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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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Fanfics about leg hair! Another shared experience!

Coincidentally, my Wii does have a meltdown every time I insert Brawl. I thought it was because I installed Project M from a sketchy site, but maybe they're in love! It doesn't happen to any other games...

31. Wait, are you one of those guys with attractive leg hair, or do you just have a lot of it?

32. If I'm not the lead singer/producer/songwriter/composer for that band @Natalie wants you to start, then how mad do you think I'll be?

33. Have you ever played Project M?

34. Have you ever played Super Smash Flash 2?

35. Have you ever played a Fire Emblem fangame?

36. Tell a sad story about something you liked breaking.

37. What's your favorite Queen song?

38. Finish the lyric: "I'm sailing away... set an open voyage ____________"

39. So you've never had a girlfriend? What kind of girl would you want to be your friend?

40. Are you health-conscious?

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10 hours ago, Natalie said:

I like you. We can be friends.


So Matthew, 

45. Isn't blues simply amazing?

46. Do you like slide guitar/dobro?

47. You're forming a music band of SF members. Who would you pick, and what role would you place them in?

48. Ever thought about learning any new instruments?

49. Vinyl, CD or download? 

50. Sweet or salty popcorn?

51. Favourite pizza toppings?

52. Favourite fruit?

53. Do you run?

54. Tell me something I'd never be able to guess about you!

55. Sorry if I'm being stupid, but what exactly is the connection between homeschooling and religion?

45. Indeed, I've learned to appreciate it much more over the past couple of years. Heck, part of the reason I love The White Stripes is for their blues influences.

46. When the slide guitar is used correctly, it sounds great. When it's not, it can feel a little dry and underwhelming.

47. Well that's kinda hard when I don't know what everyone's good at! Although I do know that you can play the saw (allegedly, still haven't seen that proof), and I've been practicing my singing and lyrics writing for the past few years, and Sully probably knows some sweet country dance techniques... So I'll be bass, you can be violin, Arcanite can be the keyboard, and Sully can be our backup dancer. Depending on what strengths Anime and Barto have, I'm sure we can fit them in too.

48. I wanted to relearn the piano, since I still have the one I used to practice on... but then I found out that it doesn't work. I have actually been interested in learning bass, though, so if I learn anything new at this point, it would probably be that. Oh, and I should probably specify the bass guitar, although I do adore the sound of a plucked double bass.

49. CD. It's a good mix between the collectibility of vinyl, and the usability of download, since I can still put the CDs into my iTunes. Although, I've learned that for a lot of albums, Amazon provides a way to buy both the physical and digital copies of the album for just a slightly higher cost, or even lower in some cases, so I've done that quite a bit so I can have two copies of the album for safety. But if I can only pick one, I still prefer CDs.

50. Either one, really. Salty is what I'm used to, but I've recently learned that I also enjoy sweet as well, so it pretty much just depends on what I feel like.

51. Sausage. I'm a simple guy when it comes to pizza.

52. Apples, although if we delve into the realm of berries, I quite enjoy strawberries and grapes as well.

53. Not very well :P

54. I have a family that loves country music. Whether or not that's surprising or expected, I'm not sure, so I'll let you be the judge on that. Although to go even farther, how about my grandpa previously being a singer and bass guitar player in a country cover band?

55. It's fine, I think it's something that homeschoolers take for granted while other people don't realize it. They're not necessarily fully connected; I have Christian friends (which I think is the most common religion for homeschooling) who went to public school, and I know of other homeschoolers that aren't religious at all, and neither are their parents. Normally though, if Christian parents decide to homeschool their kids, it's because they don't want them to be exposed to some of the more "dangerous" elements of public school. Plus, most if not all schools in the US can't mention religion in the slightest (I've heard of some schools not allowing the national anthem anymore because it mentions God, which seems... excessive, to me) and parents want to give their kids an education that includes their faith, instead of excluding it entirely. 

11 hours ago, Bartozio said:

18. Did you just call anime a genre? You're aware there's very distinct genres in anime right?

19. Since you read the manga a bit, who is your favorite Naruto character from what you can remember? Did anyone leave a lasting impression?

Can't believe there was a time I didn't get how these things worked...


Beep what are you doing? I could have spoiled the answer for you so we could think of a fun avatar for her together...

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Btw Anime, really like the Harlequin sprite.

20. How do feel after this wasted opportunity?

I'll come up with some more questions later today.

18. In my defense, that was one question in a wall of questions that Arcanite asked me, so I was feeling a bit overwhelmed at the time. I am aware of that, however; even I wouldn't be foolish enough to call Fruits Basket and Attack on Titan part of the exact same genre. Or at least, from what I know about AoT since I've never seen it.

19. Honestly... I remember very little about the characters, haha. Sakura kinda reminds me of some old Kirby fancomics that I used to read on an old Kirby fansite, so I guess I'll go with her?

20. Well now that you told me, I feel awful! Although I don't even know what I would've chosen for Anime's avatar anyway, so it's not too much of a wasted opportunity.

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10 hours ago, Natalie said:

I like you. We can be friends.


So Matthew, 

45. Isn't blues simply amazing?

46. Do you like slide guitar/dobro?

47. You're forming a music band of SF members. Who would you pick, and what role would you place them in?

48. Ever thought about learning any new instruments?

49. Vinyl, CD or download? 

50. Sweet or salty popcorn?

51. Favourite pizza toppings?

52. Favourite fruit?

53. Do you run?

54. Tell me something I'd never be able to guess about you!

55. Sorry if I'm being stupid, but what exactly is the connection between homeschooling and religion?

45. Indeed, I've learned to appreciate it much more over the past couple of years. Heck, part of the reason I love The White Stripes is for their blues influences.

46. When the slide guitar is used correctly, it sounds great. When it's not, it can feel a little dry and underwhelming.

47. Well that's kinda hard when I don't know what everyone's good at! Although I do know that you can play the saw (allegedly, still haven't seen that proof), and I've been practicing my singing and lyrics writing for the past few years, and Sully probably knows some sweet country dance techniques... So I'll be bass, you can be violin, Arcanite can be the keyboard, and Sully can be our backup dancer. Depending on what strengths Anime and Barto have, I'm sure we can fit them in too.

48. I wanted to relearn the piano, since I still have the one I used to practice on... but then I found out that it doesn't work. I have actually been interested in learning bass, though, so if I learn anything new at this point, it would probably be that. Oh, and I should probably specify the bass guitar, although I do adore the sound of a plucked double bass.

49. CD. It's a good mix between the collectibility of vinyl, and the usability of download, since I can still put the CDs into my iTunes. Although, I've learned that for a lot of albums, Amazon provides a way to buy both the physical and digital copies of the album for just a slightly higher cost, or even lower in some cases, so I've done that quite a bit so I can have two copies of the album for safety. But if I can only pick one, I still prefer CDs.

50. Either one, really. Salty is what I'm used to, but I've recently learned that I also enjoy sweet as well, so it pretty much just depends on what I feel like.

51. Sausage. I'm a simple guy when it comes to pizza.

52. Apples, although if we delve into the realm of berries, I quite enjoy strawberries and grapes as well.

53. Not very well :P

54. I have a family that loves country music. Whether or not that's surprising or expected, I'm not sure, so I'll let you be the judge on that. Although to go even farther, how about my grandpa previously being a singer and bass guitar player in a country cover band?

55. It's fine, I think it's something that homeschoolers take for granted while other people don't realize it. They're not necessarily fully connected; I have Christian friends (which I think is the most common religion for homeschooling) who went to public school, and I know of other homeschoolers that aren't religious at all, and neither are their parents. Normally though, if Christian parents decide to homeschool their kids, it's because they don't want them to be exposed to some of the more "dangerous" elements of public school. Plus, most if not all schools in the US can't mention religion in the slightest (I've heard of some schools not allowing the national anthem anymore because it mentions God, which seems... excessive, to me) and parents want to give their kids an education that includes their faith, instead of excluding it entirely. 

11 hours ago, Bartozio said:

18. Did you just call anime a genre? You're aware there's very distinct genres in anime right?

19. Since you read the manga a bit, who is your favorite Naruto character from what you can remember? Did anyone leave a lasting impression?

Can't believe there was a time I didn't get how these things worked...


Beep what are you doing? I could have spoiled the answer for you so we could think of a fun avatar for her together...

  Reveal hidden contents

Btw Anime, really like the Harlequin sprite.

20. How do feel after this wasted opportunity?

I'll come up with some more questions later today.

18. In my defense, that was one question in a wall of questions that Arcanite asked me, so I was feeling a bit overwhelmed at the time. I am aware of that, however; even I wouldn't be foolish enough to call Fruits Basket and Attack on Titan part of the exact same genre. Or at least, from what I know about AoT since I've never seen it.

19. Honestly... I remember very little about the characters, haha. Sakura kinda reminds me of some old Kirby fancomics that I used to read on an old Kirby fansite, so I guess I'll go with her?

20. Well now that you told me, I feel awful! Although I don't even know what I would've chosen for Anime's avatar anyway, so it's not too much of a wasted opportunity.

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3 hours ago, Arcanite said:

63. Serious question:

What do you have to say about memes?

64. Are you feeling drunk and high?

I too

65. but do u lik meth tho

66. Execute an order

That makes me sound xexy, not you

67. What is your "type"? ;)

68. Have you never ordered chinese food!!??!?


69. What is your favorite number?


70. So how bout them Mets?

71. Favorite marvel superhero and why is it Iron Man?

72. If you like it, would you put a ring on it?

73. Would you put a ring on me?

74. You may like waffles

but do you like waifus?

75. OCOMOGOSIAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

63. There are some that I really like, although they're hit-or-miss for me overall.

64. Depends on the drink. If there's one thing my parents have taught me about alcohol, it's which ones are good and which ones should be avoided.

65. I guess I like myself well enough. That's a weird way to shorten my name, though; most people just go with Matt, or the full Matthew.

66. How does one kill an order? Don't worry, I'm not that dense. I'm just not going to play along with your games that easily ;P

67. 56 WPM with 90% accuracy, according to the test I just took. I'll let you decide if that describes my typing speed, or what I look for in a person ;)

68. Nope. I walked by a Panda Express in a mall one time though.

69. Uh, 27, we've been over this already. I swear, it's like your trying to make a joke based on what number question that was...

70. Surprisingly annoying, though I find the Joes to be more difficult to take down than most Mets, personally.

71. Actually, it's probably Squirrel Girl from what I know about her. C'mon, she throws squirrels in Lego Marvel! What's not to love!

72. Depends on what it is, and what kind of ring it is.

73. I can give you a ring of rust wherever you'd like ;)

Was that a better pickup line than the Smash Bros. one? Let me know, on a scale of 1 to 10. I need to be prepare for my wild college days.

74. Depends, but I tend to prefer the husbandos. Why do you think I like Gaius so much?

I'm just gonna keep linking that song until people realize that my music tastes are actually very questionable.

75. Hold on, I know this one: Only Cosmic Origins May Organize Ghouls Outside Similar Interesting Astrological Yaks.

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Sorry for missing the first day, but I'm here now!

23 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

19. Older, but I can still enjoy the newer games. My 400+ hours of playtime in Awakening should be proof of that.

Ha! I have 600+ hours! Take that! Wait, is that a good thing?

23 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

6. Abraham Lincoln, John Wilkes Booth, and Jesus. What a wonderfully tense ride that would be.

That sounds... interesting.

21 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

23. Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

But his winter wasn’t very good.

Thank you, I’ll be here all week unfortunately.

I like it. It's a pretty good yoke.

22 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

52. Apples

As Hatti likes to say, "I see you're a man of culture as well."

I. Favorite of the classical and Chinese elements?

II. Which of the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues do you relate to the most?

III. How were you introduced to Fire Emblem?

IV. How were you led to Serenesforest?

V. Do you have a favorite history or mythology to learn about?

VI. How has being the Unofficial Official Loserest of Losers at Counting to Oblivion been treating you?

VII. You were homeschooled, have you ever heard of cyber schooling?

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3 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

There are some that I really like, although they're hit-or-miss for me overall.

I see

76. But what about memes though?

4 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Depends on the drink. If there's one thing my parents have taught me about alcohol, it's which ones are good and which ones should be avoided.

77. Have you ever had Smirnoff ice?

78. What do you think of heavy burning liquor (as in, it burns as you swallow it)?

8 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

I guess I like myself well enough. That's a weird way to shorten my name, though; most people just go with Matt, or the full Matthew.


that's all good

but like

79. Do you like meth though?

80. Can I call you Mathias?

16 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Nope. I walked by a Panda Express in a mall one time though.

This is a mistake and it must be corrected

17 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

it's like your trying to make a joke based on what number question that was...


18 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Depends on what it is, and what kind of ring it is.

81. Do you even know who Beyonce is?

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22 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Heck, part of the reason I love The White Stripes is for their blues influences.


You have amazing taste, my friend.

56. In your opinion, how do you rate Meg's drumming techniques? 

57. Have you heard any of Jack White's other bands?


30 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Although I do know that you can play the saw (allegedly, still haven't seen that proof)

Ahem. I said "played" in past tense. I have a number of other musical friends, and one of them actually plays the saw and she let me have a go this one time. Although I would like to learn it properly, but I'm already learning a new instrument so it's more on my 'to do' list.

33 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

So I'll be bass, you can be violin, Arcanite can be the keyboard, and Sully can be our backup dancer. Depending on what strengths Anime and Barto have, I'm sure we can fit them in too.

Prepare for screechy violin noises! I only recently started learning, but I'm very impressed you guessed that. 

Sully as the dancer... I can see that.

Also, Anime on uke and Barto on drums for sure. Then we've got all basses covered!

58. What genre of music are we going to be making? 

59. And what about the band name?

60. Do you think @Rex Glacies and @Claudius I should be our tour managers or groupies?


40 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Oh, and I should probably specify the bass guitar, although I do adore the sound of a plucked double bass.

Ahh bass guitar! My one true love. The soul of all music.

also bowed double bass > plucked double bass 

Although again I have no video evidence of my double bass playing as I only use my friend's one, as my house isn't big enough. RIP dreams of owning a full size harp...


61. Would you like to know one of the best ways to make music a full time hobby?


46 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

CD. It's a good mix between the collectibility of vinyl, and the usability of download, since I can still put the CDs into my iTunes.

no m8

vinyl best

62. Don't you know that the beautiful warm sound that comes from a record can never be replicated on a CD?!


48 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Plus, most if not all schools in the US can't mention religion in the slightest (I've heard of some schools not allowing the national anthem anymore because it mentions God, which seems... excessive, to me) and parents want to give their kids an education that includes their faith, instead of excluding it entirely. 


That's pretty weird.

I went to a Church of England school which is pretty normal for over here. But even though religion is kind of dying in the UK (hi there, I'm the token agnostic of the interview thread), the school were still allowed to talk about religion.

63. Do you wish you had been publicly (or privately) schooled, rather than homeschooled, or are you happy with the way you received your education?


41 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

64. Depends on the drink. If there's one thing my parents have taught me about alcohol, it's which ones are good and which ones should be avoided.

64. Ever mixed the grape and the grain?

65. At what age did you first properly drink?

66. At what age did you first get drunk? (I seriously bet you can't beat mine just sayin)


67. Favourite way to spend a day off/holiday?

68. TODAY YOU WOKE UP FEMALE! What is your first thought?

69. *insert lame joke*

How mature do you think you are compared to other people your age?

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Just now, Arcanite said:

The lost potential

I am sad


82. Shouldn't Natalie be asleep right now?


but the night is still young

70. Don't you think robots ought to have better things to do than dictate my bedtime?

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2 minutes ago, Natalie said:


but the night is still young

70. Don't you think robots ought to have better things to do than dictate my bedtime?

It's 11:23

go to bed

83. Don't you think sleep is important?

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7 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

It's 11:23

go to bed

83. Don't you think sleep is important?

like i said

the night is still young

71. Don't you think there are more important things to be doing than sleeping?

Edited by Natalie
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2 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

Fanfics about leg hair! Another shared experience!

Coincidentally, my Wii does have a meltdown every time I insert Brawl. I thought it was because I installed Project M from a sketchy site, but maybe they're in love! It doesn't happen to any other games...

31. Wait, are you one of those guys with attractive leg hair, or do you just have a lot of it?

32. If I'm not the lead singer/producer/songwriter/composer for that band @Natalie wants you to start, then how mad do you think I'll be?

33. Have you ever played Project M?

34. Have you ever played Super Smash Flash 2?

35. Have you ever played a Fire Emblem fangame?

36. Tell a sad story about something you liked breaking.

37. What's your favorite Queen song?

38. Finish the lyric: "I'm sailing away... set an open voyage ____________"

39. So you've never had a girlfriend? What kind of girl would you want to be your friend?

40. Are you health-conscious?

Alright Sully, now this is getting concerning.

31. I just have a lot. It doesn't help that I have very pale legs, and very dark brown hair, so it stands out even more. It's (somehow) become a running gag among my campground friends, and even my family members, so eventually I just decided to role with it and right an entire (like one or two page) fanfic about it. Seeing their shocked and confused faces made it totally worth it though.

32. Hopefully not too upset, because we need those fantastic square-dancing skills of yours! How else will we attract a wider audience?!?!

33. Yeah actually, thanks to it being so easy to apply. It was fun, but having every Smash Bros. games kinda gets rid of some of the novelty from it, so I normally just stick with normal Brawl if I don't play 4 or Melee instead. Also... I can't find the memory card that I used for it, so that's also a big reason for why I don't play it much.

34. Heck yeah dude! I even played the first one a bunch, even though it's pretty much terrible to play nowadays, especially compared to Flash 2. I would be lying if I said I don't find beating up Tails with Mr. Incredible nostalgic, though.

35. There's a Gaiden PC "remake" that I messed around with for a bit, that I think can still be found on one of the forums here. That's the closest I've been to playing a fangame, though.

36. ...Well that an interesting question. I guess, for as terrifying as it was at the time, dropping my computer on the kitchen tile and making a huge crack in the screen ended up being a fun running gag for a few years.

37. "Killer Queen." And just to promote my second favorite band, I would like to draw your attention to The Protomen and their cover of "Killer Queen." And let me add: this was a live performance.


...Sorry. I know I skipped a few lines, but that's the part that always gets stuck in my head :P

39. To be fair, assuming you meant this literally, I have had and currently have multiple girl friends, about an equal amount as guy friends. Hanging out with my sister and her friends probably helps with that though.

40. Honestly? Not really. I probably sit down too much, and I don't really care too much about what I eat.

Sorry about the wait by the way, I had grandparents visiting. I'm back now though!

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1 hour ago, Rex Glacies said:

Sorry for missing the first day, but I'm here now!

Ha! I have 600+ hours! Take that! Wait, is that a good thing?

That sounds... interesting.

I like it. It's a pretty good yoke.

As Hatti likes to say, "I see you're a man of culture as well."

I. Favorite of the classical and Chinese elements?

II. Which of the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues do you relate to the most?

III. How were you introduced to Fire Emblem?

IV. How were you led to Serenesforest?

V. Do you have a favorite history or mythology to learn about?

VI. How has being the Unofficial Official Loserest of Losers at Counting to Oblivion been treating you?

VII. You were homeschooled, have you ever heard of cyber schooling?

To be fair for the historical figures one, I'm not particularly good with history, so I just went with what would probably be a very uncomfortable ride :P

It's about time somebody recognized my incredible egg joke skills. I was worried about how it would turn out, but I'm glad I didn't crack under the pressure.

I. I'm gonna warn you now, I'm probably not going to be good at answering your normal kinds of questions, so if I mess up anything... blame Google. Anyway, air for classical. Totally not because of Bionicle bias. Metal for Chinese, because if Mega Man 2 taught me anything, it's that Metal is the most powerful thing in existence.

II. Well, alright, this one I'm a bit more familiar with. Sloth, and Kindness.

III. Technically Melee, where I loved everything about Roy, but I never cared about the series itself until Sacred Stones was given away for free to early 3DS owners.

IV. I think the first time I really remember visiting Serenes Forest was when I was looking for the New Mystery translation.

V. I know the most about Greek mythology, but I'm more interested in the small amount of Norse mythology that I know about. I can't say that I've ever really researched them diligently, though.

VI. Pretty good, I do kinda miss that title. I wouldn't mind switching back to it someday.

VII. That depends on what you consider "cyber schooling." Is that like the online programs to teach young kids, like ABC Mouse or whatever? I've seen commercials for that program way too many times.

1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

I see

76. But what about memes though?

77. Have you ever had Smirnoff ice?

78. What do you think of heavy burning liquor (as in, it burns as you swallow it)?


that's all good

but like

79. Do you like meth though?

80. Can I call you Mathias?

This is a mistake and it must be corrected


81. Do you even know who Beyonce is?

76. There are some that I really like, although they're hit-or-miss for me overall.

77. Nope. In fact, I've never had a sip of alcohol in my life. Unless beer can chicken counts, but most of the alcohol gets cooked out of that regardless.

78. Sounds rough friend, you should be more careful.

79. Nah, I've never really seen Breaking Bad.

80. If you want me to never like you again, then sure!

Does it count if I've had frozen rice and chicken before? Those are pretty good...

81. Sure, but I was trying to lead into my next answer...

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36 minutes ago, Natalie said:

72. Don't you think Arcanite needs to stop obsessing over me?

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

85. Isn't Natalie cute when she sleeps

85. Tell a good egg joke

86. Tell a good egg joke

87. Tell a good egg joke

88. Tell a good egg joke

89. Tell a good egg joke

90. Tell a good egg joke

To be specific, I want a different joke for each one*

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21 hours ago, Arcanite said:

Your name is Kimberly 

That's how you spell it right? I know everything about you :P

If you know everything why did you have to ask? Hmmmmmmm? You found me on pinterest didn't you!  Because I've never said Kimberly on this forum, just the shortened version.

19 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

8. Indeed, Lego Marvel made me very curious about her. I've heard really good things about her new comics though, so I think I'd want to start with those before going back further. I didn't know about the animated appearance though, I may need to find that episode.

15. Apparently we have a surprising amount of similarities! That's really cool that you actually make your own games. I had a trial for a game making program for a while, but I had a hard time figuring it out. I've learned that I'm more invested in the story, character, and theoretical gameplay aspects than the real creating part, which is partly why I switched over to writing my story and character ideas. I got further with an online music making program though, and I have actually composed some full demos as well, though I do think I'm better at the lyrical aspects as well. We may have to have a discussion about this sometime.

27. I assume your Heroes name is your real name, or at least part of it, considering how very different it is from your username here? Unless Anime is actually your true name?!

31. To be honest... no, unfortunately. I'll have to pass on the chance to change your avatar this time.

35. It's a tough call for me between a trombone and a tuba. I think I'll go with the trombone, though.
Did... did I pick correctly?


46. I still need to watch Rogue One. And Wonder Woman, which I heard was actually pretty good, and I think we may own on Amazon.


15. I've made a board game, card game, 2D Game and working on a 3D one now.  As long as you can program we are good to go.

27.  Maybe my name is Anime!!!!!! Yeah my heroes name is what I go by that or what my twin said.

31. Tis is a shame.  Really good show.

35. .........................


44. I'm sowwy!!!

46. Both are really good movies. Wonder Woman is the first good DC movie in a while.

13 hours ago, Bartozio said:

Beep what are you doing? I could have spoiled the answer for you so we could think of a fun avatar for her together...

  Hide contents

Btw Anime, really like the Harlequin sprite.


You! I like you!!! No one ever knows what they are from!!!!  I'm so glad someone FINALLY got it! Also thank you, I worked really hard on it!

2 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

47. Well that's kinda hard when I don't know what everyone's good at! Although I do know that you can play the saw (allegedly, still haven't seen that proof), and I've been practicing my singing and lyrics writing for the past few years, and Sully probably knows some sweet country dance techniques... So I'll be bass, you can be violin, Arcanite can be the keyboard, and Sully can be our backup dancer. Depending on what strengths Anime and Barto have, I'm sure we can fit them in too.

20. Well now that you told me, I feel awful! Although I don't even know what I would've chosen for Anime's avatar anyway, so it's not too much of a wasted opportunity.

47. I play the trumpet and ukulele.  I think I can sing though not well at all the harmony or upper octave notes

20. You could have made me one of your mole people

43 minutes ago, Natalie said:

Ahem. I said "played" in past tense. I have a number of other musical friends, and one of them actually plays the saw and she let me have a go this one time. Although I would like to learn it properly, but I'm already learning a new instrument so it's more on my 'to do' list.

Prepare for screechy violin noises! I only recently started learning, but I'm very impressed you guessed that. 

Sully as the dancer... I can see that.

Also, Anime on uke and Barto on drums for sure. Then we've got all basses covered!

I'd totally be cool with this. Also very happy you remembered I played the uke.


Now DefaultMatthewBeep..

50.  What is the best brass instrument and tell me why it's the trumpet?

51. If you were in the World of Avatar, what kind of bender would you be, water, earth, fire, or air, or would you be a normo-non-bender?

52.  In the world of RWBY characters names are references to a color. IE Ruby Rose = Red, Weiss Schnee = Broken German for White Snow.  They are also based off of a fairy tale character of some sort.  IE Ruby Rose = Little Red Riding Hood, Weiss Schnee = Snow White.  If you were to create a character in this universe, what would their color coordinated name be and what fairy tale would they be inspired from?

53.  Which of the Ninja Turtles do you relate to most?

54. What's your Birthstone?

55. Favorite Flower?

56. Favorite Gemstone?

57. Favorite Voice Actor?

58. When playing a Mario Related game IE Mario Kart or Mario Party, which character do you choose?

59. Is there a particular word that you always have troubles spelling?

60. Is there one character in any source of media you relate to in many different ways?

61. If you could be apart of any fictional universe that you wanted to, which one would you go to?

62.  What Pokemon Go Team were you or would you choose if you haven't played the game?

63. If you were a gym leader in pokemon, why type gym would you have? Bonus Points if you know what team you'd have.

64. Do you draw any?

65. How many hours do you sleep vs How many hours would you like to sleep?

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2 minutes ago, Anime27Arts said:

If you know everything why did you have to ask? Hmmmmmmm? You found me on pinterest didn't you!  Because I've never said Kimberly on this forum, just the shortened version.

I just straight up guessed

Though now I know you have a Pinterest! 

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1 hour ago, Natalie said:


You have amazing taste, my friend.

56. In your opinion, how do you rate Meg's drumming techniques? 

57. Have you heard any of Jack White's other bands?


Ahem. I said "played" in past tense. I have a number of other musical friends, and one of them actually plays the saw and she let me have a go this one time. Although I would like to learn it properly, but I'm already learning a new instrument so it's more on my 'to do' list.

Prepare for screechy violin noises! I only recently started learning, but I'm very impressed you guessed that. 

Sully as the dancer... I can see that.

Also, Anime on uke and Barto on drums for sure. Then we've got all basses covered!

58. What genre of music are we going to be making? 

59. And what about the band name?

60. Do you think @Rex Glacies and @Claudius I should be our tour managers or groupies?


Ahh bass guitar! My one true love. The soul of all music.

also bowed double bass > plucked double bass 

Although again I have no video evidence of my double bass playing as I only use my friend's one, as my house isn't big enough. RIP dreams of owning a full size harp...


61. Would you like to know one of the best ways to make music a full time hobby?


no m8

vinyl best

62. Don't you know that the beautiful warm sound that comes from a record can never be replicated on a CD?!



That's pretty weird.

I went to a Church of England school which is pretty normal for over here. But even though religion is kind of dying in the UK (hi there, I'm the token agnostic of the interview thread), the school were still allowed to talk about religion.

63. Do you wish you had been publicly (or privately) schooled, rather than homeschooled, or are you happy with the way you received your education?


64. Ever mixed the grape and the grain?

65. At what age did you first properly drink?

66. At what age did you first get drunk? (I seriously bet you can't beat mine just sayin)


67. Favourite way to spend a day off/holiday?

68. TODAY YOU WOKE UP FEMALE! What is your first thought?

69. *insert lame joke*

How mature do you think you are compared to other people your age?

You may be my favorite person on these forums now.

56. Underrated. I believe Jack himself said it best in an interview one time, where he said that her drumming is exactly what The White Stripes needed. It wouldn't have been the same without her. 

57. I have! I have his two "solo" albums (hard to really call him a solo artist with those backup groups...), the second The Raconteurs album, and two albums by The Dead Weather. My true love is still for The White Stripes, but all of the other groups are still great and enjoyable.

Fine, fine, I'll give you a pass on the proof.

Wait, you actually are learning the violin? Wow, that really was a lucky guess! I just picked something random for you to be honest, haha.

Now we just need to find someone to slap a dead bass fish as an "instrument".

58. Electronic.

None of us actually do anything, it's just Arcanite as the keyboard. We're just there to confuse people.

59. "Sounds of Serenity"

I was trying to think of something dumb, but that could actually be a real band name... in fact, it might even exist already. I should look it up later.

60. Both, for both of them. They've got the brains and the looks to pull it off, for sure.

I dunno, I've heard some stellar tunes with a plucked double bass. Although bowed is still perfectly fine, for sure.

61. I would love to know. Share with me your secrets. Show me the wisdom of the world.

62. Hey, don't get me wrong, I enjoy the sound of vinyl for sure! I even have a record player in the same room that I'm answering this question in. However, with how often I'm away from my house, especially when going to my campground, it's just much more convenient to have CDs/digital copies of music. Although if there's any band that I've been wanting to by vinyl records from, it's definitely The White Stripes.

Interesting. It's definitely not that free here; I think some places do still allow it, but it's definitely frowned upon nowadays. Of course, there's also still Catholic public schools, and I believe some other religion-specific schools too, so those are excluded from that.

I'm actually not sure if you're the only one; the only ones that I think have explicitly expressed their faith or lack of faith are me and Sully, and now you I suppose. But hey, the beauty of forums like this are that, even if we don't agree on everything, we can still respect and like each other as people, so your own personal beliefs don't bother me at all.

63. I think homeschooling was the best thing for me. I don't think it's the best thing for everyone, but it helped make me who I am today, and I wouldn't want to change that.

64. If having grape juice and a stale cracker during Communion at church counts, then yes!

65. I still haven't, actually :P When you grow up about as many drunk people as I have, you don't really feel the need to try it yourself.

66. If having beer can chicken counts, then probably like 10. But now I'm curious to hear your story on this...

67. Playing a video game and either listening to music or watching videos online. I'm a simple guy when it comes to vacations.

68. "Well that wasn't expected."

69. When I was younger, most of my friends around the same age were annoyed by how much of a rule-follower and non-joker I was. Depending on your definition of "mature", though, then I may be one of the least mature people of my age that I know. Although at least I have standards when it comes to things like this, unlike you and Arcanite.

1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

82. Shouldn't Natalie be asleep right now?

It's like 4:30 where I am, so considering the likely time zone difference... Yeah, probably. Although I'm not really one to talk about sleeping at decent times.

1 hour ago, Natalie said:


but the night is still young

70. Don't you think robots ought to have better things to do than dictate my bedtime?

70. Don't worry, I'm sure Arcanite is doing it out of love. They just have an odd way of showing their affection, though that probably shouldn't be too surprising considering they're a robot.

1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

83. Don't you think sleep is important?

83. Yep. Doesn't mean I always listen to my own advice, though :P

1 hour ago, Natalie said:

71. Don't you think there are more important things to be doing than sleeping?

71. Like listening to music or watching videos online? Absolutely, but no one should follow my habits.

1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

84. What do you think Natalie does all night when she's supposed to be sleeping?

84. Hopefully nothing that would be cause for punishment from Claudius. We all know how... strict... he can be sometimes.

56 minutes ago, Natalie said:

72. Don't you think Arcanite needs to stop obsessing over me?

72. But isn't that what couples do sometimes? Unless I misunderstood your relationship, of course.

14 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

85. Isn't Natalie cute when she sleeps

85. Tell a good egg joke

86. Tell a good egg joke

87. Tell a good egg joke

88. Tell a good egg joke

89. Tell a good egg joke

90. Tell a good egg joke

To be specific, I want a different joke for each one*

85. I am the Eggman

86. That's what I am

87. I am the Eggman

88. I've got the master plan

89. I am the Eggman, that's what I am

90. I ain't gonna let it get to me, I'm just gonna creep,
Down in Pumpkin Hill I gots to find my lost piece.
I know that it's here, I can sense it in my feet,
The great Emerald's power allows me to feel.
I can't see a thing but it's around somewhere,
I'm gonna hold my head 'cause I have no fear.
This probably seems crazy, crazy, a graveyard theory,
A ghost tried to approach me and got leery.

Asked him a question and he vanished in a second,
I'm walkin' through valleys cryin' pumpkin in the alley.
Didn't seem happy but they sure tried to get me,
Had to back 'em up with the fist, metal crack 'em.
I'm hearing someone sayin' "You a chicken, don't be scared!"
It had to be the wind, 'cause nobody wasn't there.
I searched and I searched as I climbed up the wall,
And then I started to fly, I went in deeper!


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55 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

V. I know the most about Greek mythology, but I'm more interested in the small amount of Norse mythology that I know about. I can't say that I've ever really researched them diligently, though.

Norse? Greek? I don't care you don't know anything about them - I can make you know everything about them!

55 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

VII. That depends on what you consider "cyber schooling." Is that like the online programs to teach young kids, like ABC Mouse or whatever? I've seen commercials for that program way too many times.

Ehhh... I suppose those could be considered cyber schooling, but not really. Cyber school is more like regular school (or, well, closer to home school) but all the work is done on a computer. Well, most of the work - a student would still have to read schoolbooks and the like in real life.

1 hour ago, Natalie said:

60. Do you think @Rex Glacies and @Claudius I should be our tour managers or groupies?

I personally think I should play the triangle.

VIII. Favorite Greek god?

IX. Zeus, Poseidon, or Hades?

X. Favorite Greek hero?

XI. Favorite Greek myth?

XII. Favorite Norse god?

XIII. Thoughts on this myth?

XIV. How about this one?

XV. Favorite Norse myth?

XVI. If you can remember, first Bionicle you received?

XVII. Fight or flight?

XVIII. Favorite season?

XIX. Do you know your Myers-Briggs personality type, and if so, does it fit you?

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@Anime27Arts I just assumed your name was Kimberly.  I didn't know it was supposed to be a secret.  I've been pretty good about guessing lots of info on people, but never broadcast unless I have permission.  @Arcanite @Natalie I do say, I'm jealous of your little club, though.

11: How old is the cut off for being middle aged?  Old?

12: Favorite historical era?

13: Opinion on the Multiplier on Heroes Gauntlets.

14: Favorite Character from each FE game you've played.

15: Least Favorite?

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14 minutes ago, Anime27Arts said:

15. I've made a board game, card game, 2D Game and working on a 3D one now.  As long as you can program we are good to go.

27.  Maybe my name is Anime!!!!!! Yeah my heroes name is what I go by that or what my twin said.

31. Tis is a shame.  Really good show.

35. .........................


44. I'm sowwy!!!

46. Both are really good movies. Wonder Woman is the first good DC movie in a while.

You! I like you!!! No one ever knows what they are from!!!!  I'm so glad someone FINALLY got it! Also thank you, I worked really hard on it!

47. I play the trumpet and ukulele.  I think I can sing though not well at all the harmony or upper octave notes

20. You could have made me one of your mole people

I'd totally be cool with this. Also very happy you remembered I played the uke.


Now DefaultMatthewBeep..

50.  What is the best brass instrument and tell me why it's the trumpet?

51. If you were in the World of Avatar, what kind of bender would you be, water, earth, fire, or air, or would you be a normo-non-bender?

52.  In the world of RWBY characters names are references to a color. IE Ruby Rose = Red, Weiss Schnee = Broken German for White Snow.  They are also based off of a fairy tale character of some sort.  IE Ruby Rose = Little Red Riding Hood, Weiss Schnee = Snow White.  If you were to create a character in this universe, what would their color coordinated name be and what fairy tale would they be inspired from?

53.  Which of the Ninja Turtles do you relate to most?

54. What's your Birthstone?

55. Favorite Flower?

56. Favorite Gemstone?

57. Favorite Voice Actor?

58. When playing a Mario Related game IE Mario Kart or Mario Party, which character do you choose?

59. Is there a particular word that you always have troubles spelling?

60. Is there one character in any source of media you relate to in many different ways?

61. If you could be apart of any fictional universe that you wanted to, which one would you go to?

62.  What Pokemon Go Team were you or would you choose if you haven't played the game?

63. If you were a gym leader in pokemon, why type gym would you have? Bonus Points if you know what team you'd have.

64. Do you draw any?

65. How many hours do you sleep vs How many hours would you like to sleep?

15. Unfortunately... no. My sister was the one who learned coding, sad as it may be in this case.

31. :(

Could I at least have a hint?

46. That's what I've heard, especially after how badly the last few were received. I just need to get around to watching it, really.

47. Oh no, I was so close! I don't really think I'm a great singer, but my voice is the only instrument I can really practice right now, so I've been trying to make it better.

50. To be fair, I do like the trumpet as well. It's a tough call for me really, since I like all of the brass instruments quite a bit.

51. Funny thing about Avatar... that was one of the shows I wasn't allowed to watch as a kid. I'd probably go with air though. Also totally not because of Bionicle.

52. Hm... how about Zielony Lot, since I've already mentioned that I like Peter Pan?

53. Donatello is best turtle no question. Not that I've seen much of any of the shows, but I know enough to pick a favorite.

54. Topaz and citrine.

55. White roses I guess, they're pretty nice to look at.

56. ...Not sure if this is a legit question, or a Stephen Universe question. Assuming the former, citrine, because it has a nice shape and range of colors while also being one of my birthstones.

57. The name I recognize the most is Cristina Valenzuela, so I guess her. She's been in a bunch of games that I quite enjoy, including BlazBlue, Ys: Memories of Celceta, Shantae, and now even Fire Emblem Heroes and SoV.

58. Toad, because having almost max acceleration in Mario Kart 8 with the Mr. Scooty and Rollers is too much fun. I also like picking Yoshi and Shy Guy, though.

59. I'm not actually sure, none come to mind immediately. For pronouncing though, I had trouble with "unconsciousness" for quite a while.

60. I'm not very good at noticing similarities between myself and fictional characters, to be honest. I'm not really sure if I could think of anyone.

61. Hm... actually, probably the Mario universe. It seems like a fun place to live, and as long as I avoid becoming a princess, I'll probably be pretty safe.

62. I played for like, 10 minutes, haha. Whichever the yellow one was.

63. Uh... Whatever type Rapidash is, and Rapidash, Ponyta, Rapidash, Ponyta, Rapidash, and Ponyta.

Pokémon knowledge is not my strongest area.

64. I've kinda picked it back up again recently, but I wouldn't say I draw actively. I just figured I should probably put the really nice drawing paper that my grandma gave me to good use.

65. 8-9 hours, and 8-9 hours. Now, the real question isn't how long I sleep, but when I sleep...

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18 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

Ehhh... I suppose those could be considered cyber schooling, but not really. Cyber school is more like regular school (or, well, closer to home school) but all the work is done on a computer. Well, most of the work - a student would still have to read schoolbooks and the like in real life.

Oh. Well then yeah, that's actually what I did in high school. I've kinda done all the forms of homeschooling, really; my parents taught me on their own when I was super young, I used books with the questions that my parents had to grade in middle school, and high school was an online school. It's not technically homeschooling, but it also technically is (I still have no contact with other students, and my contact with the teachers is somewhat limited, and most of the coursework is still done without any teacher involvement anyway), so I just call it homeschooling anyway.

21 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

VIII. Favorite Greek god?

IX. Zeus, Poseidon, or Hades?

X. Favorite Greek hero?

XI. Favorite Greek myth?

XII. Favorite Norse god?

XIII. Thoughts on this myth?

XIV. How about this one?

XV. Favorite Norse myth?

XVI. If you can remember, first Bionicle you received?

XVII. Fight or flight?

XVIII. Favorite season?

XIX. Do you know your Myers-Briggs personality type, and if so, does it fit you?

VIII. Hermes or Artemis.

IX. Poseidon.

X. I know less about the heroes (if I'm being honest, most of my knowledge comes from the Percy Jackson books), but from the small amount that I know about him, probably Jason.

XI. Again, kinda based on my Percy Jackson knowledge here, but Ogygia is the first that comes to mind.

XII. Idun Probably Heimdall, he seems cool.

XIII. But why did they make a boat though. Did they just decide "Hey, y'know what I feel like making right now? A boat!", or is there some reason for why they made the boat.

XIV. It's almost a shame Loki had to be there to help, things could've gone so wonderfully wrong otherwise.

XV. I don't know very many Norse myths, so I'll go with the one where Loki bit dwarves in the eye. 

XVI. I believe, based on the year it was released, Toa Iruini might've been my first. I also got a couple of the 2006 sets though, and depending on how long Toa Iruini was still available for sale, it could've been one of those instead.

XVII. Flight, for sure.

XVIII. Fall. Wonderful colors, good weather, just all around nice.

XIX. I can't say that I know what it is, no.

31 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

11: How old is the cut off for being middle aged?  Old?

12: Favorite historical era?

13: Opinion on the Multiplier on Heroes Gauntlets.

14: Favorite Character from each FE game you've played.

15: Least Favorite?

11. I assume you mean the age that being middle aged starts, and then the age that being old starts? Middle aged to me starts around 50-55, and old is 75-80.

12. Why must so many people ask me history questions... I guess I'll go with the New Testament era from the Bible, since at least I know things about it from there.

13. I'm pretty indifferent on the mode as a whole, so I don't personally like or dislike it too much. If they actually want to make the VG a better game mode though, then they need to work on it much more.

14. Let's see... I'll count Gaiden and SoV as two different games, since I've played both:

  • FE2: Delthea
  • FE4 (Gen 1): Lachesis
  • FE4 (Gen 2) Altena
  • FE5: Eda
  • FE6: Echidna
  • FE7: Raven
  • FE8: Marisa
  • FE9: Reyson
  • FE11: Linde
  • FE12: Sheena
  • FE13: Gaius
  • FE14 (Birthright): Hinoka
  • FE14 (Conquest): Leo
  • FE15: Forsyth

15. I'll assume only playable characters, for the sake of not just choosing barely named NPCs:

  • FE2: Tobin
  • FE4 (Gen 1): Alec
  • FE4 (Gen 2): Iuchar
  • FE5: Lifis
  • FE6: Raigh
  • FE7: Serra
  • FE8: Vanessa
  • FE9: Kieran
  • FE11: Matthis
  • FE12: Yuliya
  • FE13: Miriel
  • FE14 (Birthright): Asugi
  • FE14 (Conquest): Effie
  • FE15: Jesse
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16: I see you like Gaius and dislike Asugi?  Is it because he's a shameless clone or another reason?

17: What do you think of Honkia the Pegasus Knight, Eol the Mage Knight, and Thryfos the Soldier from Fire Emblem Switch?

18: How Jeigan do you like your Jeigans to be?

19: Favorite hair color?

20: Favorite eye color?

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