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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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1. What do you do for a living? Barring that, what are you studying?

2. What got you into Fire Emblem?

3. Based on other questions and answers I've read, are things in Brazil really bad?

4. Favorite Fire Emblem class?

5. Favorite food?

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1. Would you rather be impaled on a spike or forced to drink boiling lava?

2. If you could only eat one thing for the rest your life what would it be?

3. If you answer this question does that mean nobody answered It?

4. You had a $100 gift card (to a store of your choice) and only one hour to spend it what would you buy?

5. And now for the most important question do you like bacon?

1. Being impaled sounds less terrible, I guess

2. Beef

3. Yes

4. Video Games

5. No

Do you laugh at duty jokes.

I don't know what a duty joke is =/

1. Would you form a triumvirate with myself and Hattusili?

2. Have you perceived an objective reality? Can there be an objective reality?

3. Moral Absolutism, Moral Relativism, anywhere in between, or not on the spectrum entirely?

4. Do we live a meaningless existence?

5. First and current impressions?

1. Sure

2. I don't really get what these questions mean. Like, yeah, I do belive things exist outside of my perception of them, if that's what they mean

3. Somewhere in between, but leaning to moral relativism.

4. I don't really believe existence has an exact meaning, but I think that the meaning of life is up to each person. Just do whatever you want, as long as you can deal with the consequences of it.

5. First: wow, ANOTHER Daniel?

Current: You like deep stuff and reminds me a bit of Hatt, but you're somewhat more normal haha. You're cool and seems to be confused by HHH.

1. What do you do for a living? Barring that, what are you studying?

2. What got you into Fire Emblem?

3. Based on other questions and answers I've read, are things in Brazil really bad?

4. Favorite Fire Emblem class?

5. Favorite food?

1. I don't work yet. I'm an engineering student, relatively close to graduation.

2. Already answered.

3. Yes and No. Like, we're in the middle of our worst recession in a hundred years, and economy is a hot mess. The government is really bad, no one can do anything, the president is a step away from being impeached (which i 100% support) and the society is divided, BUT it's not like we're in the middle of chaos or anything. Like, yeah, people are able to afford less and some lost their jobs, but things are still working in general and there hasn't been any shortages, increase in criminality or arrests due to that. It's not a Venezuela situation or even close to it.

4. Paladin

5. Filet Mignon

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1. impressions?

2. favorite noodle?

2a. if your answer was spaghetti, favorite noodle other than spaghetti?

3. how long do you want to live, realistically or unrealistically?

4. how nerd are you on a scale of 1-10?

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1. impressions?

2. favorite noodle?

2a. if your answer was spaghetti, favorite noodle other than spaghetti?

3. how long do you want to live, realistically or unrealistically?

4. how nerd are you on a scale of 1-10?

1. I don't really interact a lot with you, but you seem like a cool person who is friendly and nice. I really like you username!

2. Spaghetti is the only one i eat often

2a. I don't really know =\

I guess istant noodles if those count

3. 100 years either way

4. Probably a solid 65. It would be a 75 if i didn't like to work out so much.

Your favorite characters in Fates?

Opinions on the child characters in it?

Favorite child unit?

Favorite tv show?

1. Leo

2. They're fine, but i prefer first gen

3. Siegbert, I guess

Can't pick between the office and arrested development


Time management ?

Your posts are funny, specially when they don't make sense haha. You're cool.

I'm terrible at it, but i'm getting better!

1.) favorite video game soundtrack?

2.) favorite video game song (or top 5 if you wanna)

3.) Game you want to play but can never get into?

4.) Impressions question

5.) Hi?

1- Ragnarok Online

2- Pokemon RSE's surf theme

3- Strange journey.

4- i don't really like your aptitude or how you treat people you don't consider your friends. It really bothers me when people are mean or rude to others who are only trying to be nice to them, and you do that a lot

5- Hello

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My apologies if some of these are repeat questions.

1. How many languages can you speak?

2. Have you ever been to Canada? What part?

3. Ever played a Harvest Moon game?

4. What's one of your pet peeves?

5. What got you posting in HHH?

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21. Most recent movie you've seen in theaters?

22. Would you ever try climbing a mountain?

23. Mario or Zelda?

24. Dark Souls or Fire Emblem?

25. What systems do you currently have/have you owned?

26. If you could add one character to the Super Smash Bros. roster, who would you pick?

27. If you could instantly master any fighting style, which would it be?

28. Night owl or morning person?

29. What game coming out in the next year are you most excited about?

30. Favorite soundtrack?

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If you could erase your identity, would you become a real nobody?

Everyone would become a real nobody doing that, but I wouldn't do want to do it

My apologies if some of these are repeat questions.

1. How many languages can you speak?

2. Have you ever been to Canada? What part?

3. Ever played a Harvest Moon game?

4. What's one of your pet peeves?

5. What got you posting in HHH?

1. Portuguese and English

2. I haven't been to Canada yet =(

3. Haven't played any Harvest Moon game either

4. It really bothers me when people who I'm not interacting with stand too close to me (like, less than a meter). Idk, it makes me feel really unease

5. LTTP became inactive, I was bored, saw some people who posted there in HHH and decided to also post.

21. Most recent movie you've seen in theaters?

22. Would you ever try climbing a mountain?

23. Mario or Zelda?

24. Dark Souls or Fire Emblem?

25. What systems do you currently have/have you owned?

26. If you could add one character to the Super Smash Bros. roster, who would you pick?

27. If you could instantly master any fighting style, which would it be?

28. Night owl or morning person?

29. What game coming out in the next year are you most excited about?

30. Favorite soundtrack?

21. I haven't been to a movie theater in so long, I literally don't remember.

22. YEAH. I'd really like to do that one day.

23. Mario, I guess, since I'm burned out on Zelda.

24. Depends on the game, but Fire Emblem in general. If you mean FE7 x the original Dark Souls, Fire Emblem.

25. I own a ps4, a ps3, a wii u, a wii, a 3ds, a ds lite, a gba and a n64. I also used to own a gbc and a fat ds, but I sold the former and the latter broke.

26. Camilla

27. hmm, I don't know

28. Night owl. Whenever I can (basically weekends and vacations), I go to sleep at like 4am

29. I don't really know which games are coming out in 2017

30. Ragnarok Online


I have no crush!

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11. What is your opinion of HHH?

12. Do you think judges should be able to check laws' compatibility with the constitution?

13. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?

14. Codification or custom?

15. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?

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Your normal work-out routine?

Impressions on HHH?

gosh darn it Hatti

If you could list off six your favorite people on SF as a sort of adventure party, who would be in it and what would be their purpose?

Cats or dogs?

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11. What is your opinion of HHH?

12. Do you think judges should be able to check laws' compatibility with the constitution?

13. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?

14. Codification or custom?

15. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?

11. It's a nice thread, good to pass time on, but a time killer.

12. Yes.

13. Justice before law.

14. Codification

15. A mix of both, but leaning towards passive.

Your normal work-out routine?

Impressions on HHH?

gosh darn it Hatti

If you could list off six your favorite people on SF as a sort of adventure party, who would be in it and what would be their purpose?

Cats or dogs?

-I'm too lazy to post it, and I'd also have to translate it, sorry :V

- I don't like picking favorites =(

- Dogs, by far

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