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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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1 minute ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

12. Yes, why?

Just curious

16. Is English your first language or is Cantonese your first?

17. Do you speak Mandarin?

18. What are your thoughts on Shokugeki no Soma?

19. How shocked were you to find out that the 7-Elevens in America are awful compared to the ones in Asia?

20. Favorite fictional character ever?

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1: First/Current impressions of me?

2: Aspirations in life?

3: Opinion on kids, and do you plan to have any?

4: What is a movie, video game, etc that you love that everyone else hates?

5: What is a movie, video game, etc that you hate that everyone else loves?

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7 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

Just curious

16. Is English your first language or is Cantonese your first?

17. Do you speak Mandarin?

18. What are your thoughts on Shokugeki no Soma?

19. How shocked were you to find out that the 7-Elevens in America are awful compared to the ones in Asia?

20. Favorite fictional character ever?

16. Cantonese is my first language, but I was exposed to a lot of English as a kid, to the point you can't even call it a second langauge.

17. A bit. I'm kinda rusty though so I probably suck. I also can't understand super fast, accented Mandarin they speak in like, Beijing.

18. It's pretty lulzy, but I don't watch it much.

19. I actually haven't even found a 7-Eleven here yet lol.

20. That's a pretty tough question. I don't think I have an answer.

2 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

1: First/Current impressions of me?

2: Aspirations in life?

3: Opinion on kids, and do you plan to have any?

4: What is a movie, video game, etc that you love that everyone else hates?

5: What is a movie, video game, etc that you hate that everyone else loves?

1. You're cool, but I don't think we've talked much. The -Atk Curse is pretty funny though, and I just got hit by it last night.

2. I've already talked about my dream job in an earlier question, but I guess an unrelated aspiration I have is to not regret anything.

3. I used to hate kids, but now I'm more indifferent about them I guess. I'd like to have a kid, but I probably shouldn't. I have rheumatoid arthritis, and that's hereditary, so if I do have kids I might just make them suffer for no reason, in a way.

4. Assassin's Creed 3, I guess. Everyone shits on that game, but I feel like the majority of the people that do simply couldn't find it in themselves to connect with the story.

5. I personally don't see the appeal in One Piece.

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57 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

21. Short grain, medium grain, or long grain rice?

22. Rice or noodles?

23. Samgak-Kimbap or Onigiri?

24. Celebi or Mew?

25. What are your thoughts on Pokemon Alolan forms in general?

21. I like em all, really, though some types go better with other kinds of food and whatnot.

22. Noodles most of the time. Wet food goes down easier, I feel like.

23. I've never really had Samgak-Kimbap before, so I guess it has to go to onigiri.

24. How about neither lol? I don't particularly like those two.

25. The designs are pretty cool. They kinda make sense lore-wise too, I guess.

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On 6/6/2017 at 3:06 PM, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Hello, it's-a-me, Rex Glacies, here to answer all of your questións.

Wait, what?

On 6/6/2017 at 3:17 PM, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

I am a changed person now. But I am here to give the people what they want, need and deserve.

Wait, what?

On 6/6/2017 at 3:25 PM, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

There we go.



Wait, W H A T?

(This site is awesome. You guys are awesome! I love you guys!)

So, Mr. Doppelganger, how about a few questions, hmm?

1. Favorite of the classical and Chinese elements?

2. Which of the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues do you relate to the most?

3. How were you introduced to Fire Emblem?

4. How were you led to Serenesforest?

5. Do you have a favorite history or mythology to learn about?

6. Fight or flight?

7. Favorite season?

8. Do you know your Myers-Briggs personality type, and if so, does it fit you?

9. Any personal philosophy or mindset you try to stick to?

10. Why me?

Edited by Rex Glacies
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Aquarion, huh? Mhm, I see.
Also; Not Palla, Paella. Vaguely reminiscent to "Not nerd, node"

You know, my original question 7 was going to ban the answer "Aurora". Just a little fun fact.

11. So what is this new life you speak of in order to get you play an SRW?
12. Since you said turtle, have you had a pet turtle before?
13. Have you had turtle soup?
14. what kind of turtle is your mind?
15. What kind of land?
16. What is your opinion of snakes?
17. What is a meal you'd call a "favorite"?
18. What are you

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9 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

1. Favorite of the classical and Chinese elements?

2. Which of the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues do you relate to the most?

3. How were you introduced to Fire Emblem?

4. How were you led to Serenesforest?

5. Do you have a favorite history or mythology to learn about?

6. Fight or flight?

7. Favorite season?

8. Do you know your Myers-Briggs personality type, and if so, does it fit you?

9. Any personal philosophy or mindset you try to stick to?

10. Why me?

1. Water baybee. I believe that's what I am. I also got Piplup in Mystery Dungeon so clearly I'm Water.

2. For sin, I guess Sloth? I'm pretty lazy lol. Definitely humility for virtue, though. Though it feels wrong to admit it.

3. My friend suggested that I play Awakening when I asked what 3DS games I should buy, so I decided to listen to him and play FE7. I loved it.

4. I heard about this place soon after I began researching FE stuff, but I decided to join in anticipation of Fates, but didn't post much. Heroes brought me back here, though.

5. Favourite myth.... Nothing's really coming to mind. I'm sure I have one though.

6. Usually fight. Can't win if I don't try.

7. Ehh. Every season has its ups and downs. Overall, probably spring.

8. The last time I did the test, I was INFP. I guess it fits overall, but of course not perfectly.

9. If I make a promise, I intend to keep it. Or at least, try my best to do so.

10. If you weren't busy at this time, you'd probably be the one being interviewed instead of me, so now the people are getting what they want from Rex Glacies.

1 hour ago, Soledai said:

Aquarion, huh? Mhm, I see.
Also; Not Palla, Paella. Vaguely reminiscent to "Not nerd, node"

You know, my original question 7 was going to ban the answer "Aurora". Just a little fun fact.

11. So what is this new life you speak of in order to get you play an SRW?
12. Since you said turtle, have you had a pet turtle before?
13. Have you had turtle soup?
14. what kind of turtle is your mind?
15. What kind of land?
16. What is your opinion of snakes?
17. What is a meal you'd call a "favorite"?
18. What are you

Aquarion's wacky, but it left a strong impression.

Look, I don't eat strong, green-haired women, okay? yes I did go and google what a paella is, is all joek

Well, if you want a less generic answer, I'd want to see an actual lightning bolt hit a tree. Preferably not one I'm standing below.

11. Gameplay wise, I'd like it if it became a bit more strategical/tactical. Sure, it has side objectives like getting SR points and secret characters, but there's really not that much depth to it, since most of the time you just max upgrade your DPS machine and have it fuck everything up (my friend is salty that Getter is meh in SRW V).

12. Nope. Not really one for pets.

13. I think so. It didn't leave a strong impression.

14. Sea turtles are pretty cool, probably that.

15. Just plain, dry land, no grass or whatnot.

16. They're kinda creepy. I've been around one before, but not in direct contact.

17. Give me fried rice and some chicken wings and I'll be happy.

18. I am Rex Glacies.

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I legit don't know how I should be feeling right now. It's not every day that I get a doppelganger. Regardless, I'll just ask questions while figuring out what to do.

11. Do you live in a rural, urban, or suburban area, or a combination?

12. Which do you prefer of the areas above?

13. Time or money?

14. Are you a pessimist, optimist, realist, nihilist, etc.?

15. Hot or cold?

16. Have you ever gone fishing?

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Hm. This looks interesting.

  1. Do you have a favorite composer?
  2. What is your favorite book and/or book series?
  3. If you could pick a superpower, what would it be? (I feel like that's a bit of a cliché question, but w/e)
  4. Have you ever baked anything?
  5. Paper or plastic?
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12 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

I legit don't know how I should be feeling right now. It's not every day that I get a doppelganger. Regardless, I'll just ask questions while figuring out what to do.

11. Do you live in a rural, urban, or suburban area, or a combination?

12. Which do you prefer of the areas above?

13. Time or money?

14. Are you a pessimist, optimist, realist, nihilist, etc.?

15. Hot or cold?

16. Have you ever gone fishing?

Just accept me as the real Rex Glacies.

11. I think where I currently live counts as suburban? It's a small town. That's gonna change kinda soon though, as I'll be going back to Hong Kong.

12. I actually kinda like living in a city.

13. Money. More money probably means more free time, in the simplest version of the world lol.

14. I'm an optimistic pessimist, kinda. I always consider the worst case scenarios no matter what I'm up against, plan ahead a few steps, then in the end I just go "meh it'll work out" and forget about it.

15. Hot. Always.

16. Yes, but I was pretty young when I did that. Didn't leave much of an impression, but I was definitely there.

8 hours ago, LordFrigid said:
  1. Do you have a favorite composer?
  2. What is your favorite book and/or book series?
  3. If you could pick a superpower, what would it be? (I feel like that's a bit of a cliché question, but w/e)
  4. Have you ever baked anything?
  5. Paper or plastic?

1. Hrm... I think overall, I have to give it to Yoko Kanno.

2. I have a soft spot for the Inheritance Cycle (Eragon etc.), even though they're not particularly well-written.

3. Bites The Dust aka Mila's Turnwheel aka the power to move time backwards as much as I want at any time. It'd be useful for a lot of things, I think.

4. I have baked cheesecakes and whatnot before, but under the guidance of someone else. I'm not really a great cook or anything lol.

5. Well, plastic models are made out of plastic, so I'll give it to plastic I guess.

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17 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

3. Bites The Dust aka Mila's Turnwheel aka the power to move time backwards as much as I want at any time. It'd be useful for a lot of things, I think.

Just backwards?

7. What was your favorite childhood activity?

8. Sugar or honey?

9. Who's cooler: Zeus, Poseidon, or Hades?

10. You are presented with a gopher, a nutcracker, and three guavas. What do you do? Besides give the person that presented them to you a funny look

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1 hour ago, LordFrigid said:

6. Just backwards?

7. What was your favorite childhood activity?

8. Sugar or honey?

9. Who's cooler: Zeus, Poseidon, or Hades?

10. You are presented with a gopher, a nutcracker, and three guavas. What do you do? Besides give the person that presented them to you a funny look

6. Yeah, just backwards so I can redo things.

7. Just fooling around with friends in general, nothing particularly specific. When I was alone I read often.

8. Honey all day. Sugar can be a bit too powerful sometimes, even though I have a sweet tooth, while honey is great on barbequed stuff.

9. Gotta go with Zeus.

10. I'd hold the guavas over the gopher and squeeze them hard with the nutcracker, so all the juices pour over the poor thing. Maybe.

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1 hour ago, LordFrigid said:

10. You are presented with a gopher, a nutcracker, and three guavas. What do you do? Besides give the person that presented them to you a funny look


Why couldn't I get a question like this!? LOL

I should think of more of these for future interviews....


I'd make a glass of guava juice, adopt the gopher as a pet, and give the nutcrakcer back to the presenter


I'll add on to this one for Soy sauce

4. You have a Ford engine, a door hinge, a syringe, an extension cord, and a ninja sword

What do you do with these items? (you can use other items in your own home i.e. replace a door hinge in your house with a screwdriver)

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3 hours ago, Arcanite said:

4. You have a Ford engine, a door hinge, a syringe, an extension cord, and a ninja sword

What do you do with these items? (you can use other items in your own home i.e. replace a door hinge in your house with a screwdriver)

I take an Arcanite, cut em up with the ninja sword, take some of the robot juices with the syringe, use it to lubricate my door hinge, then wrap the extension cord around it. I then put the hinge into the Ford engine, and it explodes.

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1 minute ago, Futaba said:

i am so late in asking this but that can be forgiven because i was in the hospital.

I sure hope you didn't die! D:

10 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

I take an Arcanite, cut em up with the ninja sword, take some of the robot juices with the syringe, use it to lubricate my door hinge, then wrap the extension cord around it. I then put the hinge into the Ford engine, and it explodes.

Well, I am the bomb so... ;)

Also, robots don't have many liquids, but you would only get oil (I'm a hybrid so I don't always have gasoline in me). You could get battery acid too, but my battery is triple encased so that'd be hard to obtain....


Time for some fill in the blanks! (something unique for each one please :P)

5. What if Ragnarok __________?

6. What if Ragnarok __________?

7. What if Ragnarok __________?

8. What if Ragnarok __________?

9. What if Ragnarok __________?

10. What if Ragnarok __________?

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Just now, Arcanite said:

I sure hope you didn't die! D:

i don't think you can die in a psych hospital.......... well............ i was pretty safe from any crazy patients

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Just now, Futaba said:

i don't think you can die in a psych hospital

You can die anywhere

It's only a matter of time

Speaking of which!



11. Have you ever had bacon fried rice?

12. Do you think you could die happy if you ate Bacon fried rice?

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1) What's the origin of your username?

2) Why is Celica your fave?

3) If Celica is really your fave, why won't you give her Life and Death?

4) What is it about Celica that made you fall in love with her?

5) Who were your top 3 favorite characters on Celica's route (not counting Celica herself)?

6) Who were your top 3 least favorite characters on Celica's route?

7) Say something mean about each of the answers to #5 and Celica

8) Say something nice about each of the answers to #6

9) Despite your love for Celica, how can you justify her actions


near the end of Act 4?

(Answer in spoiler tags for the sake of others on this thread)

10) If you could rewrite one part of the storyline of Echoes, what would you change?

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11 hours ago, Futaba said:

i am so late in asking this but that can be forgiven because i was in the hospital. so, opinions on the following

a. ee06c1c24e.gif

b. e67647148a.gif


a. That ribbon kinda irritates me for some reason.

b. I like this guy's expression better. His hat looks like a wrapped bento.

11 hours ago, Arcanite said:

Also, robots don't have many liquids, but you would only get oil (I'm a hybrid so I don't always have gasoline in me). You could get battery acid too, but my battery is triple encased so that'd be hard to obtain....


Time for some fill in the blanks! (something unique for each one please :P)

5. What if Ragnarok __________?

6. What if Ragnarok __________?

7. What if Ragnarok __________?

8. What if Ragnarok __________?

9. What if Ragnarok __________?

10. What if Ragnarok __________?

Oil would have done just fine.

5. What if Ragnarok could reverse time?

6. What if Ragnarok could do my essays?

7. What if Ragnarok had no recoil?

8. What if Ragnarok had Close Counter along its current effects?

9. What if Ragnarok could show me the future?

10. What if Ragnarok just won every map?

11 hours ago, Arcanite said:

11. Have you ever had bacon fried rice?

12. Do you think you could die happy if you ate Bacon fried rice?

11. Once or twice, yeah.

12. Eh, it was alright. I kinda like Chinese sausage on fried rice better.

4 hours ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

1) What's the origin of your username?

2) Why is Celica your fave?

3) If Celica is really your fave, why won't you give her Life and Death?

4) What is it about Celica that made you fall in love with her?

5) Who were your top 3 favorite characters on Celica's route (not counting Celica herself)?

6) Who were your top 3 least favorite characters on Celica's route?

7) Say something mean about each of the answers to #5 and Celica

8) Say something nice about each of the answers to #6

9) Despite your love for Celica, how can you justify her actions

  Reveal hidden contents

near the end of Act 4?

(Answer in spoiler tags for the sake of others on this thread)

10) If you could rewrite one part of the storyline of Echoes, what would you change?

1. Actually answered this one in the last page, and I'm lazy.

2. She's kind, beautiful, elegant and ever so sweet. Her voice is amazing (in JP). Overall, she pushes all the buttons. I actually didn't think I would like her this much before playing the game.

3. Because for +Atk Celicas, L&D doesn't win that many more matches compared to Swift Sparrow, but loses almost twice as many on Enemy Phase. I want her to be more flexible, so I'm willing to wait a year for Swift Sparrow to come around lol. She's doing fine right now anyway.

4. I guess I kinda answered that already in #2.

5. Mae, Palla and Catria I guess. If the Whitewings don't count, then Atlas and Leon would probably fill those two spots.

6. Nomah (lol), Boey (piece of shit) and Jesse (trash and boring).

7. Mae has shit taste in men. Palla will probably be single forever. I hope Catria's armpits don't stink. Atlas' abs are just for show since he has a lower Str growth than Palla. I can't take Leon seriously.

8. Nomah's a kind old man I guess. Boey gets Thunder earlier so he can chip, which has been useful. Jesse has a decent interaction with Silque.



I can't. The game's writing takes a sharp drop in Ch. 4, with Celica being the most glaring problem. She just gave up on life completely. I will say, it's not unreasonable for a sheltered 17 year old girl to internalize all her problems and throw fits, but the way the game went about it was about the worst way to do it.



Aside from the obvious choice of Celica's everything in Ch. 4, I'd actually make it so that after Alm kills Rudolf, Alm rethinks all his actions up to that point. His heart told him something was wrong, yet he still rushed into battle and killed his own father. His linear way of thinking was the problem. He should have thought back to what Celica told him ages ago at the end of Ch. 2, and consider that she may have been right in a way.

Instead, the game sort of treats it like Mycen and Rudolf himself were entirely to blame for not telling Alm. It's not false, but it's also not as interesting.


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4 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

12. Eh, it was alright. I kinda like Chinese sausage on fried rice better.

If it was only "alright", you didn't have it the right way. 


13. You have a roll of toilet paper, a water bottle, a match box, an old t-shirt, and a maxi dress. What do you do?

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9 hours ago, Arcanite said:

13. You have a roll of toilet paper, a water bottle, a match box, an old t-shirt, and a maxi dress. What do you do?

What have I done?

Anyway...this'll probably be the last set from me.

11. What was the last movie you saw, and what did you think of it? (In a theater or otherwise)

12. Are you a morning person or a night person?

13. Are you superstitious? (Corny, I know)

14. What is your favorite stress-relief activity?

15. Spiders. "Shoe treatment" or "catch-and-release"?

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