opinion on Echoes not having the weapon triangle?

10. They're really pretty and cute. It's a shame most women these days don't wear them anymore.

11. Since it's part of the background of certain countries, I guess it's okay. Just please make sure they cover the area they're supposed to and don't bend at any awkward angles.

12. I'd probably be a light magic user (but not from a religious monastary or anything like that, since I wouldn't join one in real life due to being too materialistic) who'd have great resistance, skill, and luck, average HP, speed, and defense, and low strength/magic.

13. I actually find them a lot of fun and from the FE games I've played, I've used each and every one (most of them more than once, actually). I'm actually playing FE3 going crazy maxing late joining low level characters like Maria, Catria, Est, and Radd.

14. I suppose the Ogma archetype, since they tend to be solid and reliable units in every game they show up in, have good to awesome stats, and the characters in the archetype usually look cool.

15. I know about it theory-wise, but I haven't played Fates. I'd have to have some gameplay experience with it to give a proper opinion of it. But considering theory only, I suppose it's a neat idea and am curious as to how well it works.

16. I've played and defeated Gaiden myself, so I know that it's actually for the best and it makes sense since Axes barely exist in the game, no playable units use axes, and it'd make lances really overpowered and swords quite unideal. I'd change my stance if there were playable axe users in the original Gaiden, but as it is, I think IS made the right decision.

21 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

14. Hot or cold?

15. Have you ever gone fishing?

16. Quality or quantity?

17. Are you more logic driven or emotion driven?

18. Katana or broadsword?

19. Eastern or Western dragon?

20. If you could improve/remove/add one trait to humanity what would you change?

14. I suppose I prefer the cold more, due to it meaning less insects around. Plus, being shivery is nowhere near as stinky or gross as being sweaty.

15. I did a few times back when I was in my elementary school years, with my dad and a few of his friends. I didn't catch anything, but I strangely enjoyed the experience despite that. I'd definitely be up for going fishing again, though.

16. Quality, definitely. When it comes to the long run, a lot of things in the real world call for quality rather than quantity, especially when it comes to maintaining a company's/person's image and reputation.

17. I'm a "doing what's right" driven sort of person, and I'm not sure if that's logical or emotional drive. Maybe it's logical, since doing what's right and my emotions tend to conflict quite a lot.

18. Broadsword, I suppose, since both sides of the sword are effective.

19. Since eastern dragons tend to be more wise and friendly, I'll go with that.

20. I suppose removing humanity's capacity for evil would be cheating, so I guess I'll remove humanity's capacity for anger, since I feel like that'd cut down on the most amount of problems.

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51. What are your thoughts on betrayal?
52. How would you define emotional cheating and physical cheating in romantic relationships?
53. Is cheating in any form in a relationship ever forgivable to you?
54. How do you think child custody be determined in a divorce case?
55. What is your life philosophy?


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I nominate Rex Glacies

On 5/13/2017 at 10:27 PM, Futaba said:

51. What are your thoughts on betrayal?
52. How would you define emotional cheating and physical cheating in romantic relationships?
53. Is cheating in any form in a relationship ever forgivable to you?
54. How do you think child custody be determined in a divorce case?
55. What is your life philosophy?

51. I think it's wrong no matter how you look at it, and I always try to avoid it and find a better solution, even in situations where I have to pick between two people close to me. Well, I guess in extreme cases like betraying someone who threatened you into doing something, it'd be okay.

52. I don't have any experience with romantic relationships since women always reject me. I'll still try to answer as best I can: confiding in a person is one thing and if someone is feeling down and they're confiding in someone of the opposite gender and one of them is already taken, that's okay so long as they're not sharing any secrets that should be kept confidential (things like physical abuse, pressuring another into sex, or anything else that's extreme and bad should not be hidden). Though having crushes on people that aren't your girlfriend/boyfriend and acting upon it is is very not recommended, especially if you're purposely putting yourself in situations where you'll be around that person more. Even things as innocent as hanging out with that person alone could lead to some pretty bad things (if you absolutely have to be with that person who's not your girlfriend/boyfriend that you like, at least do it in a group setting). So regarding emotional cheating, just don't feed the flame even if it is with little things like coffee dates or conversations about their dating life. As for physical cheating, I suppose handshakes and pats on the back are okay (so long as you're not savouring touching the person too much), but hugging and anything more intimate than that is a bad idea.

53. I've never been in that situation or anywhere close to it, so I can't give a proper answer. Though from my non-existent experience, I guess I'll say currently that if I knew that the person was sincere in being sorry and truly regretted cheating on me, I'd try to forgive them.

54. I know most people tend to think the mother should get priority for child custody, but I personally think it should go to who the child is safest and happiest with (with priority on the former). I mean, the mother isn't always the safest/best person for the child to be entrusted to. As for how to determine that, I guess something along the lines of questioning the mother, the father, the child/children (if they're of the age to be able to talk and give a somewhat solid answer, even if it's something like "Mommy always mad"), and maybe one or two extended family members/close friends who are familiar with the family. After that, I guess give a 3 week trial period with the person who has been entrusted with the child, and a staff member will check in with both the child and the parent every week to check if the parent is ideal enough or not (with a new parent being chosen and the 3 week trial being repeated if it doesn't work out).

55. Do what's right, don't harm people physically or emotionally whenever possible, be respectful and tactful, keep things clean and appropriate, respect people's free will unless it involves death or serious harm to a person... yeah

On 5/13/2017 at 11:14 PM, Rex Glacies said:

21. Have you enjoyed this interview?

21. Yep, though I was kind of hoping that my interview would be 2 pages long or more. In the end, I'm just glad I finally got my interview.

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So it begins >:)

Question number 1 for the most affable of Ampharos:


May as well ask question number 2:

When you first saw me, what did you think of me (You can also just say what you thought of me before we formed The Strategists Three)?

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36 minutes ago, Arcanite said:


So it begins >:)

Question number 1 for the most affable of Ampharos:


May as well ask question number 2:

When you first saw me, what did you think of me (You can also just say what you thought of me before we formed The Strategists Three)?

I don't think I can ever match your excitement, but I'm pretty excited :D

I think the first time I noticed you was during the first voting gauntlet. All I remember was this really excitable individual rallying for Team Ephraim and thinking "huh. Someone's really getting into the gauntlet. Wish I could be that enthusiastic lol" (still had a ton of fun fighting for lance bro tho)

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6 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

"huh. Someone's really getting into the gauntlet. Wish I could be that enthusiastic lol"

Well, I am the greatest after all heh heh


3. Are you captivated by my style and grace?

4. Ya like jazz?

5. Have you ever had kimchi before, and if so, was it good?

If you're lifting the limit:

6. You really really want fried chicken. You hop into your car. Where do you go and/or what do you do?

7. Do you believe in love? Who is your favorite poster on the heroes board (besides me of course)?

8. Do you think Ice Dragon is worthy of being called our Sensei?

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Alright, let's roll:

1. What is your favorite color, and how well does it reflect your personality?

2. How many Fire Emblem games have you finished? Which one do you want to play next, besides Echoes?

3. What appeals to you most in a character's design?

4. Underrated game, show, and food you would recommend to anyone reading this?

5. On a scale of 1-10, what is your favorite color of the alphabet?

5. Are you lifting the 5-question limit on this one?

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4 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Well, I am the greatest after all heh heh


3. Are you captivated by my style and grace?

4. Ya like jazz?

5. Have you ever had kimchi before, and if so, was it good?

If you're lifting the limit:

6. You really really want fried chicken. You hop into your car. Where do you go and/or what do you do?

7. Do you believe in love? Who is your favorite poster on the heroes board (besides me of course)?

8. Do you think Ice Dragon is worthy of being called our Sensei?

3. Are you by mine? 


I'm captivated by your charisma, but your grace could use some work :P

4. Is that a Bee movie reference It's not my favorite genre, but I do like it, yes

5. Fam I LOVE Korean food; it's one of my favorites! So yes, I have had plenty of kimchi, and yes, I do like it. 

6. There's a Canes that's like 5 min away from my house, so I'd just drive there because it's close and because I'm lazy. Plus Canes is p good.

7. Well, I love you <3 (platonically, of course) I'm going to give you a cop-out answer and say I can't decide :P

8. Ice Dragon is the one and only Mega Wishiwashi, and I have only the utmost respect for him.

3 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Alright, let's roll:

1. What is your favorite color, and how well does it reflect your personality?

2. How many Fire Emblem games have you finished? Which one do you want to play next, besides Echoes?

3. What appeals to you most in a character's design?

4. Underrated game, show, and food you would recommend to anyone reading this?

5. On a scale of 1-10, what is your favorite color of the alphabet?

5. Are you lifting the 5-question limit on this one?

1. My favorite color is cerulean (light blues in general, really), but the color that best reflects my personality is actually probably its opposite: yellow. Blue is generally known to be a calming, tranquil color, and I'm generally pretty upbeat and energetic (or so I'd like to think) and very huggable :D I also associate blue with gracefulness (like flowing water), and boy does that not describe me at all.

2. Uhhhh let's see... Awakening, Fates (all 3 paths), Blazing, and Sacred Stones (I watched complete walkthroughs of PoR and RD but never got a chance to play them). So only four actually. I'm actually looking forward to playing Genealogy as I've heard many great things about it and because Julia has captured my heart.

3. Personality. Assuming we're only focused on physical appearance, I tend to like cutesy designs that bring out a character's charm (like with Genny) (though I guess that still kinda falls under personality). I like a pretty wide range, honestly; there are just two designs off the top of my head that don't appeal to me. I'm not particularly fond of brawn-over-brain muscleheads or the types of characters that emphasize physical strength (which is why I'm not fond of the Warrior/Berserker line of characters in general), and I also am, ironically, turned off by most stereotypically "fanservice-y" characters like Camilla's design.

4. I don't know if it's so much "underrated" as just "underplayed", but I think Bravely Default (and its sequel) is a fantastic game that definitely deserves a lot more recognition. An underrated show I would recommend would be Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun! It's a romcom anime that not many people have heard of, but it's a really cute and funny show with a colorful cast of really quirky characters, and it's just a lot of fun seeing them all bounce off each other. In fact, it's probably one of my favorite romcoms of all time (so if you like the genre, you should check it out!) I don't know if there's really any "underrated foods" but uhhhh mapo tofu is literally the best thing I've ever had, and I would recommend to each and every one of you (though only if you can handle spicy foods) :D

5. Only for you and Arc <3 Yes, I am. I'm going to set a tentative limit of 10 per post (not 10 per person, just 10 per post) though. 

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1. Opinions of the following:

a. 300px-Meow_Wow_(Spirit)_KH3D.png

b. Flowbermeow_(Spirit)_KH3D.png

c. 200px-Meowjesty_(Spirit)_KH3D.png

2. Favorite Rotom forme?

3. Favorite Eevee evolution?

4. Have you heard of Maru the cat?

5. Have you seen any Farmers Insurance commercials?

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2 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

1. Opinions of the following:

a. 300px-Meow_Wow_(Spirit)_KH3D.png

b. Flowbermeow_(Spirit)_KH3D.png

c. 200px-Meowjesty_(Spirit)_KH3D.png

2. Favorite Rotom forme?

3. Favorite Eevee evolution?

4. Have you heard of Maru the cat?

5. Have you seen any Farmers Insurance commercials?

1. They're cute! From Kingdom Hearts, right?

2. Wash because I get way too into competitive

3. Glaceon! She just looks so majestic and graceful and perfect <3 (also I'm pretty biased towards the ice element in general)

4. I have not, but I shall look into Maru the Cat at my earliest convenience :O

5. I don't remember any particular commercial, but since I know the jingle I assume I must have seen a few at some point lol

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Just now, MaskedAmpharos said:

1. They're cute! From Kingdom Hearts, right?

They are (specifically, Dream Drop Distance).

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9 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Is that a Bee movie reference

Of course it is! ;)

10 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

3. Are you by mine? 




9. As you already know, the robots are planning on taking over the planet. There are some humans who deserve to stay alive though and you are one of them. I don't want you to be miserable, so you get to bring one family member with you. Who would you bring and why (you don't have to say why if you don't want to)?

10. Isn't Oboro the greatest character in all of Fates?

11. Have you ever cooked before? If not, would you want to learn/are you interested in learning?

12. Would you eat my food if I cooked for you?

13. What's your opinion on this (watch the whole thing)?:



14. You want a burger. Where do you go (Say Mcdonald's and I'm flying to your house and slapping you in the face)?

15. Lamborghini or Ferrari?

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Just now, Levant Mir Celestia said:

They are (specifically, Dream Drop Distance).

(That's the only one I know nothing about, so I assumed but didn't want to be wrong)

(I don't have any Playstation consoles or handhelds, so I've only been able to play the Nintendo games. I've seen walkthroughs of KH 1 and 2 and bits and pieces of BBS though)

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