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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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woah, people remember I exist.

uite flattering, though. I appreciate it, as small as it may be.

1. Impressions?
2. Favorite video game?
3. Favorite Fire Emblem protagonist?
4. Favorite FE antagonist?
5. Favorite FE class?

1. Didn't quite get that. Impressions on...?

2. As much as I'd love to say zelda (series as a whole, though I'd round it down to Twilight Princess) or, like, Fire Emblem, should be pretty obvious on my end that Smash (4) takes it, at this point. I'm very into the whole competetive movement, ever since Brawl around the late 2011.

3. Having not have played even half of the series in these last few years (as a throwback, even), I don't have too much popping up in my mind in terms of compelling characters (though they should be there, assuming I take my time to dig a little). However, there's still the characters that give me that "love at first sight" in the way that their character design and the way they play just makes you give in- like LIBRA. :awesome:

4. The Black Knight, aye.

5. War Monks and their female counterparts. Just...goddamn. It's almost a fetish. Staves and Axes? and LIBRA

also my imaginary version of Blade Lord Shinon. Please happen, one day... 'u'

The ultimate irony would be Soul never responding to this.

Sorry, didn't see this coming. lol

What up?


Where are you, Soul?


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It's a Soul. *Pogchamp*

1. How's it going?

2. Have you ever had paella? If so, what did you think of it? If not, would you try it?

3. Which of the seven sins do you closely relate to?

4. What natural phenomena would you like to witness?

5. If you mind was an animal, what would it be?

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1. What made you (re)name yourself Soul~!?

2. Impressions on me, I guess?

3. What character(s) do you main in Smash?

4. Why is RD your favorite FE?

5. Have you played Dragon Quest before?

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Yo, Soul.

1. Impressions of yours truly?

2. What do you think of my current theme?

3. How are you?

4. How much do you like Pandora Hearts?

5. Favorite character from said series?

1. You're adorable.

2. It's adorable. oh lawd

3. Hype. You know that feeling when you fulfill every task you had during the day, all in early on? after that, the catnap does me pretty well at waking me up. I'm turning up.

4. As much I've been pushing it to the back of my mind these last 2 or so years, I actually hold it very dear. So to the point, that it's easily one of the things I like to hold closest to me. It defines a part of me- at least of which, I look up to.

5. It's been Elliot for years- but, like I said, I kind of have to re-evaluate. Much like FE, I haven't read throughout most of the manga since 2010-2012. While Elliot's pretty sure to stay an easy Top 3 (along with Gilbert, maybe). although, lately, I've been growing a lot on Oz. Hell, there's the reason for my Smash tag. He's just very endearing, fun, loving with his own sense of mischief (though not Break troll level). There's just sooo many compelling characters, it's actually easier to leave out the ones you dislike...which would be, like, Isla Yura, Vincent (when he gets touchy around my Lottie E______E) and zai (who you kind of end up understanding...?). also, Leo's amazing after the Coming of age 2 arc.

1. impressions on coffee?

2. impressions on yourself?

3. will you change this world?

4. are you willing to <KILL> to do so?

5. impressions on impressions?

1. It's lit. Like, not in the way people say they "love" it and are only really in it for it's effects. I actually like it. It's elegant, and it can make me feel great under the right clouds. I also really dig Starbuck's style. Having coffee along with sweets (especially a big muffin or some kind of small cake, like cheese, lemon or chocolate) is borderline fetish for me.

2. I have a pretty high opinion of myself, but that's probably only because my conciousness is latched to this corpse body. I forgive myself a lot, even if I don't have a lot of things going for me (I'm lazy, lethargic, don't have much of anything in the way of career passion). Not sure if it's love for one's self, but it gets me through in my own vain way.

3. No. ;i;

4. Yes.

5. Say what you say about them, but they're inevitable. They're part of who we are, and it'd be beyond our nature to simply try and push them back.

It's a Soul. *Pogchamp*

1. How's it going?

2. Have you ever had paella? If so, what did you think of it? If not, would you try it?

3. Which of the seven sins do you closely relate to?

4. What natural phenomena would you like to witness?

5. If you mind was an animal, what would it be?

1. Shit's lit. also, might get Smash tonight.

2. Nope. In fact, I had no idea what it was, so I looked it up. I'm not into seafood, so that's the dealbreaker.

3. I feel like I have "seasons", depending on the year. Sometimes they even stack up, sort of. I'd say my biggest sin would gluttony, for sure. Second would be lust, but not too far behind.

4. again, I had to look these up. I don't have much in mind, but seeing a bunch of lightning fall looks really pretty- albeit, scary and even more so dangerous.

5. I like this uestion, because lately, I've been trying to see which would be my..."spirit animal", is it? I think somewhere between a housecat and a fox. Funny enough, my name (alan) is apparently a word for fox in breton.

1. What made you (re)name yourself Soul~!?

2. Impressions on me, I guess?

3. What character(s) do you main in Smash?

4. Why is RD your favorite FE?

5. Have you played Dragon Quest before?

1. It's the name I'll always go back. People know me as this, and it's just refreshing to go back to it, once in a while.

2. Don't know much about you to tell. ;ñ;

3. Yoshi and Bowser have always been my mains. Even though I always have them right there at my disposal, I actually grew a lot into Corrin. Everything about that character is just, dtrd vnhesresgs. I can't. I feel like he/she is a perfect combination of solid weight, power, combo potential, range and just the right amount of speed (granted, there's also Cloud).

4. It's close to being a perfect FE game. The diffulty's hit a nice sweetspot in HM, in which it's challenging, but you don't want to tear your hair off because you missed an 80% Hit. The graphics are really nice, ee-mo. They're rather dull in color, but that only gives it a more "realistic" touch that FE9 lacked (though it's still charming, considering it's a GC game), the character portraits are gorgeous (especially in Dolphin, ohmygawd), the music's pretty and only adds to that "realistic" and mature atmosphere the game gives. The skill system also allows for a lot of flexibility, unlike what FE13 & FE14 did (in which you have to constantly switch classes, and only then, you're rather limited).

5. Naw. ;o

Edited by Soul~!
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1.Greatest achievement in life thus far?

2.Something you think is really good but I likely have never heard of?

3.Do you like the sound of your own voice?

4.Furthest you've ever been from home?

5.A Mega Pokemon you'd like to see?

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1. Didn't quite get that. Impressions on...?

Sorry, impressions on me. It's a question pretty much everyone asks in basically every interview for some reason, so I thought I'd just open with it. :P:

6. Have you ever played Chrono Trigger?

7. Have you seen any of the Marvel movies?

8. Favorite non-Nintendo game?

9. Favorite fictional character?

10. Do you speak any foreign languages?

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1. Have you every played any Metal Gear Solid games?
2. Which FE character would you compare yourself to?
3. Favourite Youtuber?
4. What sports are you into?
5. Would you rather have a Fire Emblem game with Ambush Reinforcements or True Hit?

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*loads questions*

1) what makes a soul? Do you believe they exist?

2) what made you choose the name, Soul?

3) impressions... like impersonations, do you do any?

4) depression, do you ever find yourself struggling with it?(it's OK if you wish not to answer this one)

5) ...original/current impressions of me?

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1. How's Sanaki

2. Why are ships coming out of the base

3. Have you played The Legend of Dark Witch

4. I forgot, but do you like F-Zero

5. What are your thoughts/impressions of me

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Woohoo, it's finally happening!

1. What's your personal favorite of all your made threads?

2. What do you think was your weirdest thread?

3. What does it make you to start so many threads?

4. What's your favorite videogame theme?

5. When will you finally update your FE10 LTC playthrough?

Edited by Ayama Wirdo
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Guess I'll ask a few

1: Impressions of me?

2: Impressions about people asking for impressions?

3: Aspirations in life?

4: Any distinguishing physical characteristics?

5: If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

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1.Greatest achievement in life thus far?

2.Something you think is really good but I likely have never heard of?

3.Do you like the sound of your own voice?

4.Furthest you've ever been from home?

5.A Mega Pokemon you'd like to see?

1. None, really. Like, literally, none. May sound pessimistic, it's just that I've never had much going on. I'm not particularly moved by it, either.

2. Warning: Shit's lit.

3. IN A WAY. Like, the tone I use by default on phone irks me quite a bit. However, I do like my normal, non-influenced voice.

4. I'd say NY, when I was younger. Otherwise, I do go to the U.S (Florida) pretty often.

5. Err, not one for Pokemon, myself. I don't dislike it, I'm just not into it.

6. Have you ever played Chrono Trigger?

7. Have you seen any of the Marvel movies?

8. Favorite non-Nintendo game?

9. Favorite fictional character?

10. Do you speak any foreign languages?

6. Naw. ;i;

7. a surprising amount of them. If not, arguably, most of them. I really like The avengers.

8. I'd have to go with the Legacy of Kain series. To this day, the combination of an excellent plot and great voice actors just wins me over.

9. That's a really hard question for me to answer, lol. I tend to get attatched to fictional characters, whether it'd be one way or another. With that said, it doesn't take a ton of thought to have one of the Pandora Hearts characters at the top of my list.

10. Considering English isn't my first language...Spanish. c:

1. Have you every played any Metal Gear Solid games?

2. Which FE character would you compare yourself to?

3. Favourite Youtuber?

4. What sports are you into?

5. Would you rather have a Fire Emblem game with Ambush Reinforcements or True Hit?

1. Only like 1/3 (maybe even less) of the first one and over half of Metal Gear Rising, which I really like. It's a series I can see myself really getting into.

2. Most likely, Sothe. I used to dislike him, if only because of my childish crush on Micaiah, back in the day (whoops). However, part of it was most of his attitude towards things, as well as him being rather overprotective of her. Way later on, I just started liking him. I saw a lot him in me, other than the fact that I kind of look like him too, LOL.

3. Probably zeRo, at the moment. I'm way too hooked into Smash, and I really dig his content, his attitude and the way he's open-minded about the game.

4. None, really. I've always been rather indifferent to sports.

5. True hit. lol

1. How's Sanaki

2. Why are ships coming out of the base

3. Have you played The Legend of Dark Witch

4. I forgot, but do you like F-Zero

5. What are your thoughts/impressions of me

1. ((((((((((((((,: :wub:

2 Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

3. Nope, but you've just given me something to look up. ;i;

4. Not a fan of racing games in on itself, soooo, yeah. ;e

5. You have among the better tastes in things, here. c:

Woohoo, it's finally happening!

1. What's your personal favorite of all your made threads?

2. What do you think was your weirdest thread?

3. What does it make you to start so many threads?

4. What's your favorite videogame theme?

5. When will you finally update your FE10 LTC playthrough?


1. Seriously? You would have me choose? ;E

2. Weeeeelllllll, I seriously don't know. There's an awful amount of quirk and awesome in each one of them. I'm at a loss. You pick. ;c

3. Curiousity, fun, not caring about how there's "so many threads" made by me.

4. Theme, as in genre? If so, then adventure games.

5. woah, somebody remembers. To be honest, yeah. I got a little unmotivated with ruadath, Chiki and [numbers guy] Tas/heavy RNG abuse thing that I didn't feel I had anything going for mine. But now, I'll just do my own thing, enjoy the game and try to show people how I roll. and that I don't need silly tricks to get a good turncount

Guess I'll ask a few

1: Impressions of me?

2: Impressions about people asking for impressions?

3: Aspirations in life?

4: Any distinguishing physical characteristics?

5: If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

1. Like many of the above and below, I don't really know much about you to say. I can only know you as future baby mama c: and "that one person that's smart enough to count calories".

2. Hey, I'd do it. Like, it's part of the fun to ask what is someone's opinion on one's self. I like it. c:

3. Live true to myself, get an awesome loft and have a roll in one of if not all The Vampire Diaries, The Originals and Teen Wolf.

4. People have told me there's a thing about my eyes. My mama tells me I have really nice eyes and brows. c:

5. I'd ask to super-clear white porcelain skin. also, no facial hair. Like, none at all. Urgh, I hate stubble.

Have you watched Rick and Morty?

Very few times, when I was in the U.S. Is it just me, or is there some BttF reference in there? Looks pretty funny, if it wasn't obvious enough.

Impressions of sukusuku hakutaku.

First/current impressions of yours truly.

1. Had no idea what "it" was, but I'm sure as hell thankful I looked it up. Oh, you. ;t

2. You were around long enough, but I tend to take a small "hiatus" from SF every now and then. With that said, I haven't build much of an impression towards you as I could say about the others, sorry. I do love the name "Altina". ;.;

6. When are you going to answer the questions?

6. Hm? ;3

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1. Have you played the older FE games?

2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

3. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?

4. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?

5. Forgiveness or retribution?

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7. Is there any reason to change yourself in the future?

8. What could do FE10 better?

9. What's your opinon of SF?
10. Did you enjoy your interview?

5. woah, somebody remembers. To be honest, yeah. I got a little unmotivated with ruadath, Chiki and [numbers guy] Tas/heavy RNG abuse thing that I didn't feel I had anything going for mine. But now, I'll just do my own thing, enjoy the game and try to show people how I roll. and that I don't need silly tricks to get a good turncount

I never forget things. :P

Awww :......(

After watching Nealuchi oneround Ludveck I was so hyped to see more.
I'm a bit sad but I understand you.

Edited by Ayama Wirdo
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