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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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1. Obligatory impression question

2. When did you start drawing?

3. How did you get into FE?

4. Favorite FE class?

5. A game series you're interested in trying out?

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Favorite color and why?

Greatest stunt you pulled off, or at least walked away from?

Favorite place you've been to?

Least favorite?

Impressions of me?

Also, is Hattusili out of town or something for the time being?

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1. Obligatory impression question

2. When did you start drawing?

3. How did you get into FE?

4. Favorite FE class?

5. A game series you're interested in trying out?

1. You seem like a nice guy, and your favorite FE is Path of Radiance, so you have good taste. You seem to like similar clothes to me in part at least, not strictly from the maid uniforms, but I like petticoats and wish they weren't gauche in public. You're also from my home state, so I feel a sort of kinship with you in that regard.

2. Overall, I drew a lot as a kid, I don't remember a definite start date, so maybe around 1987 in the crudest sense of having the motor skills to hold a crayon. As a kid I drew similarly to what I do now people-wise (That's why my art looks like a 7 year old drew it), but I also drew lots of maps. I had made up political type maps to go along with the fantasy world I invented, as well of Zelda-esque overworld maps.

3. I became interested in FE after playing as Roy quite a bit in melee and learning that Fire Emblem was a turn based strategy game.

4. Probably Mage/Sage. I also like Mercenary/Hero as well as Peg Knights.

5. I downloaded Stardew Valley, but haven't had a chance to play it yet. I also need to finish Pillars of Eternity and play the expansion packs.

Impressions of sukusku

First/current impressions of yours truly

1. They look cute, but I honestly don't know much about them.

2. You seem younger than you are. I was surprised to hear you were older than me, not mean you seem immature, just that you have the sort of energetic spark of a teenager.

Favorite color and why?

Greatest stunt you pulled off, or at least walked away from?

Favorite place you've been to?

Least favorite?

Impressions of me?

Also, is Hattusili out of town or something for the time being?

1. I like both Orange and Blue. Blue is a solid comforting color. Orange is happy color. It's hard to explain, I just like them. I also tend to default to wearing orange a lot. When I drew self portraits as a kid, I always tended to make my self wear an orange shirt or something. Funnily, it still happens now, in my Ophelia is casual mode avatar, I made her wear an orange shirt without even thinking about it.

2. Um, I'm not the adventuresome type, does having a kid count?

3. There's no place like home. Outside of the USA, I've traveled to Europe a couple times, and I loved visiting the castles and sites, but after a few days, I get homesick.

4. Chicago, Cook Country Hospital (It's called Stroger now). That place is a hellhole and I didn't feel safe walking outside there, and the staff there was rude. Some parts of Chicago are okay, like Wrigleyville.

5. Maybe it's your avatar, but you seem very Owain-like, exuberant, eager, and ambitious.

6. I'm not sure.

Favorite type of music?

Favorite kinda food?

Favorite Fire Emblem characters?

1. I've a very eclectic taste in music. My playlist is a hodgepodge of Classical, They Might Be Giants, Disney, Parody Songs, Video Game Soundtracks, Classic Rock, and random other stuff.

2. I really like spaghetti. On the sweet end, pumpkin pie I'm not the most adventuresome eater. I can't handle spicy food at all, and it makes me sweat profusely.

3. Hmm, quite a few. As a archetype, I like Ests. If I had to pick one overall, probably Soren, but I love Lilina, Nino, Canas, Fiora, Jill, Micaiah, Kieran, the Vaike, Donnel, Cynthia, Noire, Owain, Brady, Leo, Forrest, Midori, and Kiragi. Maybe more that I can't think of right now. I've got quite a few favorites.

People can ask more than 5 questions if they want. I'll try to answer them when I get the chance.

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Can Vashiane still answer the unanswered questions, or are those of us from the tail end of last week's interview SOL?

I missed this earlier. I'm not sure the official policy, but as long as I'm filling in we'll go with the following:

Previous nominee has until the voting for the new nomination is closed to answer the remaining questions.

New nominee may opt to let previous nominee continue to answer them after this deadline at their own discretion.

Edited by Balcerzak
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1.Greatest achievement in life thus far?

2.Something you think is really good but I likely have never heard of?

3.Do you like the sound of your own voice?

4.Furthest you've ever been from home?

5.A Mega Pokemon you'd like to see?

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I missed this earlier. I'm not sure the official policy, but as long as I'm filling in we'll go with the following:

Previous nominee has until the voting for the new nomination is closed to answer the remaining questions.

New nominee may opt to let previous nominee continue to answer them after this deadline at their own discretion.

It's fine with me if Vashiane wants to go ahead and answer the rest of her questions.

1. What would you say is your greatest strength?

2. What are your most common negative thoughts?

3. Hardest game you've ever played?

4. First and current impressions?

5. Worst habit of yours?

6. What type of weather describes your mind?

7. What field of study would bore you the most?

8. If you could change any aspect of your personality, what would it be?

9. What FE character do you relate to most?

10. first and current impressions.

1. I'm a very good planner and tenacious.

2. Occasional body dysphoria, self loathing as a teenager, but it's been a while since I've felt that way

3. Chess against high ranked players

4. You seem like a nice, mellow guy. I like your user name.

5. Various OCD induced things. I repeated check my alarm clock before I go to bed.

6. Thunderstorm, random flashes of brilliance among darkness and short bursts of weeping.

7. I like most subjects, I wouldn't say boring, but foreign languages were the subject I struggled with most. In med school, there was this "Clinical Reasoning" class that was so broad over everything and lacked focus, so most of the lectures were boring.

8. Maybe make myself less introverted, and remove the OCD, but I fear it may have unexpected alterations to the essence of my being

9. I think Soren. Shunned and berated as a child before turning into a moody, introverted teenager, before opening up to a close few and becoming a better person for it.

10. I see you're the type of person who likes to ask questions twice.

1. WOW, YOU'RE 29!?

2. how's having a kid like?

3. impressions?

4. would you ever design a video game?

5. how does having a kid affect your opinion on parenting?

1. Yeah, for 17 more days

2. It's wonderful, having this little version of 50% youness to love and help train to live an existence in this big crazy world. I've known familial love and romantic love/lust, but I've never felt a more powerful love than for my son, and soon to be daughter.

3. I wish I knew more to make an informed decision, you seem nice. Going by your profile, you seem to have a bit in common with me. I'm an INTJ to your INTP. When I took the Sorting Hat quiz most recently, I got Griffindor for some reason, even though I always used to get Ravenclaw. Oh, and Happy Early Birthday! I hope you've had an easier time with being 15 than I did.

4. If I had the know how and resources, it would be nice, but realistically, I don't think I'd do a very good job.

5. I'm less judgemental towards other parents. I was never overtly bad about it, but now when I see a screaming toddler in Walmart or something, I know that it just happens sometimes, no matter how well your kid is usually behaved, and there's not much you can do about it.

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1.Greatest achievement in life thus far?

2.Something you think is really good but I likely have never heard of?

3.Do you like the sound of your own voice?

4.Furthest you've ever been from home?

5.A Mega Pokemon you'd like to see?

1. Having kids. :) For a less sappy answer that doesn't just make me seem like someone who talks only about her kids, I was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa and graduated from med school, which was a nice personal accomplishment, but also a karmic "Take that" to the people who thought I was an idiot as a child.

2. Have you heard of Tom Lehrer? If no, yes, if yes, ask again.

3. No, and I've been told my laugh is annoying

4. Austria

5. I haven't been keeping up 100% with Sun/Moon, but do we have a Mega Flygon, yet?

i had copy pasted it from another interview, question 10 was bad so I replaced it with that without check.


I'm curious what the question was, now.

Why do I keep mistaking you for sheezy

Likely the ezzy component of my name.

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1. Having kids. :) For a less sappy answer that doesn't just make me seem like someone who talks only about her kids, I was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa and graduated from med school, which was a nice personal accomplishment, but also a karmic "Take that" to the people who thought I was an idiot as a child.

2. Have you heard of Tom Lehrer? If no, yes, if yes, ask again.

3. No, and I've been told my laugh is annoying

4. Austria

5. I haven't been keeping up 100% with Sun/Moon, but do we have a Mega Flygon, yet?

2. No I haven't but I'll give em a go.

5. I don't believe so, at least not yet.

6.What three historical figures would you most like to go on a road trip with?
7.What three fictional heroes would you most like to go on a road trip with?
8.What three fictional villains would you most like to go on a road trip with?
9.Should men wear skirts?
10.Please answer the stock questions you ask other users (if you have any). If that includes impressions then give me your honest impresssions of yourself.
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1: You're a dr right?

2: If yes, do you have a specialization?

3: What's the best part about being a dr?

4: Worst?

No need to answer if you don't want to.

1. Yeah

2. I'd prefer not to answer, just because as a professional entity, I have to be careful about sharing too much personal information, and while I love talking about my quirky traits, were it linked to my professional identity, some patients may hold it against me. That's part of the reason I don't really use my name on social media. Narrowing down my specialty might make it a bit too easy for angry patients to dig up dirt on me and spread rumors or even worse, spread truths about me. For example: on this site, I'm perfectly comfortable letting people know that I'm bisexual and have OCD, but if my patients were to find that out, they might not be comfortable letting me treat them, even though it doesn't affect my work at all, and I'm good at what I do.

3. It's fulfilling and I can use my intellect to do good. It's nice to be able to heal people and the ones who appreciate it really make you feel good about yourself.

4. The massive amounts of paperwork, people who have no idea about anything medical making the laws regulating it, and patients who think they know more about medicine than I do.

1. Obligatory "impressions of me" question.

2. Favorite Fire Emblem protagonist?

3. Favorite FE antagonist?

4. Favorite FE soundtrack?

5. Favorite cartoon?

1. You seem like a fun guy who shares my love of word puzzles. Your avatar makes me think you're the sort of guy who thinks you're never to old to like cartoons, and aren't afraid of being labeled "kiddy".

2. I really like Micaiah. Ike is probably my runner-up. Sadly, most FE protagonists are a bit bland.

3. I like Sephiran, just as this magnificent bastard who's a nihilist who wants to bring the whole world down with him. If we're talking about not main antagnoist, I like the Nohr Royal siblings, because you get to see them from both sides. I think Leo comes out looking the best in that regard. Camilla goes murderously crazy, Elise is blindly naive, and Xander is mad at you for making him fight you.

4. The PoR/RD soundtrack. I love Power Hungry Fool/Oliver's Theme, as well as Sorrowful Prince Pelleas.

5. A few, Animaniacs is a contender, but also The Tick, Ren and Stimpy, the first 10 seasons or so of the Simpsons. Also the animated Batman series.

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6.What three historical figures would you most like to go on a road trip with?

7.What three fictional heroes would you most like to go on a road trip with?

8.What three fictional villains would you most like to go on a road trip with?

9.Should men wear skirts?

10.Please answer the stock questions you ask other users (if you have any). If that includes impressions then give me your honest impresssions of yourself.

6. Paul of Tarsus, Abraham Lincoln, and Alfred the Great

7. Batman, Spiderman, Thor

8. Magneto, The Riddler, Gul Dukat

9. Yes, they should. Skirts are great, break free of the bifurcated garment tyranny. Nothing beats the feel of a nice skirt rustling against your legs with a gentle breeze on a warm summer evening or the feel of a silky skirt sliding over nylon tights or stockings. Guys are missing out and it's not fair.

10. My impressions of me? Probably I'd think "She's a weirdo." I'm quiet in person, I'm a wallflower when in big crowds and don't speak up much, but let others do the talking. When I do speak, it's only if I think I have something worthwhile to add. If I was assessing myself 10 years ago, I'd say "She's an Ice Queen or she's mean and conceited."

I can't think of any other stock questions I ask at the moment.

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1. Obligatory impression question

2. Which Fire Emblem Fates do you like the most?

3. How long have you been married?

4. How much do you know Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome?

5. Where is the West Pole?

1. You seem like a responsible young man, having waited until 21 to try alcohol. Your username makes me infer you are a bit of a history buff, or at least like World War 2.

2. Conquest, both for challenge and controversially, I think it has the best story. Birthright's story was uninspired and Revelations went nowhere after getting to Valla.

3. 4 years

4. I having a passing familiarity with it, as it's a common boards question, and while not being something I see all the time, is common enough to want to know a bit about it.

5. 90 degrees west longitude

jeigan is like 50+. this isnt a question, i just wanted to let you know

Oh, yes, but not only Jeigan can Jeigan. Arran, Titania, and Seth can all Jeigan, and they're all around my age.

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6. How long have you been drawing?

7. Favorite non-Lord FE character?

8. Favorite video game?

9. Least-favorite food(s)?

10. Favorite gaming system?

6. Original thoughts

Overall, I drew a lot as a kid, I don't remember a definite start date, so maybe around 1987 in the crudest sense of having the motor skills to hold a crayon. As a kid I drew similarly to what I do now people-wise (That's why my art looks like a 7 year old drew it), but I also drew lots of maps. I had made up political type maps to go along with the fantasy world I invented, as well of Zelda-esque overworld maps.

But to expand upon, since I don't mind talking a bit more about it: I took a pretty big break from drawing around I want to say high school, so 2001ish. I tried drawing a few things here and there, but even then, it was mostly maps. It was only just recently, in the last few months, that I've started drawing people again. So around a 15 year hiatus, and my style was more or less the same back then. Part of what inspired me to try drawing again was all the computer programs available now, which either just weren't around when I was a kid, or were very expensive.

7. Soren, I think he's one of the best written characters in FE.

8. That's a tough one. Of my childhood, I really played Super Mario Bros 3 a lot, and The Legend of Zelda, a Link to the Past. For more recent, I love the Tales series, with Tales of Graces being the most. I've sunk hundreds, if not thousands of hours into the Baldur's Gates series as well. Not to mention Fire Emblem.

9. I hate Onions, they told me I'd like them when I grew up. So, either they're wrong, or I haven't grown up yet.

10. Nowadays, probably PC, since I can have a huge library, and store it along with my saves on a cloud. I don't even own any of the current gen home consoles, unless you count the 3DS. From a nostalgic angle, the NES was my first console, so it will always have a special place in my heart.

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Experience with Pokemon GO so far, if any?

Have you played my game?

Greatest prank you've pulled?

Favorite and least favorite food?

1. Yeah, for 17 more days

2. It's wonderful, having this little version of 50% youness to love and help train to live an existence in this big crazy world. I've known familial love and romantic love/lust, but I've never felt a more powerful love than for my son, and soon to be daughter.

Happy early birthday and congratulations! :newyears:

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1. i think you once mentioned that you were pretty tall? what are some of the most annoying things about it

2. would you change your height if you had the chance

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Experience with Pokemon GO so far, if any?

Have you played my game?

Greatest prank you've pulled?

Favorite and least favorite food?

Happy early birthday and congratulations! :newyears:

1. I haven't played it myself, but I've heard the term WoW widow, I think I'm a Pokemon GO widow.

2. Is that that game you've posted about in Creative asking help for? I didn't know it was up and ready.

3. I didn't actually do it, but as a resident one time I had a girl come into the ER to confirm a pregnancy, saying she did two home pregnancy tests and they were both positive. I thought about telling her that since she had two positive tests, it meant she was going to have twins, but that would have made me a horrible human being. I did tell my idea to the staff, though, and they thought it was funny.

4. Favorite: Spaghetti and Pumpkin Pie, Least: Onions

5. Thanks!

1. i think you once mentioned that you were pretty tall? what are some of the most annoying things about it

2. would you change your height if you had the chance

1. The stairs to my basement are so low that I hit my head on the ceiling, hitting my head on low ceilings in older houses, particularly in basements seems to be an issue. In surgery, hitting my head on the overhead light, especially if I hit the light handle and break sterility. Having to bend over if doing surgery with a short doctor. Finding clothes that fit my lanky legs, particularly socks and stockings. Thigh highs tend to just come to my knees, and I hate that feeling when the sock is right at the joint. Skirts tend to look a lot shorter on me than I'd like. As a result of having long legs, I've got pretty big feet. There's the occasional Amazon remark, but that honestly doesn't bother me that much.

2. I honestly am not sure, on the one hand the above problems exist, but being tall can have its perks, and I don't think I'd change it, unless it was temporary to see things from a different perspective.

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