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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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Do you remember that post you made 3 years ago that I sigged?

PS, I know you're not gonna remember that far back, but I wanna see if you'll surprise me.

Edited by Soledai
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1.Greatest achievement in life thus far?

2.Something you think is really good but I likely have never heard of?

3.Do you like the sound of your own voice?

4.Furthest you've ever been from home?

5.A Mega Pokemon you'd like to see?

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1. Obligatory "Impressions of me?" question. Do you even know who I am?

2. What do you think of the name Rachel?

3. Is your name a reference to diabetic ketoacidosis?

4. Opinion on kids and do you plan to have any?

5. Aspirations in life?

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1: Why so weeaboo?

2: What made you join Serenes Forest?

3: Favorite video game platform?

1. Because 2D > 3D

2. I liked Fire Emblem and had been lurking for a while. Started with Radiant Dawn and Shadow Dragon, so I'll defend it even if I know it falls short compared to other FE games.

3. Hm. Currently? Vita. Of all time? Maybe the DS, but only because I don't have much experience with non-handhelds. PCs are nice, too.

Why are you a fruit?

What are the main reasons that you like Falcom games?

I dunno. I like fruit. I'm not a huge fan of eating (to the point that I would eat like one meal a day at school oftentimes, if even that), but I'll always eat fruit since it has everything I want in one place: sugar, solids, and water.

Hm. Good gameplay, primarily. And in Kiseki's case, quality stories, too.

Do you remember that post you made 3 years ago that I sigged?

PS, I know you're not gonna remember that far back, but I wanna see if you'll surprise me.

Something about making a mountain out of a molehill. And feces. I dunno. That's so long ago, lol.

What the most wild thing you have done with fruit?

Surprisingly, not much. I dunno. Mixing it in drinks and going to a college lodge party while cross-dressing, I guess.

On second thought, that's pretty crazy...

Not too much to do with fruit, though.

Impressions of sukusuku hakutaku.

Looks cuddle-able. Would cuddle/10.

Why so fruity?!

What's your affiliation with the fruit?!

Because fruit are good. (Especially citruses. B]

Well, *coughs*, I'll leave that up to your imagination. :^)


1.Greatest achievement in life thus far?

2.Something you think is really good but I likely have never heard of?

3.Do you like the sound of your own voice?

4.Furthest you've ever been from home?

5.A Mega Pokemon you'd like to see?

1. I dunno. Not too much. Getting into college? Learning like four languages? Getting Gold in League in just seven months of ranked (with no previous MOBA/MMO experience)? Playing the piano for like 15 years? (Still bad.) Beating FE12 on Lunatic Reverse? I have a pretty boring life, imo.

2. Borsch makes some dank soup. You'd have to ask my Russian teacher to make it, though. I only made it once and it was pretty mediocre. (Edible, at least...)

3. I've never really thought about it. Maybe if I had a wider range of pitches for, uh, purposes.

4. Depends on how you define home. If it's where my immediate family is, then halfway accross the world. If it's where there legal residence is then... still halfway accross the world, I guess.

5. Gyarados got a mega. Give one to Milotic, too. And Starmie. And give Dragonair an alternate evolution. Dragonite looks fine, but I like my pretty serpentine body.

1. Obligatory "Impressions of me?" question. Do you even know who I am?

2. What do you think of the name Rachel?

3. Is your name a reference to diabetic ketoacidosis?

4. Opinion on kids and do you plan to have any?

5. Aspirations in life?

1. My activity here these days is relegated to the FE4 Thread, so if you're relatively new and don't post there, I probably won't know who you are. That being said, I can't really have any impressions of people I don't know, haha. Sorry.

2. A solid name. Nothing outstanding, but not bad either.

3. Never heard of it. I just like fruit.

4. Kids are adorable. When I was younger, I thought that I'd want to have 4-6 kids, but more recently, I've been thinking that two is the perfect number. No matter what combination of sexes come out, it's a good one, and you and your spouse are doing your share of replacing yourselves in society, haha.

5. Nothing too over the top. I just want a stable job where I can live relatively comfortably, while gaming. Ideally, I'd be working on game localization, but we'll see...


Why would I be outside the FE4 Thread. :|

1. How fruity are you?

2. How insane are you?

and a question to the thread: do we even know if he's around?

1. Depends if I'm with friends or not. :')

2. I wanna say I'm complete normal, but normal people wouldn't call crossdressing or weebs normal, so idk, lol.

Fav fruit?

Seedless grapes. They're crunchy. They're juicy. They're convenient to wash and eat. Everything I want from a fruit.

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Because fruit are good. (Especially citruses. B]

Well, *coughs*, I'll leave that up to your imagination. :^)

... Hmph. I've got my eyes on you.
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Something about making a mountain out of a molehill. And feces. I dunno. That's so long ago, lol.

I'm so glad you remember at least a tiny bit of it.

It was smearing feces on oneself and raging at a local Wal-mart

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Why so Barry from TMS #FE?

Or Daru from Steins;Gate. Or Uchimaki from Konobi. :')

... Hmph. I've got my eyes on you.


When you first saw the name Ys, how did you pronounced it?

The correct way: イース.

I'm so glad you remember at least a tiny bit of it.

It was smearing feces on oneself and raging at a local Wal-mart


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Must ask question: who are the characters in your avi?

Why did you pick it as your avi?

Joshua and Estelle from Trails in the Sky.

Because Joshua x Estelle.

The Trails series is a good one if you're into JRPGs with turn based combat. I highly recommend them.

Pick them up when they go on sale on Steam or GOG. Or just buy the games at full price. Like I did. Multiple times. (No regrets, it was worth it.)

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Are you sticking to the strict 5 question limit?

If not, I'm curious about your adventures in cross dressing, and what sort of clothes do you like?

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The Trails series is a good one if you're into JRPGs with turn based combat. I highly recommend them.

Pick them up when they go on sale on Steam or GOG. Or just buy the games at full price. Like I did. Multiple times. (No regrets, it was worth it.)

The game did caught my eye when I was browsing the steam store. I didn't know it was a jrpg though. I'll consider it strongly since you recommend it.

What is your overall opinion on the mental state of the denizens of the serenes forest?

Do they meet your expectations?

Is there any one who exceeds them?

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The game did caught my eye when I was browsing the steam store. I didn't know it was a jrpg though. I'll consider it strongly since you recommend it.

You really should. I'd play more if I could play PC games longer and uh... if I was different about my tastes. But yeah, they're solid titles.

And uhhhhhhhhh... to add another question from the Sen 2 opinions and not to sidetrack the thread...

Impressions of Olivert from Sen 1+2.Better not be all "waifu material" because...

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