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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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11. If you could go send a letter back in time, what would you tell your younger self?

12. What made you fall in love with Catria?

13. Glasses or contacts?

14. Favorite dessert?

15. Least favorite subject in school?

16. Favorite Kirby power?

17. Favorite kind of outfit (to wear but also what you find attractive on others)

18. Favorite kind of weather? (including temperature range)

19. Do you play any musical instruments?

20. Song that carries great emotional meaning for you? (question is intentionally vague, so interpret it however)

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1 minute ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

11. If you could go send a letter back in time, what would you tell your younger self?

12. What made you fall in love with Catria?

13. Glasses or contacts?

14. Favorite dessert?

15. Least favorite subject in school?

16. Favorite Kirby power?

17. Favorite kind of outfit (to wear but also what you find attractive on others)

18. Favorite kind of weather? (including temperature range)

19. Do you play any musical instruments?

20. Song that carries great emotional meaning for you? (question is intentionally vague, so interpret it however)



  • She's cute
  • Her growths are really good
  • Almost always a reliable unit
  • Her serious personality is nice
  • I liked how she was able to talk to Marth in FE12/3 chapter 2 and not stumble over her words like an awkward anime character trope
  • Her English voice is actually pretty good, even if some people think it sounds like it was voiced by Google Translate

13. Glasses

14. I think I answered it above but BLACK SESAME SHAVED SNOW

15. Geometry

16. Sleep

Probably Suplex or Ninja

17. Honestly I really just like seeing anyone with a pea coat and boots or something in the winter. I don't care about hot weather clothes because when it's hot I just want to stay in my room and wear pajamas all day. High-low dresses are cute though!


32 TO 59 F

I have no idea how I survived in California

19. I learned some violin and classical guitar when I was a kid but was horrible lol so I stopped

This isn't your question, but I really love listening to piano and violin when others play it well!


It's really relaxing to listen to and brings up good memories of this game

I listened to it a lot in high school when I was really sad and it somehow cheered me up. It's my favorite Chinese song


Same reason as above except for the Chinese song part 

I spent so much time playing KSS when I was younger! I love the game so much. This brings back good memories because I spent so much time finding all the treasures way back then so I heard this song a lot. My favorite sub-game is probably Dyna Blade though

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1. Favorite Kirby game?

2. Out of everyone on Serenes Forest, who would you consider as your twin?

3. Choose one thing to bring if you were to survive on an abandoned island.

4. What song do you want playing at your wedding? Or funeral? Or both?!

5. Why do you keep changing your profile pic?

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4 minutes ago, Falcom said:

1. Favorite Kirby game?

2. Out of everyone on Serenes Forest, who would you consider as your twin?

3. Choose one thing to bring if you were to survive on an abandoned island.

4. What song do you want playing at your wedding? Or funeral? Or both?!

5. Why do you keep changing your profile pic?

1. Super Star

2. Not sure... probably whoever else is a Catria fan

3. A magic genie

4. Wedding: Space Jam theme song

Funeral: Space Jam theme song

5. I get bored :P

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10. Would you visit Canada? It would perfect for you since you like winter clothes and we have some long winters (sometimes). XD

11. Which language would you like to learn?

12. Are you trying to beat Glac or Sophie as the one who changed avi the most often?

13. Do you read fan made stories?

14. Do you play Smash Bros? If yes, who do you play the most?

15. Did you play Pokémon XD Gale of Darkness?


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4 minutes ago, Nym said:

10. Would you visit Canada? It would perfect for you since you like winter clothes and we have some long winters (sometimes). XD

11. Which language would you like to learn?

12. Are you trying to beat Glac or Sophie as the one who changed avi the most often?

13. Do you read fan made stories?

14. Do you play Smash Bros? If yes, who do you play the most?

15. Did you play Pokémon XD Gale of Darkness?


10. Yes, I would love to! I think I would like Vancouver :)

11. Japanese and Korean

12. I guess so :P

13. Not really

14. I did... 64 and Melee. I don't like Smash that much anymore. I played Kirby in 64 and Fox/Marth in Melee

15. No, but I've heard of that game!

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1. Favorite 2007 meme?

2. What is your favorite color and how well does it reflect your personality?

3. Favorite unit archetype?

4. How are you liking Echoes so far? Did you finish it?

5. What other games besides FE or Bravely do you enjoy?

6. I m p r e s s i o n s

7. Most overrated meme?

8. Thoughts on this video? How moist are you?

9. Top three improvements you want to see made in FE Heroes?

10. Say something horrible about your favorite character.

11. Do you play an instrument? Are there any you would like to pick up?

12. What career are you pursuing? How much longer in years until you can achieve it?

13. 1 Orb or 5,000 feathers?

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1 hour ago, GuiltyLove said:

5. Fall, probably. I personally don't like the striped patterns much but wearing them in spring or summer would just be overwhelming with the heat! Also when you're drinking hot chocolate in winter while next to the fireplace and cuddling with someone just like in my fantasies~

Perfect answer right there.

6.) What's a skill you don't have but wish you had anyways?

7.) Any allergies?

8.) What's your dream job?

9.) What's one thing you would change about Heroes?

10.) What's the meaning of life?

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1. Favorite of the classical and Chinese elements?

2. Which of the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues do you relate to the most?

3. How were you introduced to Fire Emblem?

4. How were you led to Serenesforest?

5. Do you have a favorite history or mythology to learn about?

6. Fight or flight?

7. Favorite season?

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1 minute ago, MrSmokestack said:

1. Favorite 2007 meme?

2. What is your favorite color and how well does it reflect your personality?

3. Favorite unit archetype?

4. How are you liking Echoes so far? Did you finish it?

5. What other games besides FE or Bravely do you enjoy?

6. I m p r e s s i o n s

7. Most overrated meme?

8. Thoughts on this video? How moist are you?

9. Top three improvements you want to see made in FE Heroes?

10. Say something horrible about your favorite character.

11. Do you play an instrument? Are there any you would like to pick up?

12. What career are you pursuing? How much longer in years until you can achieve it?

13. 1 Orb or 5,000 feathers?

1. Probably the Youtube Poop fad or Chad Warden videos

2. Pink. I dunno about personality. I guess I'm "girly" even though colors are really neither masculine nor feminine...

3. I honestly really like the Gotoh archetype for some reason

4. It's fun! I just finished Jedah's map but couldn't kill him :(

5. Ace Attorney and some Kirby games :D

6. I don't know this reference so I'll just respond with this: 

7. Harambe

8. I love this guy's videos. I crack up laughing every time

9. Make healers better. (well I guess now that we have Bride Lyn and Wrathful Staff...) Give us things to do more often besides Arena and quests at the beginning of the month. Give us a flying dancer.

10. Catria seems too mean to Est in Echoes!

11. Not really... I tried classical guitar and violin as a kid but that didn't go well. I think I would love to be able to play violin or harp well!

12. Dietitian. Maybe two more years?

13. 5000 feathers. One orb isn't enough!


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26. Favorite country in Asia and why?

27. Say something bad about iPhones

28. Say something good about Android

29. Let's say you're going to a wedding. What do you wear?

30. I know you're no "expert chef", but what is something you think you cook really well?

31. Choose one and the other doesn't exist:

Catria or Camus

32. What do you think about war?

33. What's your opinion on violence (in TV, video games, IRL, anything!)

34. What's the weirdest thing you've ever seen?

35. Something you think you need to work on to improve yourself?

36. How important do you think exercise is?

37. Five things girls can do better than guys

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9 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

3. I honestly really like the Gotoh archetype for some reason

4. It's fun! I just finished Jedah's map but couldn't kill him :(

6. I don't know this reference so I'll just respond with this:


YTP is alive and well thank you very much

4. Looks like you're far enough into the game that this won't be a spoiler. (Read only the post and not the comments just to be safe)

6. It's not a reference. Impressions of me?

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8 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

Perfect answer right there.

6.) What's a skill you don't have but wish you had anyways?

7.) Any allergies?

8.) What's your dream job?

9.) What's one thing you would change about Heroes?

10.) What's the meaning of life?

6. Probably drawing

7. Hay fever

8. I honestly thought about forensic science when I was younger lol

9. Get rid of Reinhardt Probably give Caeda the Wing Spear >:(

10. Probably user our vocation to serve people who are unable to take care of themselves

5 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

1. Favorite of the classical and Chinese elements?

2. Which of the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues do you relate to the most?

3. How were you introduced to Fire Emblem?

4. How were you led to Serenesforest?

5. Do you have a favorite history or mythology to learn about?

6. Fight or flight?

7. Favorite season?

1. I don't really know these. Probably water?

2. Sin: Envy, probably
Virtue: Diligence (I hope)

3. I heard about FE when Melee came out but never played until someone told me about Awakening back in 2014 or whenever it came out

4. I forgot. I think I was just searching for Fire Emblem related stuff and found this site

5. Not really. I took a class on Greek heroes/mythology in undergrad though


7. Winter

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12 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

26. Favorite country in Asia and why?

27. Say something bad about iPhones

28. Say something good about Android

29. Let's say you're going to a wedding. What do you wear?

30. I know you're no "expert chef", but what is something you think you cook really well?

31. Choose one and the other doesn't exist:

Catria or Camus

32. What do you think about war?

33. What's your opinion on violence (in TV, video games, IRL, anything!)

34. What's the weirdest thing you've ever seen?

35. Something you think you need to work on to improve yourself?

36. How important do you think exercise is?

37. Five things girls can do better than guys

26. Well, I've only been to Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Japan and I spent way more time in Taiwan than the others. Therefore, I will have to say Taiwan :P

27. They keep being remodeled every few years and it's annoying. Also no headphone jack in the iPhone 7

28. Cute mascot

29. A white dress


what else does a bride wear?

30. 番茄炒蛋 which is the egg and tomato thing I showed you once

31. Catria

32. It's bad

33. It's bad but you wouldn't have a video game or book plot without it!

34. your face probably 

don't actually watch it though. just read the summaries online... it's terrible

35. Be more patient

36. Very. It's good for your health!


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6 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

YTP is alive and well thank you very much

4. Looks like you're far enough into the game that this won't be a spoiler. (Read only the post and not the comments just to be safe)

6. It's not a reference. Impressions of me?

YTP is beautiful


4. :0

6. I think you're really helpful in the Heroes threads! Also, hearing your reasons for going into psych was nice :)

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6 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

YTP is alive and well thank you very much

4. Looks like you're far enough into the game that this won't be a spoiler. (Read only the post and not the comments just to be safe)

6. It's not a reference. Impressions of me?

YTP is beautiful


4. :0

6. I think you're really helpful in the Heroes threads! Also, hearing your reasons for going into psych was nice :)

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6 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

YTP is alive and well thank you very much

4. Looks like you're far enough into the game that this won't be a spoiler. (Read only the post and not the comments just to be safe)

6. It's not a reference. Impressions of me?

YTP is beautiful


4. :0

6. I think you're really helpful in the Heroes threads! Also, hearing your reasons for going into psych was nice :)

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1 minute ago, GuiltyLove said:

I think I only watched Star Wars once... and I don't even remember when and which episode

Oh. It's from Force Awakens if I recall correctly, but I won't press it further.

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1. Favorite Gemstone?

2. Favorite Flower?

3.  You like Ace Attorney, but what do you think about the crossover it had with Professor Layton, or have you even heard of it?

4. If your life was a movie, what genre would it be and would people pay to see it?

5. Favorite FE Class?

6. Main in Smash? Lemme Guess Kirby

7. New or Old School FE?

8. If you could switch bodies with one person, fictional or real, who would it be?

9. Live Action vs Cartoons vs Anime?

10. Video games or TV/Anime?

11.  Do you ever plan to get married?

12.  What's one crossover you'd LOVE to see?

13. Pixar vs Disney?

14. Marvel vs DC?

15. What's one movie you are hyped to go see?

16. Star sign?

17. Favorite, or most relatable, ninja turtle?

18.  One TV show you would like a good remake or reboot of?

19. Do you have one ship that you ship above all other ships of shippiness?

20. Star Wars vs Star Trek?

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